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Call for presentations: International Socy for Telemedicine and eHe

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(hifa2015] Call for presentations: International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth and Med-e-Tel, Luxembourg, 16-18 April 2008

Saturday, 29 December, 2007 4:03 PM


"Bob Pyke, USA" <repyke@...>

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"HIFA2015" <HIFA2015@...>

[*For a description of ISfTEH and Med-e-Tel, please see note at bottom ofthis message. Thanks, Neil PW, HIFA2015 co-moderator]ISfTeH Students' Virtual SessionTo promote active participation of students during ISfTeH Meetings, thisnew session format will allow the remote presentation of students'projects and researches in e-health, using Power point or video conferencetechnologies. The first opportunity is the upcoming Med-e-Tel inLuxembourg (April 16-18, 2008).ISfTeH Student's Working GroupAnnouncement NEW STUDENT'S ACTIVITIES!!!Dear ISfTeH Student Members,The ISfTeH is proud to announce a new and special activity for the studentmembers:The "ISfTeH Students Virtual Session"This is an initiative that aims to promote the active participation ofassociated students during official ISfTeH Meetings. This new sessionformat will allow the remote presentation of student's projects andresearches in e-health, using Power point or video conferencetechnologies. The first and exciting opportunity is the upcoming Med-e-Telin Luxembourg (16-18 April 2008, www.medetel.lu), where five (5) abstractswill be selected to be presented.To encourage the world wide participation of "Students" in this new"Virtual Session", the ISfTeH board decided to:- Offer free registration for all 5 selected abstracts for remotepresentation;- Offer an AWARD for the best student's presentation: a flat rate prize ofUSD 1,000.00 (one thousand US.Dollars), to be used by the winner as partof the cost of an international long distance airline ticket to attend thenext Med-e-Tel event in 2009- Publish the abstract of the 5 selected presentations in the Med-e-TelProgram Guide as well as on the Med-e-Tel website.- The winner will also see his (her) Power point presentation added to theMed-e-Tel website and the text of the Proceeding published in the C.D. andBook (both under ISSN #)"ISfTeH Student's Virtual Session"- Technical aspects for the Remote Presentation:1. To use "Skype" for video communication;2. To send (submit) the Presentation Abstract for the official Med-e-Telweb-site (www.medetel.lu), in agreement with the meeting deadline;3. To send the Power-Point Presentation with Sound (speech of thepresentation) 30 days before the meeting, and after that to be availableto perform the remote presentation in advance (full test with theparticipation of the session chair or a member of the organizingcommittee)4. Criteria for Remote Presentation: Time interval: 10 minutes (maximum);Number of slides: 5 (minimum) - 10 (maximum) slides;Slides order: to put number at the slides corner (for example: from 01 to10);Presentation: The author must be remotely available to answer theoccasional questions from the auditorium."The worldwide inclusion of students in Telemedicine and e-Health projectsis a key component for their success and sustainability"We, from the ISfTeH Student's Working Group kindly invite you to join us!Do not hesitate in contacting ISfTeH!ISfTeH Student's Committee Lievens, MSc,ISfTeH Board Member,Secretary and TreasurerCoordinator:Student's Working Group lievens@...Adolfo L F Sparenberg, MD, MScPresident SOMESULSao Lourenco do Sul, BrazilResearcher, MicroG Centre/PUCRSPorto Alegre, RS, Braziladolfosparenberg@...Thais Russomano, MD, MSc, PhDHead, MicroG Centre/PUCRSProfessor and Researcher, PUCRSPorto Alegre, RS, Braziltrussomano@...Bobrepyke@...repyke@...Skype Name - repykeCo administrator Telehealth List Serve and E-health List Serve and rovingeditor at large.http://www.telehealth.net/interviews/pykebio.htmlNorth American CoordinatorMed-e-Tel - The International Educational and Networking Forum foreHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICTwww.medetel.luHIFA2015 profile: Bob Pyke is a pediatric nurse practitioner, and atechnical consultant with experience in healthcare management. Hisinterests include Ambulatory Care, Chronic Care, Home Health Care and CaseManagement, Managed Care, Pediatrics, Health Informatics, E-Health,Distance Education, International Health, Humanization Relief andInternational Pediatrics. Bob is co-administrator of the TelehealthProfessional Discussion List serve and the E-Health ProfessionalDiscussion List serve. He is also the assistant editor of theTelehealthNews Letter, and a constant observer and writer focused on theuse of technology in health care today. In real life he is adoptive fatherof a son from Korea and a daughter from Nepal. In his spare time, he triesto travel back to Asia to escort children to spend time with theirfamilies. He is also a professional clown and is AKA, Dr. Denton Fender.repyke@...[Notes from HIFA2015 co-moderator: The International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) is "a WHOcollaborative forum for the exchange of information and ideas in thedevelopment of telemedicine, telecare, and telehealth. Mission Statement:The ISfTeH exists to facilitate the international dissemination ofknowledge and experience in Telemedicine and eHealth and to provide accessto recognized experts in the field worldwide" Source: www.isft.net/Med-e-Tel is "the International Educational and Networking Forum foreHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT" Source: www.medetel.lu Thanks,Neil PW]*************************************************THE HIFA2015 GOAL: By 2015, every person worldwide will have access to an informed healthcare provider. Join HIFA2015: Send your name, organization and brief description of interests to HIFA2015-admin@... HIFA2015 email group website: www.dgroups.org/groups/hifa2015Further info on HIFA2015: www.hifa2015

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