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Re: I really need help for my advanced Throat-cancer

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I don't know if this would work:

1. join group:

2. see the menu/photos section

3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery and wire

4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to side.

6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to cut back the

amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells that makes the

reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

Best of luck,


> > >

> > > A few years ago, a group called " Compassion Network " or similar name, did

a 6 month study in which 2 patients who had AIDS, with Cd4 below 200 (salvage

patients) took a single IV injection of something called Tetrasil. In a few

weeks their symptoms improved and in at least one case the CD4 cell count rose.

But both of them experienced very marked healthy signs.

> > >

> > > After that point, they did not receive any more Tetrasil, but instead were

just observed. By the 6th month they had relapsed.

> > >

> > > Tetrasil was originally claimed to rid a person of HIV with ONE injection.

The study blindly followed that, and found out " it did not work " . But did it

really fail? I do not think so, not at all.

> > >

> > > HIV has 2 locations: as whole virus in the body (tetrasil would kill that

off) and also as RNA fragments inside healthy CD4 cells. These can not be killed

as they are not alive and are not outside living cells. Instead, they are just

spliced into the cell's own DNS sequence. When the cell tries to activate, it

copies these fragments many thousands of times inside the cell itself. None of

this can be detected or killed as is it not living..yet. These fragments are

formed into new viruses which leave the cell through its wall, releasing

thousands of new virus into the body. It can happen any time, even decades after

the cell was originally infected. So, long after the tetrasil was flushed from

the body, this hidden HIV reservoir can reinfect the person and in a matter of a

few weeks they are back to a heavy viral load and declining CD4 cell counts


> > >

> > > They simply did not seem to know this, and quit after only ONE injection,

expecting it to remove the existing HIV and that would be a cure. As you can see

if you just read the above, that was naive and ignorant of how this virus works.

> > >

> > > Even an injection of Tetrasil once a week might have provided a safe,

functional cure for HIV, but they did not even consider it.

> > >

> > > Tetrasil is very cheap to make. Anyone can produce it at home. It is a

dark colored powder and could be put into a needle in water solution, or simply

into an enteric coated capsule and taken internally where it would hit HIV in

the gut linings, and kill off most of it--instantly. A daily pill of this cheap

stuff would get you an alternative to HIV meds, if this hypothesis is correct.

> > >

> > > It could also act as an adjunct to whatever meds a person has to be on. At

the very least it would serve as a cheap alternative.

> > >

> > > Those with HIV should pay attention to this, it was research simply blown

by incompetent people, then forgotten. They were fixated on getting a

one-injection cure, and ignored something that could easily work had they tested

it in several doses over a couple of years' time.

> > >

> > > Tetrasil is simply tetrasilver tetroxide. ?? AG404. Four atoms of silver

(Ag) and four of oxygen. You can make it on the kitchen table using chemicals

from any chem supply lab, and all of them are legal. The dose needed is

fantastically small if given regularly instead of one big shot. Or use the large

injection, then follow up with smaller daily/weekly doses of the powder in

enteric-coated capsules (avail on ebay). I think this stuff can work if ever it

winds up in the hands of someone who will think about how HIV works, with the

hidden genetic reservoir, etc. It was a cure but misunderstood due to the very

nature of HIV.

> > >

> > > If looking for an alternative to the expensive and sometimes harmful meds,

this could be it.

> > >

> > > bG

> > >

> >


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Cesium Chloride " high pH " therapy may produce a quick tumour reduction, gaining

you some time to explore other avenues. Instructions are prevalent in a web

search. I'd also go with low-carbing, organic juicing like the Gerson therapy,

which will be thin enough to drink and still be very nutritious, as is the

undenatured whey and selenium, which has shrunk tumours and also prevents


good luck,



> My Dear Friends,


> would somebody tell me (54Y.Young) or give Instruction how I can cure my

Throat-cancer stage 4,

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Good idea, electricity; I've seen cancer shrink very quickly with low level

electrical current like GEIPE. Buys time :)

all good,



> I don't know if this would work:


> 1. join group:

> 2. see the menu/photos section

> 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery and wire

> 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to side.

> 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to cut back the

amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.


> the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells that makes the

reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.


> Best of luck,

> bG

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You should do ok with this. The GEIPE cancer tumor experiment worked some of

the time. It only failed to reduce breast cancer tumors because they were often

buried in fat. The throat here is not fat, in fact they just lost weight, so it

should be lean and very conductive. Try it.


> >

> > I don't know if this would work:

> >

> > 1. join group:

> > 2. see the menu/photos section

> > 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery and wire

> > 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> > 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to side.

> > 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> > 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> > 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to cut back

the amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

> >

> > the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells that makes the

reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

> >

> > Best of luck,

> > bG


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If this is addressed to me, how many of the reading steps I gave you have you

done to get yourself started? You cannot buy these things but they cost less

than 10 dollars to make yourself. They are unlicensed medical devices so no one

can sell them to you.

