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Pregnancy and FMS/CFIDS/IC

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Hi ,

My husband and I are trying for our first baby, and I too have fibro. I'm very nervous about how the fibro will react when I do become pregnant, and even more nervous about how I will handle motherhood in constant pain. My husband and I really want to have a family so we are going ahead with it anyway...

I have been having a hard time finding info on pregnancy and fibro, and was also trying to find other women in also in my shoes. Is this your first you are trying for also? I would love if we could stay in touch and email the other with any info we run across. And... simply just for support :) I would love to see a moms fibro group!

Warmly, Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I just got this email from Sandi, a newsletter reader. She asked me

to share this with other women. I hope Sandi will join our group,

but meantime feel free to email her at sagefox@... - Dominie



I am a 23 year veteran of ME/CFIDS. I also have Interstitial

Cystitis and Fibromyalgia. On New Year's Day I had my second


My goal is to write a book for pregnant women who have these painful

and long term diseases. During my pregnancies, I could get no real

health information, and felt like I was flying blind when it came to

what to expect during pregnancy. For right now I would like to have

an article published, but I could use the help of some of the well

known researchers and supporters. Please feel free to forward this

email to women with experience with pregnancy and ME/CFS, Fibro, and

Interstitial Cystitis. If you have a warm relationship with any of

the doctors treating these illnesses, please forward this email. The

concrete information out there is basically nonexistant, and I would

like to fill in that gap with solid medical information.

I am most interested in interviewing Dr. Elaine Defreitas, Dr.

Cheney, Dr. Leonard , Dr. Dan . I also plan to

interview women regarding their childbearing choices and any tips

they may have, with a goal of introducing a statistical sample that

may someday be used for healthcare professionals when it comes time

to working with pregnant women with these conditions.

Any help would be so very welcome.

Thank you so much,


Email: sagefox@...

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-to encourage you I have hard of people who feel so much better when they are pregnant that their fibro symptoms went into remission. Sure hope that happens with you. I was a NICU (very sick tiny baby RN) for almost 30 years and had to quit due to fibro this last year. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about the whole L & D thing, delivery, babies, etc as I have been there forever and miss it sooo much. I adored working with the babies and attending deliveries and miss working soo much. I say onward to having children and God bless you!!!


-- Re:Pregnancy and FMS/CFIDS/IC

Hi ,

My husband and I are trying for our first baby, and I too have fibro. I'm very nervous about how the fibro will react when I do become pregnant, and even more nervous about how I will handle motherhood in constant pain. My husband and I really want to have a family so we are going ahead with it anyway...

I have been having a hard time finding info on pregnancy and fibro, and was also trying to find other women in also in my shoes. Is this your first you are trying for also? I would love if we could stay in touch and email the other with any info we run across. And... simply just for support :) I would love to see a moms fibro group!


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Hi ,

Thanks for the support :)

I too have heard that a lucky few have had their fibro go into remission when they were pregnant... BUT have also heard that it's also very likely for my symptoms to worsen.

But it's nice to know there is a nurse available to answer any questions I might have down the line :)

Warmly, Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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