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Re: QXCI experience?

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Hi Olif,

I do and have been working with a Naturopath for the last 8 years who has used it on me.. She lives in California. I live in Mass. It is amazing, accurate and will better help your practitioner hone in on whatever is ailing you. A lot of times modern medicine can misdiagnose or even miss something that the QXCI can pick up on. It is a very difficult thing to explain to people because it almost sounds far fetched.. How can a Naturopath diagnose you over the phone.. Well all I can say is 'It works"!

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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No urine sample.. she will usually ask me lots of questions then I put the phone over my belly button for about 5-10 minutes and when she comes back on the phone she will usually have a diagnosis for me. I love having sessions with her on the Quantum..I have referred many family and friends to her and they all love it too! Good luck with your session. I would be interested in your experience.

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Thank you so much, Shanti!

To do it long distance, did you have to mail a urine sample or anything? I know a lady with an EAV, and she can do it long distance but needs a urine sample mailed to her.

Something is going on causing me nervousness, anxiety, and major insomnia. My MD is having me do a month long hormone test, but we need answers NOW. That is why she referred me to the DC with this unit. She also thinks he can eliminate a parasite I have with the QXCI...

Thanks for the info!


Hi Olif,

I do and have been working with a Naturopath for the last 8 years who has used it on me.. She lives in California. I live in Mass. It is amazing, accurate and will better help your practitioner hone in on whatever is ailing you. A lot of times modern medicine can misdiagnose or even miss something that the QXCI can pick up on. It is a very difficult thing to explain to people because it almost sounds far fetched.. How can a Naturopath diagnose you over the phone.. Well all I can say is 'It works"!



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The representatives of this so-called "technology" once attended a brain conference I was at, asserting this as some form of "biofeedback" (it is NOT biofeedback). Their people showed up in long flowing white robes.

The most respected scientists and physicists at this conference (all of whom were known to be open minded individuals and among the most respected in the world) from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines carefully analyed the claims and science behind the QXCI. After evaluating the company and speaking with the company's "experts", the QXCI people (and their gizmo) were asked to leave the conference.

Before they were asked to leave I tried a couple of free demonstrations (at different times). They wrapped a band around my head and bands around my ankles, pressed a couple of buttons and purported to diagnose every possible thing that was wrong with me. I knew quite a bit about my state of health from recent lab work and and chiropractic x-rays. Nothing accurately correlated. They then proceeded to press a few buttons on the computer and claimed this would "clear" me of all that had just been diagnosed. I never experienced anything more ridiculous in my life. I was given differing diagnoses both times I tried it. Nothing correlated to anything meaningful...though they diagnose so many different things going on with you that odds are they are bound to hit upon SOMETHING you have going on.

The company offers a seductive representation of their theories....though is unable to clearly explain the science. It is couched in catch-all terms such as "quantum physics"....the new buzzword used by every quack and huckster out there to conveniently explain what is without scientific basis or merit. Many alternative practitioners are being roped in due to expert marketing of this devise. I would personally avoid any practitioner who relied upon this "one size fits all" method of diagnosis or "healing". It is an unequivocal SCAM.

Please (please) don't waste your time or money.


QXCI experience?

Tomorrow morning I am seeing a chiropractor for QXCI analysis/treatment. My MD referred me to this. Does anyone have experience with it? From what I understand, it is absolutely amazing, but I am curious about any first hand positive/negative results.



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Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion.. All I know is it has helped me tremendously and I wouldn't consider it a waste of time or money.

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Thanks EEgnora. eegnora@... wrote: QXCI=QUACKERY. The representatives of this so-called "technology" once attended a brain conference I was at, asserting this as some form of "biofeedback" (it is NOT biofeedback). Their people showed up in long flowing white robes. The most respected scientists and physicists at this conference (all of whom were known to be open minded individuals and among the most respected in the world) from a wide range of backgrounds and

disciplines carefully analyed the claims and science behind the QXCI. After evaluating the company and speaking with the company's "experts", the QXCI people (and their gizmo) were asked to leave the conference. Before they were asked to leave I tried a couple of free demonstrations (at different times). They wrapped a band around my head and bands around my ankles, pressed a couple of buttons and purported to diagnose every possible thing that was wrong with me. I knew quite a bit about my state of health from recent lab work and and chiropractic x-rays. Nothing accurately correlated. They then proceeded to press a few buttons on the computer and claimed this would "clear" me of all that had just been diagnosed. I never experienced anything more ridiculous in my life. I was given differing diagnoses both times I tried it. Nothing correlated to anything meaningful...though they

