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RE: Colloidal silver and kidney infection

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Hi I have very good experience with the 500 ppm CS from Innovative Natural Products and I agree, the 5-10ppm clear CS solutions are useless. Here is my story: I had dental cleaning and due to a fault of my own, the dirty tip of the cleaning stencil poked into my gum. It got, not surprisingly, infected! My left cheek swell up also the lymph nodes right under my jaw and throat. I tried three different mouthwashes, at the same time, didn’t work. Then I recalled that CS could do it and I used the 500ppm solution. The next day it felt better. I took it for a few days but I was low on it and tried to find the product here in Reno but everybody seemed to be out of it. So I tried a 10 ppm CS solution from Silver Hydrosol from Sovereign Silver. They made big claims of their nano-size silver particles and that it’s supposed to be the best, etc. Well, it didn’t work and the swelling came back. I returned to the 500 ppm, I actually added some water to ‘stretch it out’ of what I had left of it and it worked, I got rid of the infection before I ran out. http://www.innovativenatural.com/ With best regards, Stephan

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Yes you can also kill flies with cannonballs

From: Stephan Fuelling

Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 1:54 PM

Subject: RE: Colloidal silver and kidney infection


I have very good experience with the 500 ppm CS from Innovative Natural Products and I agree, the 5-10ppm clear CS solutions are useless. Here is my story: I had dental cleaning and due to a fault of my own, the dirty tip of the cleaning stencil poked into my gum. It got, not surprisingly, infected! My left cheek swell up also the lymph nodes right under my jaw and throat. I tried three different mouthwashes, at the same time, didn’t work. Then I recalled that CS could do it and I used the 500ppm solution. The next day it felt better. I took it for a few days but I was low on it and tried to find the product here in Reno but everybody seemed to be out of it. So I tried a 10 ppm CS solution from Silver Hydrosol from Sovereign Silver. They made big claims of their nano-size silver particles and that it’s supposed to be the best, etc. Well, it didn’t work and the swelling came back. I returned to the 500 ppm, I actually added some water to ‘stretch it out’ of what I had left of it and it worked, I got rid of the infection before I ran out. http://www.innovativenatural.com/

With best regards,


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If the real test is whether the clear or amber/gold CS clears infection better,

they work equally well in my experience at 36 PPM with distilled water and

assumed to be higher than 40 PPM using RO due to its better conductivity.

The microwave oven circuit setup makes clear batches using RO; a jar of CS is

indistinguishable from a jar of water to the naked eye even after several months

in storage, unless a tiny bit of particulate silver precipitates, probably after

falling off the electrode.

If I add a couple of drops of tap water my CS goes amber/gold over a period of

about a week, and if I add more, say a shot of tap water it becomes greyish over

a period of a few days, then silvers the inside of the jar over a period of a

couple of weeks. If I add a pinch of salt it goes cloudy right away then

similarly silvers the inside of the jar over a couple of weeks.

Even the greyish CS works, big particles and all. The stuff in the spinning-type

room mister was going grey when the fella was beathing it to clear a

drug-resistant bronchial infection after being sent home from the hospital.

Do you feel the gold or grey stuff might require lower dosing then?

all good,



> Hi !!


> I have a question regarding this infection..

> After terrible pains, I finally understood the source of my problem.


> I went to buy some colloidal silver and got a Sovereign Silver product "

claiming 10 ppm. I have the feeling that this product is useless , containing

very little silver, mostly " ionic " .


> I have done this test :

> How To Tell If A Product Is Mostly Ionic Silver


> Silver solutions are typically clear like water or have a slight yellow tint.

These products are clear because silver that is dissolved in water looks just

like sugar or salt that is dissolved in water; it has no visible appearance. The

producers of ionic silver solutions will suggest that colloidal silver should

look like clear water, but this is incorrect.


