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Have you ever thought of yourself as a role model?

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Because, like it or not, the rest of the people in this CureDrive are watching

you, to see what you do. And if you win, they're more likely to.

So be great for the rest of us. This can actually inspire you, if you let it.

If you're really willing to connect with us -- and I have been, and it's done me

a lot of good -- you will discover that you're willing, because you care about

us, to do things that you would never care about yourself enough to do. And by

doing them, you actually start caring about yourself in those ways. So this is

a critical " get well " connection. It's like working so your kids can grow up to

have a good life, or improving your cooking skills to make your spouse happy.

And, you know what? We could all stand to let in a little admiration, to allow

people to appreciate us. That feels good, especially when we earn it.

Now, there are a lot of movies on the homepage of people curing things.


And if you watch those people closely, you can see just how completely, or

incompletely, they're committed to doing that. Most of them don't have very

much commitment at all. They're just doing it because the person filming them

wanted them to.

Most of them still never let it in, still never got it, even though they were

doing it, and it's a miracle, and they could feel that directly. This is all of

us. This is you and me. This is me, too. That's how come I can recognize it

in them. And if you watch, some of you might learn something, and not just what

I'm talking about here, not just about that complacency. One of them might do

something, cure something, that actually jogs something in you. We must learn

from everyone, and feel learning in each moment, instead of reacting and

judging; and we must still make appropriate evaluations of other people, because

this is how we understand ourselves more completely.

Other people are alarm bells for us. There, but for God's grace, go me.

But look how good they are at it! Look how easily it happens! Look how happy

it makes them! And, still, their commitment doesn't seem to get that much

deeper, after they win. As a matter of fact, some of them, at the end of their

movies, look like they're happy to be complete -- which they're not -- and just

go back to the mundane activities they were doing before they were so rudely

interrupted. And I'm including the doctors in this. We're all a bunch of real

losers. Me, too.

So we don't have to be down on ourselves about that. It's just easier to win

for others. I have to keep reminding myself that I care about you, even when

you don't write, don't phone. And so I keep myself as free, happy, high,

courageous, and bold as possible, because I know that's where you need me to be,

even if and even when you don't know that. Which is almost always. Mostly you

don't know I exist, but there will be a moment -- I know there will be a moment

-- where you'll turn to me, and look at me, and you'll want that to be a candid

shot -- you'll want to see me as I am throughout the day, want me to not have

" prepared " myself for you, and you'll want to see, in that moment, that I'm free

of disease, that I'm at ease, that I'm feeling easy, not diseased, and that I'm

not hosting anything. You'll want that to be my normal state, because right

then you're looking to achieve that for yourself, and if I haven't, how can you

expect to?


So I've allowed myself to be your role model, though maybe not your grammatical

role model, and I know you expect that.

But do you expect to be a role model? For me?


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