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Re: QXCI experience?

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OK, buy a hotel in Puerto Rico...................or, more affordable, try this........http://www.naturesplatform.com/mychild.html?sid=190808_19609_1154123829 & a= & p=mychild.html & s= & c= & x=2................it can help prevent cancer and lots of bad stuff, and who would ever think of looking under that figurative rock? Oh, by the way, I have had to give up my "healthy "scepticismAfter finding out about building 7 , the cancer,aids,and ebola epidemics, and now Morgollones at rense.com shantigirl38@... wrote: Go figure!! See there is so much we don't know and have yet to learn.. I find it all fascinating and fun!! , Personally I would be happier if I were looking at palm trees right now. :-) Shanti Re: QXCI experience? Duped?? Ok let me tell you a story about duped... for over 30 years of my life I felt like crap. Never knew why just did and chalked it up to maybe it was my lot in life. One day I decided that I didn't want to feel lousy any more so, after reading a book called Nature's Pharmacy I went on a mission to find the author of the book.. Dr. Lynne . I began working with her in 2000. She owns a quantum and because she is on the West coast it was a great tool for her to help people she cannot physically see. After an intense round of questions the machine diagnosed me with the Lyme.. I had been bit by a tick when I was 10.. that would certainly explain all the years of sickness.. so I went for a titer test came back negative ( talk about being duped) and at her recommendation had gone to an alternative clinic not in this country. At the doctor's office he performed blood work on a dark field microscope that showed the

lyme blood cells they actually look like ticks!! so I in fact did have lyme. When I came home I did 3 intense rounds of homeopathic remedies and went back to the clinic the following year. After another dark field test all of the lyme blood cells were gone!!! and it didn't surprise me because all of my lyme symptoms were gone. You know you have to find the right person who can work with these machines and they are not meant to be a cure all but if you work with the right person it can only add to their protocol that they can offer to you to help you to wellness. So again you may feel I was duped.. the proof is in the pudding.. I am healed and enjoying a level of health that I never had for most of my life.. There is nothing you can say that will make me waiver on that. Lastly I would not change one thing I did to bring about my vibrant health and I spent a lot of money out of pocket.. It was all worth it!! You cannot put a

price tag on your health. Shanti Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail!

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You should see the reaction my wife just had to the squatting position toilet i just installed! She never reads anything I find to be interesting or practical. I hesitate to call such individuals stupid, but their imagination and curiosity appear to be atrophied. After reading some on it, it does seem likely that the prostate and uterous problems we have been having are caused by the "porcelain throne". .................http://naturesplatform.com/shantigirl38@... wrote: Hi , you know what I find a lot of the time.. Is that when people claim something as quackery they are usually the ones who haven't even tried the protocol... they just base their beliefs on some email article they have read... personally if there is something I am drawn to trying, I do some research on it first and then I go for it.. For the most part just about every holistic remedy I have tried from the QXCI to my rife machine, homeopathic remedies, the list goes on and on, have worked. they all have helped me to achieve a level of health that I never had before and I am truly grateful for all of them! Shanti Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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You know it may sound crazy, insane but I don't have any regrets about being sick. I have learned so many lessons by coming from a place of total sickness to feeling fantastic pretty much every day now. I have so much appreciation and gratitude for how good I feel. I can go all day with energy to spare. 8 years ago there were days I could barely drag my #$$% off the couch.. My health wasn't handed to me on a silver platter. I fought tooth and nail for every ounce of wellness I have attained. There were days when I was treating myself either with homeopathy or intense energy sessions where I was so sick I wanted to die. I felt even worse than I did from my sickness but another day came and I felt better. I was on a mission and I wasn't going to quit until I got better and I got my wish!! I never take my health for granted I work on it every day.. Not to the same degree as I had to in the past but I would do it all over again if I had to.. through my sickness I have helped so many friends and family overcome their health challenges because I have many resources that I am willing to share. Everything I did may not work for every person.. You have to keep trying to find what works for you. I personally do not consider something quackery just because it didn't work for me. There will never be that one magical cure that will work for everyone. There are too many factors to take into consideration with illness being more than just the physical. If something didn't work I moved on until I found what did. Don't give up on your health!! You are worth it!!

ShantiStart the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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I am on a life-long service with company called

ENERGETIC BALANCING. Mony Vital is my contact there.