You had better get busy because there is nothing you need to buy except a

battery and wire, a sponge or two, that is it. Look at the photos and get an

idea how simple it is. So far you have not done anything that is free to do,

which we already gave you, so we are wondering if you are real or not.


> > >

> > > I don't know if this would work:

> > >

> > > 1. join group:

> > > 2. see the menu/photos section

> > > 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery and wire

> > > 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> > > 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to side.

> > > 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> > > 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> > > 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to cut back

the amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

> > >

> > > the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells that makes

the reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

> > >

> > > Best of luck,

> > > bG

> >


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Goerge, did you contact the owner of http://bobbeck.com yet?

> > >

> > > I don't know if this would work:

> > >

> > > 1. join group:

> > > 2. see the menu/photos section

> > > 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery and wire

> > > 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> > > 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to side.

> > > 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> > > 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> > > 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to cut back

the amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

> > >

> > > the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells that makes

the reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

> > >

> > > Best of luck,

> > > bG

> >


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I'm not aware of free sources of cesium chloride, potassium salts,

undenatured whey, fish oil or selenium so I don't know how much good the

following info is going to be.

The information though is freely available; here's Dr Howensein's page on cesium



Here's a Gooogle search on Sartori's High pH therapy:

<http://www.google.com/search?client=aff-cs-worldbrowser & forid=1 & ie=utf-8 & oe=UTF\

-8 & q=high+ph+therapy#sclient=psy & hl=en & client=aff-cs-worldbrowser & hs=OPb & source=\

hp & q=high+ph+therapy+sartori & aq=f & aqi= & aql= & oq= & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw. & fp=\

f47c1ff9cb86d61e & biw=1011 & bih=604>

Here's peer-reviewed data on the use of undenatured whey to shrink cancer,

fourth link from the top:


There's also a linked page there to info on how to compare undenatured wheys

based on their glutathione-increasing activity.

You can get selenomethionine (selenium) anywhere; 1100 mcgs is a kinda high dose

that was seen to shrink tumours in the research.

Here's a link to a google search on the Gerson therapy:

<http://www.google.com/search?client=aff-cs-worldbrowser & forid=1 & ie=utf-8 & oe=UTF\

-8 & q=cesium+chloride#sclient=psy & hl=en & client=aff-cs-worldbrowser & hs=Jzv & source=\

hp & q=gerson+therapy+juicing & aq=f & aqi=g2g-v1 & aql= & oq= & pbx=1 & bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw\

.. & fp=f47c1ff9cb86d61e & biw=1011 & bih=604>

Here's a page that has peer-reviewed references in which fish oil was used to

shrink tumours:


Because these are all foods that are very biologically supportive they will go

with any other therapy. All these are taken as or in a fluid.

all good,


> >

> > My Dear Friends,

> >  

> > would somebody tell me (54Y.Young) or give Instruction how I can cure my

Throat-cancer stage 4,


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Try drinking sodium bicarbonate to make your body more alkaline to reduce the

tumour quickly. Two teaspoons of SB and two spoonful of black strap molasses or

honey each time. Two hours before meal or after meal two times a day. It cured

Vito Vernon stage 4 prostrate cancer

See this link

> > > >

> > > > I don't know if this would work:

> > > >

> > > > 1. join group:

> > > > 2. see the menu/photos section

> > > > 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery and wire

> > > > 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> > > > 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to side.

> > > > 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> > > > 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> > > > 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to cut

back the amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

> > > >

> > > > the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells that makes

the reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

> > > >

> > > > Best of luck,

> > > > bG

> > >

> >


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ok, well I see how to do it,

as you are reading this message, look above where it says " search for other

groups... " type in Microelectricitygermkiller. that should take you to the

group, and you should be able to look above or below and find a button " join

this group " ...met me know if that works


> > > > >

> > > > > I don't know if this would work:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1. join group:

> > > > > 2. see the menu/photos section

> > > > > 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery and wire

> > > > > 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> > > > > 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to side.

> > > > > 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> > > > > 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> > > > > 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to cut

back the amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

> > > > >

> > > > > the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells that

makes the reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

> > > > >

> > > > > Best of luck,

> > > > > bG

> > > >

> > >

> >


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paste this link into your browser:


> > > > > >

> > > > > > I don't know if this would work:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > 1. join group:

> > > > > > 2. see the menu/photos section

> > > > > > 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery and


> > > > > > 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> > > > > > 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to side.

> > > > > > 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> > > > > > 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> > > > > > 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to cut

back the amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells that

makes the reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Best of luck,

> > > > > > bG

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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also: you can go to google.com and search for


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I don't know if this would work:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > 1. join group:

> > > > > > > 2. see the menu/photos section

> > > > > > > 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery and


> > > > > > > 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> > > > > > > 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to side.

