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I need an opinion

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I went for a gallbladder etc sonogram today and they didn't see any gall stones and she said my gb looked fine. She sent the pics to the radiologist to check out my kidneys. Also, one place she had to press down really hard was my small intestine...top right...it hurt so bad I cried!!! I still want to do a flush b/c I know there can be stones that they don't see on the sonogram. But should I wait until I get the results back in case there's something wrong with my kidneys or intestines? A couple weeks ago before I found this list and also the extensive info on the net about gb flushing etc, I did the olive oil and lemon drink--where you drink the mixture last thing at night and first thing upon waking.....a few days later when I woke up (I think) my mid back hurt so badly on both sides. Could I have hurt my kidneys with that olive oil lemon juice thing? By detoxing too fast for the kidneys? I was also juice fasting with fresh juices when I experienced the pain in my kidneys.

I would appreciate any help here and also please forgive my ignorance....I'm new at all this!!


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