Guest guest Posted October 26, 2008 Report Share Posted October 26, 2008 Ned -- hold on to your horses! Please! I understand how you must be feeling, though I personally have not had any experience with HIV or AIDS, and I hardly know anyone in the gay community. BUT, I spent an entire night up reading everything I could get online about the Bob Beck protocol etc, and in the process came across some VERY interesting stuff about how HIV is NOT necessarily something we need to worry so darn much about. It may not even be related to AIDS at all. Please get into the internet and read everything - see YouTube videos, put HIV into the search box and see what you find. There are scientists insisting that HIV is NOT a virus, and that the test that Dr. Gallo created for HIV is not valid in its conclusions. (Put "Dr. Gallo" into search box, and see what you find) For instance, there are several 'bands' that test negative or positive, and you could test positive in 2 or 3 of these bands, but not the others. In African countries, just being positive in 2 bands means you are to undergo the full treatment, and if you don't, you may lose your children. However, in some other countries, being positive in 3 bands is necessary before you start medication. In the US, it is 4 bands, I think. An interesting side to this 'treatment' is that AZT was considered too dangerous to be used as a medication for whatever it was originally intended, and it essentially is chemotherapy. It was 'dusted off the shelf' and brought out to use against the gay community. I read about a woman whose sister was tested for HIV, was positive, and underwent treatment, taking her from a healthy young woman to an emaciated sick person and eventually died. Her children were put through treatment; the aunt took charge of them and took them off all meds, gave them good food and care, and they got better; the children were taken from her because she was not giving them the medications, and the children were forced to resume the medicines and got sick again. My point is that the scientific forum is not in true consensus about HIV and AIDS, and it behooves one to really look into everything before succumbing to the treatment. It was suggested that a positive test for HIV may just mean you are under stress. There are reports that those who refuse treatment do fine, while those who take the treatment may live, but are spending themselves and their families into bankruptcy for these meds, while they get dependent on these drugs. Any chemotherapy weakens your immune system, remember. Sorry I didn't save any of the links; it was read, read, think about going to bed, read, read, think about going to bed, read... oh my, the sun is up.JoanFrom: Ned <nedjohnson35@...> Cc: Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:15:46 PMSubject: Re: HIVE project MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternati ve; boundary="0- 1696842780- 1224983746= :24914" --0-1696842780- 1224983746= :24914 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso- 8859-1 Content-Transfer- Encoding: quoted-printable Hi all (especially baby_grand), =0A=0ANow let me explain my situation. I am = still in the process of self-actualization at this point... I am a chemistr= y grad student in Canada... and was out one night during the summer, notabl= y July26/27th 2008=A0and was somehow drug... and seemingly now used as some= ones sex toy... and about 1.5 weeks later endured the symptoms of ars (hiv = infection). I am devastated, devastated at how my young -- life loving, ext= reme potential has been suddenly taken away from me. I still have nightmare= s about it... and even mad that was not made aware of PEP in the time frame= that it needed to be used, and was rather concerned about making it to wor= k on the monday than anything else. My point: very very very unfortunate hi= v infection.=0ASo, pondering about all aspects of my life for the past two = months has been quite an awakening, do I commit suicide (which I had never = thought about before, since the disgrace is enormous (my parents have raise= d me too well, for this situation to have arise)) or do I comfront my life = (I life I didn't choose) and be an inspiration to others and FIGHT, reclaim= my health -- and live and 'normal' life. I am comforted by the fact that i= t has never been a more favourable time, in the hiv epidemic, than now to h= ave contracted the hiv... we are learning more and more by the day about tr= eatment, pathogenesis etc. And if anything, I have decided to be a pioneer,= with urgency because of my personal case, to end this epidemic, and improv= e the quality of life for those infected. Been science minded, I have used = that last month to thoroughly educate myself about my condition... and fran= kly the later stages are scary. Now, with all said --- I indeed want to be = apart of HIVE, and I am very serious about documenting all my experiences. I am emp= owered by this seemingly small project, since after reading about the resea= rch going on an appauled at how little alternative, non-medicinal treatment= s have been conclusively implemented into an hiv patients regime. Now, with= the next two weeks I will be doing the blood work to inquired about initia= l CD4+ counts and viral load to have a basis, and plan on starting antivira= l treatment as soon as possible (my greatest fear hiv in the brain). Its sc= ary, especially hiv treatment, because I am so proud of my appearance (have= been modelling for years) I am scared of body fat redistribution etc. BUT = it is necessary. Notably, its been a lot to taken over the last 2 months.= =0ANow, I am completely on board with baby_grand and HIV eradication. I am = set at attack hiv in these hard to reach places, ie. GALT, bone marrow, thy= mus, and maybe brain. And commited to not only our alternative treatment re= gimes but following it up with research as to the compounding information b= y the week about hiv pathogenesis. =0ASo, I currently have all the aspects o= f bob becks protocol in my possession (electrifier, pulser, ionizer, colloi= dal metal generator).= 0AI would need this basic device you speak of (sorry = an im not electrical inclined, and would love for one to be sent to me!?!) = I must=A0get in touch with V.=A0I think my situation is intrinsically valua= ble been that the infection is very recent and may allow for greater improv= ement using this basic device.=0ANow I have some questions:=0ANow to make t= his a control experiment, what will I be able to use as far as treatment in= conjunction ie. do I put away becks protocol for now?=0AYou speak of a pat= ient having successful die-off in thymus area etc. possibly with device, ho= w would one know that, how would one even realize die-off had occured in th= ese areas (I imagine current diagnostic methods such as CD4+ count and vira= l load would not indicate any remedy in these areas).=0AI am your guinea pi= g, let make this work --- thoroughly document the results of all members of= HIVE --- hopefully publish it --- and help the worlds treatment and unders= tanding of this epidemic, this is my life and its better than dying so lets= DO IT.=0ANed=0A= 0A=0A=0A= 0A_______ _________ _________ _______=0AFrom: baby_g= rand <no_reply@group>=0Amicroelectricityger mkiller@gro up= Friday, October 24, 2008 2:00:39 PM=0ASubject: H= IVE project=0A=0A= 0AHIV Eradication project action items=0A=0A1. get reliab= le participants- -we have one so far and I hope another =0Aon the way. mayb= e with a program going, others will show up?