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RE: pzapper substitute?

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In a message dated 10/4/00 4:06:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

superflous1@... writes:

<< can a zapper (say from don croft, like mine)

be used like a beck device? >>

Hi and Welcome to the List:

I see that you just joined the list yesterday. We were discussing this

question just last week. For everyone who just joined the list I think this

is a popular misunderstanding. The Don Croft Zapper would be in the category

of the Hulda

type zapper and there is no need to worry about taking medications or

supplements with these " zappers " like you would with the Beck device. I own

both types and I can use the zapper on my 8 year old son without having to

worry but I wouldn't use the Beck device on a child. I am posting the

article by Dennis Harwood again for anyone just joining us (thanks again

Dennis): Dotsie


Do You Know the Differences Between

a Magnetic Pulse Generator,

a Zapper, and a Beck Blood Purifier?

by Dennis Harwood

The Hulda Zapper is a small electronic device that uses two copper

handholds to deliver an electrical current of approximately 7 to 8 volts to

the body. This current produces a square wave with a frequency of about

30KHz (Kilohertz). There are some units that have frequencies as low as 2KHz

to 5KHz and some that even have a variable frequency. The lower frequencies

are supposed to make it easier for the current to penetrate into the body and

be more effective. Regardless of the frequency used, all of the

Zappers work on the same principle of a DC current with a square wave applied

to the body through the handholds. These handholds can be placed on any part

of the body desired, not just held in each hand. As a matter of fact, it is

recommended that you routinely switch the position of the handholds to

different parts of the body to promote penetration of the current to all

areas and extremities.

The Bob Beck Blood Purifier (Silver Pulser) is also an electronic device that

uses two small electrodes that are placed over major blood supply arteries or

veins on the wrists or ankles. It produces a small micro-current in the

blood stream as the blood circulates past the electrodes. It uses a higher

voltage, typically about 27 volts, but a much lower frequency than the Zapper.

The Magnetic Pulse Generator does not use electrical currents, but instead

uses a high intensity, short duration magnetic pulse of approximately 21

Kilogauss as its means of killing or immobilizing parasites. The unit

consists of a small box which holds the electronics and a round coil attached

by a cord. It is the coil which produces the pulse every 5-8 seconds. The

coil can be placed anywhere on the body, including the head and face. The

ability to place the coil anywhere means that areas not covered by the Zapper

or the Black Box/Blood Purifier are easily treated, including the Lymph

system, stomach, head, and intestines.

All three devices are attempting to do the same thing, i.e. to use either

small electrical currents or high intensity magnetic pulses applied to

various areas of the body to kill living organisms that are in your body that

shouldn't be there. This includes organisms such as: viruses, bacteria,

mold, fungi, and parasites, which includes such nasties as tapeworms,

ringworms, roundworms, flukes, HIV, Flu bugs, etc. I'll be using the term

parasite from here on to mean any and all of the previously mentioned

organisms. So please keep that in mind while reading the remaining text.

The number of microscopic and non-microscopic invaders that are in the human

body on a regular basis is truly astounding! What's even more astounding,

though, is the fact that the medical establishment seems to be completely

oblivious to their presence. The damage they do, however, is very real and

is a major source of suffering for an almost completely unsuspecting public.

The World Health Organization and other knowledgeable health groups around

the world have stated that parasite infestation is the number one health

problem in the world. Yet your friendly, local doctor is unaware for the

most part. Or it may be that he is simply unwilling to waste time trying to

convince people of the problem. In the United States we, as a people, seem

to believe that parasites are only problems for poor people from some third

world country. We are too clean and civilized to ever have parasite

problems. Think again! Read the article

In any event, to get back to the task at hand: How do these devices differ

and do you need to use all three of them? In short, they are different in

major ways and, Yes, you do need to use them all to be more effective in

eliminating parasites of all types. The Zapper kills by passing an

electrical current through the body. Electricity travels on the surface of

muscle tissue and will not penetrate the body like radio waves or x-rays do.