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, don't be so mean! I really was in great pain at the time and very glad that the CS worked. Stephan Dr. Stephan Fuelling587 Putnam Dr.Reno, NV 89503(775) 329-8991On Feb 13, 2011, at 11:41 AM, "" <Cuns-Rial@...> wrote:

Yes you can also kill flies with cannonballs

From: Stephan Fuelling

Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 1:54 PM

Subject: RE: Colloidal silver and kidney infection


I have very good experience with the 500 ppm CS from Innovative Natural Products and I agree, the 5-10ppm clear CS solutions are useless. Here is my story: I had dental cleaning and due to a fault of my own, the dirty tip of the cleaning stencil poked into my gum. It got, not surprisingly, infected! My left cheek swell up also the lymph nodes right under my jaw and throat. I tried three different mouthwashes, at the same time, didn’t work. Then I recalled that CS could do it and I used the 500ppm solution. The next day it felt better. I took it for a few days but I was low on it and tried to find the product here in Reno but everybody seemed to be out of it. So I tried a 10 ppm CS solution from Silver Hydrosol from Sovereign Silver. They made big claims of their nano-size silver particles and that it’s supposed to be the best, etc. Well, it didn’t work and the swelling came back. I returned to the 500 ppm, I actually added some water to ‘stretch it out’ of what I had left of it and it worked, I got rid of the infection before I ran out. http://www.innovativenatural.com/

With best regards,


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Gotta come in here and cop whatever flak comes my way.

At the end of the day one must form some of their own determinations on the many

and varied forms of this stuff.

Ignoring all the hype and BS from the public domain, and I'm no academic or

expert, but I reckon I've read just about all there is to read on this subject

over several years which appears in the public domain {and what you wrote was

one of them}.

Have you read what *actually* consitutes a colloidal solution?

In case you haven't, here's another statement from the public domain {although,

from a more reputable source than product marketers I hasten to add} - " To be

classed as a colloidal solution at least 50% of the solute *should* be in the

form of colloids " - this is simply NOT the case with what is produced in the

home, {and I suspect bought from the store either} and if it *were* available in

the store I would like to see the laboratory analysis printed on that label

stating ion/particle ratio, size of the largest particles, and the total Ag

content in that bottle, and praps if it was produced using HVAC or LVDC method.

Without that report you won't have a clue as to what you've bought, and are

simply relying on that manufacturers label. And if it was produced using LVDC

then I seriously doubt a lab analysis would indicate the same ppm as written on

the label? I know nothing about store bought products so ignore the above

comment if you want.

Those who produce a silver solution using LVDC do not make this so called

'colloidal silver', they make a predominantly ionic silver solution. In that

solution there will be atomic ion clusters {commonly referred to as

'particles'}. The term 'colloidal silver' has been used and abused over recent

decades to mean practically anything which may have silver in it in *any* form.

'Colloidal silver' in most cases is a misnomer, and is a term which is out of

date as it's not colloidal silver {by the above definition} that people produce

in their homes using LVDC electrolysis.

Regarding your 250ppm stuff. You do know that anything over the solubility

limit of silver in water will require some form of stabilizer to surround those

particles keeping them suspended in that water? And because those particles are

surrounded by that protein, bacteria can *still* survive in that protein

surrounding that silver {literature is available in the public domain regarding

this}...rather counter-productive in my book, and consequently should not be

termed a 'health' product {opinion}. And I suspect those high ppm solutions

contain powdered or ground silver bought in bulk from a supplier...Who knows?

If one approaches/exceeds the solubility limit of silver in water, plateout

and/or settlement will in all likelyhood become evident over time in storage

would it not?

The more learned can explain Van der Waals, Brownian motion and zeta potential.

I've been ingesting an amount of this stuff every day for several years and I

can tell you that my visits to the 'rest room' for the purpose of ridding myself

of waist water has never been so frequent since I began my ingestion of this

stuff on a daily basis. My observed conclusion is that my kidneys etc are being

flushed consistantly and I believe that can only be a *good* thing, annoying at

times but still good, as my plumbing is kept in top operating condition and bug

free, and possibly preventing any issues arising as I age.

Another of my determinations based on researched material and common

sense...There is a vast difference between that which is termed a 'true'

colloidal silver product and what is produced by LVDC, and going with that,

there are differences in efficacy of each - dependant on the health issue one

chooses to use either of the above for!

Some argue that an ion is still a colloid, well this may be so, but for defining

a colloidal solution and an ionic/colloidal solution I prefer to keep a

separation between the two definitions for the purpose of clarity in

understanding the difference between the two, and what constitutes a 'colloidal


You mentioned 'colour', this is another arguement which abounds in the public

domain. I don't care what 'colour' my solutions are {up to golden} - as long my

solutions are totally transparent and crystal clear in appearance, and the water

has an appearance of reflecting within itself {difficult to explain that}, and I

don't see any plateout or fallout over time in storage, then I'm satisfied

whatever silver there is in that water is held in suspension by zeta etc etc and

*will* be perfectly bioavailable...regardless of particle size!

