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Eruptions on Skin

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Eruptions on the skin could be Keratoderma blenorrhagia, which is a

very common skin lesion with Reactive Arthritis. I used to get

these on my feet and genitals two to three times a year, then less

often as I grew older. My last bout was about 5 years ago. I do

not miss the discomfort, nor the ugly leisions.

There are some photos on our website at www.risg.org. The leisions

are indistinguishable from Psoriasis. Psoriatic Arthritis is a

sister disease to Reactive Arthritis, formerly called Reiters

Syndrome. Cortisone creams sometimes help. Secondary infection

can occur which might require anti-biotic ointments. Consult with

your doctor as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon and heel are classical signs of

Reactive Arthritis. This used to be called " Lover's Heel " since

Reactive Arthritis can be triggered by a sexually transmitted

disease as well as by food poisoning (intestinal bacterial


The worse your Achilles tendonitis is the worse your Reactive

Arthritis is predicted to be.

Hot whirlpool baths with the jets aimed at the Achilles tendon and

heel of the foot are quite helpful. I've used heating pads and hot

water soaks for my feet in the past. I use two pairs of socks even

in the summer since keeping my feet warm seems to reduce the

tendonitis pain.

I also have a TENS unit, electrical stimulation, that I use when

the Achilles tendon pain gets really bad.

Exercise and stretching the tendon to keep it flexible and strong

can help, too. Extend your toes and foot all the way out away from

your leg, then pull them back up toward the front of your leg. Do

this slowly for several repitions several times a day. Increase

the number of repititions over time.

Twisting the foot from side to side as far as you can go is also a

good exercise. Stand on your feet and lift yourself up onto your

toes as high as you can go and then slowly lower yourself to the

floor will strengthen the muscles and tendons. Again, start with a

few repititions and then increase over time.

Many gyms have this kind of leg exercise with additional weights,

but using your own body weight is more than enough resistance,

especially if you are experiencing pain. A little pain is okay

when you are exercising, but if you encounter a large amount of

pain then stop and try again another day.

These are basically isometric exercises where you use the body's

own weight and muscles as the only resistance. I'm sure there are

articles in our archives about such exercises. Try searching the

www.risg.org site for these which will include exercises for other

body parts, too.

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Last year I broke out with a terrible rash on my neck and face. It itched

hurt bled burned etc. I went to 5 different docs and they could do nothing

to help, and none of them ever saw anything like it. They gave so many

creams and shots and nothing helped. It lasted about 6 weeks, then started

to go away. But left a bunch of grainy bumps everywhere it was. I had to go

get them burned off. Now with every flare up or aggravation, they have come

back and spread. They are now coming on my legs. I hate to see what my

insides look like, if it is like this on the outside. I hope you can

identify with this if that's what you want. I just keep praying it doesn't

come back like the first time!! Good luck finding a doc to help. EFD-Oregon

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Drinking Aloe Vera Juice, about 8 oz a day, can have a soothing and

therapudic affect on both your digestive system and skin. I drink 8 oz

everyday. I have not read about any side effects or interactions with

medications, but as always check with your doctor. By the way I buy a

gallon jug at Sam's Club (A Wal-Mart store) for about $6.

Good luck and God bless.

Larry, 55, ReA 2 years, uvitis.

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Thanks again Larry, I tried it a few years ago, the Aloe Vera juice. I just

got cramps and diarrhea so bad, I had to stop. I have an ileostomy, and lots

of digestive problems. So that one doesn't help either. I can drink cabbage

juice, which helps a little. Someone else said to drink lettuce juice, I

don't know about that one, sounds bad. I use my blender a lot. Everyday I

drink some kind of fruit soy drink, or veggie drink. I make my own yogurt,

so I can mix in what I like and add it to the drink too. I drink lots of

herb teas too. So I am trying. This pain in my back though, is one I can't

get out from under. Nothing stops it. It started really bad when I started

taking Arava. I stopped taking it, but that back pain has just hung on. I

went back on Methotrexate to try to clean up the side effects that Arava

made, and it is working, except the back pain. My eyes are feeling a lot

better now. So now I wait for someone(one of the Docs) to make a move. In

the meantime I just keep keeping on:) EFD, Oregon

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<<More common side effects from Arava may include:

Abdominal pain, back pain, bronchitis, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, hair loss,

headache, high blood pressure, indigestion, itching, joint disorders, loss of

appetite, mouth ulcers, nausea, rash, respiratory infection, sore throat,

stomach inflammation, tendon inflammation, urinary tract infection, vomiting,

weakness, weight loss

Less common side effects may include:

Arava has been known to cause rare but serious skin reactions. If you develop

a skin rash or eruption, stop taking Arava and contact your doctor. Arava can

also reduce your blood cell count. Notify your doctor promptly if any signs

of this problem appear. Warnings include easy bruising, frequent infections,

unusual fatigue, and paleness.>>


HREF= " http://www.gettingwell.com/drug_info/rxdrugprofiles/drugs/ARA1026.shtml " >A\


Do you think that the Arava caused the skin eruptions and the back pain? I

believe there have been many law suits for the same side effects. Besides

bacterial skin infections, there have been many reports of fungus skin

infections, too. How long have you been off the Arava? Did your doctor test

or prescribe anything for the skin eruptions?

Best regards, Connie

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Hi Connie, I was put on Arava June 7th, after having side effects from

Methotrexate. Bad headaches and skin rash. The Arava made the rash worse

and go into my insides. The backache came with the inside hurting. My lung

on my left side is still painful and my back is worse than ever. I've been

off of Arava for a week, now on low dose of Methotrexate to clear down the

rash inside. Meath. didn't bother me until the dosage was raised, but the

Arava started with inner pain right off. I even had the intestines bleeding.

They still hurt a little, but it's clearing up. My Rhuemy told me he

couldn't do anything for me, and is sending me back to my Primary care phy.

He is an Internist. I am going to call him tomorrow to try to get in to get

some pain meds for my back. It hurts so bad I have been throwing up. I do

have compazine for nausea, but the pain shouldn't be worse than it was before

Arava. Thank you for the input EFD, Oregon

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Dear EFD, I'm not a doctor, but it seems someone should be immediately

following all these side effects that you have from taking Arava. I didn't

know you were having lung problems too. If you are being followed by doctors

in an HMO, sometimes you have to be very forceful to have them treat you

properly. Please don't just settle on having medicine for you pain....your

doctors need to address why this is happening and treat it besides giving you

something for the pain. Arava is known to have many of the side effects you

have...and in all the literature...it says it is important to be treated

" right away " for these side effects. Maybe you could print out the web site

information below...and give this to your primary doctor right away. It says

that there should have been a " wash out " of the drug Arava before starting on

the Methotrexate again or things could get worse. I feel your Rheumatologists

is trying to pass the buck. He should have been following you up on these

side effects...at least be working with your internist to get these side

effects under control immediately. Sometimes we have to squeal loud and clear

to be heard...just for normal treatments. I took this little snip it from

the hyberlink below. Please click on the hyberlink and see what you think:

<<Moreover switching from leflunomide to another DMARD without a washout

period may raise the possibility of additive risk of side-effects even for a

long time after the switching.>>

<A HREF= " http://www.mater.ie/rheum/gp_guidelines/leflunomide.htm " >MMH -

Department of Rheumatology, Doctors Drug Information</A>

Best regards, Connie (granny)

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Over the years , I have had Many various types of skin infections and

irritations ... I found a topical that has been working for numerous ones ...

It is called Ultravate Ointment ... just some Input ...


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Granny, Thanks for letting me know about all of the Arava reactions. I asked

about it, and I got the charcoal cleansing. Now I am taking the small dose

of Methotrexate to clear up the mess the Arava made. I am feeling better,

except that Methotrexate headache is back, and some of the itching. I am

going to take it until I see my internist Aug 19th, soonest I could get in.

My daughter is a pharmacist assistant and she got me some other info today,

and finally go me the script for Ultram filled. I have been trying to get it

for 6 months. I've taken it for at least 5 years and now the insurance in

Oregon said I don't need it. Well, as you know they wouldn't pay for

anything if they could get away with it. But now I am on my way to less

pain, and I hope to be able to get into the YMCA for some water exercises

soon. They have some hot tubs too, that would be great for before bedtime.

