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Lots on interesting stuff. Thought I would pass it on.


Original Post From: Betty


Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 9:33 PM

Subject: [colitiscrohns] BLOOD TYPE O SUPPLEMENTS


Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease:

Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) or chronic heartburn, is caused

primarily by an over-acidic diet. Not following the Eat Right diet can upset

the acidic balance allowing acid to back up through the sensitive opening

that connects the esophagus with the stomach.

Avoid coffee, chocolate, mints, black tea, sugars and sweets which aggravate

the condition. Leave the table a little bit hungry to avoid overeating. Add 5

to 15 drops of Gentian, a digestive bitter, to a glass of water and drink 30

minutes before a meal. A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice in a little water

taken several times daily protect the stomach lining.

Syndrome X

This is a condition created by a combination of obesity (the gateway to

Syndrome X), high triglycerides and insulin resistance which can lead to

Diabetes and Heart

Disease. The lectins in grains, breads, legumes, beans, corn and potatoes

cause the insulin resistance and induce polyamine formation, resulting in

weight gain, fluid

retention and hypoglycemia. Rely on sweet potatoes, root vegetables, squash

and pumpkin for your carbos, in place of grains, in order to build tissue


Identify sluggish metabolism: fatigue; dry skin; cold hands and feet; loss of


interest; constipation; water retention; and lightheadedness on standing.

Avoid stimulants such as coffee, and boost metabolism with Bladderwrack Kelp,

increased intake

of organic red meats, and eat seafood several times per week. Reduce cravings

for stimulants and carbohydrates (an indication that serotonin levels are

low) by taking 5HTP, L-Tyrosine or Glutamine between meals. For women, low

estrogen levels can also produce cravings for carbos. One or two capsules of

the herb Maca can help normalize estrogen levels.


Bacteria, specifically H.pylori, is a primary factor in the development of

ulcers. This bacteria is an exception to the rule that high stomach acid

levels tend to keep the stomach sterile. It creates a barrier of low acidity

around itself and adheres to the stomach and duodenum wall. Non-secretors

have the highest rate of H.pylori. This condition has a high cure rate with

anti-microbials, acid-inhibiting medicines and natural remedies such as

Bladderwrack (Fucus Vesiculosus), a sea vegetable Kelp.

(The bonus with Bladderwrack for Type O's is weight loss!)

Probiotic friendly bacteria act as a preventative.

Bismuth-containing compounds (not to be taken for longer than two weeks at a


Berberine, an alkaloid found in the herbs Goldenseal, Coptis, Oregon Grape

and Barberry, inhibits the growth of H.pylori.

For healing the stomach lining: Marshmallow root as a tea or capsule,

Slippery Elm (especially for non-secretors), Sho-saiko-to, a Chinese medicine

herb, suppresses HCL and protects, even during times of high stress; Thyme,

Oregano and Rosemary have mild anti-inflammatory activity and improve

resistance against bacteria and Candida; Ginger root and Clove fruit are

anti-inflammatory, and anti-ulcer. Neem, an adaptogen from India, buffers

against stress-induced ulcer formation.

Crohn's Disease:

Also known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn's can be treated naturally.

Eat plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber. The best sources are

Arabinagalactans (AG) and flax seeds (one tbsp. in a glass of water soaked

overnight). Take Kelp as a lectin blocker (especially non-secretors) in the

form of dried seaweed, not tincture form. Use ghee (clarified butter) and

avoid food stabilizer gums such as carageenan and ghatti. Use a product

called ASeacure@, a peptide made from whitefish, available from health food


Heart-Healthy Supplements: (especially for Non-Secretors)

Magnesium: 2-300 mg. day; 3-500 mg. when you’re highly stressed or fatigued.

Co-Q-10: 60 mg. 2x daily. Energizes metabolism, reduces blood pressure and

triglycerides while improving HDL cholesterol. Increases the efficiency of

antioxidants A, C, E and beta-carotene.

L-Carnitine: 500 mg. needed to move fats out of the cells so they can be used

as a source of energy. Also reduces insulin resistance.

Hawthorn, in dried raw herb form as a tea, or in tincture form protects and

rebuilds the heart.

Blood Clotting Disorders:

Type O's typically have thin blood which can become a problem when there is a


or surgery. Avoid blood thinners such as garlic and gingko biloba 2 weeks

before surgery. Vitamins A (30,000 IU) and C (2 grams) taken daily a week

before surgery, will promote wound healing. Vitamin K is essential for blood

clotting. Before surgery eat lots of Vitamin K rich-greens, especially Kale,

Spinach and Collard greens, and liquid chlorophyll.

A special note for reproductive age women: Type O's are advised to avoid

using the Birth Control Pill because of the higher risk of bleeding disorders.


Immune System Conditions:

1. Candida

Non-secretors have the greatest susceptibility to Candida infection. The best

defence is to follow your blood type diet. Other helpful tactics:

Increase consumption of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

A lectin in the root of the stinging nettle plant agglutinates the fungus.

Probiotic (friendly bacteria) have anti-Candida activity, especially the

species L. acididophilus, L. reuteria and L. casei..

Common culinary spices Thyme, Oregano and Rosemary improve resistance against

bacteria such as H.pylori (associated with Ulcers) and Candida fungus.

Kelp (Laminaria digitata) or Bladderwrack, promotes resistance against

Candida and bacterial attachment

2. Autoimmune Thyroid Disease:

Type O's on a high wheat diet have more problems with autoimmune diseases.

Grave's disease (hyperactive thyroid) and Hashimoto's (underactive

dysfunction) are most common in O's. Hyperactive thyroid tissue is much more

sensitive to the agglutinating effects of lectins found in wheat and soybeans

than healthy thyroid tissue. Spontaneous remission has been reported by

several people who simply followed their blood type diet.

3. Inflammatory Conditions:

Type O's are more prone to inflammatory conditions because of lower basal

cortisol levels (an anti-inflammatory hormone) and because of factors which

allow the easy migration of white blood cells from the bloodstream into areas

of inflammation. Be particularly careful to avoid wheat and dairy products

which cause inflammation. Type O women are also prone to Osteoarthritis, a

chronic deterioration of the bone cartilage. The best defence is the Type O

diet. The following supplements can prevent and treat inflammation:

Jamaican sarsaparilla root, an adaptogen, calms inflammation.

Astragalus, a Chinese herb balances the inflammatory and immune processes.

Thyme leaf, oregano leaf and rosemary leaf are powerful antioxidants.

Ginger rhizome and clove fruit are anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer.

Curcumin (turmeric extract) is chemoprotective, especially for non-secretors.

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