=0A2. create protocol and sched= ule each person =0A3. Raise money for testing? I don't know about the dynam= ics of a =0Acontribution- distribution plan to do this, but it's an idea.= =0A4. If enough people, design some sort of control for the study, eg: =0Ao= ne device is actually neutral, etc. It cannot be double-blind if we =0Aare = not in a clinic situation to control the awareness of which test =0Ahas the= goods, and which is placebo.=0A= 0AYou'll note no devices are listed in the= plan. The basic device =0Ashould be a 6 volt battery with sponges attached= and applied to areas =0Aof gut, spleen (it will overlap that anyway) and t= hymus gland. =0A=0AIn the past we had someone doing this and they got a few= dieoffs from =0Athe gut which went away after about a month. Then I sugges= ted they =0Ahit the thymus gland as well, and they got HUGE dieoffs.=0A= 0AH= ere's the situation: "T" cells are "Thymus" cells. They are made =0Ain the = marrow then sent to the Thymus gland for finishing, making =0Athem into kil= ler T cells and T helper cells. The helpers act as =0Aguides for the killer= s. HIV attacks the helpers. CD4 is a helper =0Acell. CD8 is a killer cell.= =0A=0AThe thymus gland is under the breastbone near the top of it. It =0Ama= kes sense that HIV would find a home there since there's likely to =0Abe lo= ts of CD4 cells present. It attaches to them because they have =0Aa coating= that HIV can bond onto. If electrified, the coating of the =0AHIV is sligh= tly altered so it cannot bond. The CD4 coating would be =0Alargely unaffect= ed, because the cell is much larger, and does not =0Aneed to use the coatin= g to bond. Remember CD4 cells are made, they =0Ado not reproduce. HIV needs= a CD4 cell and it must reproduce using =0Aone. It can invade other body ce= lls, but only those with a coating =0Asimilar to the CD4 coating.=0A= 0AOur = job is to find out if dc current can do anything about HIV in the =0Agut an= d thymus areas. HIV probably will reside in the Marrow as =0Awell, and vari= ous other places. But the saving grace is, HIV is =0Aslow. Once you reduce = its numbers it takes a long time to return.=0A=0AThe photos section of this= group's main page has a series of devices =0Aand how - to photos that are = very easy to follow. The Ultimate =0Agodzilla is the one for HIV/HEP-c. It = should add two more sponges =0Aeither attached at the top, or as separate w= ires, to cover the thymus =0Agland.=0A= 0AThere could also be a cap and slip= pers type of electrode for the =0Awhole body to be used along with the pads= , or just attached at =0Anight. The voltage on that should be lower, like 2= -3 volts if it is =0Ato be used for longer periods, hours, etc. The 6 volt = pads would be =0Aused for a max of 2 hours for a start.=0A=0ABloodst ream el= ectrification of HIV also makes sense, and a simple =0Awrist device using a= low voltage could be used. 3 aaa's =0Arechargeables would give 3.6 volts, = or 2 aaa's alkalines for 3 volts. =0AIn that type of application you need t= o reverse the device position =0Aon the wrist every 5-10 minutes to avoid s= ore wrists or other =0Aproblems. A beck-type 4 herz machine, or better yet,= a V godzilla =0Adevice to automatically reverse current is good. =0Amicroe= lectricityger mkiller2 has photos of how to build those if you =0Aare elect= ronically inclined, or even if not, and have some time to =0Adevote to it, = great fun project, people get addicted to building =0Athem, right, V? V has= moved on from these devices into LED's and =0Aother exotic stuff, but his = auto godzilla's are beyond comparison, =0Agreat machines by a great guy, an= d around 75 bucks, you cannot beat =0Ait. I am not selling them, they don't= even exist anymore, but if you =0Afind one, grab it.=0ADrug holidays could= be used as experimental periods.=0AInput? Thoughts? please keep it relevan= t to this program idea, =0Athanks!=0AbG =0A=0A =0A=0A=0A --0-1696842780- 1224983746= :24914 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii <html><head> <style type="text/css" ><!-- DIV {margin:0px; } --></style>< /head><body> <div style="font- family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size: 12pt"><DIV> Hi all (especially baby_grand), </DIV> <DIV> & nbsp;< /DIV> <DIV>Now let me explain my situation. I am still in the process of self-actualization at this point... I am a chemistry grad student in Canada... and was out one night during the summer, notably July26/27th 2008 & nbsp;and was somehow drug... and seemingly now used as someones sex toy... and about 1.5 weeks later endured the symptoms of ars (hiv infection). I am devastated, devastated at how my young -- life loving, extreme potential has been suddenly taken away from me. I still have nightmares about it... and even mad that was not made aware of PEP in the time frame that it needed to be used, and was rather concerned about making it to work on the monday than anything else. My point: very very very unfortunate hiv infection.</ DIV> <DIV>So, pondering about all aspects of my life for the past two months has been quite an awakening, do I commit suicide (which I had never thought about before, since the disgrace is enormous (my parents have raised me too well, for this situation to have arise)) or do I comfront my life (I life I didn't choose) and be an inspiration to others and FIGHT, reclaim my health -- and live and 'normal' life. I am comforted by the fact that it has never been a more favourable time, in the hiv epidemic, than now to have contracted the hiv... we are learning more and more by the day about treatment, pathogenesis etc. And if anything, I have decided to be a pioneer, with urgency because of my personal case, to end this epidemic, and improve the quality of life for those infected. Been science minded, I have used that last month to thoroughly educate myself about my condition... and frankly the later stages are scary. Now, with all said --- I indeed want to be apart of HIVE, and I am very serious about documenting all my experiences. I am empowered by this seemingly small project, since after reading about the research going on an appauled at how little alternative, non-medicinal treatments have been conclusively implemented into an hiv patients regime. Now, with the next two weeks I will be doing the blood work to inquired about initial CD4+ counts and viral load to have a basis, and plan on starting antiviral treatment as soon as possible (my greatest fear hiv in the brain). Its scary, especially hiv treatment, because I am so proud of my appearance (have been modelling for years) I am scared of body fat redistribution etc. BUT it is necessary. Notably, its been a lot to taken over the last 2 months.</DIV> <DIV>Now, I am completely on board with baby_grand and HIV eradication. I am set at attack hiv in these hard to reach places, ie. GALT, bone marrow, thymus, and maybe brain. And commited to not only our alternative treatment regimes but following it up with research as to the compounding information by the week about hiv pathogenesis. </DIV> <DIV>So, I currently have all the aspects of bob becks protocol in my possession (electrifier, pulser, ionizer, colloidal metal generator).< /DIV> <DIV>I would need this basic device you speak of (sorry an im not electrical inclined, and would love for one to be sent to me!?!) I must & nbsp;get in touch with V. & nbsp;I think my situation is intrinsically valuable been that the infection is very recent and may allow for greater improvement using this basic device.</DIV> <DIV>Now I have some questions:</ DIV> <DIV>Now to make this a control experiment, what will I be able to use as far as treatment in conjunction ie. do I put away becks protocol for now?