> > > > > > > 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> > > > > > > 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> > > > > > > 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to

cut back the amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells that

makes the reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Best of luck,

> > > > > > > bG

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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The electricity did work before, on skin cancer very well. I hope it will also

work on your throat. Once you join the group you can write to me there, if you

have questions how to make the device or how to use it. There are no

guarantees, but you can try and find out if it works.


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I don't know if this would work:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > 1. join group:

> > > > > > > > 2. see the menu/photos section

> > > > > > > > 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery

and wire

> > > > > > > > 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> > > > > > > > 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to


> > > > > > > > 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> > > > > > > > 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> > > > > > > > 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to

cut back the amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells

that makes the reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Best of luck,

> > > > > > > > bG

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hi ,

Since you have problem to eat anything, you should consider the Rudolphe Breuss

treatment based on four vegetable juices.

Check your diet, you should not drink sugared things, only pure water (low

minerals) or even better: acidic beverage like fresh juices.

all the best,


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I don't know if this would work:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > 1. join group:

> > > > > > > > 2. see the menu/photos section

> > > > > > > > 3. make the godzilla device using two sponges, 6 volt battery

and wire

> > > > > > > > 4. soak sponges in water plus a little baking soda.

> > > > > > > > 5. apply the sponges to throat, try front and back, side to


> > > > > > > > 6. reverse the sponges every 5 minutes.

> > > > > > > > 7. do this for about 20 minutes at first and see if it helps.

> > > > > > > > 8. do as much as you want, be aware if skin becomes irritated to

cut back the amount of baking soda. irritation will go away after awhile.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > the idea is to reduce the action of an enzyme in cancer cells

that makes the reproduce. It can also possibly reduce swelling.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Best of luck,

> > > > > > > > bG

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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As much as diet and herbal remedies are extremely important they do not act

anywhere near fast enough for stage 4 cancer.

Now i have basically everything including ozone machines, beck pulser, zapper,

TENS machine, ionic silver etc Don't get me wrong all this kit can basically

cure 1000 health problems. BUT cancer you need to act fast at stage 4.

SO i personally would use MMS chlorine Dioxide. Its only about 10-15 bucks a

bottle. I would also use MMS2 which is pool shock chlorine. Because its throat

cancer it will respond VERY well to Jim Humbles MMS protocol. You should see

massive improvement in as little as 2 weeks.

Its probably the most powerful stuff you can buy for 15 bucks. Please go very

very slowly with it!! I have used MMS1 for years and MMS2 as a test for 25 days.

MMS2 gets a bit uncomfortable on the stomach after a while but drink a pint of

water with it and im still alive:)

The baking soda will work also for a dollar go buy some and take 1 teaspoon

twice a day for 30 days then 14 days break. This will alkalise your body and

help break down the cancer. Again its not strong enough remedy on its own so go

get MMS.



> From: Dr. Stephan Fuelling <sfuelling@...>

> Subject: Re: Re: I really need help for

my advanced Throat-cancer

> " "

< >

> Date: Friday, June 17, 2011, 8:26 AM




> Hi ,


> If the Beck device, etc. does not help, I can really recommend the

Two Feathers Healing Formula. Roy, who distributes it is my best friend

in Reno. I am taking it right now to get rid of a cold, it works for that too. I

used it externally to remove warts, some skin abnormalities, I took it for a

year because a brown spot showed up under my right arm pit after taking the

Formula for a few days last year during my summer vacation. Then more spots

formed in the groin area - thought it was due to my lymph system and I

think he was right! told me so many success stories, you may want to call

him. 775-324-4889. Hope all will be well.


> Stephan


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Another thing you can do is Buy Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) 3.5% solution ($2-5.00) and put it in a Clean Nasal Spray ($5.00).  Purchase the nasal spray and empty out the contents and rinse it out thoroughly!!!   Fill the nasal spray bottle with H202 and spray it in your throat 10x a day, 3-5 pumps of the spray each session.   Do this for 10 sessions each day, once every hour. 

The best technique is to breathe out the air out of your lungs, then as you are about to breathe in through you mouth, spray the bottle into your throatand inhale.  The H202 will path through your throat and hit the cancer cells, and also get into your lungs, which will circulate the oxygen throughout your body fighting cancer from the inside of your body.

This is the cheapest solution. On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 5:41 AM, Bob Pier <syenergyx3@...> wrote:


I'd stick with the $10 Godzilla device and use it a Lot.  Also Baking Soda in water is a good cancer and a good whole food derived multi-vitamin to support the body.  That's the cheapest way that will do the most good. 

  The Micro-currents seem to work for people very well.  It makes sense because it gets to the area directly.  Herbs are better for prevention and very slow.  Zapping the cancer cells with low DC hopefully will have a direct effect. 


