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Uterine Fibroid Attack Plan

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OK Lynn,

I did a little reading, and it seams that Uterine Fibroids are

estrogen-mediated. That is to say that their growth is increased during

pregnancy and with estrogen therapy (including hormonal birth control).

Dr. D says that they tend to atrophy (shrink) after menopause. " Their

growth is positively correlated with estrogen stimulation and they

generally regress following pregnancy. " What does this mean?

Well, first of all, it means you have options other than a hysterectomy

(I would DEFINITELY NOT go there.) or embolization (This has not even

been shown to be EFFECTIVE!). It basically means that we are, at least

on the face, dealing with a hormone problem. You are obviously estrogen

dominant and progesterone deficient. Progesterone is the hormone that

counters estrogen (and it's tissue growth stimulating effects) in the

body. I recommend immediate progesterone supplementation orally and as

a 10% vaginal cream applied to your G Spot. Now comes the tricky part.

Obviously, you're going to need a prescription for the hormones, and you

don't want to get stuck with one of the quacky " mainstream " OB/GYN's

that don't know a thing about natural hormone supplementation.

Progestins are the LAST thing you need now. So, we need to find you a

good doctor who will work with your body, rather than against it. If

you send me your city, state, zip code, and area code, then I can

probably find you a good doctor close by.

I would advise you to get a copy of Natural Hormone Balance for Women:

Look Younger, Feel Stronger, and Live Life with Exuberance, by Uzzi

Reiss, MD/OB-GYN. Read it and understand.

On p. 100, he says, " The loss of hormonal balance is a root cause of

many female problems, such as endometriosis, fibroids, polyps,

adenomyosis, irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and out-of-control

cycles. "

On p. 102, he lists, " Most cases of endometriosis, adenomyosis, and

fibroids. 'I will take anything to get rid of this.' " as one of the

Common Signs of Progesterone Deficiency.

On p. 121, he says, " I recommend vaginal preparations [of progesterone]

to directly target problems in the uterus, such as fibroids, polyps, or

an overgrowth of endometrial tissue.... "

The section on estrogen dominance on pp. 36-40 would also be a good read

for you. By the way, how old are you? If you are 40+, then

perimenopause would be the obvious causative condition.

What are some things you can do right away (before going to a good


1.) Stick to Organic, Grassfed Meats; Wild, Small to Medium,

Freshly-caught Ocean Fish; and Organic Fruits and Vegetables. Avoid all

non-organic products, which often contain powerful xenoestrogens that

will greatly exacerbate your condition. Hormones and dioxin in meat are

a major concern, highlighted by your doctor's recommendation. For

example, male fish have started to show female characteristics in areas

where runoff from cattle finishers is rampant.

2.) Avoid natural estrogenic products like soy and flax. These will

exacerbate the issue. Stick to high quality protein and fish oil.

3.) Order some Aromastat from at

http://www.foodforyourblood.com . Take 1 capsule, twice daily. This

will start to get your estrogen levels down. Read more about it here:


4.) Get some 3% OTC 100% bio-identical, natural progesterone cream from

your local HFS or good pharmacy (generally compounding—They are also

good for natural hormone doctor referrals.) Use it on your G-Spot

first, then try adding some to the palms of your hands, neck, breasts,

face and brow, and inner arms for good absorption. Generally, the

abdomen is a bad place to apply it (poor absorption). Inter-uterine

application is the best for fibroids. Keep in mind that this is a

really weak formulation and may not do much, but if you use a lot of it,

you may see some effect/relief of symptoms. Feel free to use at least

twice a day. Some women are paradoxically sensitive to progesterone

supplementation, so watch out for any side effects. Decrease dosage if

you get any of the following side effects: drowsiness, slight dizziness,

or a sense of physical instability. A more severe reaction would be a

feeling of being drunk or spinning or heaviness of the extremities. In

either of those cases, stop applying it until the symptoms resolve, then

resume at a lower dose.

5.) Use Dr. Reiss's Progesterone-Boosting supplement regimen (aka, PMS


• Magnesium Glycinate, 200 mg: 1-4 capsules, twice daily Metagenics

makes a good product. Use as much as is tolerable. Magnesium in excess

can cause a laxative or drowsiness effect. Try to take as much as you

can to achieve two soft bowel movements a day but without experiencing a

strong, sedative effect.

• Gamma-Linoleic Acid (GLA), 400 mg daily in divided doses with meals.

Black Currant Oil is the best source of this for Type O's.