</DIV> <DIV>You speak of a patient having successful die-off in thymus area etc. possibly with device, how would one know that, how would one even realize die-off had occured in these areas (I imagine current diagnostic methods such as CD4+ count and viral load would not indicate any remedy in these areas).</DIV> <DIV>I am your guinea pig, let make this work --- thoroughly document the results of all members of HIVE --- hopefully publish it --- and help the worlds treatment and understanding of this epidemic, this is my life and its better than dying so lets DO IT.</DIV> <DIV>Ned<BR> </DIV> <DIV style="FONT- SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif"><BR> <DIV style="PADDING- LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 0px 5px 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif"><FONT face=Tahoma size=2> <HR SIZE=1> <B><SPAN style="FONT- WEIGHT: bold">From:< /SPAN></B> baby_grand & lt;no_reply@group & gt;<BR><B>< SPAN style="FONT- WEIGHT: bold">To:</SPAN> </B> microelectricityger mkiller@gro<BR><B><SPAN style="FONT- WEIGHT: bold">Sent:< /SPAN></B> Friday, October 24, 2008 2:00:39 PM<BR><B><SPAN style="FONT- WEIGHT: bold">Subject: </SPAN></ B> HIVE project<BR>< /FONT><BR> <!--~-|** |PrettyHtmlStart T|**|-~-- > <DIV id=ygrp-mlmsg style="WIDTH: 655px"> <DIV id=ygrp-msg style="PADDING- RIGHT: 25px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; FLOAT: left; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; WIDTH: 470px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><!--~-| **|PrettyHtmlEnd T|**|-~-- > <DIV id=ygrp-text> <P>HIV Eradication project action items<BR><BR> 1. get reliable participants- -we have one so far and I hope another <BR>on the way. maybe with a program going, others will show up?<BR>2. create protocol and schedule each person <BR>3. Raise money for testing? I don't know about the dynamics of a <BR>contribution- distribution plan to do this, but it's an idea.<BR>4. If enough people, design some sort of control for the study, eg: <BR>one device is actually neutral, etc. It cannot be double-blind if we <BR>are not in a clinic situation to control the awareness of which test <BR>has the goods, and which is placebo.<BR> <BR>You'll note no devices are listed in the plan. The basic device <BR>should be a 6 volt battery with sponges attached and applied to areas <BR>of gut, spleen (it will overlap that anyway) and thymus gland. <BR><BR>In the past we had someone doing this and they got a few dieoffs from <BR>the gut which went away after about a month. Then I suggested they <BR>hit the thymus gland as well, and they got HUGE dieoffs.<BR> <BR>Here' s the situation: "T" cells are "Thymus" cells. They are made <BR>in the marrow then sent to the Thymus gland for finishing, making <BR>them into killer T cells and T helper cells. The helpers act as <BR>guides for the killers. HIV attacks the helpers. CD4 is a helper <BR>cell. CD8 is a killer cell.<BR><BR> The thymus gland is under the breastbone near the top of it. It <BR>makes sense that HIV would find a home there since there's likely to <BR>be lots of CD4 cells present. It attaches to them because they have <BR>a coating that HIV can bond onto. If electrified, the coating of the <BR>HIV is slightly altered so it cannot bond. The CD4 coating would be <BR>largely unaffected, because the cell is much larger, and does not <BR>need to use the coating to bond. Remember CD4 cells are made, they <BR>do not reproduce. HIV needs a CD4 cell and it must reproduce using <BR>one. It can invade other body cells, but only those with a coating <BR>similar to the CD4 coating.<BR> <BR>Our job is to find out if dc current can do anything about HIV in the <BR>gut and thymus areas. HIV probably will reside in the Marrow as <BR>well, and various other places. But the saving grace is, HIV is <BR>slow. Once you reduce its numbers it takes a long time to return.<BR>< BR>The photos section of this group's main page has a series of devices <BR>and how - to photos that are very easy to follow. The Ultimate <BR>godzilla is the one for HIV/HEP-c. It should add two more sponges <BR>either attached at the top, or as separate wires, to cover the thymus <BR>gland.<BR> <BR>There could also be a cap and slippers type of electrode for the <BR>whole body to be used along with the pads, or just attached at <BR>night. The voltage on that should be lower, like 2-3 volts if it is <BR>to be used for longer periods, hours, etc. The 6 volt pads would be <BR>used for a max of 2 hours for a start.<BR><BR> Bloodstream electrification of HIV also makes sense, and a simple <BR>wrist device using a low voltage could be used. 3 aaa's <BR>rechargeables would give 3.6 volts, or 2 aaa's alkalines for 3 volts. <BR>In that type of application you need to reverse the device position <BR>on the wrist every 5-10 minutes to avoid sore wrists or other <BR>problems. A beck-type 4 herz machine, or better yet, a V godzilla <BR>device to automatically reverse current is good. <BR>microelectricit yger mkiller2 has photos of how to build those if you <BR>are electronically inclined, or even if not, and have some time to <BR>devote to it, great fun project, people get addicted to building <BR>them, right, V? V has moved on from these devices into LED's and <BR>other exotic stuff, but his auto godzilla's are beyond comparison, <BR>great machines by a great guy, and around 75 bucks, you cannot beat <BR>it. I am not selling them, they don't even exist anymore, but if you <BR>find one, grab it.<BR>Drug holidays could be used as experimental periods.<BR> Input? Thoughts? please keep it relevant to this program idea, <BR>thanks!< BR>bG <BR><BR></P> </DIV><!- -~-|**|PrettyHtm lStart|** |-~--><SPAN style="COLOR: white"></SPAN> <!--~-|**|PrettyHtm lEnd|**|- ~--><!--~ -|**|PrettyHtmlS tart|**|- ~--> <STYLE type=text/css> <!-- #ygrp-mkp{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font- family:Arial; margin:14px 0px;padding: 0px 14px;} #ygrp-mkp hr{ border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} #ygrp-mkp #hd{ color:#628c2a; font-size: 85%;font- weight:bold; line-height: 122%;margin: 10px 0px;} #ygrp-mkp #ads{ margin-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-mkp .ad{ padding:0 0;} #ygrp-mkp .ad a{ color:#0000ff; text-decoration: none;} --> </STYLE> <STYLE type=text/css> <!-- #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc{ font-family: Arial;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc #hd{ margin:10px 0px;font-weight: bold;font- size:78%; line-height: 122%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{ margin-bottom: 10px;padding: 0 0;} --> </STYLE> <STYLE type=text/css> <!