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Dear Judy,

Did you send an email with an attachment, saying see web site for legal details? I usually have a funny feeling when they are something bad, like a virus. I don't always pay attention but I don't want another one. As I'm sure you know you need to drink tons of water on treatment, that worrries me you couldn't keep hydrated. Please keep me updated on this, I wish you to not have it any worse than I did. It will be a piece of cake. What ever you do don't cut out the ones who truly understand, a hepper. Well it's way to late already I just got on here but did something I had wanted to get done. I bought a plant hanger used,it's dark green, it was one of those cheap ones you can buy. I took it with me to my mamo app. I tore it all apart while waiting. So tonight I put a nail in the wall hung it up and redid it, looks really nice then I put up my holder hung the plant hanger washed up a flower pot,transplanted the plant. It looks really nice. It's hanging over my kitchen sink and it swivels so it can be out of my light at night. Hangs in front of some used curtains I bought that have daisies all over them on a cream colored background, dark green leaves. Have a white saucer under plant which is trimmed in gold. I was so proud of myself. Meanwhile the litter boxes smell like shit! LOL Imagine that! And I wanted to get my dishes done but, none the less I'm very pleased. Did you read that joke about the killer biscuits, I just about died. here's a good one don't think I sent it,

Three guys were sitting in a biker bar. This man came > > >> in, he was already drunk, sat down at the bar and > > >> ordered a drink. The man looked around and saw the 3 men > > >> sitting at a corner table. > > >> > > >> He got up, staggered to the table, leaned over, looked > > >> the biggest one in the face and said, "I went by your > > >> grandma's house and I saw her in the hallway, butt > > >> naked. Man, she is fine!" > > >> > > >> The biker looked at him and didn't say a word. His > > >> buddies were confused, because he was a bad ass, and > > >> would fight at the drop of a hat. > > >> > > >> The drunk leaned on the table again and said, "I got it > > >> on with your grandma and she is good, the best I ever > > >> had!" > > >> > > >> The biker still said nothing. His buddies were starting > > >> to get mad. > > >> > > >> The drunk leaned on the table again and said, "I'll tell > > >> you something else boy, your grandma liked it!" > > >> > > >> The biker stood up, took the drunk by the shoulder and > > >> said, "Damn it, grandpa, you're drunk. Go home!" On that note I will bid you goodnight. I will be thinking about you especialy come Mond. Love Teri

Hello Friends

I've missed you guys.....I was in the hospital for a few days because toxins built up to a dangerous level and I couldn't stay hydrated.....I'm doing some better now....

I have my medicine for treatment but won't start it until after I see the gastro doctor on Monday....you guys all take care....love....judy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice one will pass it on .!!!!!

All the best , Dave .

Hello Friends

I've missed you guys.....I was in the hospital for a few days because toxins built up to a dangerous level and I couldn't stay hydrated.....I'm doing some better now....

I have my medicine for treatment but won't start it until after I see the gastro doctor on Monday....you guys all take care....love....judy

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  • 6 months later...
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I am back...after a valliant attempt to make it down to 11 mg of prednisone

I saw my rheumy on Monday and was bumped back up to 13mg. I feel much much

better but am just plain ol mad that I had to go back up. Course during

the time I was on 11mg { all of 16 days...} I was very sick sore throat,

rash, pain , grumpy, fevers, tired...so I guess 13 is just better.

Question for all though. We are discussing my starting MTX and while on it

cutting the pred. I have till May/June to decide. I would love to hear

others thoughts. I woud also loveto be off the pred...is MTX worse?

Whaddya all think?

I missed you all very much . Thank you Dan for my silly e-mails, and I

miss Sue and too they have got to get back here!!!

Who won the earrings?? I need to know, if you don't like the color I can

make you a different pair with your choice of beads!

To al the newbies...welcome, hope to catch up with you soon..

By the way, I will be dancing tonight, even though I might be a day late

for the full moon, course minewill make up for it...so if ya feel the

rumblin...it's just me!

, G.otF.M.


