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Re: MMS; the truth be told

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"If you get nausia on your next dose you take one less drop"

I only ended up having the nausea for 30-45 min., so I think I might be okay with 3 drops. I will keep it here for now.



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the body's ability to tolerate and respond to it is apparently tied to it's


the MMS no doubt kills pathogens. herxing from too much initial die-off can

surely happen.

as the body improves in condition from getting rid of problems as well as

adapting to the repeated exposure from ingesting MMS the reactions will

diminish. so it would be both. but the most healthy clean body will have

the same reactions if hit with a high enough dose. some clean healthy people

can have the reactions to lessor also.... there's a lot of variance in


it's been speculated that people that took really large doses one or two

times in places like south america and africa to deal with things like

malaria may not have so intense a reaction because of their relatively low

exposure on a continual basis to all the environmental toxins common in our

industrial society and our pre-packaged lifestyles which in ways has them in

a much better average condition.

chlorine dioxide is not a natural substance that the body has generations of

genetic experience in dealing with. it's not a mineral at all, and being so

foreign to the body's normal diet also not a supplement. while the results

can seem miraculous, it's no miracle. it's a man-made unstable extremely

highly reactive gas that's probably the most powerful oxidant around. to

dose oneself with it to the extent of nausea/vomiting/diarrhea is probably

doing immediate damage to tissues that must heal.

i use MMS alternately pulsing with CSilver/ozone. i know MMS works at

killing the hep-C virus at least as well as the CS/ozone which also work

well. whether or not sustained viral eradication of HCV or HIV with MMS

is possible remains to be determined.... that takes time and followups.

> Re: MMS; the truth be told



> I disagree

> That goe's against every post and article that I have read about

> using MMS. Some clean healthy people can take huge amounts with no

> effect at all. While others that are sick and toxic can barley take a

> few drops in the beginning. If there is as you suggest no herxing,

> Then there is no die off of pathogens and toxins, There then is no

> reason to take it in the first place. If the only thing MMS doe's is

> to introduce as you say an " assault by a powerful foreign chemical " ,

> Why even take it....?

> Bob.



> >

> > i doubt the nausea or diarrhea, or vomiting, or intestinal cramping,

> which

> > all come with increasing overdose levels, are any indication at all

> of the

> > MMS doing it's job. not any herx. it's likely a reaction by the

> body to an

> > assault by this powerful foreign chemical. the body adapts, so you can

> > increase your dose level.

> >







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G'day All,

I am new to this group,less then a week. I originally joined because

of the Beck's protocols and his electrification trying to gain more

knowledge. This MMS thread that has started is interesting, one

because i have HCV and secondly for a few other medical reasons that

i dont feel i need to share at this time.

Bob Larson's last post about the use of MMS has sparked something in

me that i feel i need to respond to. From his post it sounds like

he has HCV as well but does not use the MMS to the extent that the

others responding to this thread are. Bob, i am curious as to how

your use of the CS and and ozone (what ozone method are you using)

has impacted your HCV levels and how long have you been doing this

regiment. Also, how do you see the MMS in the total picture, some of

which you have already shared.

As i am new here as well as to the Beck's and MMS i am trying to see

what path(s) i will take to help cure my HCV. Oh, i have not done

any chemo treatments as recommended by my MD's in the 10 years i

have been diagnosed. Currently i use Dr Flannigan's Mega Hydrate and

a Coral Calcium product along with a regular whole food multi vit.

Any other input from the group is welcomed as well.

thanks for this forum,


> > >

> > > i doubt the nausea or diarrhea, or vomiting, or intestinal


> > which

> > > all come with increasing overdose levels, are any indication

at all

> > of the

> > > MMS doing it's job. not any herx. it's likely a reaction by


> > body to an

> > > assault by this powerful foreign chemical. the body adapts,

so you can

> > > increase your dose level.

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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>I have never read where you (or others) mention incorporating any form of

physical exercise. Do you do any...<

Yes, I did for many years take regular long hard walks and bike rides, also

worked out on a stairstepper (I got a real deal on a endless loop

stairstepper) a rowing simulator and a rebounder, in additon to being very

physiacally active at my business.

However, I was brought low two summers ago with a hip and leg problem, old

injuries that flared up to the near extreme from all my activity, and have

since had to be very careful. I'm still dealing with that somewhat.


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a bottle of this stuff cost about $20.00 and should last most people

a year or two.

this is how you take it:




This is where to order it:


hear is another great site from a person producing a DVD about it and

its Discoverer.




> where do most of you purchase your MMS from. Now that you all

have perked

> my attention, I am thinking about trying it.

> Shanti




> **************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?