I live just down the street from the Y. I hope you are doing well. Thanks

again. EFD

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Dear EFD, I hope that your doctor is monitoring this change, cleansing, etc.

I can't remember anything about using a charcoal cleansing agent (is this an

alternative type cleansing?). All the articles I saw mentioned used

cholestyramine to clear the body of arava. It seems the arava can take up to

two years if it is not cleansed from a patients system. Of course, your

personal doctor (MD) would be the only one to tell you whether you need this

method and would be the one to prescribe this as cholestyramine has side

effects too. It is very important to let your doctor know that you are using

alternative type medicines along with your recognized pharmaceutical drugs as

so many do not interact well together. This can also cause added side effects

and it would be hard for your doctor and yourself to know where the side

effects come from. No patient should self treat the side effects of Arava.

Best regards, Connie (granny)

<<Drug elimination procedure for females

Administer cholestyramine—8 grams 3 times daily for 11 days. (The 11 days do

not need to be consecutive unless there is a need to lower the plasma level


Verify plasma levels less than 0.02 mg/L (0.02 µg/mL) by 2 separate tests at

least 14 days apart. If plasma levels are higher than 0.02 mg/L, additional

cholestyramine treatment should be considered. Without the drug elimination

procedure, it may take up to 2 years to reach plasma metabolite levels less

than 0.02 mg/L due to individual variation in drug clearance.>>


HREF= " http://www.arava.com/professional/quick_reference.asp?menu=4 " >Arava

(leflunomide) - For information on Arava® and rheumatoid arthritis


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Connie, Sorry it took so long to get back with you. I am still fighting

the Arava reactions, plus the rest of the stuff to deal with. My kidney has

been giving me some trouble again, so I am just trying to treat it and not

try anything new for a while. I did use the charcoal pills that the Doc said

to use after the Arava. He said I wasn't on it long enough to have the

" wash. " But I go to my internist Monday, and I will tell him what is going

on. Anyway, I am on Azulfadine, prednizone, Soma,

Tramadol,Macrodantin,Elavil,Celexa,Celebrix,Estrace,Atenolol,Urocit-K and

vits and mins as well as some herbs, but the Doc knows all I take, because I

have it all written on an index card, and when I see him I hand it to him and

go over it. I also have a few athsma meds and steroid eye drops I use

sometimes. But none of these meds reacted on me like the Arava or

Methotrexate. I did get the phone # to call about the Arava legal problems.

I am so sick of taking pills, I feel like tossing them all in the trash. Oh

yes, and then my ulcers, I have meds for them too. But this skin rash has

gotten so much worse the last few days. I am itching like a dog with fleas!

Even my nipples itch. And lately I go around with my TENS unit hooked up on

my lower back that I look like I have a tail. I get a laugh out of this

life, it's like a total joke compared to what I thought my life would be at

this age. I see so many young people struggling to make things work the way

they plan, but there are some big surprises in store for all of us. God has

to have a since of humor, not saying this disease is a laughing matter, but

it seems like my life has always been under 's Law, I've gotten use to

it, now I can laugh. Well, thanks for your caring, you take care. EFD-Oregon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the input. I went to the Doc yesterday, and he gave me some

Fluocinolone Acetonide solution. Seems to be helping some, at least it is

helping the itch. There are still little white bumps all over my chest and

neck. I hope they go away too. But if not I will ask him about your

ointment. Last time I had about 80 of them burned off a few years ago.

Didn't think they would come back, but they are worse than ever since using

the Methotrexate and Arava. Also the Doc said he didn't want to take a

chance on putting me on Remicade because I am so sensitive to the other

drugs. He just had a woman in that got a fungus in her arm from being on in,

and now they have to amputate her arm. Hey, I'll stick to pills or patches

for the pain. God has helped me thru some big time pain in the past, and I

am depending on him now, so future pain will not be getting my arm cut off

from some medication. Opened my eyes!! Reiter's is a pain, but wow-that

poor lady. I hope you are doing better. EFD-Oregon

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