• B Complex, 100 mg daily.*

• Vitamin B6, 50 to 600 mg in divided doses throughout the day. Start

low, and increase as needed. Make sure you are taking a good B Complex

if you take B6. B6 is very useful for reducing fluid retention.

This regimen will help boost your body's own production of

progesterone. You make consider supplementing with pharmaceutical-grade

Pregnenolone, the direct hormonal precursor to Progesterone. My Mom's

doctor recommends one 50 mg capsule with a fatty meal, twice daily. Dr.

Reiss agrees. Pharmaceutical-grade Pregnenolone is also available at

your local HFS or compounding pharmacy.

6.) Finally, I would follow Dr. D'Adamo's recommendations from the

Encyclopedia. He recommends the Immune-Enhancing Protocol and the

Female Balancing Protocol, in that order. Some of his recommendations

overlap with the ones already given, and you should stick with the above

recommendations above when there is crossover. No disrespect to Dr.

D'Adamo, but Dr. Reiss is an OB-GYN that sees a lot more uterine

fibroids than Dr. D.

* Indicates availability from at http://www.foodforyourblood.com

http://www.vitaglo.com is a good, cheap source for other supps.

Immune-Enhancing Protocol

Use this protocol for 4 weeks.

• Woad root (Isatis tinctoris), 400 mg or tea: 1 capsule, twice daily

(alternately, 1 cup tea, twice daily)

• Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma senensis), 500 mg: 1capsule, twice daily

• Chuanxinlian (Andrographis paniculata), 350 mg: 1 capsule two or three

times daily1

• Osha root (Ligusticum porteri), 250 mg: 1capsule, twice daily2

Non-Secretors Add:

• Elderberry concentrate " Proberry " : 1 tsp, twice daily*

• Cordonopsis (Cordonopsitis lanceolate), 400 mg: 1 capsule, twice daily

General Recommendations Usable By All Groups

• Larch arabinogalactan (Larix officinalis) " ARA 6 " : 1 tbsp, twice daily

in juice or water*

• Probiotic supplement, preferably ABO specific*

• Multivitamin supplement, preferably ABO specific*


1. Chuanxinlian should not be used for longer than 3 weeks.

2. Osha is an endangered species.

Female Balancing Protocol

Use this protocol for 4 weeks.

• Squaw Vine (a repens) tincture: 10 drops in warm water, twice


• Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal 5 phosphate), 50 mg: 1-3 capsules, daily

• Gotu Kola leaf (Hydrocotyle asiatica), 250 mg standardized extract: 1

capsule, twice daily1

• Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus), 200 mg: 1 capsule, twice daily*

• Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus) tincture: 5-10 drops in warm

water, twice daily

Non-Secretors Add:

• Probiotic supplement, preferably ABO specific*

General Recommendations Usable By All Groups

• Coriander extract (Coriandrum sativum), tincture: 7-10 drops, twice


• Magnesium, 650 mg: 1capsule, twice daily (reduce if stools loosen)

• Hibiscus tea: 1-2 cups, daily


1. Do not use Gotu Kola leaf if your are pregnant.

Well, that should take care of it. Please don't go into any risky

surgery until you have given these suggestions a fair trial. You'll

thank me in the long run. If things get bad, talk to me again before

going under the knife.

Be well,

On Friday, September 6, 2002, at 02:45 AM, lhoskins@... wrote:

> I'm looking into fibroid tumor options, and would like to know if

> anyone on this list is aware of a nutritional or herbal or ? way to

> shrink uterine fibroid tumors.


> I have a feeling my options are either hysterectomy or embolization,

> but it doesn't hurt to ask.  FYI, I'm dealing with large tumors

> (softball-sized) so that does limit my options.


> I'll tell ya, I can't win for losing.  For the longest time, I

> resisted putting red meat back into my diet.  After growing tired of

> being so low on energy, I finally started eating red meat again.  A

> year later, I've got huge fibroids.  And my doctor says, " Some

> studies have shown that if you stop eating red meat, that could

> decrease your symptoms. "   AAAAHHHH!


> Anyway, I would also appreciate private correspondence on this

> subject.  Perhaps there are some list members who have or have had

> fibroids.


> Many thanks,


> Lynn

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I'm really glad to know this info on uterine fibroids & the hormone

connection. I had a partially hysterectomy 14 years ago due to fibroids. I

didn't even know until a week ago it had to do with hormones being out of

whack. My ND told me that's what caused it & he's now testing my hormone

levels because he feels that's still part of my problem (besides the low

thyroid). We didn't really discuss any of this in detail so your e-mail was

a lot of helpful info. Thanks!

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