It is a QXCI device that does everything remotely.

It is interesting to do the hands-on research, and not

speculate, and see the quarterly reports I get emailed

to me of what my imbalances are. I always see a direct

relationship to the things that I have am going

through at the time (emotional, spiritual, and

physical) and the chart.

One thing to be aware of is the fact that it reads

energy, so if someone else has their energy in your

space, it might show up on the report. For example,

someone I know has thyroid problems. It showed up on

the report as 'Excess thyroid medication'. She has

also been trying to control me with energy for some

time, so it was no surprise to me that her energy was

found in my space. When I had parasites and was

self-treating myself, it showed 'parasites'.

Sometimes it will also show something which is close,

but not exact. For example, it might show that I had

an allergy to ragweed, when I have not been near any.

Chamomile is in the ragweed family, so if I take too

much, for example, it might say 'ragweed allergy' if I

had an allergy to it. Sometimes it takes homework to

discover what the report is trying to tell you.

--- eegnora@... wrote:




#ffffff;color: black;}


The representatives of this so-called " technology "

once attended a brain conference I was at, asserting

this as some form of " biofeedback " (it is NOT

biofeedback). Their people showed up in long flowing

white robes.

The most respected scientists and physicists at this

conference (all of whom were known to be open minded

individuals and among the most respected in the world)

from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines

carefully analyed the claims and science behind the

QXCI. After evaluating the company and speaking with

the company's " experts " , the QXCI people (and their

gizmo) were asked to leave the conference.

Before they were asked to leave I tried a couple of

free demonstrations (at different times). They

wrapped a band around my head and bands around my

ankles, pressed a couple of buttons and purported to

diagnose every possible thing that was wrong with me.

I knew quite a bit about my state of health from

recent lab work and and chiropractic x-rays. Nothing

accurately correlated. They then proceeded to press a

few buttons on the computer and claimed this would

" clear " me of all that had just been diagnosed. I

never experienced anything more ridiculous in my life.

I was given differing diagnoses both times I tried

it. Nothing correlated to anything

meaningful...though they diagnose so many different

things going on with you that odds are they are bound

to hit upon SOMETHING you have going on.

The company offers a seductive representation of their

theories....though is unable to clearly explain the

science. It is couched in catch-all terms such as

" quantum physics " ....the new buzzword used by every

quack and huckster out there to conveniently explain

what is without scientific basis or merit. Many

alternative practitioners are being roped in due to

expert marketing of this devise. I would personally

avoid any practitioner who relied upon this " one size

fits all " method of diagnosis or " healing " . It is an

unequivocal SCAM.

Please (please) don't waste your time or money.


QXCI experience?

Tomorrow morning I am seeing a chiropractor for QXCI

analysis/treatment. My MD referred me to this. Does

anyone have experience with it? From what I

understand, it is absolutely amazing, but I am curious

about any first hand positive/negative results.





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I have had the same experience for about a decade.

Usually the ones with the negativity only and lack of

technical details, are those that are either airchair

speculators or saboteurs.

--- shantigirl38@... wrote:

> Hi ,

> you know what I find a lot of the time.. Is that

> when people claim something

> as quackery they are usually the ones who haven't

> even tried the protocol...

> they just base their beliefs on some email article

> they have read...

> personally if there is something I am drawn to

> trying, I do some research on it

> first and then I go for it.. For the most part just

> about every holistic remedy I

> have tried from the QXCI to my rife machine,

> homeopathic remedies, the list

> goes on and on, have worked. they all have helped

> me to achieve a level of

> health that I never had before and I am truly

> grateful for all of them!

> Shanti




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I have had some marginal experiences as well. I have

also been doing research for about a decade and have

collected a lot video footage and information. You can

see infrared pictures at www.myspace.com/ernie_vegas

if you go to my HEROES photo gallery. You can see

infrared video footage if you go to my BLOG and scroll

down a bit. Energy is real and it's out there, but you

have to go and do ongoing research to get to the



--- Meredith <meredith848@...> wrote:

> I went to a real flaky conference once(and even

> listened to a fellow teaching us how to get in touch

> with our angels). I had some energy work done. She

> didnt even touch me. Nothing happened. I felt it was

> a rip off, and most of the conference was a waste.

> But was it really? It is so hard to tell.



