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Manifesting 'Magic' with Timeline Shifts by DL Zeta

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Manifesting 'Magic' with Timeline Shifts by

DL Zeta

Timeline shifts are not really magical, though they may seem to

work magic when you use them as a tool for navigating everyday


Timeline shifts are possible between an infinite number of

potential reality threads that spin off each person's present

reality thread. These potentials are alternate realities

energetically "already in existence". We are able to activate an

alternate thread into our physical reality and begin traveling

along this thread through awareness, intention, focus and action.

By using this process for creating reality, you are able to scan

the potential reality threads accessible within each moment,

choose the thread most aligned with your desired outcome, and

shift to this new life track.

Signs that your Present Timeline is not Working

Using the timeline shift process is one way to step past old ways

of creating and experiencing reality. One need not persevere in

joyless and unfulfilling timelines for decades trying to change

realities that remain firmly in place. One need not swim against a

constant tide of obstacles to realize the visions they hold. In

fact, if this is the reality you are experiencing, it it time to

stop and re-evaluate the course you are following. A path fraught

with constant obstacles is a sign it's time to shift to a new

timeline where your chosen realities are happening.

Trying to Change Existing Reality Threads is a Waste of Time and


We have said you can't really change the nature of a particular

reality thread. Now we will tell you why it is not in your best

interest to even try and change a thread. It takes an incredible

amount of life force energy and effort to try and change "what

is." We might liken this mindset to the person who buys a tall

skyscraper so he can tear it down to build a carwash in its place.

While this might be possible if one has unlimited time, energy and

resources, it is hardly worthwhile in the greater scheme of

things. The universe always works in support of the simplest, most

efficient course of action in every case. To go against the

natural flow of the universe is depleting and out of harmony with

one’s higher purpose. In the above case, the simpler course would

be to either buy an existing carwash or build a new one on a

vacant property.

Another analogy would be trying to get a movie theater to show a

different movie from the one showing that evening when all you

need to do is to go down the street where the movie you want to

see is currently showing at another theater. Both of the scenarios

we have described sound absurd yet people attempt to change

reality all the time. If you could harness all the energy spent

trying to change the existing storylines within reality threads,

that energy would power the world! It's a huge waste of time,

energy and resources and yet it's done all the time.

Trying to change an existing reality thread is like moving

concrete around. Literally. Once a reality is in existence it is

concrete, immovable, unchangeable. From an energetic perspective,

trying to change an existing reality thread will bind you more

strongly than ever to the reality you are trying to change. If,

for example, you are a writer who wants to become a best-selling

novelist, sulking and lamenting about missed opportunities,

writer's block, bad luck and so on, will only bind you to the

reality thread of a down-on-your-luck writer who aspires to become

a successful novelist but never does. History is filled with

examples of people trying unsuccessfully to change their present

reality thread instead of simply shifting to a new reality thread.

The same writer described above can choose instead to use the

timeline shift method, simply stilling his mind and scanning his

field of potentials to find the timeline where he is a

best-selling novelist. Once he chooses this timeline, he listens

within and remains alert for steps to take to more fully realize

this timeline. A willingness to act is key to the timeline shift

method. Our writer in question who makes the shift may find

himself feeling drawn to take certain steps that could result in

his meeting someone who is organizing a group of gifted writers

who help spur him toward success or he may meet someone who has a

friend who is an editor - or any number of other synchronistic


Synchronicities are just signposts showing us we are making the

shifts we desire. They tell us we are taking actions to shift

toward the reality of our choosing.

Mastery Consciousness and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

Timeline shifts are an important component of spiritual mastery

because they are based on the premise that one chooses one's

reality rather than trying to change it. The master accepts that

the desired reality thread already exists within its own location

or zip code in consciousness. She understands that activating this

thread is a matter of choosing and activating that thread. Implied

in this process is the mindset of the detached observer who acts

not from desperation or need but from inner knowing and


Mastery consciousness leaves no room for doubt. In order to

liberate one's self from doubt, one stands strong in the inner

knowing that desired reality threads exist and can be activated.

This doesn't mean one will always know how and when their desired

realities will manifest. When one takes the steps to study and

understand the workings and nature of the universe, one gains

direct knowledge of how to manifest through timeline shifts. This

knowledge is based on experience of the inner planes. Knowledge of

the inner planes combined with determination, spiritual alignment,

and the willingness to act is a powerful elixer that makes

everything possible.

Spiritual Masters don't need 'Guarantees'

Those who need guarantees that everything will work out if they

take certain actions are still acting from doubt. Doubt binds us

to realities where desired realities are beyond our reach. Faith

has long been thought to be an asset in manifesting and it is

helpful in certain situations. However, as we enter this new time

when spiritual mastery is more attainable than ever before, we are

asked to move beyond blind faith and belief to the place of inner


Faith is based in hoping and asking for something, and neither

asking nor hoping are the way of the spiritual master. Faith like

doubt leaves open the door that chosen realities may not manifest.

The master steps forward into each new moment knowing they will

persevere in confidence, determination and allowing until their

desired reality manifests.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is

Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL



For more on dreams and timeline shifts, see Portals of Spirit:

Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL



For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org/

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