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Changing Planet, Changing Health

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Climate change bringing infection, hunger, illness

Reuters By Genevra Pittman – Fri May 13, 6:52 pm ET

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Climate change threatens far more than our

environment. It's already led to the spread of infectious diseases and

respiratory ailments across the globe and contributed to thousands of deaths

through heat waves and other extreme weather events. It's even fueled recent

revolts in the Middle East and North Africa.

That's according to Dan Ferber and Dr. Epstein, the authors of a new book,

Changing Planet, Changing Health: How the Climate Crisis Threatens Our Health

and What We Can Do about It (University of California Press, April 2011).

The health of all humans is directly tied to how we, as communities, nations,

and a global population, respond to the growing climate threat, says Ferber, a

science journalist and Epstein, Associate Director of the Center for Health and

the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School.

Ferber and Epstein spoke with Reuters Health Thursday about how malaria, Lyme

disease, and cholera, as well as food shortages and malnutrition, are all

becoming increased risks with steadily rising temperatures. (See the live blog

from the discussion here: http://bit.ly/lJnshE)

While getting out of the corner humanity has backed itself into will take a

worldwide effort, they say that effort may be led by a surprising player:


" Changing finance is a critical part of ... rewriting the rules " on climate

management, Epstein said.

For the financial industry, there's a lot at stake, Epstein continued.

" With the uptake in extreme events -- particularly as it's affecting food

security globally and food prices -- we're going to see a renewed interest on

the part of the investors and insurers in the stability of society, " he said.

Already, " the financial industry has at times in the last several decades been

acutely aware of the dangers and risks of climate change. "


Climate change is hitting human health -- and political and social stability --

from all sides, Epstein and Ferber said. On a daily basis many of those impacts

are hidden from view -- until you take a step back.

Even slight increases in temperature -- a couple of degrees -- can broaden the

habitat of pests that cause infectious diseases, from malaria in Kenya to Lyme

disease in Maine, they said.

And the claim that regions saturated with infectious disease will just shift,

rather than expand, isn't helpful because it misses other key points, Epstein


For example, in parts of Honduras it's gotten too hot for malaria-carrying

mosquitoes to thrive. " But it's been so dry and hot that the people have moved

as well, and they've moved into the northern area, into the forest, where

there's plenty of malaria, " he explained.

Pests also target wildlife, wiping out forests and increasing the risk of fires,

such as in the Rockies and Cascades, where it used to be too cool for those

pests to venture to high altitudes.

Another result of a changing climate: heat and carbon dioxide magnify the

effects of asthma and allergies, particularly in cities where more and more

children are developing respiratory problems.

And a combination of heat waves -- such as the one that killed thousands of

Russians last summer -- and droughts not only causes immediate local health

crises but also threatens global public health by destroying crops and driving

up food prices, the authors said.

Food availability may be the most pressing issue of all.

" Our food, our air, our water, these are the issues that really underlie our

public health, " Epstein said. " These are the life support systems. These are the

ones that ultimately are most critical and most sensitive to climate

instability. "

An unstable climate, Epstein explained, is directly linked to social and

political unrest. " I think we're looking at increasing damages and social

disruption from the climate instability and extremes, " he said. " The earth

itself can go to a new equilibrium, but we need to back off. We're pushing it

hard. "


But it's not all bad news, and Ferber pointed out there is reason to be hopeful

that we might be at a turning point in terms of accepting and addressing climate

change -- a shift that could be driven by economics.

Some companies, he explained, have already figured out ways to profit and grow

by switching to climate-friendly policies.

For example, Ferber said, the re-insurance company Swiss Re realized that it

could insure wind farms at a lower premium than oil rigs, because entire wind

farms aren't likely to be felled in a disaster.

" That benefited the company, and it also benefited the wind farm developers, "

Ferber said. " This kind of creative thinking in the financial world can lead to

win-win solutions. "

He gave Stonyfield Farm as an example of another company that has figured out

how to turn environmental protection into a business strategy, such as by using

microbes to ferment some of its dairy waste -- erasing the costs of shipping it

away to be treated elsewhere. Stonyfield's yogurt revenue now tops Kraft's, the

authors said.


As industry players start to realize that coal-fired power plants, for example,

might not be a good investment, Ferber said, communities can also take steps to

make their streets, businesses, and homes more climate-healthy. Planting trees,

installing bike lanes and green roofs, and funding projects to help residents

green their homes are all feasible steps that together could make a concrete

difference, he suggested.

And the evidence shows that we're running out of time to start taking these


Epstein said that humans need to dramatically decrease fossil fuel and wood

burning " in order to give the climate a chance to re-stabilize at a level that

would be viable " for environmental and human health.

" People across this country are realizing that we have a real problem on our

hands, " Ferber said. " I am actually optimistic that more and more people are

starting to deal with that reality and say, 'what solutions can we come up with

to deal with this problem?' "


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