This is from the Tetrasil patent. You can google and find it easily. The patent mentions that it could be possible to provide time release enteric coated capsules to contain small amounts of the Tetrasil powder. It would take about an hour to make enough for a couple of years, at least, and probably cost under $100 per year, maybe less to do all of this. Compare that with the meds, or any other HIV/AIDS treatments. And this showed NO significant side effects. Imagine a real lifetime treatment that would level the survival rate of HIV and non-HIV. In fact this treatment might make the users live LONGER than the non-HIV, simply by removing many of the threats along with keeping HIV down. I do not yet see any downside here...


> >> > A few years ago, a group called " Compassion Network " or similar name, did a 6 month study in

which 2 patients who had AIDS, with Cd4 below 200 (salvage patients) took a single IV injection of something called Tetrasil. In a few weeks their symptoms improved and in at least one case the CD4 cell count rose. But both of them experienced very marked healthy signs.

> > > > After that point, they did not receive any more Tetrasil, but instead were just observed. By the 6th month they had relapsed.> > > > Tetrasil was originally claimed to rid a person of HIV with ONE injection. The study blindly followed that, and found out " it did not work " . But did it really fail? I do not think so, not at all.

> > > > HIV has 2 locations: as whole virus in the body (tetrasil would kill that off) and also as RNA fragments inside healthy CD4 cells. These can not be killed as they are not alive and are not outside living cells. Instead, they are just spliced into the cell's own DNS sequence. When the cell

tries to activate, it copies these fragments many thousands of times inside the cell itself. None of this can be detected or killed as is it not living..yet. These fragments are formed into new viruses which leave the cell through its wall, releasing thousands of new virus into the body. It can happen any time, even decades after the cell was originally infected. So, long after the tetrasil was flushed from the body, this hidden HIV reservoir can reinfect the person and in a matter of a few weeks they are back to a heavy viral load and declining CD4 cell counts (AIDS).

> > > > They simply did not seem to know this, and quit after only ONE injection, expecting it to remove the existing HIV and that would be a cure. As you can see if you just read the above, that was naive and ignorant of how this virus works.

> > > > Even an injection of Tetrasil once a week might have provided a safe, functional cure for HIV, but

they did not even consider it.> > > > Tetrasil is very cheap to make. Anyone can produce it at home. It is a dark colored powder and could be put into a needle in water solution, or simply into an enteric coated capsule and taken internally where it would hit HIV in the gut linings, and kill off most of it--instantly. A daily pill of this cheap stuff would get you an alternative to HIV meds, if this hypothesis is correct.

> > > > It could also act as an adjunct to whatever meds a person has to be on. At the very least it would serve as a cheap alternative.> > > > Those with HIV should pay attention to this, it was research simply blown by incompetent people, then forgotten. They were fixated on getting a one-injection cure, and ignored something that could easily work had they tested it in several doses over a couple of years' time.

> > > > Tetrasil is simply tetrasilver

tetroxide. ?? AG404. Four atoms of silver (Ag) and four of oxygen. You can make it on the kitchen table using chemicals from any chem supply lab, and all of them are legal. The dose needed is fantastically small if given regularly instead of one big shot. Or use the large injection, then follow up with smaller daily/weekly doses of the powder in enteric-coated capsules (avail on ebay). I think this stuff can work if ever it winds up in the hands of someone who will think about how HIV works, with the hidden genetic reservoir, etc. It was a cure but misunderstood due to the very nature of HIV.

> > > > If looking for an alternative to the expensive and sometimes harmful meds, this could be it.> > > > bG> >>

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Cancer is really difficult to cure, but not impossible.   The reason being is cancer of throat can be caused by either poor diet (malnutrition), and in many case smoking.  The other type of cancer is caused by a VIRUS.   The one due to smoking or bad lifestyle can be cured through proper diet and Oxygen therapy.   This type is done through diet changes (eating raw vegetables literally), stop smoking, and using hydrogen peroxide, which provides the extra free radical Oxygen to kill the cancer cells.

The second type is due to VIRUS (HPV and others).  This type which is commonly ignored is actually the cause of MOST cancer today.  Cervical Cancer, Penis Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, many cancers tied to a VIRUS, that binds itself to the CELLS DNA and replicates itself.  With this type of cancer, it requires diet changes to eliminate sugar (eating raw vegetables), drinking green tea, taking Lugol's iodine which prevents the replication from occuring (duration 6months or more), and incorporating a toxin, either colloidal silver, or Oleander Extract, or MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) to directly disable (binds to the virus) or kill (literally destroys it protein structure).    You can use these for any type of cancer as well.

Through these protocols, you may not be able to cure it completely, but at least you will keep it at bay.  Good luck.Many people have given you some great information, now its up to u  review them and take action.  

   On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 2:31 PM, G Ok <hope4alln4me@...> wrote:



did SOMEBODY with Throat-Cancer have Success with it???


This is from the Tetrasil patent. You can google and find it easily. The patent mentions that it could be possible to provide time release enteric coated capsules to contain small amounts of the Tetrasil powder. It would take about an hour to make enough for a couple of years, at least, and probably cost under $100 per year, maybe less to do all of this. Compare that with the meds, or any other HIV/AIDS treatments. And this showed NO significant side effects. Imagine a real lifetime treatment that would level the survival rate of HIV and non-HIV. In fact this treatment might make the users live LONGER than the non-HIV, simply by removing many of the threats along with keeping HIV down. I do not yet see any downside here...


