Guest guest Posted November 1, 2000 Report Share Posted November 1, 2000 The post about the sound therapy reminded me of something else I read on another list about the QXCI. It seems to be a device that could take the place of a lot of other devices in the treatment of disease..... Rife frequencies, Bioresonance Bicom Mora-like Therapy, Trivector Adjustment Therapy, Scaler and Null Field Therapy, Electroacupuncture, Allergy Testing and Desensitization, Spinal Energy Therapy, Sound Therapy, Color Therapy, Addiction Control therapy, Phobia Control therapy, Superlearning, Music Therapy, Homeopathic Activation, Scaler Therapy, Null Field Harmonizing Therapy, Tens therapy for pain Control via N.L.P., Dental Analysis and Therapy, Adipose Tissue Dissolve Therapy, Brain Wave Pattern Therapy, Subspace Morphic Transfer. Below was from another list a few months ago and it explains the backround of QXCI better than I can: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's interesting, I guess the same reaction would have been said if someone were to describe a computer to another in the early 1800's. If you are not familiar with similar devices then I guess it IS VERY strange sounding. It is a biofeedback device. It treats stress--but can't say it actually treats, for ex., cancer. It increases one's awareness of a physiological response which IS biofeedback. You see: awareness=consciousness. Just thought I'd explain that to you since you seemed to freak a little over the word consciousness(or am I wrong?). Actually, the QXCI was invented by Dr. --the same Dr. who fought the FDA twice in court and won. He is not one to be taken lightly. He was the sole person who fought the FDA(1990) and got acupuncture needles listed as a true medical devices in our country. He also was responsible for getting Apollo 13 safely back to earth at his young age of 17(maybe it was 18--but anyhow)---ever see the movie--he's the guy! He worked at GM around that time(of Apollo 11) as he was also going to school for electrical engineering. His job was to measure the errors of the gyro. Then Apollo 12 went up and back safely. But then Honeywell took over and downsized to 3 people. Then the day came--Apollo 13. (Bill had been drinking and partying the entire night before this incidence). that day there were only 3 people to figure the mathmatics to know whether or not " they " could turn off the gyro for 30hrs. and turn it back on safely. During lunch that day the rest of his coworkers had gone to lunch. Bill had not left yet. Then the phone rang and the person on the other end claimed to be from the Apollo 13 and stated that there was a problem and they were asking if it was safe to turn off the gyro and turn back on after 30hrs. Bill thought it was a joke and said, " oh, yea sure, go ahead. When Bill got to lunch he expressed to his college frat. buddies that that was a great joke--calling and saying they were the Apollo. He soon found out that his buddies did no such joke and that it WAS for real When he got back to work things were intense. There was his boss, Bill and 3 others. They had one hour to come up, mathmatically, with the solution. Each went off alone to figure the equations. When they returned the other 2 said, " we think we know the answer " . Then his boss looked at him and Bill said, " I know the answer " . Of course their answers were different. Luckily, his boss decided to go with Bill's answer and not the other 2 employees--for if he had Apollo 13 would have have had an entirely different history written in the books. I hear a law suit is pending. I will continue here a little further about the inventor of this device: did I mention he was the first person to ever receive a perfect score on his SAT's in math, not to mention his perfect score in science also(but wasn't the first). He graduated from highschool at the age of 12 and entered college at that time. After completing his electrical engineering degree he decided to go into medicine as he was a " people person " and wanted to work with such.(He later got into quantum physics when he learned about consciousness and the ability of one person's mind to affect another--it influences consciousness. So he set out to develop a medical device that goes beyond the affect of the conscious mind.) In 1985 he invented the EPFX which was registered by the FDA(1989) and was designed to diagnose only. In 1990 his inclosion device got registered by thge US govt. It was a diagnostic system--operating on 10 channels(tody's operates on 55 channels).In 1990 Bill took the device to Germany. From there he developed a device that did therapy called the S.C.I.O. It did therapy much like the TENS, BICOM, MOR devices. Later, he came back to the US when he figured out how to develop a device that NOT only diagnosed, but also could treat as well. But when he presented this to the FDA(1991) they said, " No " --okay to build a device and get it registered in the US by the FDA to treat AND okay to do the same with a device to diagnose--BUT--NOT okay to build a device and get it registered if it can do both. When Bill asked why?--he was told, " we don't have to tell you why " . He then went to Budapest and asked, " what if I could find electrical abberations and also correct them? " They said, " great " and in 1992 they invited him to Budapest by 12 doctors and they continued their work on instruments on bioresonance. And so it was developed and got registered. Dr. has also worked as a professor in Kiev at their oncology dept.