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Re: live foods and organ meats

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Stop! Stop everything! Whatever you're doing right now

you have to stop! Hold on! Back up. What's happening?

Arghhh!!! Be careful! Organ meats are very different

from muscle meats. Muscle meats can be

considered " safer " because they don't contain...

liquids. They don't have an organ's duty to secrete or

process various substances which might not be considered

prime burger juice material... if you know what I mean!

The heart you'd be okay with, it doesn't have any gross

metabolic by-products or deposits of god-knows-what. The

tongue, yes, that's where the messiness could come in.

If there is anything that can " gum up the works " it is

the tongue. I'm glad I've got experience grinding hearts

and tongue (never tried it with liver, anyone know about

liver pate? I'm eager to learn!). Yes. Tongue is... full

of wonderful stuff not found in regular meats or the

other organs. I've only eaten tongue once, I mixed it

into a patty of greek-style home-ground lamb heart and

ground emu. I ate two skinny, long lamb tongues. It was

VERY odd. I had two long skinny tongues just sitting in

my pan, defrosting. I had to handle the very organs most

responsible for suckling, cleaning, eating,

communicating, the fifth chakra in the flesh so to

speak. Intense. I mean it. No joke. Be sure to have that

ground lamb tongue with your lover when you do rip into

the true power of the flesh. Or maybe you aren't

sensitized to it. It depends. Or so the woman who GAVE

me those lamb tongues. Now I'm gonna have to go back to

her for more tongue. Man O man. The spirit really does

dwell within the flesh of the animal. No joke. No wonder

food takes on more... embracing and stimulating

properties when given the respect it is due... Sorry.

The rant was in me because the experience was intense

and I don't think I've written about it. I wish I had a

girlfriend. I'd make a meal for the two of us, we'd each

eat some tongue. That would be the meal just prior to

the private two-person weekend party.

Liver and kidney. Not in my ground meat. Liver is an

incredibly versatile organ. You don't want the liquids

in the liver to be trapped in the ground meat while

cooking. Best to cook it and let the juices render out

on their own. I usually wash the liver. Maybe someone

has more experience with liver and can tell us that all

the bloodiness of the liver is okay, I know I've left

liver in water and not completely drained it, its juices

have flavor but we should know more about it. Make sure

the animal was treated well for liver. And kidneys. Even

more preparation for kidneys. Kidneys need to be soaked

in acidulated water for about an hour. Though in that

really popular (and old) cookbook it says lamb kidneys

need only be rinsed or something. I know for beef and

I'm sure bison kidneys it is important to soak them in

acidulated water for about an hour, drain, rinse. I put

some salt in the water too, making it acidulated saline

water. Helps to draw out the liquids (piss and

metabolites/by-products). Cause you don't want ta eatin'

piss now don't cha know!

Live nuts and seeds. I bring them to life, then I do

anything I like to them. I can't post more as it is past

my bed-time and I feel issues welling up in my psyche,

time to let them be resolved in the blissful blankets of


P.S. any fat you find on that heart is some of the

highest quality fat you can eat (if the creature's been

able to eat a natural diet and live a real life). When

you trim that heart be sure to reserve the fat deposits

and cut them into pieces and render out the fat. Good




Hi Axel,

I would like to know if you could explain the live

nuts/seeds to me. What exactly do you do to them and

how do you eat them?

Also, I recently bought a lamb that was raised by a

friend (all natural grass fed) and I asked the butcher

to include the heart, tongue and liver in the ground

meat. He said that they could not do that because it

was too messy for the machines, I got these organs

separately wrapped and frozen. How should I incorporate

them into the ground meat? Do I need a meat grinder?

As a general rule, I do not like liver - does it change

the taste of ground meat very much?

I just posted the whole message board about a recipe web

site. Would you send me your recipe for meat muffins?

I know many people are interested.

I really enjoy your posts.

Take care,



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