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Attn: Vijay,Ishaq- role of pharmacists in rational use of medicines

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I agree with Vijay and Ishaq that there should be practical training .And as suggested by Ishaq , there should be a choice to work in hospital as well. I worked in an industry and all I was allowed to do was titrations and just see the coating vats.

Anupama after a long absence has posted her views and she also commends practical training .


From: Geer M. Ishaq <ishaqgeer@...>Subject: Re: Re: role of pharmacists in rational use of medicinesnetrum Date: Friday, 30 May, 2008, 9:26 PM

Dear Sir:

Already there is a provision for three months mandatory industrial training at the culmination of four year B.Pharm. degree course in almost all universities across the country. Need of the hour is to make this training optional wherein a candidate can choose whether he desires to undergo this practical training in a hospital pharmacy or pharm. industry depending upon his future plans of joining the industry or working as a dispensing pharmacist. At diploma level, 3 to 6 months training in a hospital or private pharmacy is compulsory. At degree level also the minimum duration of practical training/internship should be 6 months.

Dr. Geer M. Ishaq

Sr. Lecturer

Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences

University of Kashmir

Srinagar-190006 (J & K)

Ph: 9419970971, 9906673100

E-mail: ishaq@kashmiruniver sity.ac.in

Website: http://ishaqgeer. googlepages. com

Re: role of pharmacists in rational use of medicines

Hi,Our residents (medical doctors doing MD Pharmacology) are posted inpharmacy, medical stores and asked to do all work like stock taking,medicine issue, assisting order placement,inventory analysis bydifferent methods etc; The first hand experience enriches inunderstanding the functions at all levels. Hence those who are nottrained in skills sufficiently during the academic years must haveinternship for the same reason. Merely cognitive knowledge is nogood.It must be supported by practical skill building as well asattitude change. Hence teaching-learning must cover cognitive,affective and psycho motor domains to make the best professional outof the interested student. Vijay > Hello All,> Till now we have discussed a lot many aspects in pharmacyprofession on rationality.> we are yet to discuss the role of education system in pharmacy. Isit adequate to meet the changing role in rational practise?> The role of regulatory authorities also should be discussed. > The continuing education and points for renewal of registrationshould be introduced .This will help in keeping the knowledge of theprofessionals up-to-date. > In medical practice there is a re-orientation programme at internlevel which includes rational prescribing . Can we have something onsimilar lines in the training

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