> >> > A few years ago, a group called " Compassion Network " or similar name, did a 6 month study in which 2 patients who had AIDS, with Cd4 below 200 (salvage patients) took a single IV injection of something called Tetrasil. In a few weeks their symptoms improved and in at least

one case the CD4 cell count rose. But both of them experienced very marked healthy signs.> > > > After that point, they did not receive any more Tetrasil, but instead were just observed. By the 6th month they had relapsed.

> > > > Tetrasil was originally claimed to rid a person of HIV with ONE injection. The study blindly followed that, and found out " it did not work " . But did it really fail? I do not think so, not at all.

> > > > HIV has 2 locations: as whole virus in the body (tetrasil would kill that off) and also as RNA fragments inside healthy CD4 cells. These can not be killed as they are not alive and are not outside living cells. Instead, they are just spliced into the cell's own DNS sequence. When the cell tries to activate, it copies these fragments many thousands of times inside the cell itself. None of this can be detected or killed as is it not living..yet. These fragments are formed

into new viruses which leave the cell through its wall, releasing thousands of new virus into the body. It can happen any time, even decades after the cell was originally infected. So, long after the tetrasil was flushed from the body, this hidden HIV reservoir can reinfect the person and in a matter of a few weeks they are back to a heavy viral load and declining CD4 cell counts (AIDS).

> > > > They simply did not seem to know this, and quit after only ONE injection, expecting it to remove the existing HIV and that would be a cure. As you can see if you just read the above, that was naive and ignorant of how this virus works.

> > > > Even an injection of Tetrasil once a week might have provided a safe, functional cure for HIV, but they did not even consider it.> > > > Tetrasil is very cheap to make. Anyone can produce it at home. It is a dark colored powder and could be put into a needle in

water solution, or simply into an enteric coated capsule and taken internally where it would hit HIV in the gut linings, and kill off most of it--instantly. A daily pill of this cheap stuff would get you an alternative to HIV meds, if this hypothesis is correct.

> > > > It could also act as an adjunct to whatever meds a person has to be on. At the very least it would serve as a cheap alternative.> > > > Those with HIV should pay attention to this, it was research simply blown by incompetent people, then forgotten. They were fixated on getting a one-injection cure, and ignored something that could easily work had they tested it in several doses over a couple of years' time.

> > > > Tetrasil is simply tetrasilver tetroxide. ?? AG404. Four atoms of silver (Ag) and four of oxygen. You can make it on the kitchen table using chemicals from any chem supply lab, and all of them are legal. The dose

needed is fantastically small if given regularly instead of one big shot. Or use the large injection, then follow up with smaller daily/weekly doses of the powder in enteric-coated capsules (avail on ebay). I think this stuff can work if ever it winds up in the hands of someone who will think about how HIV works, with the hidden genetic reservoir, etc. It was a cure but misunderstood due to the very nature of HIV.

> > > > If looking for an alternative to the expensive and sometimes harmful meds, this could be it.> > > > bG> >>

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Thank You,

most of the time I'm in Bed because I'm to weak already and my Pain is killing me in my Throat, Head and Ears. I WILL try to get this Iodine and others, have to ask maybe a Church-member from our Church to get it for me, I do not go outside anymore cause I past out several times being on the street, also I have to get very soon a Trach and Feeding-tube I do not get enough Air and Nutrition in my Body maybe just 350 calories daily, I am 6'2" and my weight is now 149lbs before 240lbs, I hope I can do still these Protocol's with it.

Thank You, THANK YOU ALL my Friends,


This is from the Tetrasil patent. You can google and find it easily. The patent mentions that it could be possible to provide time release enteric coated capsules to contain small amounts of the Tetrasil powder. It would take about an hour to make enough for a couple of years, at least, and probably cost under $100 per year, maybe less to do all of this. Compare that with the meds, or any other HIV/AIDS treatments. And this showed NO significant side effects. Imagine a real lifetime treatment that would level the survival rate of HIV and non-HIV. In fact this treatment might make the users live LONGER than the non-HIV, simply by removing many of the threats along with keeping HIV down. I do not yet see any downside here...bG> >> > A few years ago, a group called "Compassion Network" or similar name, did a 6 month study in which 2 patients who had AIDS, with Cd4 below 200 (salvage patients) took a single IV injection of something called Tetrasil. In a few weeks their symptoms improved and in at least

