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feels airy

like a cold air in a pHysical skin

and  etcH an invisible imprint on tHe nerves


Human bequeatHed witH feelings and sense of toucH

we can feel times of melancHoly

wHerein all we need is someone’s Help and sympatHy

to get out from tHe unHappy atmospHere


H is for Heaven,

a Happy airy abode

a feeling of Harmony

peacefulness, calmness and perpetual Happiness


Hell is a cHamber

of fire and Hot air

wHere Hades waits for tHe lost and vanisH souls




InHale ExHale

Hearts and Healing


erase tHe Hurts and Harms

bequeatH Harmony and Hope


WHole, HealtHy,

batHe in the Healing ligHt of the divine

and Head to tHe spHere of tranquility and Holiness


~champs ulysses cabinatan

*free verse/poems experiment

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