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                             THANK GOD FOR ASSETS(TGA)

A surest key for joy and happiness is the sense of Gratitude.

By developing the sense of Gratitude in you, you can remain

‘content’ with whatever has been endowed upon you by the Almighty.

Usually, you are discontent with what you have and keep complaining to

GOD about what you don’t have. Your prayer mainly consists of the list of

things you don’t possess. In  movies, you witness Hero standing in

front of the God’s Idol  in a

temple and fighting with HIM for his woes.

Count how many times in your life have you thanked GOD for what have

and also count how many times in your life have you cursed GOD for what you

don’t have ?Chances for most of the people are that they have cursed GOD

more than they have thanked GOD.

Now , let us see why should you thank GOD? Of course, you

should Thank God for your Assets. And, your assets can be divided into three


A) Your Body Parts

B)Your Living Assets

C)Your Non Living Assets

These steps can further be explained as follows:



    TGA(Body Parts)

    Imagine with

your eyes closed as if you are standing in front            of a mirror and see your mirror image .

a)First,You have to thank God for your five senses(Gyanendriyan) first:

1-Now, imagine as if you

are looking into your own ‘eyes’         and thank GOD for the power of sight.

2-Then.look at your

‘nose’ and thank GOD for power of smelling

3-Now ,

look at your ears and thank God for power of listening.

4-Now ,

look at your ‘tongue’ and thank God for the power of taste.

5-Now .

Look at your ‘skin’ and thank God for the power of touching.

B) Now .you will thank

God for your Five Action Limbs or

(karmendryan)  one by one:

1-Imagine as if you are

looking at your hands while standing infront of a

mirror and thank God for your ‘hands’.

2- Imagine as if you are

looking at your feet while standing infront of a

mirror and thank God for your ‘feet’.

3- Imagine as if you are

looking at your mouth while standing infront of a

mirror and thank God for the power of speech.

4- Now, thank God for the

proper functioning of your urinary organ.

5-In the end thank God

for the proper functioning of your excretory organ.

c)Now,you’ll thank God for your vital organs viz.

Brain, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Intestines


With your eyes closed,

visualize these vital organs as vividly as possible one by one and thank God

for their proper functioning.

e.g. while 

visualizing your heart ,  with

your eyes closed;mentally repeat  “I Thank God for the normal working and

proper functioning of my heart”



TGA(Living Assets):

What are your Living Assets?Your Grand Parents, your Parents, your In Laws, Your

Spouse, your brothers, your sisters, your uncles, aunts, cousins, friends,

official peers, superiors, subordinates, clients, and all other people

connected to you can b described as your Living Assets.

Sit with your eyes closed, visualize your living assets one by one as vividly

as possible and Thank God for bringing them to your life.

e.g. Visualize  your Father as vividly as possible and with

your eyes closed, mentally repeat, 

“I thank God for my fabulous Father.” 


   TGA(Non Living Assets)

The list of your non

living assets will be the longest.It will include

your House, Office (Job), Land, Properties, Shares,

Vehicles, Computers,

T.V., Refrigerators, A.C. s, Mobile Phones, Sofa Set, Bed, Almirahs,

etc. etc. You can also include the crockery & spoons you have in your


Sit with your eyes closed ,visualize your non living Assets one by one and

thank God for the same.

e.g. Visualize

your Car as vividly as possible and mentally affirm”I

Thank God for this wonderful vehicle.” & so on.

This exercise, if

regularly performed in the state of Meditation can produce wonderful results in

your life.

It will definitely bring, Satisfaction, Peace, Happiness and Fortune in your


The Technique is

summarized as below:

StepI:OOOM/OMMM               5mins.

(see  www.breathingtechniques.blogspot.com)


Step2:BI:BO                              3mins

(see  www.breathingtechniques.blogspot.com)


Parts             3mins


Assets         3mins


Living Assets 3mins


Doing                3mins




and 5 are explained above. In the last step, you don’t have to do

anything. Just sit with your eyes closed and enjoy the bliss created by

following the steps1 to 5.



Mukul Chaudhri



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