Therefore, there are large areas of the body that the current cannot reach,

making it ineffective in eliminating parasites in those locations. Areas

such as the contents of your stomach and your intestines, your sinus

cavities, parasites inside gallstones in your gallbladder and/or liver, and

the blood stream and lymph tend to be impervious to the Zapper.

Unfortunately, large numbers of parasites live in all of those areas. So you

need different devices to reach different areas.

The Bob Beck Blood Purifier differs from the Zapper in that it's sole

intention is to clean the blood stream by immobilizing the parasites found

there by means of a small micro-current applied directly to a blood vein or

artery. It takes approximately two hours for the blood of a typical person

to completely circulate once throughout the body. So while wearing Bob

Beck's Blood Purifier unit you are exposing your blood stream to the current

about once every two hours.

The Magnetic Pulse Generator allows you to target specific areas on the body,

such as the Lymph system, the face, or certain muscle groups. These are all

areas which can have little or no exposure to the electrical currents of the

other two devices. Because of the short duration of the magnetic pulses this

device is not effective in cleaning the blood like the Blood Purifier(Silver


Please remember, one treatment won't kill or immobilize all parasites in your

blood or your body. You have to do repeated sessions to continually work on

the parasites that are ever present. And no one can guarantee the

elimination of all parasites throughout the body, it just isn't possible..

The Zapper works mainly on the muscle tissue and surface areas inside the

body. The Blood Purifier works on the blood stream. The Magnetic Pulse

Generator is mainly used on the Lymph system and areas around the head. So

there is little overlap of the three devices and they should all be used for

the most effective treatment of any major disease or as a preventative


After having said all three should be used, I don't want you to get the idea

it is all or nothing. Many people only use one or two of the devices. Let

your own judgement, and your financial resources, dictate what you do. If

you are ill, don't spend foolishly expecting miracle cures. These devices

have been in use around the world for many years and anecdotal evidence of

their effectiveness abounds, but I'm obligated to tell you that no cures are

guaranteed or implied. Testimonials, while interesting, are not an

indication of scientific or medical effectiveness.

There seems to be differences in opinions as to which device is the most

effective in dealing with a variety of illnesses. My personal opinion is that

it depends on the particular illness involved. I've read reports of the

Zapper being not as effective as the Silver Pulser (Blood Purifier). From

personal experience with both devices all I can say is I use both. My

personal recommendation is to use the Zapper for quick " zaps " on children and

in any situation where you are looking for a reasonably quick resolution to a

parasite situation (Colloidal Silver is normally the first thing I reach

for). The Zapper won't work in all situations due to the nature of the

electrical current, but I have found it is very useful in dealing with

children and their continual exposure to Aflatoxin and Ergot mold toxins.

These toxins are in all sorts of foods that are used everyday by most kids

and can do a real number on their systems, resulting in " temper tantrums " ,

abnormal behavior, uncharacteristic outbursts, etc. Don't let your kids eat

peanut butter! Read what Dr. has to say about it in the book " The Cure

for All Diseases " . Being aware of this and using the Zapper regularly has

made a difference with my kids, lowering stress levels and reducing the " us

against them " tensions found in lots and lots of families with young children.

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has questioned my claims of beneficial use

of these devices. I claim no cures, and want to make sure everyone

understands that my opinions are my own and have no scientific or medical

basis. In other words, I'm not a doctor and can not allow anyone to assume

I'm stating things as facts, when they have not been proven in medical

studies recognized by the medical community. With that in mind, please

continue reading my opinions below.

An interesting study was related to me recently about the Zapper. A

researcher has been using chicken legs as a measure of effectiveness of the

Zapper in reducing or eliminating microbes. This researcher says it takes

about three days for normal fresh chicken legs to spoil. After " zapping " for

an hour each day the chicken legs will last up to seventeen days before

spoiling, depending on the particular Zapper being used. There is a lot of

debate about what component of the Zapper current actually produces the

results. Most researchers tend to believe that it is the odd harmonics

produced by a small spike that is present in the square wave produced by

standard Zappers. Some of the Zappers being sold have had this spike

intentionally removed, supposedly making the unit work better or reducing

possible tingling sensations. My feeling at the moment is the spike is

necessary for the most effective operation. Another researcher has stated

that different units will produce different results, with some being better

at certain illnesses than others. Be aware of these differences and, for the

moment, try to stick to the standard Zapper design.