--not sure when(does it matter?). Anyway at that time medical doctors there were only making $50.00 per month. As surgeons--$10.00 per mo. hired them to do research. And off they went! This is just a little background on the inventor--who also rewrote ALL of molecular biology(it took about 9-10 yrs. to complete) as he " realized " all biology was " wrong " . His 2 volume book is called the PROMORPHEUS(--based upon quantum physics). He also has a regular medical practice in Hungary. He lectures extensively--but NOT in the US. Very interesting---I hope I am not stepping on too many toes here--but what the Hel... He was to begin his lecture series in the US just one month ago---guess what the govt. had planned for him? I'll say no more. By the way, Xrroid means ultrafast. The device tests 8000 items per sec. It is ran by a computer. Dr. had to put--and I don't know what you call it--I'll call it a type of lock-- on his system because several years back the Koreans stolejust one part of the software and is now selling it for $45,000.00. The QXCI sells for a little under $9,000.00. For what it can do, if you were to buy all the devices that can do the same(though, I'm not too sure you could get your hands on all of them) it would cost you well over $70,000.00. This device can now be " imported " legally into the US. It measures 16 electrical parameters of the body, going beyond simple resistance. By measuring resistance, impedance, amperage, voltage, capacitance, inductance, frequencies and resonant frequencies, efficacy of the device is dramatically increased over resistance devices. The Quantum Medical C.I. detects subtle electrophysiological reactivity to over eight thousand substances in less than one minute. Homeopathics have static trivector fields and humans have reactive changing trivector fields. The Xrroid analysis compares the two. This is known as the Xrroid process. This device uses three simultaneous substance testing systems that include: 1. trivector resonant frequencies of the substance 2. actual substances ibn a testkit, computer activated 3. hololinguistic testing consciousness interaction Most energetic devices offer only one modality for therapy. The QXCI is a 2-way system. The device gives and receives signals, so that it can evaluate and alter the therapy as it progresses, by changing the settings of amplification or frequencies, as the patient's body demands. It can even tell when the therapy has performed to satisfaction. The QXCI establishes a cybernetic feedback connection or handshake with the patient to guide the therapy regime. Thus, this device can automatically adjust therapies like: 1. Rife frequencies 2. Bioresonance Bicom Mora-like Therapy 3. Trivector Adjustment Therapy 4. Scaler and Null Field Therapy 5. Electroacupuncture 6. Allergy Testing and Desensitization 7. Spinal Energy Therapy 8. Sound Therapy 9. Color Therapy 10. Addiction Control therapy 11. Phobia Control therapy 12. Superlearning 13. Music Therapy 14. Homeopathic Activation 15. Scaler Therapy 16. Null Field Harmonizing Therapy 17. Tens therapy for pain Control via N.L.P. 18. Dental Analysis and Therapy 19. Adipose Tissue Dissolve Therapy 20. Brain Wave Pattern Therapy 21. Subspace Morphic Transfer There are also: Detoxification Charts, Miasm Charts, Organ Restorative Charts, Homeopathic, Herbal and Nutritional charts. There are a variety of Sports Therapies such as oxegenation, flexibilty, muscle-strengthening, etc. There are timed-therapies for lymphatic drainage, memory, connective tissue repair, plus some 30some other timed therapies. There are so many other therapies that I will stop here for I cannot remember them all. Dr. has recently completed several other devices which are used in conjunction with the QXCI. One is called the Auscultcardiogram--to be used by Cardiologists. He has also recently completed virtual goggles which can be used along with the software provided for this purpose which is included in the QXCI software upgrade. So, are doctors getting in on this? You bet. In fact, they are blown away when this remarkable device has been presented to them whether they be chiropractors, acupuncturists, dentists or MD's. As I was blown away for what it did for me the first time a doctor friend treated me on it. But hey, I wouldn't want to overstep here and say it actually " cures " anything. The new upgrade to the software will be equal(so I am told) to 240 floppies. Right now it is comparable to 40 floppies(there are also 250megs in research & articles). And as it so happens at this very moment Dr. is lecturing in Toronto. I try not to miss any of his lectures, but was unable to attend. So, here I am dedicating a portion of my day writing to an audience I only have come into contact with yesterday. It is also a great task to do this as I need the practice for I suffered a car accident 9 months back. I suffered traumatic brain injury. No, this device is not an illusion(actually, everything could be argued as such). I have come a long way from drool dribbling down my chin while I sat in a stupor--just kidding--no drool(not that I was aware of), but stupor--yes. Yes, I got into the QXCI before the accident. (ever hear what happened to the Rife practitioners?)--don't read too much into that for I really don't know. Have I ruffled any feathers? No, I won't apologize for speaking the truth, though it sure gets one into alot of trouble these days. " Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. " - Albert Einstein " A human being is a part of the whole, called by us " Universe, " a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness " - Albert Einstein The above quote reminds me of something Dr. nelson conveyed at his last lecture I attended: --a doctor who performed a surgical procedure(for angina) was just as successful as the doctors who did not do the same procedure(a placebo surgery). said, " the mind of the person affects the outcome " . wanted to develop a device that takes the conscious mind of the individual out of it. " The body is quantic and when you have a quantic event the mind of the experimentor can interface with the outcome " . Of course, I am leaving out quite a bit here on the unconscious--which is quite significant in relation to this technology and the basis of theory from which it sprang. (Perhaps would freak at my explaination and wording for I am not fully educated on its premise and to do so WILL probably take me a life-time. Hopefully, that doctorant I wish to get won't take more than a year--IF I ever fully recover my injury to even begin the studies..