-- #ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit; font:100% ;} #ygrp-mlmsg select, input, textarea {font:99% arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} #ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;} #ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height: 1.22em;} #ygrp-text{ font-family: Georgia; } #ygrp-text p{ margin:0 0 1em 0;} #ygrp-tpmsgs{ font-family: Arial; clear:both;} #ygrp-vitnav{ padding-top: 10px;font- family:Verdana; font-size: 77%;margin: 0;} #ygrp-vitnav a{ padding:0 1px;} #ygrp-actbar{ clear:both;margin: 25px 0;white-space: nowrap;color: #666;text- align:right; } #ygrp-actbar .left{ float:left;white- space:nowrap; } ....bld{font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-grft{ font-family: Verdana;font- size:77%; padding:15px 0;} #ygrp-ft{ font-family: verdana;font- size:77%; border-top: 1px solid #666; padding:5px 0; } #ygrp-mlmsg #logo{ padding-bottom: 10px;} #ygrp-reco { margin-bottom: 20px;padding: 0px;} #ygrp-reco #reco-head { font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;} #reco-grpname{ font-weight: bold;margin- top:10px; } #reco-category{ font-size:77% ;} #reco-desc{ font-size:77% ;} #ygrp-vital{ background-color: #e0ecee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:2px 0 8px 8px;} #ygrp-vital #vithd{ font-size:77% ;font-family: Verdana;font- weight:bold; color:#333; text-transform: uppercase; } #ygrp-vital ul{ padding:0;margin: 2px 0;} #ygrp-vital ul li{ list-style-type: none;clear: both;border: 1px solid #e0ecee; } #ygrp-vital ul li .ct{ font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;float: right;width: 2em;text- align:right; padding-right: .5em;} #ygrp-vital ul li .cat{ font-weight: bold;} #ygrp-vital a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-vital a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor #hd{ color:#999;font- size:77%; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov{ padding:6px 13px;background- color:#e0ecee; margin-bottom: 20px;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov ul{ padding:0 0 0 8px;margin:0; } #ygrp-sponsor #ov li{ list-style-type: square;padding: 6px 0;font-size: 77%;} #ygrp-sponsor #ov li a{ text-decoration: none;font- size:130% ;} #ygrp-sponsor #nc{ background-color: #eee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:0 8px;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad{ padding:8px 0;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad #hd1{ font-family: Arial;font- weight:bold; color:#628c2a; font-size: 100%;line- height:122% ;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a{ text-decoration: none;} #ygrp-sponsor .ad a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; } #ygrp-sponsor .ad p{ margin:0;} o{font-size: 0;} ....MsoNormal{ margin:0 0 0 0;} #ygrp-text tt{ font-size:120% ;} blockquote{margin: 0 0 0 4px;} ....replbq{margin: 4;} --> </STYLE> <!--~-|**|PrettyHtm lEnd|**|- ~--></DIV> </DIV></div> <br> </body></html> --0-1696842780- 1224983746= :24914-- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 26, 2008 Report Share Posted October 26, 2008 cures hiv also </SPAN></ B> HIVE project<BR>< /FONT><BR> <!--~-|** |PrettyHtmlStart T|**|-~-- ><DIV id=ygrp-mlmsg style="WIDTH: 655px"><DIV id=ygrp-msg style="PADDING- RIGHT: 25px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; FLOAT: left; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; WIDTH: 470px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><!--~-| **|PrettyHtmlEnd T|**|-~-- ><DIV id=ygrp-text><P>HIV Eradication project action items<BR><BR> 1. get reliable participants- -we have one so far and I hope another <BR>on the way. maybe with a program going, others will show up?<BR>2. create protocol and schedule each person <BR>3. Raise money for testing? I don't know about the dynamics of a <BR>contribution- distribution plan to do this, but it's an idea.<BR>4. If enough people, design some sort of control for the study, eg: <BR>one device is actually neutral, etc. It cannot be double-blind if we <BR>are not in a clinic situation to control the awareness of which test <BR>has the goods, and which is placebo.<BR> <BR>You'll note no devices are listed in the plan. The basic device <BR>should be a 6 volt battery with sponges attached and applied to areas <BR>of gut, spleen (it will overlap that anyway) and thymus gland. <BR><BR>In the past we had someone doing this and they got a few dieoffs from <BR>the gut which went away after about a month. Then Isuggested they <BR>hit the thymus gland as well, and they got HUGE dieoffs.<BR> <BR>Here' s the situation: "T" cells are "Thymus" cells. They are made <BR>in the marrow then sent to the Thymus gland for finishing, making <BR>them into killer T cells and T helper cells. The helpers act as <BR>guides for the killers. HIV attacks the helpers. CD4 is a helper <BR>cell. CD8 is a killer cell.<BR><BR> The thymus gland is under the breastbone near the top of it. It <BR>makes sense that HIV would find a home there since there's likely to <BR>be lots of CD4 cells present. It attaches to them because they have <BR>a coating that HIV can bond onto. If electrified, the coating of the <BR>HIV is slightly altered so it cannot bond. The CD4 coating would be <BR>largely unaffected, because the cell is much larger, and does not <BR>need to use the coating to bond. Remember CD4 cells are made, they <BR>do not reproduce. HIV needs a CD4 cell and it must reproduce using<BR>one. It can invade other body cells, but only those with a coating <BR>similar to the CD4 coating.<BR> <BR>Our job is to find out if dc current can do anything about HIV in the <BR>gut and thymus areas. HIV probably will reside in the Marrow as <BR>well, and various other places. But the saving grace is, HIV is <BR>slow. Once you reduce its numbers it takes a long time to return.<BR>< BR>The photos section of this group's main page has a series of devices <BR>and how - to photos that are very easy to follow. The Ultimate <BR>godzilla is the one for HIV/HEP-c. It should add two more sponges <BR>either attached at the top, or as separate wires, to cover the thymus <BR>gland.<BR> <BR>There could also be a cap and slippers type of electrode for the <BR>whole body to be used along with the pads, or just attached at <BR>night. The voltage on that should be lower, like 2-3 volts if it is <BR>to be used for longer periods, hours, etc. The 6 volt pads would be<BR>used for a max of 2 hours for a start.<BR><BR> Bloodstream electrification of HIV also makes sense, and a simple <BR>wrist device using a low voltage could be used. 3 aaa's <BR>rechargeables would give 3.6 volts, or 2 aaa's alkalines for 3 volts. <BR>In that type of application you need to reverse the device position <BR>on the wrist every 5-10 minutes to avoid sore wrists or other <BR>problems. A beck-type 4 herz machine, or better yet, a V godzilla <BR>device to automatically reverse current is good. <BR>microelectricit yger mkiller2 has photos of how to build those if you <BR>are electronically inclined, or even if not, and have some time to <BR>devote to it, great fun project, people get addicted to building <BR>them, right, V? V has moved on from these devices into LED's and <BR>other exotic stuff, but his auto godzilla's are beyond comparison, <BR>great machines by a great guy, and around 75 bucks, you cannot beat <BR>it. I am not selling them,they don't even exist anymore, but if you <BR>find one, grab it.<BR>Drug holidays could be used as experimental periods.<BR> Input? Thoughts? please keep it relevant to this program idea, <BR>thanks!< BR>bG <BR><BR></P> </DIV><!- -~-|**|PrettyHtm lStart|** |-~--><SPAN style="COLOR: white"></SPAN> <!--~-|**|PrettyHtm lEnd|**|- ~--><!--~ -|**|PrettyHtmlS tart|**|- ~--><STYLE type=text/css><!--#ygrp-mkp{border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font- family:Arial; margin:14px 0px;padding: 0px 14px;}#ygrp-mkp hr{border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#ygrp-mkp #hd{color:#628c2a; font-size: 85%;font- weight:bold; line-height: 122%;margin: 10px 0px;}#ygrp-mkp #ads{margin-bottom: 10px;}#ygrp-mkp .ad{padding:0 0;}#ygrp-mkp .ad a{color:#0000ff; text-decoration: none;}--></STYLE><STYLE type=text/css><!--#ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc{font-family: Arial;}#ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc #hd{margin:10px 0px;font-weight: bold;font- size:78%; line-height: 122%;}#ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{margin-bottom: 10px;padding: 0 0;}--></STYLE><STYLE type=text/css><!