> Meredith <meredith848@...> wrote:

> Thanks EEgnora.



> eegnora@... wrote:


> The representatives of this so-called " technology "

> once attended a brain conference I was at, asserting

> this as some form of " biofeedback " (it is NOT

> biofeedback). Their people showed up in long

> flowing white robes.

> The most respected scientists and physicists at

> this conference (all of whom were known to be open

> minded individuals and among the most respected in

> the world) from a wide range of backgrounds and

> disciplines carefully analyed the claims and science

> behind the QXCI. After evaluating the company and

> speaking with the company's " experts " , the QXCI

> people (and their gizmo) were asked to leave the

> conference.

> Before they were asked to leave I tried a couple

> of free demonstrations (at different times). They

> wrapped a band around my head and bands around my

> ankles, pressed a couple of buttons and purported to

> diagnose every possible thing that was wrong with

> me. I knew quite a bit about my state of health

> from recent lab work and and chiropractic x-rays.

> Nothing accurately correlated. They then proceeded

> to press a few buttons on the computer and claimed

> this would " clear " me of all that had just been

> diagnosed. I never experienced anything more

> ridiculous in my life. I was given differing

> diagnoses both times I tried it. Nothing correlated

> to anything meaningful...though they diagnose so

> many different things going on with you that odds

> are they are bound to hit upon SOMETHING you have

> going on.

> The company offers a seductive representation of

> their theories....though is unable to clearly

> explain the science. It is couched in catch-all

> terms such as " quantum physics " ....the new buzzword

> used by every quack and huckster out there to

> conveniently explain what is without scientific

> basis or merit. Many alternative practitioners are

> being roped in due to expert marketing of this

> devise. I would personally avoid any practitioner

> who relied upon this " one size fits all " method of

> diagnosis or " healing " . It is an unequivocal SCAM.

> Please (please) don't waste your time or money.

> ~N





> experience?


> Tomorrow morning I am seeing a chiropractor for

> QXCI analysis/treatment. My MD referred me to this.

> Does anyone have experience with it? From what I

> understand, it is absolutely amazing, but I am

> curious about any first hand positive/negative

> results.


> Thanks,

> Olif







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I agree with you. Also karma has a lot to do with it.

Sometimes a person doesn't deserve to get better

because of past deeds in this life or others. Or there

is something they need to learn. For example, when I

was sickly about ten years ago, I went through an

awakening experience. I studied and researched

everything I could get my hands on. Now I know about


things. I wouldn't have learned these things if I was

never sickly ten years ago. I am also a lot more

humble now. I believe it was something that needed to

happen to me.

--- shantigirl38@... wrote:

> Sometimes even though we don't feel anything doesn't

> mean it isn't working.

> There can be a lot of circumstances to be factored

> in. Is the person open

> or skeptical? Are they very sick and blocked? I

> find the more open, and

> healthy someone is the better they can feel the

> energy and the more frequently

> you have energy work done the more you can feel the

> subtle effects. When I

> first had energy work I didn't feel much but after

> clearing away the layers of

> baggage mental, spiritual, emotional, physical I can

> just be in a room with a

> group of healers and I will be flying or I can go to

> the mall and have to

> leave because of all the horrible energy that can be

> in malls sometimes. I

> guess what I want to say is you were there for a

> reason.

> Shanti




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I agree with you Ernie. Incurable sinusitis led me to Beck. Now I'm inventing methods for my pinched nerve/slipped disk/nerve damaged arm problem, that just would not have happened if I were not sick. And, OH, I am such a rude and arrogant fellow, that now that I am sick, I can sympathize so much more readily. ERNIE VEGAS <ernie_vegas@...> wrote: I agree with you. Also karma has a lot to do with it.Sometimes a person doesn't deserve to get betterbecause of past deeds in this life or others. Or thereis

something they need to learn. For example, when Iwas sickly about ten years ago, I went through anawakening experience. I studied and researchedeverything I could get my hands on. Now I know aboutBLOOD ELECTRIFICATION, RIFE TECHNOLOGY, and many otherthings. I wouldn't have learned these things if I wasnever sickly ten years ago. I am also a lot morehumble now. I believe it was something that needed tohappen to me.--- shantigirl38aol wrote:> Sometimes even though we don't feel anything doesn't> mean it isn't working. > There can be a lot of circumstances to be factored> in. Is the person open > or skeptical? Are they very sick and blocked? I> find the more open, and > healthy someone is the better they can feel the> energy and the more frequently > you have energy work done the more you can feel the> subtle

effects. When I > first had energy work I didn't feel much but after > clearing away the layers of > baggage mental, spiritual, emotional, physical I can> just be in a room with a > group of healers and I will be flying or I can go to> the mall and have to > leave because of all the horrible energy that can be> in malls sometimes. I > guess what I want to say is you were there for a > reason.> Shanti> > > > **************Start the year off right. Easy ways> to stay in shape. >http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489> __________________________________________________________Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping

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Isn't gratefullness fundamental for a right state of mind? My illness has so increased my love for everything. Every bite of every morsel is remarkable, as is every moment more spent appreciating everything. shantigirl38@... wrote: You know it may sound crazy, insane but I don't have any regrets about being sick. I have learned so many lessons by coming from a place of total sickness to feeling fantastic pretty much every day now. I have so much

appreciation and gratitude for how good I feel. I can go all day with energy to spare. 8 years ago there were days I could barely drag my #$$% off the couch.. My health wasn't handed to me on a silver platter. I fought tooth and nail for every ounce of wellness I have attained. There were days when I was treating myself either with homeopathy or intense energy sessions where I was so sick I wanted to die. I felt even worse than I did from my sickness but another day came and I felt better. I was on a mission and I wasn't going to quit until I got better and I got my wish!! I never take my health for granted I work on it every day.. Not to the same degree as I had to in the past but I would do it all over again if I had to.. through my sickness I have helped so many friends and family overcome their health challenges because I have many resources that I am willing to share. Everything I did may not work for every

person.. You have to keep trying to find what works for you. I personally do not consider something quackery just because it didn't work for me. There will never be that one magical cure that will work for everyone. There are too many factors to take into consideration with illness being more than just the physical. If something didn't work I moved on until I found what did. Don't give up on your health!! You are worth it!! Shanti Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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The journey to enlightenment begins with the primary and baffling question which we have all asked ourselves upon getting sick. "Why Me?"In hindsight only can we see the blessings. Meredith <meredith848@...> wrote: I agree with you Ernie. Incurable sinusitis led me to Beck. Now I'm inventing methods for my pinched nerve/slipped disk/nerve damaged arm

problem, that just would not have happened if I were not sick. And, OH, I am such a rude and arrogant fellow, that now that I am sick, I can sympathize so much more readily. ERNIE VEGAS <ernie_vegas > wrote: For example, when Iwas sickly about ten years ago, I went through anawakening experience. I studied and researchedeverything I could get my hands on. Now I know aboutBLOOD ELECTRIFICATION, RIFE TECHNOLOGY, and many otherthings. I wouldn't have learned these things if I wasnever sickly ten years ago. I am also a lot morehumble now. I believe it was something that needed tohappen to me.--- shantigirl38aol wrote:> Sometimes even though we don't feel anything doesn't> mean it isn't working.

> There can be a lot of circumstances to be factored> in. Is the person open > or skeptical? Are they very sick and blocked? I> find the more open, and > healthy someone is the better they can feel the> energy and the more frequently > you have energy work done the more you can feel the> subtle effects. When I > first had energy work I didn't feel much but after > clearing away the layers of > baggage mental, spiritual, emotional, physical I can> just be in a room with a > group of healers and I will be flying or I can go to> the mall and have to > leave because of all the horrible energy that can be> in malls sometimes. I > guess what I want to say is you were there for a > reason.> Shanti> > > > **************Start the year off right. Easy ways> to stay in shape. >http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489> __________________________________________________________Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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Yes, and you will be angry, too. And justifiably so. Buttttttttt, you are not dead, that is a gift.And feeling miserable will hopefully dissipate. Sometimes you just have to bear with it. i have seen a few people die from cancer. shantigirl38@... wrote: It is hard to be grateful when you are sick and you can't see any way out of it. Shanti Start the year

off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

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If we were really loving and sensitive, we would instead say, "why that other guy?"... It is our own self love that insulates us from the world. ....................if I really had any answers, I wouldnt still be looking,,,,,,,but sometimes I think that it is the search ittself that is important..to be always searching....to never "arrive"................enlightenment is not a place, it is a form of travel. Carol Ann <saffireskyes@...> wrote: The journey to