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Well we have missed you miss ! But I cannot tell you how happy for you I am. I'm so glad that even with a bit to overcome you had a good time with the boys. I'm sure you all needed that. Glad to have you home, much love, Melt

hello friends

Hi Friends,

I am back from vacation. It was really wonderful. I broke out with a serious Stills Rash two days after I was there, and my oldest son had strep throat, but we made it through, and it was truly a wonderful break away. I missed you all. I sincerely apologize about e-mail right now. I will have to delete a lot. I had over 500 messages. Please accept my apologies. I love you all so much and I am happy to be home.

Love,Sue #2

____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

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Wonderful you had good time,my cousin just came back few weeks ago from disneyland too he sent me picture of them on the log ride and welcome back you were missed. d.Canada

hello friends

Hi Friends,

I am back from vacation. It was really wonderful. I broke out with a serious Stills Rash two days after I was there, and my oldest son had strep throat, but we made it through, and it was truly a wonderful break away. I missed you all. I sincerely apologize about e-mail right now. I will have to delete a lot. I had over 500 messages. Please accept my apologies. I love you all so much and I am happy to be home.

Love,Sue #2

____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

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  • 3 years later...
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Hello and welcome to our group. I would stress finding doctors that have dealt with this disease and are willing to help out. There are several things that can be done to help you eat better. Surgery is probably the best avenue to go unless there is a reason that surgery is ruled out. Like other medical issues or old age where surgery might cause more problems than fixing them. The other thing that can be done is a balloon dilation. That might give only some relief for a limited time. Botox can also be used but I personally would keep away from that.

Look over the group site and read up as much as you can. If you think of any questions write them down so you can ask your doctors.

Again welcome to our group.

in Suffolk

In a message dated 5/29/2006 3:21:39 PM GMT Standard Time, mfgsilva@... writes:

My name is Manny,I Live in Long Island, New York. And this past wednesday I wasdiagnosed with Achalasia.It all started about a year ago when i first started having troubleeating. 1- Went to my regular physician - He prescribed me Prevacid - thatdidn't work.2- My regular DOC sent me to a Gastroenterologyst. He scheduled aEndoscopy. - He didn't see anything and no cancer was found .3- Gastroenterologyst advised me to keep taking prevacid for at least4 months to see if the symptoms would go away. Four months passed byand nothing... If anything now i have more problems eating.4- Last Month i called the Gastroenterologyst to schedule a vist.During the visit last week he sent me to have a barium swallow x-raytest done.5- I had the test done on Tuesday this past week, on Wednesday myGastroenterologyst called me, i stopped by his office right away. Wheni got to see him he told me about what he had found out . >>>you havethis rare condition called Achalasia<<<.6- He Explained what it was and prescribed me "nifedipine" to be takenbefore meals.7- On Thurday my girlfriend and I went to this restaurant that I love.I wanted to enjoy my dinner so i decided to take the "nifedipine" iwas able to enjoy my food but 20 Minutes after i started gettingreally dizzy and feelling really bad heart palpitation, my heart wasracing like crazy.8- My Girlfriend rush me to the ER. Doctors took my Blood preassureand did a Cardiogram and decided to keep me there overnight on amonitor to be safe.9- On Friday morning i was seen by a Cardiologist, he ordered a ECOtest. During the test they didn't find anything abnormal. 10- Now i need to call my Gastroenterologyst back to discuss the nextstep...I cant wait to have this taken care of ... Now it is affecting mysocial life, i cant go out and eat like i used to.

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Manny, welcome to the board. First let me say that nifediprine

is taken by many on this board, but your doctor should have

told you it is normally used to lower the blood pressure. If you

should happen to have low blood pressure already it would

only lower it further. I was prescribed nifediprine but could

not take it because it gave me headaches in addition to some

you described even though I don't have low blood pressure


It is important to see a doctor who has had experience with Achalasia. If your doctor has not treated other patients, we

have another member who lives in Long Island and I am sure or some other member can recommend a doctor who

who is very familiar with the treatment of Achalasia.

Good luck and keep asking questions.



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I know the diagnosis is scary, but this board is very supportive and

the more information you can learn about achalasia, the more in

control you will feel. You just need to have the right tests and make

sure you find an experienced doctor you have confidence in.



> My name is Manny,

> I Live in Long Island, New York. And this past wednesday I was

> diagnosed with Achalasia.

