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Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla?

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Welcome Dan,

You may need to join BG's Group:


This is where His Godzilla work is found on Hep-B & C

You may also want to join our Oleander Soup Group as they have had good luck

with Hep as well:


These 3-groups are just loaded with some Fantastic people they go out of their

way to help others overcome their " Minor Set Backs " !

So Join, Read and then Read some more. Their are tons of info to help you.

Take Care,



> Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.


> I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using either Dr.

Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.


> I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is going to

have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be mixed

emotions on this topic.


> I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some insight!


> Thanks again.


> Dan


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A lot of people are turning up with hep-c. Many cases

of HIV are also Hep-c positive. This combo is the worst tangle

and has public health people very worried. Both are transmissable

most easily via shared drug hypos, so the pattern of fatalities

spreads along this vector very easily and widely in the

youth and young adult population. There is less stigma

associated with hep-c than HIV, however, it is still scary stuff...

you don't want this one! IF you have it, get busy fixing it.

A virus commonly referred to as " hcv " or " hep-c " lives inside

liver cells. It's really a family of viral strains, and is

sometimes referred to as " non-A, non-B " when the exact

typing is ambiguous.

RNA strand count via bloodtest is indicative of activity of

the virus, but fails to show the condition of the affected liver.

A liver biopsy will reveal the damage to the liver.

Electrifying blood goes only partway and has little effect directly

on these infected liver cells, since the current never enters

them due to placement of the electrodes.

Placing electrodes on front and back of liver will send

current into liver, where it may serve to inactivate the virus.

Electrifying blood via wrist electrodes is probably also a

good idea, because anyone with infection may have a blood-carried

component or opportunistic infection going on along with hvc,

but this will not fully address the condition.

Even if the virus infects many areas of the body, the damage of

consequence seems to be the liver itself.

Viremia (viral infection)in the liver prompts immune response and a

flood of white cells into the liver. This slowly clogs it, and

it begins to fail.

The disease has an active initial stage followed by a quiet

stage of about 10 years. After that, it can return and can

cause liver failure of variable severity. In some cases, about

10 percent, death ensues.

Lately, with the advent of better drug techniques, 50 percent

of Hep-c cases can be treated successfully with pegalated

Interferon and Ribavirin. Their count drops quickly to

near-zero within a few weeks, then to zero in a month

or two, and it stays there. The disease is gone, does not

come back. These are the lucky ones.

The others fall into two categories of failure: 1. reaction

to drugs is too severe to continue. 2. Drugs ineffective.

Microelectricity research device of choice: auto-godzilla

with TENS pads or std godzilla cigarette-sized electrodes held

in place by a belt of some kind. These can be ganged around

the liver, using 4 or 5 pairs, some in front and their matching

electrode of opposite polarity in the back, or from side to

side across the liver.

current to use: .5mA - 1.mA

time of usage 1 - 4 hours a day for a couple months.

cautions: skin irritation. lower current, and back off a day or

so if it occurs. You can't afford to lose the skin's ability to

withstand electric current. Let things heal or lower current

down to lower levels until things heal up, then raise slowly

if possible to the .2-.3mA range. This should be safe indefinitely.

Manual godzilla can also be used, but the auto-switching of auto-godzilla

is nicer to deal with for long-term use. Some joint soreness after

10 minutes or more may be noticed if current is not reversed while

using manual-godzilla. Auto-godzilla does this automatically,

so it can be used while sleeping, etc, and avoids the inherent

problems of current run too long in one direction.

Our files show almost a dozen cases in which some progress was made

with hep=c. Doctors, along with research-level electricity

application, could be the best combinational approach to a disease

like this which is partly cured via drugs and partly resistive to


The side effects of these drugs is not trivial. It can mean losing

a job, or ability to function in life without help temporarily.

All this without knowing ahead if it will work. That's a big hit,

and it will require courage to try the drugs.

Electricity is not in the same league, that we know of. It has not

fully eradicated hcv in anyone reporting. But, nobody posted

numbers while applying it to the liver directly, the only really

likely approach. So, if you do this, please let us know how it

goes, with tests if possible, but please do so no matter what

you have to say. IT is very vital to everyone to know your

procedures and results treating hcv.

Best of Luck. The Beck protocol is another resource to look into.

However, there's nothing in there about electrification of the liver directly.

Using a magnetic pulser of the Beck-type to generate a

back EMF current is unlikely to work. There's not enough of a

current for long enough a time period to do anything. Larger

magnetic pulsers are being worked on lately, and they may be better

for the intended effect, but the whole effect of induced current

is dependent on the duration of the field change and the

intensity of the field. This is usually very brief, even if

the field is very strong. Microbes, in my opinion, are likely

to remain unaffected. This is not a popular belief, many

think it is inactivating microbes. I respect all their opinions,

while reserving belief as yet exactly what the effects are.