I don't have the particulars at the moment, but a researcher of the effects

of the Beck Blood Purifier units has stated that " normal " blood will only

last about three days in a test tube before " spoiling " . After a full blood

purification treatment the same blood will last about thirty days! Major

difference, huh? This info has not been verified, so please use your own

judgment about the truthfulness.

Bob Beck recommends using his Blood Purifier for two hours per day for a

minimum of 30 days, and longer if you have a major illness. Then use it

periodically to maintain a clean blood stream. Dr. Beck's other devices,

the Magnetic Pulse Generator, the Water Ozonator, and Colloidal Silver, are

all part of a complete protocol developed by Dr. Beck to eliminate all types

of parasites from all areas of the body.

The Magnetic Pulse Generator should be used in conjunction with the Blood

Purifier for about 20 minutes per day. What has been discovered over years

of use with thousands of people worldwide is that parasites can " hide " in

your Lymph system, appearing to be gone just to return months or years later

bringing old illnesses with them. For people with major illnesses it is very

important to use both devices together for complete coverage.

A typical use of the Zapper would be initially for daily use, a minimum of

one to three times per day (of one hour sessions), for one to two weeks.

Then periodic use every few days or so to keep clear of parasites. How

frequently you use it after the initial one to two week treatment depends

solely on your individual needs. Some people can go a week or more between

Zapper sessions with no problems. Others tend to feel sluggish every three

or four days and need to Zap to restore their energy. With all of these

devices, use common sense and listen to your body.

An Important Note:

Increased publicity about Dr. Hulda and the Zapper has brought

increased attention from health and government authorities. This website and

others are being scrutinized for outrageous or misleading claims of cures or

beneficial treatments. I have chosen to work within the system, not to

fight it. There may be an inordinate number of disclaimers on many of my

pages, but I have no other choice. I started this website years ago as a

place for people to go to get information that could be life-saving. Selling

products was always a secondary issue, not the primary focus. Lately, the

focus seems to be on getting more and more people to use Zappers, Colloidal

Silver, and Silver Pulsers, to get the info and the products in the hands of

as many people as possible so there will be no way to stop them. If enough

people use and know about these products, and see results, it makes it harder

for them to be forced off the market.

You, the consumer, must be aware of these devices, but not tricked or

suckered into buying something based on unfounded claims. When sick with a

major illness, it is easy to jump on anything that might offer relief. If I

were dying, you can bet I would do whatever I could to find something that


Unfortunately, nothing works for everybody! And there is way too much hype

in the health industry, as well as in the medical profession and the drug

industry. Any one who says otherwise has a vested interest somewhere.

In my opinion the information provided by Dr. and Dr. Beck is truly

life saving. But, I am not a medical doctor and don't pretend to be one.

You have the right to choose the medical treatment that suites you, despite

what the government, the AMA, and the drug companies have to say.

May your journey to good health be fruitful.



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In a message dated 10/4/00 6:37:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

dennis@... writes:

<< .I wouldn't use the Beck device on a

child. " Care to explain your thoughts on that? >>

I should have said that I wouldn't use it on a child for something like a

cold but if he had a serious illness.....well, I don't know. My nephew had

the chicken pox and I was tempted to tell my sister to use it (Beck device)

on him but I thought about it and decided not to offer it to her.

I read somewhere that for the Beck device to be effective it should be turned

all the way up and I never did that (still worked). I would adjust it to

where I was comfortable with it and leave it there. I remember when the dial

would accidentally turn up to full power and my arm and fingers did a dance

-- anyone who has used the Beck device will know what I'm talking about. I

don't know if a child would be able to explain or report a comfort zone with

an electrical device.