--#ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit; font:100% ;}#ygrp-mlmsg select, input, textarea {font:99% arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;}#ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;}#ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height: 1.22em;}#ygrp-text{font-family: Georgia;}#ygrp-text p{margin:0 0 1em 0;}#ygrp-tpmsgs{font-family: Arial;clear:both;}#ygrp-vitnav{padding-top: 10px;font- family:Verdana; font-size: 77%;margin: 0;}#ygrp-vitnav a{padding:0 1px;}#ygrp-actbar{clear:both;margin: 25px 0;white-space: nowrap;color: #666;text- align:right; }#ygrp-actbar .left{float:left;white- space:nowrap; }...bld{font-weight: bold;}#ygrp-grft{font-family: Verdana;font- size:77%; padding:15px 0;}#ygrp-ft{font-family: verdana;font- size:77%; border-top: 1px solid #666;padding:5px 0;}#ygrp-mlmsg #logo{padding-bottom: 10px;}#ygrp-reco {margin-bottom: 20px;padding: 0px;}#ygrp-reco #reco-head {font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;}#reco-grpname{font-weight: bold;margin- top:10px; }#reco-category{font-size:77% ;}#reco-desc{font-size:77% ;}#ygrp-vital{background-color: #e0ecee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:2px 0 8px 8px;}#ygrp-vital #vithd{font-size:77% ;font-family: Verdana;font- weight:bold; color:#333; text-transform: uppercase; }#ygrp-vital ul{padding:0;margin: 2px 0;}#ygrp-vital ul li{list-style-type: none;clear: both;border: 1px solid #e0ecee;}#ygrp-vital ul li .ct{font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;float: right;width: 2em;text- align:right; padding-right: .5em;}#ygrp-vital ul li .cat{font-weight: bold;}#ygrp-vital a{text-decoration: none;}#ygrp-vital a:hover{text-decoration: underline; }#ygrp-sponsor #hd{color:#999;font- size:77%; }#ygrp-sponsor #ov{padding:6px 13px;background- color:#e0ecee; margin-bottom: 20px;}#ygrp-sponsor #ov ul{padding:0 0 0 8px;margin:0; }#ygrp-sponsor #ov li{list-style-type: square;padding: 6px 0;font-size: 77%;}#ygrp-sponsor #ov li a{text-decoration: none;font- size:130% ;}#ygrp-sponsor #nc{background-color: #eee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:0 8px;}#ygrp-sponsor .ad{padding:8px 0;}#ygrp-sponsor .ad #hd1{font-family: Arial;font- weight:bold; color:#628c2a; font-size: 100%;line- height:122% ;}#ygrp-sponsor .ad a{text-decoration: none;}#ygrp-sponsor .ad a:hover{text-decoration: underline; }#ygrp-sponsor .ad p{margin:0;}o{font-size: 0;}...MsoNormal{margin:0 0 0 0;}#ygrp-text tt{font-size:120% ;}blockquote{margin: 0 0 0 4px;}...replbq{margin: 4;}--></STYLE><!--~-|**|PrettyHtm lEnd|**|- ~--></DIV> </DIV></div> <br></body></html>--0-1696842780- 1224983746= :24914-- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 2, 2008 Report Share Posted December 2, 2008 Holy smoke. I wondered what was bothering Ned. I am SO SORRY to hear what happened. Regarding the shame, may I point out that there is no logic to it? People do primitive things such as to use one another; why would having a primitive thing done to oneself be shameful? I hope that concern is gone by now. As for the " there is no HIV " assertion, I was immediately interested when I heard it years ago (infected since the 1980s) and have concluded some who say that are bonkers and the rest are probably wrong. Some say it's immune overload yet the disease spreads like a communicable disease, with healthy people coming down with it. The ones who deny any infectious agent are bonkers in my opinion. Those who say it's another infectious agent might be right for all I know, but they infect cells with what they identify as HIV in the lab. They say they have targeted its reproductive cycle with their (extremely toxic) drugs and now that they have the toxicity down, I see people living indefinitely, which is new. As for what poor Ned should do, I'd say to consider how long it takes for this thing to harm you. Please don't be fatalistic, and note how much time you have to figure out what to do. Also, Joan is correct about the ambiguity of some test methods. Even if your test correctly shows exposure to HIV, you can't know if you got a weak strain or if your system has an ability that others don't have. I'm supposed to have been dead years ago and though it's catching up with me, I'm alive. I only took the drugs a year. Now, if I have to, I am pretty confident that I can use the new cocktails in a pinch and last for years if necessary. I spent years thinking I was doomed, I didn't die, and now the oxidative therapies may offer me a way out. Of all the nasty things you could be at risk for ... far worse situations could pop up than this! I hate to see a young guy all freaked out like this. If it makes you feel any better, I got careless and nearly tore my leg off inspecting elevators years ago, but stopped the elevator cab just in time! My best regards to you, Theron (Subscribed to Web only, please email if you wish to reach me.) > > Ned -- hold on to your horses! Please! I understand how you must be feeling, though I personally have not had any experience with HIV or AIDS, and I hardly know anyone in the gay community. > > BUT, I spent an entire night up reading everything I could get online about the Bob Beck protocol etc, and in the process came across some VERY interesting stuff about how HIV is NOT necessarily something we need to worry so darn much about. It may not even be related to AIDS at all. Please get into the internet and read everything - see YouTube videos, put HIV into the search box and see what you find. There are scientists insisting that HIV is NOT a virus, and that the test that Dr. Gallo created for HIV is not valid in its conclusions. (Put " Dr. Gallo " into search box, and see what you find) > > For instance, there are several 'bands' that test negative or positive, and you could test positive in 2 or 3 of these bands, but not the others. In African countries, just being positive in 2 bands means you are to undergo the full treatment, and if you don't, you may lose your children. However, in some other countries, being positive in 3 bands is necessary before you start medication. In the US, it is 4 bands, I think. > > An interesting side to this 'treatment' is that AZT was considered too dangerous to be used as a medication for whatever it was originally intended, and it essentially is chemotherapy. It was 'dusted off the shelf' and brought out to use against the gay community. > > I read about a woman whose sister was tested for HIV, was positive, and underwent treatment, taking her from a healthy young woman to an emaciated sick person and eventually died. Her children were put through treatment; the aunt took charge of them and took them off all meds, gave them good food and care, and they got better; the children were taken from her because she was not giving them the medications, and the children were forced to resume the medicines and got sick again. > > My point is that the scientific forum is not in true consensus about HIV and AIDS, and it behooves one to really look into everything before succumbing to the treatment. It was suggested that a positive test for HIV may just mean you are under stress. There are reports that those who refuse treatment do fine, while those who take the treatment may live, but are spending themselves and their families into bankruptcy for these meds, while they get dependent on these drugs. Any chemotherapy weakens your immune system, remember. > > Sorry I didn't save any of the links; it was read, read, think about going to bed, read, read, think about going to bed, read... oh my, the sun is up. > > > Joan > > > > > > > ________________________________ > From: Ned <nedjohnson35@...