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Conservatives review Contagion

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TROY: `Contagion' all too real

Film exposes true biodefense vulnerabilities that need solutions

By Tevi Troy, The Washington Times, September 15, 2011

" Contagion " was the No. 1 box-office movie on the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11 -

and with good reason. The New York Post's Lou Lumenick called the

Soderbergh-directed thriller about a killer virus " easily the scariest of the

disaster films " since Sept. 11, and the film keeps viewers squirming and in

suspense until the revealing and harrowing final shot.

One of the reasons the movie is so frightening is that it is so realistic, and

verisimilitude clearly is something the filmmakers were striving to attain. The

film thanks the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of

Defense for their assistance, suggesting that those entities did not have

significant disagreements with the way the film portrayed the government's

earnest but not always effective response to the film's fictional MEV virus. Nor

should they. For the most part, the film shows U.S. officials to be smart,

hardworking, dedicated and self-sacrificing, and the government plays a key role

in the creation of an anti-MEV vaccine that helps humanity fight back against

the deadly viral threat.

Based on my experience with U.S. biopreparedness efforts, the U.S. government's

role is depicted fairly accurately in the film. At the same time, even though

the government comes off pretty well in " Contagion, " the scariest part of the

film is the vulnerabilities the film highlights in our current system. Despite

spending $60 billion in biodefense efforts since the 2001 anthrax attacks, we

still are not fully prepared for a full-on bioevent, whether it be made by man

or by nature. The film identifies at least four biopreparedness weaknesses, all

of which could be addressed by smart government planning:

Other countries may not cooperate.In the film, rogue Chinese government

officials kidnap a World Health Organization (WHO) scientist to extort doses of

the MEV vaccine. Earlier in the film and more realistically, some of the same

officials resist the WHO scientist's tentative conclusion that the disease began

in Hong Kong. In real life, Indonesia has been reluctant to provide disease

samples to Western health officials. In addition, Mexican officials were slower

than at least one private-sector detection company in identifying the

public-health flash point that signaled the start of the swine flu outbreak.

U.S. and WHO officials need to plan for possible incompetence and a lack of

cooperation from foreign governments in case of some kind of bioevent.

Public-sector workers may be ineffective. " Contagion " has at least two

references to union troubles that prevent crucial front-line workers such as

nurses from performing necessary duties. In real life, postal union

representatives have questioned government plans to distribute needed

countermeasures via the Postal Service, making the unrealistic demand that each

countermeasure carrier be accompanied by a public-safety official. In addition,

many public-safety officials did not show up for duty during Hurricane Katrina,

complicating the government's response efforts. These types of problems suggest

that going forward, government officials should emulate President W.

Bush's insistence on limiting unionization at the nascent Department of Homeland

Security. In addition, plans for a response to any bioevent should anticipate

the potential for higher-than-expected absentee rates by first responders.

Creating a vaccine is one thing, distributing it is another.Even after the virus

is identified and scientists create a vaccine, the government officials in the

film somewhat unrealistically distribute doses by lottery, although they appear

to save some doses for senior government officials. In real life, the government

has priority lists for countermeasure distribution that favor both first

responders and vulnerable populations. Even so, the government had both

distribution and supply troubles with the swine flu vaccine, as it overpromised

and underdelivered on the number of and schedule for the availability of

vaccines. To address these problems, the government must first and foremost be

very careful to make sure pronouncements about countermeasure availability are

clear, accurate and realistic. In addition, the government needs to work on

developing a variety of distribution mechanisms, including the postal method

mentioned above, but also using distribution centers and pre-stored, sealed

medkits to reduce the pressure on any one mode of distribution.

Irresponsible talking heads could exacerbate public-health challenges. One

blogger in the film causes all kinds of trouble by warning people against the

government-created vaccine and pushing an ineffective homeopathic remedy. In

real life, talking heads such as Bill Maher and McCarthy have challenged

public-health efforts with irresponsible warnings about purported dangers of

vaccines. Even though there is no evidence that these celebrities are motivated

by profit, as in the film, government officials need to build in strategies to

deflect these criticisms in their communication protocols.

The bad news from " Contagion " is that it exposes these holes in our system. The

good news is that by highlighting some of these gaps, the film is giving us an

opportunity to address these problems before a real-life MEV-type virus strikes.

Tevi Troy, a former deputy secretary of health and human services, is a fellow

at the Hudson Institute and at the Homeland Security Policy Institute.


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