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Re: fibro caused by a virus?

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All of my problems began with military-grade vaccines, some especially

for Army medical as well as high-risk civilian medical. Vaccines of

any kind are considered equivalent to a virus. In almost all peer-

reviewed published studies based on controlled clinical tests, Fibro,

CFIDS, Gulf War Illness, viral (or vaccines) were the triggering

factor. In less than half, " other " was determined to be the triggering

factor. Other is almost always " environmental " ; That is

pollution, " sick building " syndrome, office jobs that require close

contact with upholstery or vinyl, new carpets, all preserved with

formaldihyde or embalming fluid, and/or living and working near or on

any military installation since approximately 1985. And most clinical

studies factor in diet, exercise, family history -- everything else

that has absolutely nothing to do with why you are sick.

Antidepressants are one of the worst things you can do to yourself.

And mainstream medicine, as well as Social Security and VA docs hand

them out like candy at Halloween or La Posada (Christmas-time in the

Mexican tradition).

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Dixie, for a lot of stress and/or overdoing it for several days with little rest or sleep. That can trigger a big one for me. Sometimes, it just not easy to jus say no when you know there are things you must take care of, like job,kids, hubby, house, etc. I have learned the hard way to just listen to my body when it tells me it has had enough. Right now I am on three new meds and can't determine if they are making me sick or I just have a slight case of the flue that is going around these parts. I will wait a few more days to see if I can figure it out. Tomorrow my plan is to rest because I have a extremely busy week scheduled for next week. Also, I want to know if anyone out there is taking Cymbalta. It may be what is making me sick but I don't know yet. Thanks, guys! Shirley Godbout

fibro caused by a virus?

It seems alot of things can trigger a bad flare of fibro , pain for me. , but I do believe it is caused to start with by a virus that weakens ones immune system. Now, stress can weaken it or a number of other things. When I was a child I had alot of real bad sore throats. Took alot of antibiotics, (not good for ones body). Then went thru alot of real bad stressful times. Now it seems my body is just waiting for any thing to be a little off with me and it triggers a bad attack of pain. I live in New England, and we have had crazy weather or a while now. 40 degrees, then huge snow storms , then below 0. A big stresser and I flare. I try to think back to what I was doing right when I was pain free and feeling good for a few days. No answer. Do any of you go thru this? I just can not take any kind of antidepressant . Makes me drug sick. I would like thoughts on any of this .ThanksCarolyn

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> Dixie, for a lot of stress and/or overdoing it for several days

with little rest or sleep. That can trigger a big one for me.

Sometimes, it just not easy to jus say no when you know there are

things you must take care of, like job,kids, hubby, house, etc. I

have learned the hard way to just listen to my body when it tells me

it has had enough. Right now I am on three new meds and can't

determine if they are making me sick or I just have a slight case of

the flue that is going around these parts. I will wait a few more

days to see if I can figure it out. Tomorrow my plan is to rest

because I have a extremely busy week scheduled for next week. Also,

I want to know if anyone out there is taking Cymbalta. It may be

what is making me sick but I don't know yet. Thanks, guys!


> Shirley Godbout




> fibro caused by a virus?


> It seems alot of things can trigger a bad flare of fibro , pain for

me. , but I do believe it is caused to start with by a virus that

weakens ones immune system. Now, stress can weaken it or a number of

other things. When I was a child I had alot of real bad sore throats.

Took alot of antibiotics, (not good for ones body). Then went thru

alot of real bad stressful times. Now it seems my body is just

waiting for any thing to be a little off with me and it triggers a

bad attack of pain. I live in New England, and we have had crazy

weather or a while now. 40 degrees, then huge snow storms , then

below 0. A big stresser and I flare. I try to think back to what I

was doing right when I was pain free and feeling good for a few days.

No answer. Do any of you go thru this? I just can not take any kind

of antidepressant . Makes me drug sick. I would like thoughts on any

of this .

> Thanks

> Carolyn



> I was taking Cymbalta, but I stopped because I was pregnant. They

said I could continue to use it, but I did not want anything coming

back later down the road that it causes problems in babies. When I

first started on Cymbalta, I was on a very low dose, but when they

boosted the dosage I began to have problems. I thought it was making

me crazy. I couldn't think straight. I felt sick all the time.

Coming off of Cymbalta was extremely hard. You stop taking it, but

something wants to pull you back. It was addictive to me.

The only good thing that happened while I was on it was that it made

me lose weight.






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I took Cymbalta for 4 or 5 months and had a pretty good experience with it. It worked wonders for my depression and helped with nerve pain. I stopped taking it because my urogyn suspected it had caused the recurrence of urinary retention/hesitancy. I'm still not really sure it was the Cymbalta. I had no other side effects. I've talked to lots of people who had good results with it helping with nerve pain. But many said they had side effects for the first couple weeks that went away after that. The key to start at a low dosage, like 30mg a day I believe, and work your way up so the side effects are less. Hope this helps,

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