I had some bad experiences with health advice I have given to relatives in

the past. I had an exchange on the Colloidal Silver list about the trouble I

got into by telling my nephew to give his 2 year old colloidal silver when he

was running a fever and had an ear ache. It turned out to be Kawasaki

Disease and the colloidal silver did such a good job of masking/healing the

symptoms that they almost didn't discover it in time. They need most of the

symptoms present and he was missing many of them. Before they diagnosed the

problem, they wanted samples of everything he had in the days prior to his

illness. The NY Board of Health tested my colloidal silver and they had to

wait a few days before they found out that it wasn't causing the symptoms. I

knew it was harmless but my nephew was just following my advice and it was an

uncomfortable position to be in.

I own a Molecular Enhancer which we use and I still can't find the courage to

put my son on it yet even though I know it's safe. If he was really sick

though, I know I would go into full swing, giving him everything in my


<<BTW, I love your name!>>

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and am one of nine children. We needed

to say the names of our siblings fast so we all took a nickname with " ie " at

the end. I never realized it was odd until I moved to NJ and would get funny

looks when I told people my name.


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Hi Dotsie,

I was intrigued by your comment: "...I wouldn't use the Beck device on a child." Care to explain your thoughts on that? I use the Zapper on my kids all the time, but I've not used the Pulser because of the hassle. I'm not aware of any specific reasons for not using it with kids. I've got a 7 year old that I'm seriously considering using it on because of some recurring problems.

BTW, I love your name!