diagnose so many different things going on with you that odds are they are bound to hit upon SOMETHING you have going on. The company offers a seductive representation of their theories....though is unable to clearly explain the science. It is couched in catch-all terms such as "quantum physics"....the new buzzword used by every quack and huckster out there to conveniently explain what is without scientific basis or merit. Many alternative practitioners are being roped in due to expert marketing of this devise. I would personally avoid any practitioner who relied upon this "one size fits all" method of diagnosis or "healing". It is an unequivocal SCAM. Please (please) don't waste your time or money. ~N QXCI experience? Tomorrow morning I am seeing a chiropractor for QXCI analysis/treatment. My MD referred me to this. Does anyone have experience with it? From what I understand, it is absolutely amazing, but I am curious about any first hand positive/negative results. Thanks, Olif

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Hi ,

you know what I find a lot of the time.. Is that when people claim something as quackery they are usually the ones who haven't even tried the protocol... they just base their beliefs on some email article they have read... personally if there is something I am drawn to trying, I do some research on it first and then I go for it.. For the most part just about every holistic remedy I have tried from the QXCI to my rife machine, homeopathic remedies, the list goes on and on, have worked. they all have helped me to achieve a level of health that I never had before and I am truly grateful for all of them!

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Sometimes even though we don't feel anything doesn't mean it isn't working. There can be a lot of circumstances to be factored in. Is the person open or skeptical? Are they very sick and blocked? I find the more open, and healthy someone is the better they can feel the energy and the more frequently you have energy work done the more you can feel the subtle effects. When I first had energy work I didn't feel much but after clearing away the layers of baggage mental, spiritual, emotional, physical I can just be in a room with a group of healers and I will be flying or I can go to the mall and have to leave because of all the horrible energy that can be in malls sometimes. I guess what I want to say is you were there for a reason.

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Duped?? Ok let me tell you a story about duped... for over 30 years of my life I felt like crap. Never knew why just did and chalked it up to maybe it was my lot in life. One day I decided that I didn't want to feel lousy any more so, after reading a book called Nature's Pharmacy I went on a mission to find the author of the book.. Dr. Lynne . I began working with her in 2000. She owns a quantum and because she is on the West coast it was a great tool for her to help people she cannot physically see. After an intense round of questions the machine diagnosed me with the Lyme.. I had been bit by a tick when I was 10.. that would certainly explain all the years of sickness.. so I went for a titer test came back negative ( talk about being duped) and at her recommendation had gone to an alternative clinic not in this country. At the doctor's office he performed blood work on a dark field microscope that showed the lyme blood cells they actually look like ticks!! so I in fact did have lyme. When I came home I did 3 intense rounds of homeopathic remedies and went back to the clinic the following year. After another dark field test all of the lyme blood cells were gone!!! and it didn't surprise me because all of my lyme symptoms were gone. You know you have to find the right person who can work with these machines and they are not meant to be a cure all but if you work with the right person it can only add to their protocol that they can offer to you to help you to wellness. So again you may feel I was duped.. the proof is in the pudding.. I am healed and enjoying a level of health that I never had for most of my life.. There is nothing you can say that will make me waiver on that.

Lastly I would not change one thing I did to bring about my vibrant health and I spent a lot of money out of pocket.. It was all worth it!! You cannot put a price tag on your health.

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Ok.. I have another story for you.. Let me start from the beginning.. My sickness has led to many of my family and friends being well.. I had to get sick, and go down the road I did so I could gain knowledge and share it with my friends and family.. The greatest part of it all has been working with Dr. .. She gave me my life back ( with my own hard work). Just about all of my family and friends work with her. I don't get anything for it but the joy of having them be healthy. My sister had a session on the quantum and it came up ( not sure of the details) that she needed to get checked by the gynecologist. Sure enough she had a uterine polyp. She was scared and didn't know what to do so I said why don't you try working with Dr. first and then if it doesn't work follow through with the other doctor.. that weekend we went to see Jimmy Buffett and within that group of friends happened to be a woman obstetrician. My sister had told her what was going on and she said or should I say laughed there is no natural remedy that can cure this,it has to be removed surgically. When Monday came the gynecologist office had already scheduled her surgery without her permission!!! Can you imagine?? My sister decided to hold off on the surgery and do a six week course of intense homeopathic remedies. At the end of the 6 weeks she went for another ultrasound and upon completion she asked the tech if she could share the results.. He said" You didn't hear this from me" but the polyp is gone.