(did I mention that Dr. also has a doctorant in psychology?). A Mr. Gellor asked his audience to bend a spoon and said that anyone who can bend this spoon will be on television in next week's show. All those who could, which were 25 people, were all under age 7yrs. When Gellor was asked why, he said, " because they haven't yet learned that they couldn't do it " . " 250megs of research " --I was referring to what comes with the software. Gee, I am sounding like I am trying to sell this, and I am not--I am just one of those newbies who is still in the honeymoon stage of excitement. Don't know if I'll ever get over my amazement of the device--I guess until another one even greater comes by--and NO doubt there will be. A lot of amazing technology out there in the near mist of our view(have read of such the works--a whole lot greater than the QXCI--see? I am objective--in my opinion). These device(s) are quite new to the US. When I got mine there were only 90 practitioners here in the US(7-1-99) with such. Now, I venture to say there may be around 1500-2000-I don't know. One man distributes for all of North America. That is the way they want it for now. They don't want to grow too fast--if that makes sense. There needs to be better organization as the rest of us see it--but if this is what they want I can imagine the reason why. If you really are interested, I could find out where you might begin to do your search on Dr. . Much of his work is in European journals. I have one right here in front of me( " The International Journal of the Science of Homeopathy " ). Much of his research is in there(and elsewhere). And dare I say--cases of where he has cured cancer, HIV--ah, no big deal--right? I have 4 of these journals---can give you ISSN's if you want. Oops, did I just break the law here? Did you know that it is against the law to state a cure for cancer as anything other than radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery in a room of more than 3 people(in the US)? *(I guess I am okay---only 2 cats here with me now, besides-never said what cures what.) That is one reason why he chose not to lecture here in the US--not to mention how he has royally pissed off the FDA years back.( Gee, could ICKE be right?--the " fascist states of Amerika " ?) Now, there I go again. I can't seem to keep a promise to myself--to keep my mouth shut. A rabid animal comes to mind. Ever step up closer and closer to a rabid animal?--each step is scarier and scarier as you approach(let's not get into why one would be crazy enought do so--this is off the top of my head you know), but you continue on with determination--NOT knowing why for in one's right mind you'd leave , right? BUT!--when you get right up to the the animal you realize, the animal is as scared as you are. And if there IS a battle and you win, then you become all that more powerful--in the sense that you become a little less fearful each time(perhaps part of the martyr archetype) Okay, I have really gone way off base. Believe it or not a doctor told me that is part of the symptomology of a head injured victim--oh--ha, ha. I'm either really bad off or I have always been brain injured. >Dr 's history almost parallels Dr Flannigan's. Hmm, except he is free to live and lecture in the US. They are 2 VERY different people--coming from different places in philosophy. I met Dr. Flannigan about 2-3 months ago. Unfortunately, I was a lot worse at that time and very difficult to have an intelligent conversation. I do have a few concerns with his products, but that is another topic--perhaps no one is interested in. I am a distributor for Royal Body Care(actually I only distribute for myself). I do not take Microhydron any more, recently stopped on the PhytoPower too(has soy isoflavones--yuk) and I also stopped on the Crystal Energy. Someone posed a Crystal Energy question to Dr. and he simply commented that it is still a chemical(as in a pharmaceutical--not natural--whatever natural means these days). I don't know. Presently I am trying Clustered Water by Dr. Lorenzen(advocated by Dr. Horowitz---met him that same weekend). I am not familiar with Dr. Flannigan's entire history. I have a friend who is a and Flannigan fan. I will have to ask him what the parallels are, unless you care to elaborate. >Maybe, I just get a kick out of some of the silly names (to my mind) >that people think up, particularly in the 'new age' arena. New Age, eh? I suppose we all have different definitions as to what new age is too. I have to admit the word " xrroid " threw me as I was not able to find a definition anywhere except in the " Report " . I always thought new age referred more to religious-type beliefs--but, as I said before--they are overlapping ALOT these days. The most recent events are surely disturbing. Dr. would have soon to become quite well known here in the US, but the " you know who " wasted no time to try and put an end to that--before it even began. was to do a tour of the US beginning this past month. He found out officials were awaiting him in LA. I can't remember the name of the guy who spoke earlier this month(in Las Vegas)---perhaps having to do with the " Privacy Group " (something to do with keeping your money secret, etc.)? Anyway(I think I'm confused on this one), the guy was taken and thrown into prison and shuffled around from prison to prison so no one could find him. Guess what the plan was for --? Now, a friend of mine is having to do the lectures in place of him. There I said it--let the rumors begin. If I find out more from friends, who went to his Toronto seminar, I'll let you all know--if you care to know what really was to happen. What " they " are doing to Dr. e is nothing compared to what they have done to others. It aggravates me to no end. Bahhh, bahhh we go. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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