" ...10ppm useless " - Well that would depend on what it's being used for

{opinion}. High ppm does not necessarily mean more/better efficacy {as stated

in a variety of literature}. If I am treating something of which I consider

needs hitting hard and fast, I will produce a glass full and ensure it is

consumed within 12-24 hours. This maximises the intake of positively

electrically charged silver ions. For every hour after cessation of production,

some of those + charged ions will be lost to ion clusters {and if I'm right,

become neutral in charge} until a point of solution stability has been reached.

For every + charged ion lost to cluster I believe some efficacy is lost

also...again, dependant on what condition or health issue one is using it for.

For those who support the view that stomach acids and salts etc etc in the blood

render ionic silver useless then I suggest searching for information regarding

ammonias and peroxides within the body praps negating that supposition. This is

an ongoing argument also, but I believe there is some truth to it even though

reading material is in *extremely* short supply in the public domain. If you

find any, other than that written by Stuart {sp?}, let me know.

So, if one wishes to use a predominantly ionic solution, they can, if they

prefer to use a more particulate solution, they can do that too...but you

*can't* do that with what's bought over the counter!

I've researched this stuff practically to death over my several years

involvement, but at the end of the day, and failing applicable published

material for answers to some of my questions, I consider I'm forced to make some

of my own decisions and form some of my own determinations on several aspects of

this stuff, even to the point of quietly disagreeing with some, hence I can be

considered a black sheep...I am not a follower of a flock if I think they are

not going in the right direction.

In conclusion: If you were referring to stuff produced by HVAC, then just

ignore me as I know nothing about HVAC stuff, and excuse my rather forward

interruption and rant. Make believe I'm not here and you never heard from me

<grin>. And I don't understand the source of your problem anyway so you can

tell me to 'bug off' if ya want.


> >

> >

> > *Hi All:

> > *

> >

> > *

> > *

> >

> >

> > *Bob Beck believed that garlic was poisonous and he warned the

> > same on several occasions not to combine it with his device. Was

> > he correct? Apparently, we all disobeyed him and survive :0) but

> > still use his machine.

> > *

> >

> >

> > *

> > *

> >

> >

> > *It could have been just his own physiology that rejected garlic.

> > He was not an ordinary guy. Just look at him in the videos. He

> > had just lost a great deal of weight quickly as a result of using

> > his device and his wild, strange looking hair grew back in. He

> > liked it, but I think I would rather be bald, given the choice.

> > *

> >

> > *

> > Regards,

> > Jim*

> >

> >

> >

> > Posted by: " DuncanCrow " duncancrow@

> >



> > DuncanCrow <DuncanCrow>

> >

> >

> > Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:13 am (PST)

> >

> >

> >

> > I saw Dr. Beck's garlic comment on video years ago but it didn't scare

> > me and I and my wife still eat garlic nearly every day. Never noticed

> > brain fog.

> >

> > all good,

> >

> > Duncan

> >


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Stephan, I make reference to your remark that 5-10 ppm CS “solutions†are useless. They are not.

Dr. Cuns-Rial

From: Dr. Stephan Fuelling

Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 4:21 PM

Subject: Re: Colloidal silver and kidney infection

, don't be so mean! I really was in great pain at the time and very glad that the CS worked.

Stephan Dr. Stephan Fuelling 587 Putnam Dr.

Reno, NV 89503

(775) 329-8991

On Feb 13, 2011, at 11:41 AM, "" <Cuns-Rial@...> wrote:

Yes you can also kill flies with cannonballs

From: Stephan Fuelling

Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 1:54 PM

Subject: RE: Colloidal silver and kidney infection


I have very good experience with the 500 ppm CS from Innovative Natural Products and I agree, the 5-10ppm clear CS solutions are useless. Here is my story: I had dental cleaning and due to a fault of my own, the dirty tip of the cleaning stencil poked into my gum. It got, not surprisingly, infected! My left cheek swell up also the lymph nodes right under my jaw and throat. I tried three different mouthwashes, at the same time, didn’t work. Then I recalled that CS could do it and I used the 500ppm solution. The next day it felt better. I took it for a few days but I was low on it and tried to find the product here in Reno but everybody seemed to be out of it. So I tried a 10 ppm CS solution from Silver Hydrosol from Sovereign Silver. They made big claims of their nano-size silver particles and that it’s supposed to be the best, etc. Well, it didn’t work and the swelling came back. I returned to the 500 ppm, I actually added some water to ‘stretch it out’ of what I had left of it and it worked, I got rid of the infection before I ran out. http://www.innovativenatural.com/

With best regards,


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Thanks Dr. Stephan,

Results help to prove a product's effective quality.