one case the CD4 cell count rose. But both of them experienced very marked healthy signs.> > > > After that point, they did not receive any more Tetrasil, but instead were just observed. By the 6th month they had relapsed.> > > > Tetrasil was originally claimed to rid a person of HIV with ONE injection. The study blindly followed that, and found out "it did not work". But did it really fail? I do not think so, not at all.> > > > HIV has 2 locations: as whole virus in the body (tetrasil would kill that off) and also as RNA fragments inside healthy CD4 cells. These can not be killed as they are not alive and are not outside living cells. Instead, they are just spliced into the cell's own DNS sequence. When the cell tries to activate, it copies these fragments many thousands of times inside the cell itself. None of this can be detected or killed as is it not living..yet. These fragments are formed

into new viruses which leave the cell through its wall, releasing thousands of new virus into the body. It can happen any time, even decades after the cell was originally infected. So, long after the tetrasil was flushed from the body, this hidden HIV reservoir can reinfect the person and in a matter of a few weeks they are back to a heavy viral load and declining CD4 cell counts (AIDS).> > > > They simply did not seem to know this, and quit after only ONE injection, expecting it to remove the existing HIV and that would be a cure. As you can see if you just read the above, that was naive and ignorant of how this virus works.> > > > Even an injection of Tetrasil once a week might have provided a safe, functional cure for HIV, but they did not even consider it.> > > > Tetrasil is very cheap to make. Anyone can produce it at home. It is a dark colored powder and could be put into a needle in

water solution, or simply into an enteric coated capsule and taken internally where it would hit HIV in the gut linings, and kill off most of it--instantly. A daily pill of this cheap stuff would get you an alternative to HIV meds, if this hypothesis is correct.> > > > It could also act as an adjunct to whatever meds a person has to be on. At the very least it would serve as a cheap alternative.> > > > Those with HIV should pay attention to this, it was research simply blown by incompetent people, then forgotten. They were fixated on getting a one-injection cure, and ignored something that could easily work had they tested it in several doses over a couple of years' time. > > > > Tetrasil is simply tetrasilver tetroxide. ?? AG404. Four atoms of silver (Ag) and four of oxygen. You can make it on the kitchen table using chemicals from any chem supply lab, and all of them are legal. The dose

needed is fantastically small if given regularly instead of one big shot. Or use the large injection, then follow up with smaller daily/weekly doses of the powder in enteric-coated capsules (avail on ebay). I think this stuff can work if ever it winds up in the hands of someone who will think about how HIV works, with the hidden genetic reservoir, etc. It was a cure but misunderstood due to the very nature of HIV.> > > > If looking for an alternative to the expensive and sometimes harmful meds, this could be it.> > > > bG> >>

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knew a person- a beekeeper who had throat cancer. couldnt swallow after radiation and all the other crap. couldnt swallow , same as you. He existed on honey forn 4 months, until he could swallow. Honey has everything you needb . Try it. Easiest way to get calories in. good luck rich

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 5:58 PM, G Ok <hope4alln4me@...> wrote:


Thank You,


most of the time I'm in Bed because I'm to weak already and my Pain is killing me in my Throat, Head and Ears. I WILL try to get this Iodine and others, have to ask maybe a Church-member from our Church to get it for me, I do not go outside anymore cause I past out several times being on the street, also I have to get very soon a Trach and Feeding-tube I do not get enough Air and Nutrition in my Body maybe just 350 calories daily, I am 6'2 " and my weight is now 149lbs before 240lbs, I hope I can do still these Protocol's with it.

Thank You, THANK YOU ALL my Friends,



This is from the Tetrasil patent. You can google and find it easily. The patent mentions that it could be possible to provide time release enteric coated capsules to contain small amounts of the Tetrasil powder. It would take about an hour to make enough for a couple of years, at least, and probably cost under $100 per year, maybe less to do all of this. Compare that with the meds, or any other HIV/AIDS treatments. And this showed NO significant side effects. Imagine a real lifetime treatment that would level the survival rate of HIV and non-HIV. In fact this treatment might make the users live LONGER than the non-HIV, simply by removing many of the threats along with keeping HIV down. I do not yet see any downside here...


> >> > A few years ago, a group called " Compassion Network " or similar name, did a 6 month study in which 2 patients who had AIDS, with Cd4 below 200 (salvage patients) took a single IV injection of something called Tetrasil. In a few weeks their symptoms improved and in at least one case the CD4 cell count rose. But both of them experienced very marked healthy signs.

> > > > After that point, they did not receive any more Tetrasil, but instead were just observed. By the 6th month they had relapsed.> > > > Tetrasil was originally claimed to rid a person of HIV with ONE injection. The study blindly followed that, and found out " it did not work " . But did it really fail? I do not think so, not at all.

> > > > HIV has 2 locations: as whole virus in the body (tetrasil would kill that off) and also as RNA fragments inside healthy CD4 cells. These can not be killed as they are not alive and are not outside living cells. Instead, they are just spliced into the cell's own DNS sequence. When the cell tries to activate, it copies these fragments many thousands of times inside the cell itself. None of this can be detected or killed as is it not living..yet. These fragments are formed into new viruses which leave the cell through its wall, releasing thousands of new virus into the body. It can happen any time, even decades after the cell was originally infected. So, long after the tetrasil was flushed from the body, this hidden HIV reservoir can reinfect the person and in a matter of a few weeks they are back to a heavy viral load and declining CD4 cell counts (AIDS).

