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hair analysis + cadmium+ zeolites

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In a message dated 1/6/2008 4:43:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, meredith848@... writes:

Do you think that the zeolite will get out some old cadmium my body is hanging on to?

Hi ,

I just ordered Megamin which is zeolite for a friend who, against my advice, decided on chemotherapy. I know it will not remove any platinum from the chemotherapy and I'm hoping it can actually support chemotherapy and help with the toxic side effects.


Megamin is often used to eliminate heavy metals like lead and cadmium and to remove build-ups of mercury (used in dental amalgam fillings).


*Stops acute diarrhea from food poisoning*Binds mycotoxins, forming stable complexes*Raises antioxidant levels in the body*Binds with free radicals in the body*Helps alkalize the pH*Stops external bleeding*Binds radioactive compounds*Reduces muscle pain from lactic acid*Reduces fungal foot infections*Reduces hangovers*In some canine cancers, reduces tumors, restores well-being, prolongs life*Reduces side effects of chemotherapy/radiation*Inactivates the effects of Hepatitis viruses*Stabilizes & regulates immune system*In some human cancers (those that respond to interferons and interleukins: melanoma, renal cell, lung, astrocytoma), patients may experience prolongation of survival, decreases in tumors, or even complete, long-term remission. More information:

Zeolite dietary supplement

What is Zeolite?

Products based on Zeolite show unique effects on the Human body.

Zeolite improves the overall health condition and raises the quality of life.

After years of research and treatment of more than 7000 people with Zeolite we feel that Zeolite is a solution for some serious, mostly incurable, chronic diseases including cancer.

Zeolite, a dietetic product, is of entirely mineral origin. The basic raw material used in its production is a volcanic lava rock mineral called clinoptilolite a zeolite. Zeolite powder is produced by special patented procedure of fine grinding and micronization of raw material components, under dynamic processing conditions, which don't cause any chemical changes on the raw materials.

Particles of rock minerals that are exposed, during the process of Zeolite procedure of mineral grinding under the mentioned dynamic conditions of mutual collisions and friction leads to the creation of particles with extremely small diameter.

Partial damage of the mineral crystal structure on the surface of the particles that are subjected to the processing procedure causes stabilisation of the negative charge on their surface and increased degree of ion exchange selectivity.

The action of Zeolite is based on the selective adsorption capacity, selective ion exchange, regulation of acid-alkaline status of intercellular and intracellular spaces in the organism, and the influence on the substance exchange on the cell level.

Adsorption of free radicals – oxygen and nitrogen – through alimentary tract relives the work of liver and endocrine glands and increases their optimal functioning. By this adsorption better function of immunity system is achieved.

The adsorption of free radicals (particularly nitrogen) also enables better functioning of the nervous system, particularly the central nervous system.

By selective ionic exchange there is achieved a regulation of the buffer composition of the bloodstream and an improvement of the substance exchange on the organism level as well as the cell level.

At the same time regulation of the glucose content in blood is achieved, as there is a possibility that Zeolite takes part in better transfer of glucose from the blood into the cells.

Neutralisation of lactates corrects local acidosis that lead to a number of different inflammatory diseases.

Adsorption and transport of enzymes regulates their presence and activity in the alimentary tract.

Diuretic effect improves the activity of kidneys that enables the cleansing of the organism from the various harmful substances.

As the result of improved substance exchange and the organism cleansing humidity and texture on the skin is improved that positively influence on elimination of various skin diseases and the skin resistance to external influences.

By a direct application of Zeolite on the skin favourable effects are achieved, within very short time intervals, in the sense of improving the skin resistance to external influences, (UV – radiation) and healing various mycoses and viral skin diseases, lesions, burns, cuts, etc.)

Inactivation of enzymes, their binding to Zeolite particles and evacuation from the organism leads to a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and suppression of ulcerous diseases.

Cleansing of the blood from oxygen free radicals and various harmful substances, regulation of the haemoglobin level, red and white blood cells, elimination of fatty layers from the blood circulation system, regulation of blood condition relives the heart function and the whole circulatory system.

The natural components that may be included in Zeolite are calcium and magnesium in the form of carbonates, well known components of many dietetic products that originate from the natural dolomite and clinoptilolite rock materials.

Through its effects Zeolite helps the organism to renew and optimise its functions up to such a level that through the usage of its own defensive and protective mechanism the organism can overcome attack from various diseases.

During the monitoring of Zeolite effects on patients with various different diseases it has been found that Zeolite has synergistic (mutually supporting) effects together with various well known products of natural origin such as vitamin C and Beta Glucan.

Conclusion: Many institutes are studying and researching mechanisms of Zeolite actions because of its influence on the big number of different diseases. But one conclusion can already be made:

Zeolite is a very powerful ion exchanger and it takes part in oxido-reduction processes (it is a powerful antioxidant and adsorbent of free radicals).

Up today results are very encouraging and they show that the researches are on the right track and the final results are expected.