-----Original Message-----From: DotsieBoo@... [mailto:DotsieBoo@...]Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 4:50 PMegroupsSubject: Re: pzapper substitute?In a message dated 10/4/00 4:06:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, superflous1@... writes:<< can a zapper (say from don croft, like mine)be used like a beck device? >>Hi and Welcome to the List:I see that you just joined the list yesterday. We were discussing this question just last week. For everyone who just joined the list I think this is a popular misunderstanding. The Don Croft Zapper would be in the category of the Hulda type zapper and there is no need to worry about taking medications or supplements with these "zappers" like you would with the Beck device. I own both types and I can use the zapper on my 8 year old son without having to worry but I wouldn't use the Beck device on a child. I am posting the article by Dennis Harwood again for anyone just joining us (thanks again Dennis): Dotsiehttp://www.toolsforhealing.com./products/Product_differences.htmDo You Know the Differences Betweena Magnetic Pulse Generator, a Zapper, and a Beck Blood Purifier?by Dennis HarwoodThe Hulda Zapper is a small electronic device that uses two copper handholds to deliver an electrical current of approximately 7 to 8 volts to the body. This current produces a square wave with a frequency of about 30KHz (Kilohertz). There are some units that have frequencies as low as 2KHz to 5KHz and some that even have a variable frequency. The lower frequencies are supposed to make it easier for the current to penetrate into the body and be more effective. Regardless of the frequency used, all of the Zappers work on the same principle of a DC current with a square wave applied to the body through the handholds. These handholds can be placed on any part of the body desired, not just held in each hand. As a matter of fact, it is recommended that you routinely switch the position of the handholds to different parts of the body to promote penetration of the current to all areas and extremities.The Bob Beck Blood Purifier (Silver Pulser) is also an electronic device that uses two small electrodes that are placed over major blood supply arteries or veins on the wrists or ankles. It produces a small micro-current in the blood stream as the blood circulates past the electrodes. It uses a higher voltage, typically about 27 volts, but a much lower frequency than the Zapper.The Magnetic Pulse Generator does not use electrical currents, but instead uses a high intensity, short duration magnetic pulse of approximately 21 Kilogauss as its means of killing or immobilizing parasites. The unit consists of a small box which holds the electronics and a round coil attached by a cord. It is the coil which produces the pulse every 5-8 seconds. The coil can be placed anywhere on the body, including the head and face. The ability to place the coil anywhere means that areas not covered by the Zapper or the Black Box/Blood Purifier are easily treated, including the Lymph system, stomach, head, and intestines.All three devices are attempting to do the same thing, i.e. to use either small electrical currents or high intensity magnetic pulses applied to various areas of the body to kill living organisms that are in your body that shouldn't be there. This includes organisms such as: viruses, bacteria, mold, fungi, and parasites, which includes such nasties as tapeworms, ringworms, roundworms, flukes, HIV, Flu bugs, etc. I'll be using the term parasite from here on to mean any and all of the previously mentioned organisms. So please keep that in mind while reading the remaining text.The number of microscopic and non-microscopic invaders that are in the human body on a regular basis is truly astounding! What's even more astounding, though, is the fact that the medical establishment seems to be completely oblivious to their presence. The damage they do, however, is very real and is a major source of suffering for an almost completely unsuspecting public. The World Health Organization and other knowledgeable health groups around the world have stated that parasite infestation is the number one health problem in the world. Yet your friendly, local doctor is unaware for the most part. Or it may be that he is simply unwilling to waste time trying to convince people of the problem. In the United States we, as a people, seem to believe that parasites are only problems for poor people from some third world country. We are too clean and civilized to ever have parasite problems. Think again! Read the article In any event, to get back to the task at hand: How do these devices differ and do you need to use all three of them? In short, they are different in major ways and, Yes, you do need to use them all to be more effective in eliminating parasites of all types. The Zapper kills by passing an electrical current through the body. Electricity travels on the surface of muscle tissue and will not penetrate the body like radio waves or x-rays do. Therefore, there are large areas of the body that the current cannot reach, making it ineffective in eliminating parasites in those locations. Areas such as the contents of your stomach and your intestines, your sinus cavities, parasites inside gallstones in your gallbladder and/or liver, and the blood stream and lymph tend to be impervious to the Zapper. Unfortunately, large numbers of parasites live in all of those areas. So you need different devices to reach different areas.The Bob Beck Blood Purifier differs from the Zapper in that it's sole intention is to clean the blood stream by immobilizing the parasites found there by means of a small micro-current applied directly to a blood vein or artery. It takes approximately two hours for the blood of a typical person to completely circulate once throughout the body. So while wearing Bob Beck's Blood Purifier unit you are exposing your blood stream to the current about once every two hours.The Magnetic Pulse Generator allows you to target specific areas on the body, such as the Lymph system, the face, or certain muscle groups. These are all areas which can have little or no exposure to the electrical currents of the other two devices. Because of the short duration of the magnetic pulses this device is not effective in cleaning the blood like the Blood Purifier(Silver Pulser).Please remember, one treatment won't kill or immobilize all parasites in your blood or your body. You have to do repeated sessions to continually work on the parasites that are ever present. And no one can guarantee the elimination of all parasites throughout the body, it just isn't possible.. The Zapper works mainly on the muscle tissue and surface areas inside the body. The Blood Purifier works on the blood stream. The Magnetic Pulse Generator is mainly used on the Lymph system and areas around the head. So there is little overlap of the three devices and they should all be used for the most effective treatment of any major disease or as a preventative treatment.After having said all three should be used, I don't