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Plese check out the Pete Egosque excercises online. Many claim benefit for every type of bone and joint pain. ransley <ransley@...> wrote: >I have never read where you (or others) mention incorporating any form ofphysical exercise. Do you do any...<Yes, I did for many years take regular long hard walks and bike rides, alsoworked out on a stairstepper (I got a real deal on a endless loopstairstepper) a rowing simulator and a rebounder, in additon to being veryphysiacally active at my business.However, I was brought low two summers ago with a hip and leg problem, oldinjuries that flared up to the near extreme from all my activity, and havesince had to be very careful. I'm still dealing with that somewhat.DaddybobNo virus found in this outgoing

message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.7/1233 - Release Date: 1/19/20086:37 PM

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> -----Original Message-----

From his post it sounds like

> he has HCV as well but does not use the MMS to the extent that the

> others responding to this thread are.

....correct, i'm geno 1A, probably got it late 60's or early 70's, really bad

years 2000-2002 led to poverty and relationship stress out, malnourished to

emaciation, bunch of bad teeth, led to diagnosis of HCV from the VA. things

improved some but the hep got active summer 2006 to the point of nearly

unable to work or keep my cool with the idiots and a$$holios i live and work

with. from encouragement from some online folks i decided to chance

investing straight off in a used CS generator (couldn't afford commercial CS

little bottles) and got amazing immediate (within 24hrs felt reborn) relief

of all symptoms (i had the whole list). that didn't last but a day and

waned but steadily improved to symptom free and feeling better than i had

since early childhood after about a month of 4-6 oz/day @ approx 13ppm on

cheap TDS meter. that was fall '06. by spring '07 i had changed the way i

made and used CS to less (about 1/2) but stronger, aged and filtered to

almost pure ionic, which saved time making it but turned out to not work as

well (my toenail fungus was well on it's way to being gone but that backslid

, hep symptoms returned at slight intermittent level). since late summer

'07 i went back to weaker but fresh CS with particulate component still

there (at 6-8oz/day) and it's workiing better again. toenails again about

grown out perfect. hep under control. by spring of '07 i'd added in some

of the rest of the rest of the Beck tools, and accumulating and using supps

and herbs based on stephen buhner and dr. zhang's books, and july quit

smoking tobacco (until xmas lunacy stress around me when i started again)

taking up rollerblades instead. i've improved my diet to mostly organic,

lots of raw, little junk, and specifically hep friendly foods. stress is

really a strong hep antagonist for me, i can feel it.

of the beck protocol, i find all good and useful but CS the most powerful

for HCV. i don't electrify my blood much because of the tobacco use. the

sota mag pulser might've saved me from lymphoma/throat cancer which the HCV

way increases susceptibility to (if i don't give it to myself again) but i

don't know if it actually disables virus. i will electrify blood again when

i quite smoking again. drinking ozone water only, no insufflations or ear

cupping as i don't have oxygen tanks and a med grade generator. i can tell a

feeling of well being resulting immediately after drinking a glass of ozone

water. i usually drink it after coffee/cigar, and i suspect it's tearing

down the junk in the blood from that rapidly.

i started with MMS right along with CS last september. built up over time a

couple times to 15drops several times/day but hate the stuff. at some point

stopped the CS along with it. now alternate CS/ozone with MMS, but it's

been about a month since any MMS... the thought of it makes me shudder.

judging from sensations and symptoms the CS/ozone works as well as MMS.

there's probably advantages to both pertaining to getting to HCV where it

hangs out throughout the body. the MMS is short lived, but might still get

places the CS doesn't. the CS will over time build up in tissues, and where

it is the virus can't survive. hep gets into everywhere, and while the beck

BE will clear the blood it won't last. virus will emerge and replicate again

in very short order. must get at it everywhere: CSF, lymphatic system,

endocrine system, brain, bone marrow, all organs... the whole body. the

times off of CS should allow the body to flush some excess silver, and the

times off from MMS should allow the body to heal/normalize from that. i

believe the MMS is pretty hard on the body in ways, while CS isn't at all,

but that's internet educated guesswork combined with intuition and sensory

impression. i think going back and forth with them (pulsing) should be far

better than either all the time.

i have an EMEM rife machine, and have recently purchased some hep-C freqs

fro Char Boehm at www.dnafrequencies.com to experiment with. i'm going to

be modifying my rife system a lot to increase power and sources of freqs

(using essentially several machines at once; EMEM plasma, Thunderballs

driven by PC software, multiple function generators with handholds, etc...)

but i believe the thing to do is to build a Doug Coil, which is a freq

driven very high power mag pulser... that has the power to thoroughly

penetrate the whole body with oscillating fields that can cover all the

freqs in the set supplied by Char. www.coilmachines.com that it works for

lyme means it has the punch needed... hitting the HCV freqs is then the


so anyway, i'm feeling well. quite well. a slight twinge of liver ache

sometimes when i've missed my timing of doing my various stuff. my feet

ache a bit on the bottom when i first wake up but it goes away when i get

up. no swollen puffy itchy feet, no fatigue or fibromyalgia

touch-sensitivity, brainfog is the story of my life so i can't really

comment on that (mercury at 6 pisces square jupiter). depression is

situational, and slight considering my situation.