Zeolite, a dietetic product, is completely non-toxic and it doesn't cause any side effects.

The basic substance of Zeolite mineral has undergone the testing of acute, subacute and chronic toxicology and mutagenesis as well as testing upon some physiological systems.

Effects of Zeolite

- Improves quality of life,

- Helps general revitalisation of the body,

- Improves general health,

- Enables restful sleep,

- In older age shows better tolerance against using up and aging of the cells, tissues and body as a whole,

- Makes physical efforts easier,

- During and after strong physical activity reduces muscle pain and increases stamina levels,

- It can reduce the feeling of tiredness and weakness.

Zeolite can help when disfunctioning biological processes of the body cause diseases. Megamin can help when disfunctioning biological processes of the body cause diseases such as: such as:

Skin diseases

It can speed up wound healing as well as help treatment of infectious skin diseases (herpes), inflammatory dermatitis (psoriasis) and allergies & skin diseases (dermatitis etc.).

Besides taking an oral dose, external application of the powder is recommended by putting the contents of the capsule on the open wound/diseased part of the skin, few times a day.

Malignant diseases

During and after chemotherapy it can help :

- Reducing needs for analgesics and narcotics,

- Reducing/removing liquid from the abdominal cavity (ascites),

- Levels of sedimentation,

- Increasing Iron levels,

- Increasing the number of blood cells,

- Improves the general health of the patient to enable earlier chemotherapy treatment.

- Palliating the side effects like vomiting, stomach nausea, loss of appetite, loss of weight, loss of hair etc.,

- Fungi disappearing, that very often appear during chemotherapy in the mouth and oesophagus and make recovery more difficult,

Some connective tissues diseases

Can assist joints to become painless during different collagen diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus) and fibrosis.

Spine diseases (lumbar)

Zeolite Can significantly assist in reducing pain during lumbago and sciatica.

Gastrointestinal diseases

- It can prevent spasmodical contractions (ulcerative colitis) and pain, also helps regulating the bowel movement.

- Can contribute in normalising stomach super secretion.


- Can help regulate the sugar levels in blood.

- By improving microcirculation, it can decrease the complications of diabetes.

Cardiovascular diseases

- Can contribute in normalisation of abnormal contractions in the rhythmical beats of the heart (exstrasistole of the unknown aetiology, tachycardia),

- Can also assist towards blood pressure regulation.

Haematopoietic diseases

Can support the normalisation of disordered values of diseases such as anaemia and the white blood cells.

Central nervous system diseases and neuromuscular disorders

Can help in tranquillising tremors, in regulating of muscle tension, in eliminating muscle spasms and pathological reflexes as well as assisting in decreasing frequency and intensity of epileptic attacks.

Liver diseases Contributes to the improvement of the general condition and helps liver enzymes (AST, ALT, yGT) in reaching normal values.

Report about the experiences (results) of observation at the giving of Zeolite orally in the form of capsules:-

Slavko Ivkovic MD.

The application of the dietetic preparation Zeolite at patients that suffer of malignant illnesses, anecdotal cases at patients with protracted virus hepatitis, decompensated liver cirrhoses as well as diabetes and other degenerative illnesses.

1. Patients with malignant illnesses

280 patients were taking the dietetic preparation, the effect of this medicament on the general condition has been observed at 114 patients.

We followed the general condition, the movability of 21 patients with a brain tumour, who had a bad general condition and who were in the terminal phase, predominantly they were immobile and were treated with a symptomatically therapy. Between the third and the forth week a visible recovery has been noticed so that the majority of the patients getting increasingly attack-free, they become progressively mobile with help, some of them are able in the second month of taking to read alone the papers and to watch TV.

At 40 patients with a primary lung tumour, who are in the terminal phase, it has been noticed that between the third and the fourth week an improvement of the general condition has been recorded according to pain reduction, the improvement of the respiration as well as the movability. One patient who died in the third week was the only one who showed no signs of improvement, but reached rapidly distinctive cachexias stage.

Furthermore we followed 53 patients with a carcinoma of the digestion section, who also were in the terminal phase of the illness with a distinctive cachexias stage, they showed a delayed effect of Zeolite according to only moderate recovery of the general condition which we put in connection with working place of Zeolite (intestinal section). In the third week we had 4 patients with a lethal exit, but we have to add that the suggested dose has not been taken because of nausea, vomiting and bad general condition.

In this short time period of observation of the effect Zeolite has found its place in the symptomatic therapy. We have noticed that it has come to a better compatibility of the chemotherapy as well as ray treatment with the addition of Zeolite. At some patients we could observe doublesonographic (?) and in the three-dimensional Power-Double-Technique (?) reduced circulation.

Summarised an obvious change of the life quality was stated, in which it comes to a clear improvement of the condition of the patients (movability, appetite, increase of weight).

Illnesses of the liver – – chronic (virus chronic (virus- - hepatitis, cirrhoses)

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