want you to get the idea it is all or nothing. Many people only use one or two of the devices. Let your own judgement, and your financial resources, dictate what you do. If you are ill, don't spend foolishly expecting miracle cures. These devices have been in use around the world for many years and anecdotal evidence of their effectiveness abounds, but I'm obligated to tell you that no cures are guaranteed or implied. Testimonials, while interesting, are not an indication of scientific or medical effectiveness. There seems to be differences in opinions as to which device is the most effective in dealing with a variety of illnesses. My personal opinion is that it depends on the particular illness involved. I've read reports of the Zapper being not as effective as the Silver Pulser (Blood Purifier). From personal experience with both devices all I can say is I use both. My personal recommendation is to use the Zapper for quick "zaps" on children and in any situation where you are looking for a reasonably quick resolution to a parasite situation (Colloidal Silver is normally the first thing I reach for). The Zapper won't work in all situations due to the nature of the electrical current, but I have found it is very useful in dealing with children and their continual exposure to Aflatoxin and Ergot mold toxins. These toxins are in all sorts of foods that are used everyday by most kids and can do a real number on their systems, resulting in "temper tantrums", abnormal behavior, uncharacteristic outbursts, etc. Don't let your kids eat peanut butter! Read what Dr. has to say about it in the book "The Cure for All Diseases". Being aware of this and using the Zapper regularly has made a difference with my kids, lowering stress levels and reducing the "us against them" tensions found in lots and lots of families with young children.The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has questioned my claims of beneficial use of these devices. I claim no cures, and want to make sure everyone understands that my opinions are my own and have no scientific or medical basis. In other words, I'm not a doctor and can not allow anyone to assume I'm stating things as facts, when they have not been proven in medical studies recognized by the medical community. With that in mind, please continue reading my opinions below.An interesting study was related to me recently about the Zapper. A researcher has been using chicken legs as a measure of effectiveness of the Zapper in reducing or eliminating microbes. This researcher says it takes about three days for normal fresh chicken legs to spoil. After "zapping" for an hour each day the chicken legs will last up to seventeen days before spoiling, depending on the particular Zapper being used. There is a lot of debate about what component of the Zapper current actually produces the results. Most researchers tend to believe that it is the odd harmonics produced by a small spike that is present in the square wave produced by standard Zappers. Some of the Zappers being sold have had this spike intentionally removed, supposedly making the unit work better or reducing possible tingling sensations. My feeling at the moment is the spike is necessary for the most effective operation. Another researcher has stated that different units will produce different results, with some being better at certain illnesses than others. Be aware of these differences and, for the moment, try to stick to the standard Zapper design.I don't have the particulars at the moment, but a researcher of the effects of the Beck Blood Purifier units has stated that "normal" blood will only last about three days in a test tube before "spoiling". After a full blood purification treatment the same blood will last about thirty days! Major difference, huh? This info has not been verified, so please use your own judgment about the truthfulness.Bob Beck recommends using his Blood Purifier for two hours per day for a minimum of 30 days, and longer if you have a major illness. Then use it periodically to maintain a clean blood stream. Dr. Beck's other devices, the Magnetic Pulse Generator, the Water Ozonator, and Colloidal Silver, are all part of a complete protocol developed by Dr. Beck to eliminate all types of parasites from all areas of the body.The Magnetic Pulse Generator should be used in conjunction with the Blood Purifier for about 20 minutes per day. What has been discovered over years of use with thousands of people worldwide is that parasites can "hide" in your Lymph system, appearing to be gone just to return months or years later bringing old illnesses with them. For people with major illnesses it is very important to use both devices together for complete coverage.A typical use of the Zapper would be initially for daily use, a minimum of one to three times per day (of one hour sessions), for one to two weeks. Then periodic use every few days or so to keep clear of parasites. How frequently you use it after the initial one to two week treatment depends solely on your individual needs. Some people can go a week or more between Zapper sessions with no problems. Others tend to feel sluggish every three or four days and need to Zap to restore their energy. With all of these devices, use common sense and listen to your body.An Important Note:Increased publicity about Dr. Hulda and the Zapper has brought increased attention from health and government authorities. This website and others are being scrutinized for outrageous or misleading claims of cures or beneficial treatments. I have chosen to work within the system, not to fight it. There may be an inordinate number of disclaimers on many of my pages, but I have no other choice. I started this website years ago as a place for people to go to get information that could be life-saving. Selling products was always a secondary issue, not the primary focus. Lately, the focus seems to be on getting more and more people to use Zappers, Colloidal Silver, and Silver Pulsers, to get the info and the products in the hands of as many people as possible so there will be no way to stop them. If enough people use and know about these products, and see results, it makes it harder for them to be forced off the market.You, the consumer, must be aware of these devices, but not tricked or suckered into buying something based on unfounded claims. When sick with a major illness, it is easy to jump on anything that might offer relief. If I were dying, you can bet I would do whatever I could to find something that worked. Unfortunately, nothing works for everybody! And there is way too much hype in the health industry, as well as in the medical profession and the drug industry. Any one who says otherwise has a vested interest somewhere.In my opinion the information provided by Dr. and Dr. Beck is truly life saving. But, I am not a medical doctor and don't pretend to be one. You have the right to choose the medical treatment that suites you, despite what the government, the AMA, and the drug companies have to say. May your journey to good health be fruitful.Sincerely,Dennis