On 2/13/2011 1:21 PM, Dr. Stephan Fuelling wrote:


, don't be so mean! I really was in great pain at

the time and very glad that the CS worked. 


Dr. Stephan Fuelling

587 Putnam Dr.

Reno, NV 89503

(775) 329-8991

On Feb 13, 2011, at 11:41 AM, "" <Cuns-Rial@...>



Yes you can also kill flies with cannonballs


From: Stephan


Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011

1:54 PM

Subject: RE:


silver and kidney infection





have very good experience with the 500

ppm CS from Innovative Natural Products

and I agree, the 5-10ppm clear CS

solutions are useless. Here is my story:

I had dental cleaning and due to a fault

of my own, the dirty tip of the cleaning

stencil poked into my gum. It got, not

surprisingly, infected! My left cheek

swell up also the lymph nodes right

under my jaw and throat. I tried three

different mouthwashes, at the same time,

didn’t work. Then I recalled that CS

could do it and I used the 500ppm

solution. The next day it felt better. I

took it for a few days but I was low on

it and tried to find the product here in

Reno but everybody seemed to be out of

it. So I tried a 10 ppm CS solution from

Silver Hydrosol from Sovereign Silver.

They made big claims of their nano-size

silver particles and that it’s supposed

to be the best, etc. Well, it didn’t

work and the swelling came back. I

returned to the 500 ppm, I actually

added some water to ‘stretch it out’ of

what I had left of it and it worked, I

got rid of the infection before I ran

out. http://www.innovativenatural.com/


best regards,


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Hi , You are right, otherwise the manufactures of the low ppm CS would be really fast out of business. But It is a difference if you drink a whole glass of low ppm CS (Dr. Beck) to improve your health or if you want to improve a condition, e.g. in the mouth. One also has to be careful with the high ppm CS, since it could lead to agrya (spelling?), so far my skin has not turned grey. I have had good results with the 500 ppm CS solution also for sore throat conditions. But for most of that one could also use chlorine dioxide. With best regards, Stephan From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 5:45 PM Subject: Re: Colloidal silver and kidney infection Stephan, I make reference to your remark that 5-10 ppm CS “solutions†are useless. They are not. Dr. Cuns-Rial From: Dr. Stephan Fuelling Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 4:21 PM Subject: Re: Colloidal silver and kidney infection , don't be so mean! I really was in great pain at the time and very glad that the CS worked. Stephan Dr. Stephan Fuelling 587 Putnam Dr.Reno, NV 89503(775) 329-8991On Feb 13, 2011, at 11:41 AM, " " <Cuns-Rial@...> wrote: Yes you can also kill flies with cannonballs From: Stephan Fuelling Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 1:54 PM Subject: RE: Colloidal silver and kidney infection Hi I have very good experience with the 500 ppm CS from Innovative Natural Products and I agree, the 5-10ppm clear CS solutions are useless. Here is my story: I had dental cleaning and due to a fault of my own, the dirty tip of the cleaning stencil poked into my gum. It got, not surprisingly, infected! My left cheek swell up also the lymph nodes right under my jaw and throat. I tried three different mouthwashes, at the same time, didn’t work. Then I recalled that CS could do it and I used the 500ppm solution. The next day it felt better. I took it for a few days but I was low on it and tried to find the product here in Reno but everybody seemed to be out of it. So I tried a 10 ppm CS solution from Silver Hydrosol from Sovereign Silver. They made big claims of their nano-size silver particles and that it’s supposed to be the best, etc. Well, it didn’t work and the swelling came back. I returned to the 500 ppm, I actually added some water to ‘stretch it out’ of what I had left of it and it worked, I got rid of the infection before I ran out. http://www.innovativenatural.com/With best regards,Stephan

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Hi Irene,

Just re-read my posting...No, it's not so great, in fact it's rather

embarrassing, and it's not a 'dialogue', it's more of a 'rambling', not the way

one should write to win friends and influence people <grin>, but then I never

have got the hang of wording things properly using this medium, and I suspect I

never will.

