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An OK instead Of a KO


O fOr OppOrtunities

we missed

Or fOr OppOrtunities

we didn’t grab



an enlightening hum

that helps tO clear-Out

the stresses and strain

in wOrk and in life



an explOsiOn Of surprise

explOsiOn Of jOy and delight



fOr every pain we suffer

fOr the heart aches

and painful breakups

fOr a lOss Of sOmething Or sOmeOne

sO clOse tO us

and hOpe that it will make us mOre tOugh

instead Of giving up.


Wish we can have an Oracle

that will help us chOOse

the best OptiOn

fOr every OppOrtunities

fOr every life’s chOices

On what path tO chOOse

frOm the least impOrtant

tO the mOst impOrtant decisiOns

such decisiOns as whO tO befriend with

what career tO chOOse

and even whO tO marry.


WhOOsh and swOOsh

Of the OOzing pOsitive energy

Of a brand new day

Observing the waves in the Ocean

Orchestrating with the winds

creating a beautiful sOund.


lOOk fOr the pOsitive in every situatiOn

Open Our hearts tO lOve and hOpe


~Champs Ulysses Cabinatan


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