> It all started about a year ago when i first started having trouble

> eating.

> 1- Went to my regular physician - He prescribed me Prevacid - that

> didn't work.

> 2- My regular DOC sent me to a Gastroenterologyst. He scheduled a

> Endoscopy. - He didn't see anything and no cancer was found .

> 3- Gastroenterologyst advised me to keep taking prevacid for at least

> 4 months to see if the symptoms would go away. Four months passed by

> and nothing... If anything now i have more problems eating.

> 4- Last Month i called the Gastroenterologyst to schedule a vist.

> During the visit last week he sent me to have a barium swallow x-ray

> test done.

> 5- I had the test done on Tuesday this past week, on Wednesday my

> Gastroenterologyst called me, i stopped by his office right away. When

> i got to see him he told me about what he had found out . >>>you have

> this rare condition called Achalasia<<<.

> 6- He Explained what it was and prescribed me " nifedipine " to be taken

> before meals.

> 7- On Thurday my girlfriend and I went to this restaurant that I love.

> I wanted to enjoy my dinner so i decided to take the " nifedipine " i

> was able to enjoy my food but 20 Minutes after i started getting

> really dizzy and feelling really bad heart palpitation, my heart was

> racing like crazy.

> 8- My Girlfriend rush me to the ER. Doctors took my Blood preassure

> and did a Cardiogram and decided to keep me there overnight on a

> monitor to be safe.

> 9- On Friday morning i was seen by a Cardiologist, he ordered a ECO

> test. During the test they didn't find anything abnormal.

> 10- Now i need to call my Gastroenterologyst back to discuss the next

> step...

> I cant wait to have this taken care of ... Now it is affecting my

> social life, i cant go out and eat like i used to.


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It is scary , but it is good to know that one has such a great

support team like this group. I have learned so much this past few

days about Achalasia and have meet some great people like you and I am

so thankfull for all your support and understanding.

It's getting late and i must go to sleep, because i got to go back to

work in the morning.. looks like i will need that health inurance more

than ever.

Thanks so much to you and the others,


> >

> > My name is Manny,

> > I Live in Long Island, New York. And this past wednesday I was

> > diagnosed with Achalasia.

> > It all started about a year ago when i first started having trouble

> > eating.

> > 1- Went to my regular physician - He prescribed me Prevacid - that

> > didn't work.

> > 2- My regular DOC sent me to a Gastroenterologyst. He scheduled a

> > Endoscopy. - He didn't see anything and no cancer was found .

> > 3- Gastroenterologyst advised me to keep taking prevacid for at least

> > 4 months to see if the symptoms would go away. Four months passed by

> > and nothing... If anything now i have more problems eating.

> > 4- Last Month i called the Gastroenterologyst to schedule a vist.

> > During the visit last week he sent me to have a barium swallow x-ray

> > test done.

> > 5- I had the test done on Tuesday this past week, on Wednesday my

> > Gastroenterologyst called me, i stopped by his office right away. When

> > i got to see him he told me about what he had found out . >>>you have

> > this rare condition called Achalasia<<<.

> > 6- He Explained what it was and prescribed me " nifedipine " to be taken

> > before meals.

> > 7- On Thurday my girlfriend and I went to this restaurant that I love.

> > I wanted to enjoy my dinner so i decided to take the " nifedipine " i

> > was able to enjoy my food but 20 Minutes after i started getting

> > really dizzy and feelling really bad heart palpitation, my heart was

> > racing like crazy.

> > 8- My Girlfriend rush me to the ER. Doctors took my Blood preassure

> > and did a Cardiogram and decided to keep me there overnight on a

> > monitor to be safe.

> > 9- On Friday morning i was seen by a Cardiologist, he ordered a ECO

> > test. During the test they didn't find anything abnormal.

> > 10- Now i need to call my Gastroenterologyst back to discuss the next

> > step...

> > I cant wait to have this taken care of ... Now it is affecting my

> > social life, i cant go out and eat like i used to.

> >


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hello friends, I have recently joined netrum group on . Its nice

being part of you. Can we add each other in our messenger list so that

we can chat live on some day.



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