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No, they're different.

The type uses ~9 volts and the signal has a positive DC offset (goes from

0 volts to near +9v).

The Beck device uses much higher voltage (approx 30 volts) and the signal is

biphase (goes from 0v to +/- 30v).

Both use square waves, at least in their initial design.

's original design ran at 30,000 hz.

Becks original ran at ~4 hz.

Hope this helps.


I wouldn't hurt a fly, but only because they taste funny !

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 12:35:25 -0700 (PDT), superflous1@... wrote:

>can a zapper (say from don croft, like mine)

>be used like a beck device?


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DotsieBoo@... wrote:I own a Molecular Enhancer which we use and I still


find the courage to put my son on it yet even though I know it's safe. If he


really sick though, I know I would go into full swing, giving him everything in

my arsenal.


What is a Molecular Enhancer, what does it do, how does it work, and how much

does it cost??? Does it help metabolism?



Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2

Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.




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Yep, it's tough giving health advice. You have to be very careful, particularly with kids. My advice with the usual childhood diseases is to let them run their course so the body builds up it's natural immunity. Using the Beck device for chicken pox could definitely shorten the time involved, but it could also reduce the build up of natural immunities causing problems later on. My oldest son had the chicken pox twice because the first time it didn't stick (no, I didn't have anything to do with that).

Unless a problem appears to be getting out of hand, I tend to let mother nature do her thing. I've read many times that one of the reasons so many young kids and teenagers have so many health problems these days is because their immune systems were never allowed to fully develop. Too many drugs short-circuited the natural process. Dr. Schultz and others recommends going through flu and colds completely naturally at least 2 or 3 times to build the natural immunities and cut down on future problems. I think they're right.

As far as I know, full power is required on the Beck device for it to work properly. I tend to turn it up so my fingers jump around. My wife can barely stand it at the lowest setting. It should work either way. The lower setting would probably take longer to do the same amount of cleaning, though.


-----Original Message-----From: DotsieBoo@... [mailto:DotsieBoo@...]Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 7:31 PMegroupsSubject: Re: pzapper substitute?In a message dated 10/4/00 6:37:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, dennis@... writes:<< .I wouldn't use the Beck device on achild." Care to explain your thoughts on that? >>I should have said that I wouldn't use it on a child for something like a cold but if he had a serious illness.....well, I don't know. My nephew had the chicken pox and I was tempted to tell my sister to use it (Beck device) on him but I thought about it and decided not to offer it to her. I read somewhere that for the Beck device to be effective it should be turned all the way up and I never did that (still worked). I would adjust it to where I was comfortable with it and leave it there. I remember when the dial would accidentally turn up to full power and my arm and fingers did a dance -- anyone who has used the Beck device will know what I'm talking about. I don't know if a child would be able to explain or report a comfort zone with an electrical device. I had some bad experiences with health advice I have given to relatives in the past. I had an exchange on the Colloidal Silver list about the trouble I got into by telling my nephew to give his 2 year old colloidal silver when he was running a fever and had an ear ache. It turned out to be Kawasaki Disease and the colloidal silver did such a good job of masking/healing the symptoms that they almost didn't discover it in time. They need most of the symptoms present and he was missing many of them. Before they diagnosed the problem, they wanted samples of everything he had in the days prior to his illness. The NY Board of Health tested my colloidal silver and they had to wait a few days before they found out that it wasn't causing the symptoms. I knew it was harmless but my nephew was just following my advice and it was an uncomfortable position to be in.I own a Molecular Enhancer which we use and I still can't find the courage to put my son on it yet even though I know it's safe. If he was really sick though, I know I would go into full swing, giving him everything in my arsenal.<<BTW, I love your name!>>I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and am one of nine children. We needed to say the names of our siblings fast so we all took a nickname with "ie" at the end. I never realized it was odd until I moved to NJ and would get funny looks when I told people my name. Dotsie

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In a message dated 10/7/00 1:49:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

dennis@... writes:

<< Using the Beck device for chicken pox could definitely shorten the time

involved, but it could also reduce the build up of natural immunities

causing problems later on. >>

Hi Dennis,

Hmm....never thought of it that way. I would use a regular zapper on my son

for any childhood diseases and not worry. I just have to resist the

temptation to advise alternatives to anyone else - very hard for me to do.


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