i believe needle biopsy is overrated: more dangerous and less meaningful and

accurate than claimed, and not needed. current various inf/riba tx

protocols for geno 1's are too potentially dangerous, disabling, and

miserable, and the low odds of SVR render them not being worthwhile at all

considering alternatives seem to be working this well for management. in

another year or two the protease inhibitor vx-950 will be approved for

release and used in conjucntion with inf/riba gives success rates in the

high 90%'s and i will at that time consider trying it, if in a situation to

do so. i must work or quickly become homeless and destitute. i must

interface with goofy old homeowners and live in a home owned by the person

who also provides me work, and she's a high stress nutcase dealing with BC

.... it's a house of cards and the economy might blow it away anyway, but

riba-rage would for sure. if i inherit some money (very doubtful) or get on

a PTSD compensation pension (not too likely either) by then i might be able

to quit work, live cheaply alone, and take care of myself. so, i keep

putting one foot in front of the other one day at a time trying to hold

ground and make headway against both HCV and life in general. the more

likely scenario for the future is i do well up to a point, almost have it

beat, but somehow end up in prison for either road-rage, finally wasting my

boss/landlord, or IRS problems, where the bad food and environment take me

down fast and miserably.

Bob, i am curious as to how

> your use of the CS and and ozone (what ozone method are you using)

> has impacted your HCV levels and how long have you been doing this

> regiment. Also, how do you see the MMS in the total picture, some of

> which you have already shared.


> As i am new here as well as to the Beck's and MMS i am trying to see

> what path(s) i will take to help cure my HCV. Oh, i have not done

> any chemo treatments as recommended by my MD's in the 10 years i

> have been diagnosed. Currently i use Dr Flannigan's Mega Hydrate and

> a Coral Calcium product along with a regular whole food multi vit.

> Any other input from the group is welcomed as well.


> thanks for this forum,


> Greg

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I am curious, rather than paying what appears to me to be very exorbinate

rates for prepared 28% sodium chlorite (Humble's MMS), why doesn't one just

make it one's self with sodium chlorite and distilled water or am I missing



Re: MMS; the truth be told

>a bottle of this stuff cost about $20.00 and should last most people

> a year or two.


> this is how you take it:

> http://www.miraclemineral.org/importantinfo.php#q2

> http://miraclemineral.org/

> http://miraclemineral.org/stories.php


> This is where to order it:

> http://MmsMiracle.com/boondoc

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Yes. You have apparently not done

your homework. Your post is basically of no value beyond what anyone

with a computer can find out in five minutes in Google. MMS is amazing

stuff and has no downside that I am aware of so far.

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....who/what are you referring to? the subject line isn't any clue.

-----Original Message-----From: [mailto: ]On Behalf Of Jim Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:47 PM Subject: Re: MMS; the truth be toldYes. You have apparently not done your homework. Your post is basically of no value beyond what anyone with a computer can find out in five minutes in Google. MMS is amazing stuff and has no downside that I am aware of so far.

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Good luck on getting the sodium

chlorite. If you are successful, you may want to start a business.

MMS is not easy to come by. By the way, everyone on the web who sells

it donates $2 to Jim Humble's research.

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>As it is, we apparently have something simply that

gives us the power to halt virtually all infectious


That's really too strong a statement. I have a

protozoan parasite infection in the skin that MMS

didn't get rid of although I took as much as 30 drops

a day and took the nasty stuff almost 3 weeks. A

friend of mine with sinusitis was taking a lot of it

and never got cured. MMS has its place but it

definitely is not a cure all.

's homepage: http://www.geocities.com/a57ngel/

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You are looking for a 3 week cure.....? WOW, Good luck with that.


>I took as much as 30 drops

a day and took the nasty stuff almost 3 weeks. A

friend of mine with sinusitis was taking a lot of it

and never got cured. MMS has its place but it

definitely is not a cure all

> Political animated comics:

> http://www.markfiore.com/animation/stay.html






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> >As it is, we apparently have something simply that

> gives us the power to halt virtually all infectious

> diseases...


> That's really too strong a statement. I have a

> protozoan parasite infection in the skin that MMS

> didn't get rid of although I took as much as 30 drops

> a day and took the nasty stuff almost 3 weeks. A

> friend of mine with sinusitis was taking a lot of it

> and never got cured. MMS has its place but it

> definitely is not a cure all.


>Hi ,

That's true about all of these alternative protocols. They all have

their place and help in various ways, but will often lack a total

healing. :(

Hoping you find the answer to your protozoan parasite infection. It's

out there somewhere.


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, if you have morgollones, you might try bathing in alfalfa, and maybe with some laundry detergent. michaelwanda85929 <wanda85929@...> wrote: >> >As it is, we apparently have something simply that> gives us the power to halt virtually all infectious> diseases...> > That's really too strong a

statement. I have a> protozoan parasite infection in the skin that MMS> didn't get rid of although I took as much as 30 drops> a day and took the nasty stuff almost 3 weeks. A> friend of mine with sinusitis was taking a lot of it> and never got cured. MMS has its place but it> definitely is not a cure all.> >Hi ,That's true about all of these alternative protocols. They all have their place and help in various ways, but will often lack a total healing. :(Hoping you find the answer to your protozoan parasite infection. It's out there somewhere.Gail

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