GONE!!! She would have gone in for unnecessary surgery and put herself through all of that for what? It is a beautiful thing to have the freedom of choice. I have so many more stories I can share with you.. It is a lousy day on the East Coast! LOL..

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I do agree with some of what you said as well.. There may not be just one protocol that can cure everything and working with this device can be tricky especially if in the hands of folks that are just pushing buttons and expecting a miracle. No such thing. But as we see there are many, many lab tests that are highly inaccurate and many ailments that go undiagnosed. If you think about every person who has created alternative health modalities Rife, Tesla, Hanneman, Beck, the list goes on ..to some degree there has always been someone there to debunk their work. Every modality doesn't work for every person if that were the case we would all be healthy. All I can do is share information that has worked for me.. even my naturopath doesn't agree with everything I do.. I own an infrared sauna. She feels sometimes it can drive sickness deeper into the body.. Especially with lyme patients. All I know is I feel better when I am done using it.. Who is right? I would have to say my body knows and when it speaks I listen.

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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One last thing.. my symptoms are not only alleviated.. my lyme is gone!!!! completely and totally gone!!! My sister is not only feeling better.. Her polyp is gone!! Working with diligence on your health has nothing to do with luck it has to do with the commitment you invest in yourself. My body is my vehicle in which I will travel through this lifetime. I will do whatever it takes to keep it running smoothly on all levels. I only hope that your negative experience with the QXCI hasn't tainted your beliefs in holistic modalities.

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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It is always hard to evaluate new information, and that is why testimonials help. shantigirl38@... wrote: Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion.. All I know is it has helped me tremendously and I wouldn't consider it a waste of time or money. Shanti Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I would agree with you. Most of the things I have tried have done something. The notable exception is the MMS. But, with so many saying it is great, I am not ready to believe the drug companies just yet! shantigirl38@... wrote: Hi , you know what I find a lot of the time.. Is that when people claim something as quackery they are usually the ones who haven't even tried the protocol... they just base their beliefs on some email article

they have read... personally if there is something I am drawn to trying, I do some research on it first and then I go for it.. For the most part just about every holistic remedy I have tried from the QXCI to my rife machine, homeopathic remedies, the list goes on and on, have worked. they all have helped me to achieve a level of health that I never had before and I am truly grateful for all of them! Shanti Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I went to a real flaky conference once(and even listened to a fellow teaching us how to get in touch with our angels). I had some energy work done. She didnt even touch me. Nothing happened. I felt it was a rip off, and most of the conference was a waste. But was it really? It is so hard to tell. Meredith <meredith848@...> wrote: Thanks EEgnora. eegnoraearthlink (DOT) net wrote: QXCI=QUACKERY. The representatives of this so-called "technology" once attended a brain conference I was at, asserting this as some form of "biofeedback" (it is NOT biofeedback). Their people showed up in long flowing white robes. The most respected scientists and physicists at this conference (all of whom were known to be open minded individuals and among the most respected in the world) from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines carefully analyed the claims and science behind the QXCI. After evaluating the company and speaking with the company's "experts", the QXCI people (and their gizmo) were asked to leave the conference. Before they were asked to leave I tried a couple of free demonstrations (at different times). They wrapped a band around my head and bands around my ankles, pressed a couple of buttons and purported to diagnose every possible thing that was wrong

with me. I knew quite a bit about my state of health from recent lab work and and chiropractic x-rays. Nothing accurately correlated. They then proceeded to press a few buttons on the computer and claimed this would "clear" me of all that had just been diagnosed. I never experienced anything more ridiculous in my life. I was given differing diagnoses both times I tried it. Nothing correlated to anything meaningful...though they diagnose so many different things going on with you that odds are they are bound to hit upon SOMETHING you have going on. The company offers a seductive representation of their theories....though is unable to clearly explain the science. It is couched in catch-all terms such as "quantum physics"....the new buzzword used by every quack and huckster out there to conveniently explain what is without scientific basis or merit. Many alternative

practitioners are being roped in due to expert marketing of this devise. I would personally avoid any practitioner who relied upon this "one size fits all" method of diagnosis or "healing". It is an unequivocal SCAM. Please (please) don't waste your time or money. ~N QXCI experience? Tomorrow morning I am seeing a chiropractor for QXCI analysis/treatment. My MD referred me to this. Does anyone have experience with it? From what I understand, it is absolutely

amazing, but I am curious about any first hand positive/negative results. Thanks, Olif Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Just for the record, I DID experience the QXCI (TWICE, in fact), as did many of my colleagues. Not one I spoke to was impressed with the results--though a few were dazzled by the expensive marketing. The people representing the company (all wearing very cultish looking long white robes) made outlandish claims, and were charging $15,000 per instrument. There were enough complaints and inquiries as to the questionable legitimacy that a group of open-minded scientists and physicists were prompted to investigate the purported basis of their claims. It did NOT check out as even remotely plausible and the company could not provide any real supportive evidence. This was the only vendor I ever recall being ousted from this annual conference (one that was otherwise all-inclusive of cutting edge technologies and new ideas). This was not decided lightly or without utterly due consideration.