> > > Cc: > Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2008 8:15:46 PM > Subject: Re: HIVE project > > > MIME-Version: 1.0 > Content-Type: multipart/alternati ve; boundary= " 0- 1696842780- 1224983746= :24914 " > > --0-1696842780- 1224983746= :24914 > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso- 8859-1 > Content-Transfer- Encoding: quoted-printable > > Hi all (especially baby_grand), =0A=0ANow let me explain my situation. I am = > still in the process of self-actualization at this point... I am a chemistr= > y grad student in Canada... and was out one night during the summer, notabl= > y July26/27th 2008=A0and was somehow drug... and seemingly now used as some= > ones sex toy... and about 1.5 weeks later endured the symptoms of ars (hiv = > infection). I am devastated, devastated at how my young -- life loving, ext= > reme potential has been suddenly taken away from me. I still have nightmare= > s about it... and even mad that was not made aware of PEP in the time frame= > that it needed to be used, and was rather concerned about making it to wor= > k on the monday than anything else. My point: very very very unfortunate hi= > v infection.=0ASo, pondering about all aspects of my life for the past two = > months has been quite an awakening, do I commit suicide (which I had never = > thought about before, since the disgrace is enormous (my parents have raise= > d me too well, for this situation to have arise)) or do I comfront my life = > (I life I didn't choose) and be an inspiration to others and FIGHT, reclaim= > my health -- and live and 'normal' life. I am comforted by the fact that i= > t has never been a more favourable time, in the hiv epidemic, than now to h= > ave contracted the hiv... we are learning more and more by the day about tr= > eatment, pathogenesis etc. And if anything, I have decided to be a pioneer,= > with urgency because of my personal case, to end this epidemic, and improv= > e the quality of life for those infected. Been science minded, I have used = > that last month to thoroughly educate myself about my condition... and fran= > kly the later stages are scary. Now, with all said --- I indeed want to be = > apart of > HIVE, and I am very serious about documenting all my experiences. I am emp= > owered by this seemingly small project, since after reading about the resea= > rch going on an appauled at how little alternative, non-medicinal treatment= > s have been conclusively implemented into an hiv patients regime. Now, with= > the next two weeks I will be doing the blood work to inquired about initia= > l CD4+ counts and viral load to have a basis, and plan on starting antivira= > l treatment as soon as possible (my greatest fear hiv in the brain). Its sc= > ary, especially hiv treatment, because I am so proud of my appearance (have= > been modelling for years) I am scared of body fat redistribution etc. BUT = > it is necessary. Notably, its been a lot to taken over the last 2 months.= > =0ANow, I am completely on board with baby_grand and HIV eradication. I am = > set at attack hiv in these hard to reach places, ie. GALT, bone marrow, thy= > mus, and maybe brain. And commited to not only our alternative treatment re= > gimes but following it up with research as to the compounding information b= > y the week about hiv pathogenesis. =0ASo, I currently have all the aspects o= > f bob becks protocol in my possession (electrifier, pulser, ionizer, colloi= > dal metal generator).= 0AI would need this basic device you speak of (sorry = > an im not electrical inclined, and would love for one to be sent to me!?!) = > I must=A0get in touch with V.=A0I think my situation is intrinsically valua= > ble been that the infection is very recent and may allow for greater improv= > ement using this basic device.=0ANow I have some questions:=0ANow to make t= > his a control experiment, what will I be able to use as far as treatment in= > conjunction ie. do I put away becks protocol for now?=0AYou speak of a pat= > ient having successful die-off in thymus area etc. possibly with device, ho= > w would one know that, how would one even realize die-off had occured in th= > ese areas (I imagine current diagnostic methods such as CD4+ count and vira= > l load would not indicate any remedy in these areas).=0AI am your guinea pi= > g, let make this work --- thoroughly document the results of all members of= > HIVE --- hopefully publish it --- and help the worlds treatment and unders= > tanding of this epidemic, this is my life and its better than dying so lets= > DO IT.=0ANed=0A= 0A=0A=0A= 0A_______ _________ _________ _______=0AFrom: baby_g= > rand <no_reply@group>=0Amicroelectricityger mkiller@gro up= > Friday, October 24, 2008 2:00:39 PM=0ASubject: H= > IVE project=0A=0A= 0AHIV Eradication project action items=0A=0A1. get reliab= > le participants- -we have one so far and I hope another =0Aon the way. mayb= > e with a program going, others will show up?=0A2. create protocol and sched= > ule each person =0A3. Raise money for testing? I don't know about the dynam= > ics of a =0Acontribution- distribution plan to do this, but it's an idea.= > =0A4. If enough people, design some sort of control for the study, eg: =0Ao= > ne device is actually neutral, etc. It cannot be double-blind if we =0Aare = > not in a clinic situation to control the awareness of which test =0Ahas the= > goods, and which is placebo.=0A= 0AYou'll note no devices are listed in the= > plan. The basic device =0Ashould be a 6 volt battery with sponges attached= > and applied to areas =0Aof gut, spleen (it will overlap that anyway) and t= > hymus gland. =0A=0AIn the past we had someone doing this and they got a few= > dieoffs from =0Athe gut which went away after about a month. Then I sugges= > ted they =0Ahit the thymus gland as well, and they got HUGE dieoffs.=0A= 0AH= > ere's the situation: " T " cells are " Thymus " cells. They are made =0Ain the = > marrow then sent to the Thymus gland for finishing, making =0Athem into kil= > ler T cells and T helper cells. The helpers act as =0Aguides for the killer= > s. HIV attacks the helpers. CD4 is a helper =0Acell. CD8 is a killer cell.= > =0A=0AThe thymus gland is under the breastbone near the top of it. It =0Ama= > kes sense that HIV would find a home there since there's likely to =0Abe lo= > ts of CD4 cells present. It attaches to them because they have =0Aa coating= > that HIV can bond onto. If electrified, the coating of the =0AHIV is sligh= > tly altered so it cannot bond. The CD4 coating would be =0Alargely unaffect= > ed, because the cell is much larger, and does not =0Aneed to use the coatin= > g to bond. Remember CD4 cells are made, they =0Ado not reproduce. HIV needs= > a CD4 cell and it must reproduce using =0Aone. It can invade other body ce= > lls, but only those with a coating =0Asimilar to the CD4 coating.=0A= 0AOur = > job is to find out if dc current can do anything about HIV in the =0Agut an= > d thymus areas. HIV probably will reside in the Marrow as =0Awell, and vari= > ous other places. But the saving grace is, HIV is =0Aslow. Once you reduce = > its numbers it takes a long time to return.=0A=0AThe photos section of this= > group's main page has a series of devices =0Aand how - to photos that are = > very easy to follow. The Ultimate =0Agodzilla is the one for HIV/HEP-c. It = > should add two more sponges =0Aeither attached at the top, or as separate w= > ires, to cover the thymus =0Agland.