To be honest with you, I'm not entirely sure? I suspect the amber or tea

coloured product is produced using the High Voltage Alternating Current Arc

method? If this is the case then I suspect also that there are many more

particles of silver present in that product as opposed to positively charged

silver ions.

As I said in my post, I know nothing about store bought products or how they

produce it, but I do suspect that due to the volume they must produce for resale

they probly use the HVAC arc method to produce it. I believe because of this,

their products will be more particulate in nature than a home produced product

using Low Voltage Direct Current. Nothing wrong with that, it's just that the

user is unable to choose between a product that is high in positively charged

silver ions over a product which would be more particulate in nature.

I mainly responded to the previous poster because there is so much bunkum

{opinion} put out there about colour and ppm of solution that I consider it


Solubility of silver in Distilled Water has a limit, and 250ppm far exceeds that

limit, meaning those particles *could?* be larger than desirable or ideal, or

there could be a far greater concentration of total silver in that product which

would require something added to that solution to keep those particles from

being pulled out of solution by gravity and ending up on the bottom of the

storage vessel. Bacteria can still prosper in that *something* also {usually a

protein} which surrounds those silver particles which I consider rather counter

productive. Why do some insist on amber coloured storage vessels for EIS/CS?

How long does it take for the body to remove that surrounding protein, and how

far have those particles moved through the intestinal system anyway before it's

removed for the silver to be made available for efficay? I welcome some

information or opinions on this aspect.

Either way, those type products *could* result in undesirable effects in the

long term - such as that dreaded <grin> Argyria business everyone goes on about.

Due to my hypothesis about ionic vs particulate efficacies for particular health

issues, this could be a reason why some people don't appear to get results they

expect to get? Information or opinions welcomed again.

I believe, no, I'm convinced, that one could use a simple 3 x 9v battery unit,

without current control, and providing they only produce a small amount each

time {like a drinking glass} and remove those trodes at the 30 minute, or each

30 minute mark to clean them before resubmerging them, they can still produce a

product equal in quality to anything out there. It would probly only take 1

hour, or praps longer depending on water temperature, to produce around a

10-15ppm product.

Clear or yellow makes no difference providing the water remains transparent, has

that internal reflection of itself, nothing appears to be floating on the

surface of that water, and no settlement becomes observable on the bottom of the

storage vessel over time.

And they can choose to ingest it immediatley upon cessation of the brewing

process to maximise on Ag+ ion intake, or leave it stand for a few days allowing

some of those positively charged ions to collide with each other forming ion


I don't promote or sell anything {I speak and act for myself only} so these are

all just my observations and determinations - and as with anything, they could

be argued/debated...I'm no chemist or engineer! But I have read extensively and

these are my convictions from the multitude of material and literature I've



> >

> >

> > *Hi All:

> > *

> >

> > *

> > *

> >

> >

> > *Bob Beck believed that garlic was poisonous and he warned the

> > same on several occasions not to combine it with his device. Was

> > he correct? Apparently, we all disobeyed him and survive :0) but

> > still use his machine.

> > *

> >

> >

> > *

> > *

> >

> >

> > *It could have been just his own physiology that rejected garlic.

> > He was not an ordinary guy. Just look at him in the videos. He

> > had just lost a great deal of weight quickly as a result of using

> > his device and his wild, strange looking hair grew back in. He

> > liked it, but I think I would rather be bald, given the choice.

> > *

> >

> > *

> > Regards,

> > Jim*

> >

> >

> >

> > Posted by: " DuncanCrow " duncancrow@

> >



> > DuncanCrow <DuncanCrow>

> >

> >

> > Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:13 am (PST)

> >

> >

> >

> > I saw Dr. Beck's garlic comment on video years ago but it didn't scare

> > me and I and my wife still eat garlic nearly every day. Never noticed

> > brain fog.

> >

> > all good,

> >

> > Duncan

> >




> -----------------------------------


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I make colloidal silver using something between HVAC and LVDC, specifically 3600

volts pulsed DC. I don't call 3600 volts particularly low or high so it seems to

be a new breed, and it seems, one that enjoys the best of both theories. It does

not produce an arc as the electrodes are wet. My simple conversion of a retired

microwave oven is capable of continual production of 2 quarts per minute minimum

with in and out trickle hoses. I still use the batch method and make it pretty

strong, ca. 40 PPM.

all good,



> the user is unable to choose between a product that is high in positively

charged silver ions over a product which would be more particulate in nature.


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