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Understanding Vibrational Levels and Dimensional Shifts by DL Zeta

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Understanding Vibrational

Levels and Dimensional Shifts by DL Zeta

As energies on planet Earth elevate and intensify, more people

are aligning with fifth-dimensional energies. This alignment

brings glimpses and experiences of realities imbued with ever

higher vibrational frequencies. Remaining in these pockets of

higher frequencies can be a challenge, but with intention and

awareness it is possible to activate increasingly finer

frequencies in one's energy field.

Shifting In and Out of Various Frequencies

Generally speaking, each person moves in and out of various

levels at different times. There are many factors that affect our

vibrational frequency. Our response to our environment is a major

factor, but this is largely derived from our level of spiritual


Gaining Awareness of Frequency Levels

As we gain awareness of the various levels and frequencies common

to our experience, we can choose to shift upward to the highest

thoughts and emotions we are able to access within a given moment.

We are all familiar with lower frequencies steeped in anger and

negativity. This is at the level of blame and victimhood. When one

exists in the denser frequencies, they often find it difficult to

focus because their attention is very scattered. The mind may seem

to jump in all directions at once. This is the level of suffering

and struggle. Accidents and illnesses are more common at this

level as are obstacles, barriers and personal trauma.

Falling in Love Brings Glimpses of Higher Realms

At times a person existing mostly at denser levels experiences

high-vibrational realities by falling in love with another person.

This is almost always conditional rather than unconditional love

that is rooted in attachment and dependency. Within a relatively

short period of time the spell is broken and the window into

higher frequencies closes.

Substances and Artificial 'Highs'

Certain substances may seem to give one an experience of higher

realities. Glimpses into higher realities through substances such

as heroin and cocaine, for example, is fleeting and followed by a

crash to a lower-than-usual frequency. Marijuana provides an

artificial experience of the "higher end" of lower frequency

levels but chronic use can prevent a person from ascending to

higher frequencies. A person vibrating at a higher frequency than

marijuana would find the their energies pulled down by using it.

At higher and even at certain midlevel frequencies, a person

experiences natural highs with increasingly vivid states of bliss,

joy, euphoria and lucidity. Those who exist at mostly mid- and

high-level frequencies almost never feel the need to use

substances to elevate their feeling states.

High Functioning and Focused Mid-Frequency Levels

In the midlevel frequencies, it is much easier to bring focus and

intention to bear to create specific realities in the physical

world. At higher frequencies, a person's focus is not on anything

specific. The present moment is one expansive, vivid moment of now

encoded with all that ever has been or ever will be. For this

reason, those who exist at high frequencies may choose to move

into midlevel vibrational patterns for periods of time in order to

accomplish goals and to "get things done" in the physical world.

Higher Vibrational Frequencies are Blissfully Orgasmic

As one enters higher dimensions, there are able to distill from

the present moment everything they need to know. They accept that

every situation, person and occurrence is in their life for a

reason and the message of each occurrence is immediately

understood. Everything is neutral at this level; there is no good

or bad. Higher frequencies are naturally blissful, euphoric and

even orgasmic. All love at this level is unconditional.

Seemingly magical abilities are commonplace at higher frequencies

but paradoxically, a person at this frequency has little interest

in them. Similarly, those at high-level frequencies have the power

to manifest intentions at will but have little interest in


High-Frequency Beings are Natural Healers

At higher frequencies, one observes with complete objectivity the

present moment unfolding. Linear thinking ends. One immediately

knows and senses things around them and sees through any attempts

at deception and dishonesty. Those who exist even for short

periods of time in higher frequencies have an immediate healing

effect on those they come into contact with.

At higher frequencies, one accepts energy as the basis of all

reality. Channels at the upper end of frequency levels are not

channeling a higher source for they are the source of the


Few beings on the planet inhabit the highest frequencies. We

rarely hear about such beings because they almost never step into

the spotlight. They often exist as hermits living in anonymity and

avoid public settings. Some high-frequency beings choose to exist

in lower levels leading mainstream lives so they can relate with

the mass of humanity.

Frequency-Enhancing Activities

There are many ways to raise one's vibrational frequency.

Chanting om for extended periods brings temporary glimpses of very

high levels. Mantras and breathing techniques can also bring

powerful shifts. Other frequency enhancing activities include

meditation, creative arts, service to others, visiting places of

power, releasing all thoughts and feelings and stilling the mind.

For more on vibrational shifts, see Steps to Raising Your

Vibration by DL Zeta


For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is

Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL



For more on timeline shifts and reality creation, see Portals of

Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation

by DL Zeta


For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org/

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