The idea behind this device is seductive, but entirely un-scientific and un-researched. And expensive. Placebo effects are what they are, regardless. You may need to face the fact that you have simply been duped--as was your naturopath.You are entitled, however, to your fanciful illusions.

Re: QXCI experience?

Hi ,

you know what I find a lot of the time.. Is that when people claim something as quackery they are usually the ones who haven't even tried the protocol... they just base their beliefs on some email article they have read... personally if there is something I am drawn to trying, I do some research on it first and then I go for it.. For the most part just about every holistic remedy I have tried from the QXCI to my rife machine, homeopathic remedies, the list goes on and on, have worked. they all have helped me to achieve a level of health that I never had before and I am truly grateful for all of them!


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I'm glad your friend is feeling better.

Re: QXCI experience?

Ok.. I have another story for you.. Let me start from the beginning.. My sickness has led to many of my family and friends being well.. I had to get sick, and go down the road I did so I could gain knowledge and share it with my friends and family.. The greatest part of it all has been working with Dr. .. She gave me my life back ( with my own hard work). Just about all of my family and friends work with her. I don't get anything for it but the joy of having them be healthy. My sister had a session on the quantum and it came up ( not sure of the details) that she needed to get checked by the gynecologist. Sure enough she had a uterine polyp. She was scared and didn't know what to do so I said why don't you try working with Dr. first and then if it doesn't work follow through with the other doctor.. that weekend we went to see Jimmy Buffett and within that group of friends happened to be a woman obstetrician. My sister had told her what was going on and she said or should I say laughed there is no natural remedy that can cure this,it has to be removed surgically. When Monday came the gynecologist office had already scheduled her surgery without her permission!!! Can you imagine?? My sister decided to hold off on the surgery and do a six week course of intense homeopathic remedies. At the end of the 6 weeks she went for another ultrasound and upon completion she asked the tech if she could share the results.. He said" You didn't hear this from me" but the polyp is gone.

GONE!!! She would have gone in for unnecessary surgery and put herself through all of that for what? It is a beautiful thing to have the freedom of choice. I have so many more stories I can share with you.. It is a lousy day on the East Coast! LOL..


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maybe Rife.. I also read somewhere baths in alfalfa is helpful.. I guess determining exactly what it is or how is manifests itself in the body will be the challenge considering most who have that sickness are deemed crazy by their Doctors... Possible chemtrail connection.

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Hey I am on the east coast, and the weather is not so bad. Get yourself a pair of Army long underwear and be happy! eegnora@... wrote: I'm glad your friend is feeling better. Re: QXCI experience? Ok.. I have another story for you.. Let me start from the beginning.. My sickness has led to many of my family and friends being well.. I had to get sick, and go down the road I did so I could gain knowledge and share it with my friends and family.. The greatest part of it all has been working with Dr. .. She gave me my life back ( with my own hard work). Just about all of my family and friends work with her. I don't get anything for it but the joy of having them be healthy. My sister had a session on the quantum and it came up ( not sure of the details) that she needed to get checked by the gynecologist. Sure enough she had a

uterine polyp. She was scared and didn't know what to do so I said why don't you try working with Dr. first and then if it doesn't work follow through with the other doctor.. that weekend we went to see Jimmy Buffett and within that group of friends happened to be a woman obstetrician. My sister had told her what was going on and she said or should I say laughed there is no natural remedy that can cure this,it has to be removed surgically. When Monday came the gynecologist office had already scheduled her surgery without her permission!!! Can you imagine?? My sister decided to hold off on the surgery and do a six week course of intense homeopathic remedies. At the end of the 6 weeks she went for another ultrasound and upon completion she asked the tech if she could share the results.. He said" You didn't hear this from me" but the polyp is gone. GONE!!! She would have gone in for unnecessary surgery and put