> > > > They simply did not seem to know this, and quit after only ONE injection, expecting it to remove the existing HIV and that would be a cure. As you can see if you just read the above, that was naive and ignorant of how this virus works.

> > > > Even an injection of Tetrasil once a week might have provided a safe, functional cure for HIV, but they did not even consider it.> > > > Tetrasil is very cheap to make. Anyone can produce it at home. It is a dark colored powder and could be put into a needle in water solution, or simply into an enteric coated capsule and taken internally where it would hit HIV in the gut linings, and kill off most of it--instantly. A daily pill of this cheap stuff would get you an alternative to HIV meds, if this hypothesis is correct.

> > > > It could also act as an adjunct to whatever meds a person has to be on. At the very least it would serve as a cheap alternative.> > > > Those with HIV should pay attention to this, it was research simply blown by incompetent people, then forgotten. They were fixated on getting a one-injection cure, and ignored something that could easily work had they tested it in several doses over a couple of years' time.

> > > > Tetrasil is simply tetrasilver tetroxide. ?? AG404. Four atoms of silver (Ag) and four of oxygen. You can make it on the kitchen table using chemicals from any chem supply lab, and all of them are legal. The dose needed is fantastically small if given regularly instead of one big shot. Or use the large injection, then follow up with smaller daily/weekly doses of the powder in enteric-coated capsules (avail on ebay). I think this stuff can work if ever it winds up in the hands of someone who will think about how HIV works, with the hidden genetic reservoir, etc. It was a cure but misunderstood due to the very nature of HIV.

> > > > If looking for an alternative to the expensive and sometimes harmful meds, this could be it.> > > > bG> >>

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Do you know this info from Italian doctor, Dr Simoncini, who used Sodium

Bicarbonate to cure his cancer patients. He is a medical doctor MD

Here is also Vito Vernon who was cured of his stage 4 prostate cancer within 12

days by drinking 2 teaspoons twice a day of sodium bicarbonate 2 hrs before or

after meal. Check out his story. The idea is to improve PH level in body quickly

and when the PH level is high ie 8 for at least 4 days, the cancer cells will

start to die because cancer cells trhive in acidic condition. Sodium Bicarbonate

is alkaline. It is baking soda which is cheap and easily available. You can do

this quickly.


These are success stories using sodium bicarbonate. You will need to cut sugar

intake because the cancer cells thrive on sugar

> > >

> > > A few years ago, a group called " Compassion Network " or similar name, did

a 6 month study in which 2 patients who had AIDS, with Cd4 below 200 (salvage

patients) took a single IV injection of something called Tetrasil. In a few

weeks their symptoms improved and in at least one case the CD4 cell count rose.

But both of them experienced very marked healthy signs.

> > >

> > > After that point, they did not receive any more Tetrasil, but instead were

just observed. By the 6th month they had relapsed.

> > >

> > > Tetrasil was originally claimed to rid a person of HIV with ONE injection.

The study blindly followed that, and found out " it did not work " . But did it

really fail? I do not think so, not at all.

> > >

> > > HIV has 2 locations: as whole virus in the body (tetrasil would kill that

off) and also as RNA fragments inside healthy CD4 cells. These can not be killed

as they are not alive and are not outside living cells. Instead, they are just

spliced into the cell's own DNS sequence. When the cell tries to activate, it

copies these fragments many thousands of times inside the cell itself. None of

this can be detected or killed as is it not living..yet. These fragments are

formed into new viruses which leave the cell through its wall, releasing

thousands of new virus into the body. It can happen any time, even decades after

the cell was originally infected. So, long after the tetrasil was flushed from

the body, this hidden HIV reservoir can reinfect the person and in a matter of a

few weeks they are back to a heavy viral load and declining CD4 cell counts


> > >

> > > They simply did not seem to know this, and quit after only ONE injection,

expecting it to remove the existing HIV and that would be a cure. As you can see

if you just read the above, that was naive and ignorant of how this virus works.

> > >

> > > Even an injection of Tetrasil once a week might have provided a safe,

functional cure for HIV, but they did not even consider it.

> > >

> > > Tetrasil is very cheap to make. Anyone can produce it at home. It is a

dark colored powder and could be put into a needle in water solution, or simply

into an enteric coated capsule and taken internally where it would hit HIV in

the gut linings, and kill off most of it--instantly. A daily pill of this cheap

stuff would get you an alternative to HIV meds, if this hypothesis is correct.

> > >

> > > It could also act as an adjunct to whatever meds a person has to be on. At

the very least it would serve as a cheap alternative.

> > >

> > > Those with HIV should pay attention to this, it was research simply blown

by incompetent people, then forgotten. They were fixated on getting a

one-injection cure, and ignored something that could easily work had they tested

it in several doses over a couple of years' time.

