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I've been on actigall for about 4 months now and I'm just starting to

notice an improvement. I'm on a low fat diet, eat alot of grapefruit,

and limit my intake of meat to twice a week. I'd like to hear from

anyone who has taken actigall. The side effects are a lot more drastic

than I was told. But, hey anything beats the meat cleaver. I do find

it kind of interesting that anyone would undergo that just so they can

go back to fast food. Leonard

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>>But, hey anything beats the meat cleaver. I do find

it kind of interesting that anyone would undergo that just so they can

go back to fast food. <<


I feel that this statement is a bit condescending and insulting to those of

us who have made this choice. A desire to go back to fast foods had nothing

to do with it. I am a single mother who homeschools three kids. The five

or six extremely bad attacks I was having every month, and the drugs I had

to take for pain mamagement when it happened, were having a negative effect

on my life, and my ability to do the things I need to do. Fast food had

nothing to do with it.

Yet another example of the disrespect I wish we could avoid on this list. A

discussion on differing viewpoint is healthy. To insinuate that someone

would be stupid enough to undergo surgery to be able to eat fast food is





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>I've been on actigall for about 4 months now and I'm just starting to

>notice an improvement. I'm on a low fat diet, eat alot of grapefruit,

>and limit my intake of meat to twice a week. I'd like to hear from

>anyone who has taken actigall. The side effects are a lot more drastic

>than I was told.


Can you plase elaborate a bit about the " drastic " side effects of


How many, what type/size stones do you have?



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