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This routine deserves a prize

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Here is one of the very best protocols for all immuners. Please read

this email in its entirety, and do the steps as you read. Then make

this a part of your regular routine. Find a buddy to do it with, and

you can test for each other.

STEP 1 --


- Do I have any cancer (or heart disease, diabetes, rosacea -- any

disease you are concerned about) in any of my bodies?

- Are there any precursors of, predisposing conditions to,

or tendencies toward (the disease) in any of my bodies?

If you got yes to either question, test through all the bodies on this



Remove the disease or precursor from each body you find it in.

STEP 2 --

When you've completed the last body, start again, checking each body

by first asking if the disease is there, as if you had never removed it.

If you get yes, re-remove.

If you get no, re-check the body with this statement:

- My (NAME OF BODY) is completely free of all traces of (disease).

And when you get your yes signal, it is.

If you're not certain you took out every last trace of the disease, keep

removing it till you get your signal that it's gone.

It's important to precisely check one body at a time in order to catch

anything you might not catch when you remove it from all the bodies at


It's OK to do an all-body removal (all the bodies at once) when you're

short on time, as long as you take the time later to check each body

one by one.

If you found any trace of the diseases or its precursors in any of

your bodies the second time you checked, make sure you completely

repeat at least the beginning part of this procedure in several hours,


Do this check constantly, diligently. Get to the point where you

consistently find no trace of the disease in any of your bodies. Then

you can check less frequently.

If you've been doing this check on a regular basis but you keep

finding the disease in the same bodies, just increase the frequency

with which you do your removals.

This is the essence of protecting yourself and your people from

incipient catastrophes. Do this for any disease or condition you are

curing, and do it regularly for anything you don't want to catch or

that tends to run in your family.


Your Aunt Keely

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