=0A= 0AThere could also be a cap and slip= > pers type of electrode for the =0Awhole body to be used along with the pads= > , or just attached at =0Anight. The voltage on that should be lower, like 2= > -3 volts if it is =0Ato be used for longer periods, hours, etc. The 6 volt = > pads would be =0Aused for a max of 2 hours for a start.=0A=0ABloodst ream el= > ectrification of HIV also makes sense, and a simple =0Awrist device using a= > low voltage could be used. 3 aaa's =0Arechargeables would give 3.6 volts, = > or 2 aaa's alkalines for 3 volts. =0AIn that type of application you need t= > o reverse the device position =0Aon the wrist every 5-10 minutes to avoid s= > ore wrists or other =0Aproblems. A beck-type 4 herz machine, or better yet,= > a V godzilla =0Adevice to automatically reverse current is good. =0Amicroe= > lectricityger mkiller2 has photos of how to build those if you =0Aare elect= > ronically inclined, or even if not, and have some time to =0Adevote to it, = > great fun project, people get addicted to building =0Athem, right, V? V has= > moved on from these devices into LED's and =0Aother exotic stuff, but his = > auto godzilla's are beyond comparison, =0Agreat machines by a great guy, an= > d around 75 bucks, you cannot beat =0Ait. I am not selling them, they don't= > even exist anymore, but if you =0Afind one, grab it.=0ADrug holidays could= > be used as experimental periods.=0AInput? Thoughts? please keep it relevan= > t to this program idea, =0Athanks!=0AbG =0A=0A =0A=0A=0A > --0-1696842780- 1224983746= :24914 > Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii > > <html><head> <style type= " text/css " ><!-- DIV {margin:0px; } --></style>< /head><body> <div style= " font- family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size: 12pt " ><DIV> Hi all (especially baby_grand), </DIV> > <DIV> & nbsp;< /DIV> > <DIV>Now let me explain my situation. I am still in the process of self-actualization at this point... I am a chemistry grad student in Canada... and was out one night during the summer, notably July26/27th 2008 & nbsp;and was somehow drug... and seemingly now used as someones sex toy... and about 1.5 weeks later endured the symptoms of ars (hiv infection). I am devastated, devastated at how my young -- life loving, extreme potential has been suddenly taken away from me. I still have nightmares about it... and even mad that was not made aware of PEP in the time frame that it needed to be used, and was rather concerned about making it to work on the monday than anything else. My point: very very very unfortunate hiv infection.</ DIV> > <DIV>So, pondering about all aspects of my life for the past two months has been quite an awakening, do I commit suicide (which I had never thought about before, since the disgrace is enormous (my parents have raised me too well, for this situation to have arise)) or do I comfront my life (I life I didn't choose) and be an inspiration to others and FIGHT, reclaim my health -- and live and 'normal' life. I am comforted by the fact that it has never been a more favourable time, in the hiv epidemic, than now to have contracted the hiv... we are learning more and more by the day about treatment, pathogenesis etc. And if anything, I have decided to be a pioneer, with urgency because of my personal case, to end this epidemic, and improve the quality of life for those infected. Been science minded, I have used that last month to thoroughly educate myself about my condition... and frankly the later stages are scary. Now, with all said --- I indeed want to be > apart of HIVE, and I am very serious about documenting all my experiences. I am empowered by this seemingly small project, since after reading about the research going on an appauled at how little alternative, non-medicinal treatments have been conclusively implemented into an hiv patients regime. Now, with the next two weeks I will be doing the blood work to inquired about initial CD4+ counts and viral load to have a basis, and plan on starting antiviral treatment as soon as possible (my greatest fear hiv in the brain). Its scary, especially hiv treatment, because I am so proud of my appearance (have been modelling for years) I am scared of body fat redistribution etc. BUT it is necessary. Notably, its been a lot to taken over the last 2 months.</DIV> > <DIV>Now, I am completely on board with baby_grand and HIV eradication. I am set at attack hiv in these hard to reach places, ie. GALT, bone marrow, thymus, and maybe brain. And commited to not only our alternative treatment regimes but following it up with research as to the compounding information by the week about hiv pathogenesis. </DIV> > <DIV>So, I currently have all the aspects of bob becks protocol in my possession (electrifier, pulser, ionizer, colloidal metal generator).< /DIV> > <DIV>I would need this basic device you speak of (sorry an im not electrical inclined, and would love for one to be sent to me!?!) I must & nbsp;get in touch with V. & nbsp;I think my situation is intrinsically valuable been that the infection is very recent and may allow for greater improvement using this basic device.</DIV> > <DIV>Now I have some questions:</ DIV> > <DIV>Now to make this a control experiment, what will I be able to use as far as treatment in conjunction ie. do I put away becks protocol for now?</DIV> > <DIV>You speak of a patient having successful die-off in thymus area etc. possibly with device, how would one know that, how would one even realize die-off had occured in these areas (I imagine current diagnostic methods such as CD4+ count and viral load would not indicate any remedy in these areas).</DIV> > <DIV>I am your guinea pig, let make this work --- thoroughly document the results of all members of HIVE --- hopefully publish it --- and help the worlds treatment and understanding of this epidemic, this is my life and its better than dying so lets DO IT.</DIV> > <DIV>Ned<BR> </DIV> > <DIV style= " FONT- SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif " ><BR> > <DIV style= " PADDING- LEFT: 5px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 5px 0px 5px 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid; FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif " ><FONT face=Tahoma size=2> > <HR SIZE=1> > <B><SPAN style= " FONT- WEIGHT: bold " >From:< /SPAN></B> baby_grand no_reply@group & gt;<BR><B>< SPAN style= " FONT- WEIGHT: bold " >To:</SPAN> </B> microelectricityger mkiller@gro<BR><B><SPAN style= " FONT- WEIGHT: bold " >Sent:< /SPAN></B> Friday, October 24, 2008 2:00:39 PM<BR><B><SPAN style= " FONT- WEIGHT: bold " >Subject: </SPAN></ B> HIVE project<BR>< /FONT><BR> <!--~-|** |PrettyHtmlStart T|**|-~-- > > <DIV id=ygrp-mlmsg style= " WIDTH: 655px " > > <DIV id=ygrp-msg style= " PADDING- RIGHT: 25px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; FLOAT: left; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; WIDTH: 470px; PADDING-TOP: 0px " ><!--~-| **|PrettyHtmlEnd T|**|-~-- > > <DIV id=ygrp-text> > <P>HIV Eradication project action items<BR><BR> 1. get reliable participants- -we have one so far and I hope another <BR>on the way. maybe with a program going, others will show up?<BR>2. create protocol and schedule each person <BR>3. Raise money for testing? I don't know about the dynamics of a <BR>contribution- distribution plan to do this, but it's an idea.<BR>4. If enough people, design some sort of control for the study, eg: <BR>one device is actually neutral, etc. It cannot be double-blind if we <BR>are not in a clinic situation to control the awareness of which test <BR>has the goods, and which is placebo.