enlightenment begins with the primary and baffling question which we have all asked ourselves upon getting sick. "Why Me?"In hindsight only can we see the blessings. Meredith <meredith848 > wrote: I agree with you Ernie. Incurable sinusitis led me to Beck. Now I'm inventing methods for my pinched nerve/slipped disk/nerve damaged arm problem, that just would not have happened if I were not sick. And, OH, I am such a rude and arrogant fellow, that now that I am sick, I can sympathize so much more readily. ERNIE VEGAS <ernie_vegas > wrote: For example, when Iwas sickly about ten years ago, I went through anawakening experience. I studied and researchedeverything I could get my hands on. Now I know aboutBLOOD ELECTRIFICATION, RIFE TECHNOLOGY, and many otherthings. I wouldn't have learned these things if I wasnever sickly ten years ago. I am also a lot morehumble now. I believe it was something that needed tohappen to me.--- shantigirl38aol wrote:> Sometimes even though we don't feel anything doesn't> mean it isn't working. > There can be a lot of circumstances to be factored> in. Is the person open > or skeptical? Are they very sick and blocked? I> find the more open, and > healthy someone is the better they can feel the> energy and the more frequently > you have energy work done the more you can feel the>

subtle effects. When I > first had energy work I didn't feel much but after > clearing away the layers of > baggage mental, spiritual, emotional, physical I can> just be in a room with a > group of healers and I will be flying or I can go to> the mall and have to > leave because of all the horrible energy that can be> in malls sometimes. I > guess what I want to say is you were there for a > reason.> Shanti> > > > **************Start the year off right. Easy ways> to stay in shape. >http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489> __________________________________________________________Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. http://tools.search./newsearch/category.php?category=shopping Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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What comes to mind when you hear the words "self-centered"During the course of my own journeys, I've come across (and still do) individuals who believed themselves to be gurus, believing they have "arrived", entitled to tell others how to do the same thing. I always walk away laughing, thinking, man, you have many mountains and miles yet to travel.You're on to something . :) Not even the Dali Lama would have the audacity to claim such an "arrived" distinction. Meredith <meredith848@...> wrote: If we were really loving and sensitive, we would instead say, "why that other guy?"... It is our own self love that insulates us from the world. ....................if I really had any answers, I wouldnt still be looking,,,,,,,but sometimes I think that it is the search ittself that is important..to be always searching....to never "arrive"................enlightenment is not a place, it is a form of travel. Carol Ann <saffireskyes > wrote: The journey to enlightenment begins with the primary and baffling question which we have all asked ourselves upon getting sick. "Why Me?"In hindsight only can we see the blessings. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html

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The Dali lama is my inspiration as a man who is literally a king, and behaves like a rapt student. He has great learning, and acts like an innocent. He seems like a child mostly, so has managed to find what Jesus talked about that we need to become like children. .................oh , i saw baba ram das once, they worshipped him like a god. Years later a friend met him and told me he(a former shrink) was undergoing psychoanalysis for problems relating to that. he needs to just adopt a normal life somewhere, and forget that nonsense. A truely loving mother would instead say, why couldnt it have been me!!!! It is that instinct that I am trying to present to people with my sculpture <Mother's Love"..............bigsculpture.org..........................................I did actually hear once, from a very sick woman, "Why couldnt it have been you?"...................I was

flabergasted.............Carol Ann <saffireskyes@...> wrote: What comes to mind when you hear the words "self-centered"During the course of my own journeys, I've come across (and still do) individuals who believed themselves to be gurus, believing they have "arrived", entitled to tell others how to do the same thing. I always walk away laughing, thinking, man, you have many mountains and miles yet to travel.You're on to something . :) Not even the Dali

Lama would have the audacity to claim such an "arrived" distinction. Meredith <meredith848 > wrote: If we were really loving and sensitive, we would instead say, "why that other guy?"... It is our own self love that insulates us from the world. ....................if I really had any answers, I wouldnt still be looking,,,,,,,but sometimes I think that it is the search ittself that is important..to be always searching....to never "arrive"................enlightenment is not a place, it is a form of travel. Carol Ann <saffireskyes > wrote: The journey to

enlightenment begins with the primary and baffling question which we have all asked ourselves upon getting sick. "Why Me?"In hindsight only can we see the blessings. Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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