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Re: Re: spoke too soon, now full of questions

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I hate to say it...but it's all three...it just comes in phases as far as

the type of pain. I hurt most of the day lately. Most of the time it is a

gnawing pain. But sometimes it is a sharp stabbing pain. And sometimes it

burns...like I have heartburn in my gallbladder area if that makes any


----- Original Message -----

From: <Kalexan328@...>


Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 12:26 PM

Subject: Re: spoke too soon, now full of questions

> Hi Ann...


> Can you give us a hint as to what type of pain you are experiencing...


> Is it a gnawing pain... (gallbladder)

> Is it a sharper pain...

> Is it an acid stomach type of pain?


> The area you are describing sounds very much like gb pain...


> My inexpert opinion is that you may have a chunk of sludge that is

> caught in or at the base of the common bile duct. At the end of this

> duct are 3 small openings and any one of them can become clogged with

> a " stone. "


> Also, the ultra sound will not pick up most cholestorol stones.


> Have you done a flush? If so... go for it again.


> My mother-in-law had exactly what you are describing for six months.

> She eats almost perfectly like you. When I found out that she was

> visiting doctors I asked her to describe the symptoms... Immediately

> I recommended the flush. She had done a flush 3 years earlier.


> She did the flush and felt better, but not perfect... pain under the

> right rib cage significantly decreased... Did another flush two

> weeks later and !!@#@! She's cured!


> Good Luck... Go for the flush!


> ken




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> Have a nice day !



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