> > >

> > > Tetrasil is simply tetrasilver tetroxide. ?? AG404. Four atoms of silver

(Ag) and four of oxygen. You can make it on the kitchen table using chemicals

from any chem supply lab, and all of them are legal. The dose needed is

fantastically small if given regularly instead of one big shot. Or use the large

injection, then follow up with smaller daily/weekly doses of the powder in

enteric-coated capsules (avail on ebay). I think this stuff can work if ever it

winds up in the hands of someone who will think about how HIV works, with the

hidden genetic reservoir, etc. It was a cure but misunderstood due to the very

nature of HIV.

> > >

> > > If looking for an alternative to the expensive and sometimes harmful meds,

this could be it.

> > >

> > > bG

> > >

> >


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Says Simoncini on his site, " Selective arteriography represents a very powerful

anti-fungal weapon that is painless, leaves no after effects, and has very low

risks. It is possible to reach almost all organs with a sodium bicarbonate

solution, resulting in treatment that is harmless, fast, and effective. "


This is an inttra-arterial treatment; nonetheless, a lot of people extrapolate

that drinking bicarb will produce the same effect. Silly them.

all good,



> Hi

> Do you know this info from Italian doctor, Dr Simoncini, who used Sodium

Bicarbonate to cure his cancer patients. He is a medical doctor MD


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Please be aware, Dr. Simoncini has been on the run. He has overdosed a Patient

on Sodium Bicarb and he he died. From what I read, his therapy had not proven to

be living up to his claims. No case studies to support his claims.

Tony Issac has reported this in many Health articles.

Just beware.

The Drinking Sodium Bicarb with water to raise your PH level seem to have merit.

Do Take Care,


> > > >

> > > > A few years ago, a group called " Compassion Network " or similar name,

did a 6 month study in which 2 patients who had AIDS, with Cd4 below 200

(salvage patients) took a single IV injection of something called Tetrasil. In a

few weeks their symptoms improved and in at least one case the CD4 cell count

rose. But both of them experienced very marked healthy signs.

> > > >

> > > > After that point, they did not receive any more Tetrasil, but instead

were just observed. By the 6th month they had relapsed.

> > > >

> > > > Tetrasil was originally claimed to rid a person of HIV with ONE

injection. The study blindly followed that, and found out " it did not work " . But

did it really fail? I do not think so, not at all.

> > > >

> > > > HIV has 2 locations: as whole virus in the body (tetrasil would kill

that off) and also as RNA fragments inside healthy CD4 cells. These can not be

killed as they are not alive and are not outside living cells. Instead, they are

just spliced into the cell's own DNS sequence. When the cell tries to activate,

it copies these fragments many thousands of times inside the cell itself. None

of this can be detected or killed as is it not living..yet. These fragments are

formed into new viruses which leave the cell through its wall, releasing

thousands of new virus into the body. It can happen any time, even decades after

the cell was originally infected. So, long after the tetrasil was flushed from

the body, this hidden HIV reservoir can reinfect the person and in a matter of a

few weeks they are back to a heavy viral load and declining CD4 cell counts


> > > >

> > > > They simply did not seem to know this, and quit after only ONE

injection, expecting it to remove the existing HIV and that would be a cure. As

you can see if you just read the above, that was naive and ignorant of how this

virus works.

> > > >

> > > > Even an injection of Tetrasil once a week might have provided a safe,

functional cure for HIV, but they did not even consider it.

> > > >

> > > > Tetrasil is very cheap to make. Anyone can produce it at home. It is a

dark colored powder and could be put into a needle in water solution, or simply

into an enteric coated capsule and taken internally where it would hit HIV in

the gut linings, and kill off most of it--instantly. A daily pill of this cheap

stuff would get you an alternative to HIV meds, if this hypothesis is correct.

> > > >

> > > > It could also act as an adjunct to whatever meds a person has to be on.

At the very least it would serve as a cheap alternative.

> > > >

> > > > Those with HIV should pay attention to this, it was research simply

blown by incompetent people, then forgotten. They were fixated on getting a

one-injection cure, and ignored something that could easily work had they tested

it in several doses over a couple of years' time.

> > > >

> > > > Tetrasil is simply tetrasilver tetroxide. ?? AG404. Four atoms of silver

(Ag) and four of oxygen. You can make it on the kitchen table using chemicals

from any chem supply lab, and all of them are legal. The dose needed is

fantastically small if given regularly instead of one big shot. Or use the large

injection, then follow up with smaller daily/weekly doses of the powder in

enteric-coated capsules (avail on ebay). I think this stuff can work if ever it

winds up in the hands of someone who will think about how HIV works, with the

hidden genetic reservoir, etc. It was a cure but misunderstood due to the very

nature of HIV.

> > > >

> > > > If looking for an alternative to the expensive and sometimes harmful

meds, this could be it.

> > > >

> > > > bG

> > > >

> > >

> >


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