<BR> <BR>You'll note no devices are listed in the plan. The basic device <BR>should be a 6 volt battery with sponges attached and applied to areas <BR>of gut, spleen (it will overlap that anyway) and thymus gland. <BR><BR>In the past we had someone doing this and they got a few dieoffs from <BR>the gut which went away after about a month. Then I > suggested they <BR>hit the thymus gland as well, and they got HUGE dieoffs.<BR> <BR>Here' s the situation: " T " cells are " Thymus " cells. They are made <BR>in the marrow then sent to the Thymus gland for finishing, making <BR>them into killer T cells and T helper cells. The helpers act as <BR>guides for the killers. HIV attacks the helpers. CD4 is a helper <BR>cell. CD8 is a killer cell.<BR><BR> The thymus gland is under the breastbone near the top of it. It <BR>makes sense that HIV would find a home there since there's likely to <BR>be lots of CD4 cells present. It attaches to them because they have <BR>a coating that HIV can bond onto. If electrified, the coating of the <BR>HIV is slightly altered so it cannot bond. The CD4 coating would be <BR>largely unaffected, because the cell is much larger, and does not <BR>need to use the coating to bond. Remember CD4 cells are made, they <BR>do not reproduce. HIV needs a CD4 cell and it must reproduce using > <BR>one. It can invade other body cells, but only those with a coating <BR>similar to the CD4 coating.<BR> <BR>Our job is to find out if dc current can do anything about HIV in the <BR>gut and thymus areas. HIV probably will reside in the Marrow as <BR>well, and various other places. But the saving grace is, HIV is <BR>slow. Once you reduce its numbers it takes a long time to return.<BR>< BR>The photos section of this group's main page has a series of devices <BR>and how - to photos that are very easy to follow. The Ultimate <BR>godzilla is the one for HIV/HEP-c. It should add two more sponges <BR>either attached at the top, or as separate wires, to cover the thymus <BR>gland.<BR> <BR>There could also be a cap and slippers type of electrode for the <BR>whole body to be used along with the pads, or just attached at <BR>night. The voltage on that should be lower, like 2-3 volts if it is <BR>to be used for longer periods, hours, etc. The 6 volt pads would be > <BR>used for a max of 2 hours for a start.<BR><BR> Bloodstream electrification of HIV also makes sense, and a simple <BR>wrist device using a low voltage could be used. 3 aaa's <BR>rechargeables would give 3.6 volts, or 2 aaa's alkalines for 3 volts. <BR>In that type of application you need to reverse the device position <BR>on the wrist every 5-10 minutes to avoid sore wrists or other <BR>problems. A beck-type 4 herz machine, or better yet, a V godzilla <BR>device to automatically reverse current is good. <BR>microelectricit yger mkiller2 has photos of how to build those if you <BR>are electronically inclined, or even if not, and have some time to <BR>devote to it, great fun project, people get addicted to building <BR>them, right, V? V has moved on from these devices into LED's and <BR>other exotic stuff, but his auto godzilla's are beyond comparison, <BR>great machines by a great guy, and around 75 bucks, you cannot beat <BR>it. I am not selling them, > they don't even exist anymore, but if you <BR>find one, grab it.<BR>Drug holidays could be used as experimental periods.<BR> Input? Thoughts? please keep it relevant to this program idea, <BR>thanks!< BR>bG <BR><BR></P> </DIV><!- -~-|**|PrettyHtm lStart|** |-~--><SPAN style= " COLOR: white " ></SPAN> <!--~-|**|PrettyHtm lEnd|**|- ~--><!--~ -|**|PrettyHtmlS tart|**|- ~--> > <STYLE type=text/css> > <!-- > #ygrp-mkp{ > border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font- family:Arial; margin:14px 0px;padding: 0px 14px;} > #ygrp-mkp hr{ > border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} > #ygrp-mkp #hd{ > color:#628c2a; font-size: 85%;font- weight:bold; line-height: 122%;margin: 10px 0px;} > #ygrp-mkp #ads{ > margin-bottom: 10px;} > #ygrp-mkp .ad{ > padding:0 0;} > #ygrp-mkp .ad a{ > color:#0000ff; text-decoration: none;} > --> > </STYLE> > > <STYLE type=text/css> > <!-- > #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc{ > font-family: Arial;} > #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc #hd{ > margin:10px 0px;font-weight: bold;font- size:78%; line-height: 122%;} > #ygrp-sponsor #ygrp-lc .ad{ > margin-bottom: 10px;padding: 0 0;} > --> > </STYLE> > > <STYLE type=text/css> > <!-- > #ygrp-mlmsg {font-size:13px; font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} > #ygrp-mlmsg table {font-size:inherit; font:100% ;} > #ygrp-mlmsg select, input, textarea {font:99% arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif;} > #ygrp-mlmsg pre, code {font:115% monospace;} > #ygrp-mlmsg * {line-height: 1.22em;} > #ygrp-text{ > font-family: Georgia; > } > #ygrp-text p{ > margin:0 0 1em 0;} > #ygrp-tpmsgs{ > font-family: Arial; > clear:both;} > #ygrp-vitnav{ > padding-top: 10px;font- family:Verdana; font-size: 77%;margin: 0;} > #ygrp-vitnav a{ > padding:0 1px;} > #ygrp-actbar{ > clear:both;margin: 25px 0;white-space: nowrap;color: #666;text- align:right; } > #ygrp-actbar .left{ > float:left;white- space:nowrap; } > ...bld{font-weight: bold;} > #ygrp-grft{ > font-family: Verdana;font- size:77%; padding:15px 0;} > #ygrp-ft{ > font-family: verdana;font- size:77%; border-top: 1px solid #666; > padding:5px 0; > } > #ygrp-mlmsg #logo{ > padding-bottom: 10px;} > > #ygrp-reco { > margin-bottom: 20px;padding: 0px;} > #ygrp-reco #reco-head { > font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;} > > #reco-grpname{ > font-weight: bold;margin- top:10px; } > #reco-category{ > font-size:77% ;} > #reco-desc{ > font-size:77% ;} > > #ygrp-vital{ > background-color: #e0ecee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:2px 0 8px 8px;} > #ygrp-vital #vithd{ > font-size:77% ;font-family: Verdana;font- weight:bold; color:#333; text-transform: uppercase; } > #ygrp-vital ul{ > padding:0;margin: 2px 0;} > #ygrp-vital ul li{ > list-style-type: none;clear: both;border: 1px solid #e0ecee; > } > #ygrp-vital ul li .ct{ > font-weight: bold;color: #ff7900;float: right;width: 2em;text- align:right; padding-right: .5em;} > #ygrp-vital ul li .cat{ > font-weight: bold;} > #ygrp-vital a{ > text-decoration: none;} > > #ygrp-vital a:hover{ > text-decoration: underline; } > > #ygrp-sponsor #hd{ > color:#999;font- size:77%; } > #ygrp-sponsor #ov{ > padding:6px 13px;background- color:#e0ecee; margin-bottom: 20px;} > #ygrp-sponsor #ov ul{ > padding:0 0 0 8px;margin:0; } > #ygrp-sponsor #ov li{ > list-style-type: square;padding: 6px 0;font-size: 77%;} > #ygrp-sponsor #ov li a{ > text-decoration: none;font- size:130% ;} > #ygrp-sponsor #nc{ > background-color: #eee;margin- bottom:20px; padding:0 8px;} > #ygrp-sponsor .ad{ > padding:8px 0;} > #ygrp-sponsor .ad #hd1{ > font-family: Arial;font- weight:bold; color:#628c2a; font-size: 100%;line- height:122% ;} > #ygrp-sponsor .ad a{ > text-decoration: none;} > #ygrp-sponsor .ad a:hover{ > text-decoration: underline; } > #ygrp-sponsor .ad p{ > margin:0;} > o{font-size: 0;} > ...MsoNormal{ > margin:0 0 0 0;} > #ygrp-text tt{ > font-size:120% ;} > blockquote{margin: 0 0 0 4px;} > ...replbq{margin: 4;} > --> > </STYLE> > <!--~-|**|PrettyHtm lEnd|**|- ~--></DIV> </DIV></div> <br> > > </body></html> > --0-1696842780- 1224983746= :24914-- > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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