herself through all of that for what? It is a beautiful thing to have the freedom of choice. I have so many more stories I can share with you.. It is a lousy day on the East Coast! LOL.. Shanti Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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OK, EEgnora, you want to hear a wild one???????????? My friend Lyle sent out a homeopathic remedy with his radionics machine. The pain I had from the accident dissapeared to never come back, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,before I ever applied it......... That sounds like a flock of quack quacks , doesnt it/?/ And another friend reports good results with her dad, and he is all conventional medicine, so no placebo there.. michaeleegnora@... wrote: I'm not overly impressed (especially since I've seen

the way QXCI "diagnoses" things). Let's just say you got lucky. You applied a homeopathic protocol (along with whatever else you did in that time) that just happened to alleviate your symptoms. I'm glad you're feeling better. Trust me, though, you don't owe your newfound well being to QXCI. I felt an oblgation to speak up on this list and warn individuals not to place their faith in this devise. There is a sound basis (not just anecdotal) to this assertion. I am concerned that individuals struggling with their (sometimes severe) health issues do not get swept away by magical thinking out of desperation or wishfulness. I've seen it all-too-often. We all need to get a grip and apply a healthy skepticism to anything which promises to cure or "energetically" diagnose us. Our lives may depend upon it. I'm not saying to assume hucksterism here--obviously, as a subscriber to this list I am open

to many possibilities....but we also need to rely on good old-fashioned lab work, legitimate research and common sense to guide us. No one tool is the answer to all (even those with merit). I hope this has been helpful to at least some. Re: QXCI experience? Duped?? Ok let me tell you a story about duped...

for over 30 years of my life I felt like crap. Never knew why just did and chalked it up to maybe it was my lot in life. One day I decided that I didn't want to feel lousy any more so, after reading a book called Nature's Pharmacy I went on a mission to find the author of the book.. Dr. Lynne . I began working with her in 2000. She owns a quantum and because she is on the West coast it was a great tool for her to help people she cannot physically see. After an intense round of questions the machine diagnosed me with the Lyme.. I had been bit by a tick when I was 10.. that would certainly explain all the years of sickness.. so I went for a titer test came back negative ( talk about being duped) and at her recommendation had gone to an alternative clinic not in this country. At the doctor's office he performed blood work on a dark field microscope that showed the lyme blood cells they actually look like ticks!! so I in fact did

have lyme. When I came home I did 3 intense rounds of homeopathic remedies and went back to the clinic the following year. After another dark field test all of the lyme blood cells were gone!!! and it didn't surprise me because all of my lyme symptoms were gone. You know you have to find the right person who can work with these machines and they are not meant to be a cure all but if you work with the right person it can only add to their protocol that they can offer to you to help you to wellness. So again you may feel I was duped.. the proof is in the pudding.. I am healed and enjoying a level of health that I never had for most of my life.. There is nothing you can say that will make me waiver on that. Lastly I would not change one thing I did to bring about my vibrant health and I spent a lot of money out of pocket.. It was all worth it!! You cannot put a price tag on your health. Shanti Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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Go figure!! See there is so much we don't know and have yet to learn.. I find it all fascinating and fun!! , Personally I would be happier if I were looking at palm trees right now. :-)


Re: QXCI experience?

Duped?? Ok let me tell you a story about duped... for over 30 years of my life I felt like crap. Never knew why just did and chalked it up to maybe it was my lot in life. One day I decided that I didn't want to feel lousy any more so, after reading a book called Nature's Pharmacy I went on a mission to find the author of the book.. Dr. Lynne . I began working with her in 2000. She owns a quantum and because she is on the West coast it was a great tool for her to help people she cannot physically see. After an intense round of questions the machine diagnosed me with the Lyme.. I had been bit by a tick when I was 10.. that would certainly explain all the years of sickness.. so I went for a titer test came back negative ( talk about being duped) and at her recommendation had gone to an alternative clinic not in this country. At the doctor's office he performed blood work on a dark field microscope that showed the lyme blood cells they actually look like ticks!! so I in fact did have lyme. When I came home I did 3 intense rounds of homeopathic remedies and went back to the clinic the following year. After another dark field test all of the lyme blood cells were gone!!! and it didn't surprise me because all of my lyme symptoms were gone. You know you have to find the right person who can work with these machines and they are not meant to be a cure all but if you work with the right person it can only add to their protocol that they can offer to you to help you to wellness. So again you may feel I was duped.. the proof is in the pudding.. I am healed and enjoying a level of health that I never had for most of my life.. There is nothing you can say that will make me waiver on that.

Lastly I would not change one thing I did to bring about my vibrant health and I spent a lot of money out of pocket.. It was all worth it!! You cannot put a price tag on your health.


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