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Your daily routine will keep you physically, emotionally, and spiritually fit

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Have you ever known someone who:

Had mood swings?

Weight problems?


Was stuck in a relationship?


Had skills or talents they wanted to develop but never seemed to be able to?

Kept getting the flu,


or herpes outbreaks,



even if they knew how to cure those things?

Most people don't realize that your daily routine, while it's not the direct

solution to any of those problems, is the context in which you solve, or fail to

find solutions for them. And I have solved an awful lot of problems, usually a

whole bunch every day, in the 15 years since I discovered that you can cure your

own cancer, and cure medically incurable and sometimes potentially lethal

diseases. And most of that problem solving I did for you. I solved so many of

my own problems in the first two or three years that I kind of ran out of them,

and since I love solving problems I turned my attention to the ills of the

world. But I didn't overextend myself, or tire myself out. Then I would have

been no good to anybody, and would've collapsed back into my own problems.

So let me tell you about my daily routine. Anybody listening would have to

modify this, adapt it in order to adopt it into their lives; you'll probably

have to modify it in order to adopt it into your life. You might be able to

significantly improve it -- I'm not saying that I'm the world's leading expert.

But I'm up there. Edison took catnaps throughout the day; I don't do that, just

one nap in the afternoon. Edison slept, sometimes as little as 20 minutes; I

make my whole nap into a routine, which takes about an hour and a half. But I

solve problems during that hour and a half, just like I do every other time.

And I'm also very good at taking action, and implementing the solutions I come

up with throughout the day. Everything gets done at a steady pace, with no

letup. I have the energy to do that, because of my routine.

Now obviously you need to be free of pathologies


and immune dysfunctions,


and at full function,


or as close to it as possible. It just doesn't pay to take any action if you're

not. I spent probably a year and a half totally focused on removing the things

that were wrong with me, that were causing the to suffer and make bad decisions,

and take the wrong direction in my life. During that time I found out that

almost everyone I knew was not going to stick with me if I changed for the

better -- they liked the old me. As I changed, I became " new Coke. " New Coke

is doing well now, but when it first came out it was little more than an apology

for changing the formula of old Coke. My " loyal " customers turned out to be my

worst enemies. Had I allowed them to affect me, which I didn't, they would've

kept me stuck right where I had been all my life: on my " success " treadmill.

Yes, dear listener, success can be a treadmill. Or it can just be what it is --

success. That's what it is for me now. I've succeeded in curing a lot of

people, and I'll succeed, at some point, and handing this off to people who can

cure the rest of them. Those people will show up -- it's inevitable.

So now, to my routine.

I usually wake up a little before first light. Sometimes, in the winter, a lot

before first light. I don't really sleep much more when the days are shorter.

And the first thing I do is go to the bathroom and drink some water, and then I

lie back in bed on my stomach, with my head propped up on my elbows, and I do

eye massage, and ear massage for a few minutes. Oh, but let me backtrack -- I

let myself linger in my dreams, and understand what they mean before I do any of


So then, I get up and go out for a jog, a 10-minute jog up the block and back,

to get air in my lungs. I run my hands over my physical body to clear my

Etheric body -- my aura, on my way down to put my shoes on. And I run in

sandals, because I live in Florida, and wear no socks, and it just takes me a

second to put on a pair of shorts, a shirt if it's cool, and the sandals, and

get out running. There's no waste of time. And when I come in from that I do a

few opening chores, like I open up the dishwasher and shake excess water out of

anything that needs it so that the dishes will dry better. And I leave them

drying on the butcher block in the center of the kitchen. Chores like that.

Simple, small things that have to get done early so that later everything

becomes easier -- I never have to dry the dishes with a dishtowel, I can just

put them away. My whole routine is oriented to save time as well is to keep me


But I should pause here, because this is the most important part:

During that slow jog I am solving problems, deciding, finally, what I'm going to

do that day -- I've thought about it before, yesterday, maybe I've been working

it out for days -- and generally just let my mind wander and create. New

solutions pop into my head all the time this way. If you're struggling with

somebody in your life, and you go out jogging, at some point during the jog you

will lighten up in that struggle, and be more able to deal with the person.

Especially if you, for example, find the immune dysfunctions


that are causing this struggle, and remove them while you're jogging. You'll

find that your thoughts about the person just spontaneously change, without you

even trying to feel better about them.

We choose how we feel about people, and what we think about. We choose the

emotions we have. So no amount of removing immune dysfunctions will ever

substitute for that, and doing that actually removes immune dysfunctions anyway,

but obviously seeing what the immune dysfunctions are and then directly removing

them by finding them on the list makes all this happen a lot faster, more

accurately, and more exactly, and gives you some really good ideas about how to

reconfigure how you think about people, ideas that would have taken you months

to arrive at any other way. That's why we put the Web College here -- it makes

the inevitable go more quickly. Sometimes, I just challenge the way I'm

thinking about somebody, and ask myself to make a better choice -- then I do,

because I have air in my lungs, my body feels good, I'm aerobic, because I'm

doing this slow jogging while I'm doing this changing.

Are you understanding now why you have the Cure? If I didn't live my life like

this, I never would have been able to give this to you. As it was, it was touch

and go. I was not somebody who was naturally cut out to serve God, or Humanity.

And maybe Gandhi wasn't either. We all have to learn.

Everybody, that is, except Luther King -- he was a natural!

And the reason I made King my main role model, even though I'm not like him,

I'll just never be that good at this, is precisely because he is way better than

me, and you should choose people for role models who you can never actually hope

to better -- otherwise you surpass your role model, and what do you do then?

Look, this is enough for one e-mail -- maybe I'll write a sequel, which talks

about the rest of the routine, and if you're interested, you can read it

sometime. But can't you make up what you need, just from this? At least a lot

of it?

Well, yet, a lot of it. But maybe it would take you a lot longer than if I just

told you the rest of the routine. Maybe it's my duty to write a sequel, so I

probably will.


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