If you can do it at low cost, mag-pulsing makes sense, and

seems to have little if any harmful side effect. CS is likewise

used in hcv, with some reported success as well. That is covered

elsewhere especially in Beck's work. I am not going to allow

a CS thread around this, as it's off topic, but for the

sake of Beck's memory and in appreciation of others who

have posted notes about it working, it's mentioned.


case 1.

BG, I can honestly say, without exaggeration, that I've had no

noticiable symptoms of hcv for many months now. I can say this for sure,

because mine were very noticiable.

I have not been motivated to get a blood test as of yet;

I am planning to in a few months; right now, I am planning to begin a

more intense treatment with several placements of electrodes and an

increase in mineral consumption as outlined by the recent new member,

along with Colloidal Silver.

I have been wearing my unit for several (4-5) hours daily on average.

Placing the electrodes over the liver-front and back- seems to increase

stamina as well.

case 2.

Hello to all,

I'll try to keep this as succinct as possible.....I left the

states on Dec 30th, and went to China-without my godzilla-

Tests showed my liver (hcv) sgot at 59 -normal is 0-40, in mid-Dec.

Got a serious flu-like thing while in China; hospitalized for 5 days. Tests

showed rise to 74 sgot- 1/5/04.

Arrived home, run down and slightly hcv symptomatic- now on the mend- noticed

an improvement when applying the godzilla once again. Taking lots of New Chapter

anti inflammatory mushroom combos.... miso soup, lots of rebounding, vit. c,

castor oil packs, raw, and nearly raw onions, garlic, shittake mushrooms.

One apparent improvement I can attribute to the godzilla is that I have a

chronic " blister " on the white of my right eye. I think some call this a

floater(?) This subsided all during my previous treatments of the last 6 months,

and returned promptly while in China- without treatment. This immediatly

subsided when I began treatment Jan 10.

On the liver is where I have been using it for the 6 months, and now. I

had little improvment on the wrist.

I tend to think that possibly eliminating the virus may not be all

that's needed in all cases. It seems to be an auto immune problem as

well. The immune system " scorches " the liver- trying to dislodge the

invader, and even after the invader is gone, the 'memory " causes the

immune system to continue. Trafitional Chinese medicine (where the idea

of the using medicinal mushrooms comes from) works to quiet the immune

response. I've had some success (normal tests) with acupuncture and Tai

Chi and Castor Oil packs as well. Thanks again,,,,

> Bob, I have posted my experience relating to the thymus and

castor oil > packs on several boards, but the implication

seemed not to register. > Anyway, my first casto oil pack

over the thymus, 6-7 years ago, resulted > in a severe

toxin cleanse (?) I was -extremely- fatigued for several >

days, and then I never felt better; appearance improved as well.

Shortly > after, I developed several boils on my torso,

which cleared in normal > time. > My hunch is that the

oil and heat " moved " a lot of toxins and/or virus > (hcv)

from the thymus; so much that other channels of

elimination were > unable to keep up, hence the boils.

Anyway, I'm zapping the thymus as I write this, and will

continue, and > let you know of improvement. By the way,

I continue to stay relatively > well. Thanks for the reminder.


Hi to all,

I received my third blood test report today, and I see a steady

improvement, since beginning with the electrodes over the liver

and opposite on the lower back. Now that we have made the recent

change to large pads, I expect even more improvement.

My test in December showed the sgot at 59. Normal is 40 or less.

I went to China in January, and was hospitalized with some weird

flu thing, and while there, my test was taken by the Chinese -

sgot 76 - I did not take my godzilla with me, on account of I

figured it would be a short trip, and with security, etc.....

Today, the sgot is 55.

I've been fairly consistent; most days average 2-3 hrs.

Rarely miss a day. So, I'm encouraged by these numbers. There is

some room for improvement on the timing, and how and

what of electrode placement, but I'm happy that my symptoms are

next to zero, and holding.

These numbers indicate mild inflammation; the usual for most

chronics -I think, based on my own experience- is around 100

to 120 on average, with spikes and an occasional valley.

I plan to test once a month from here on...


I won't use the word cure, but I have consistent relief,

and test numbers are normalizing, as well as symptoms.

More time is needed to perfect the application, but in

the meantime, it is working extremely well.


There are so many symptoms that I might miss a few, but the red, itchy

eyes are often most noticable. -at least in the beginning- Next,

and in chronological order; - to my best recollection...-

Stool changes- constipation, complexion off color- dark

urine- sneezing bouts-fatigue- depression- feeling of

unwellness- and later... stools light colored and sinking, liver

swelling, unable to sleep on right side( stomach and lung

push against liver)- little appetite- dark inner areas of eyes,

and yellow inner eye ball- brain fog, insomnia, low energy-

low interest in activities. When I sign off I'll probably

remember some more, and others may add to the list, but

you get the picture. I began to apply the electrodes to the

wrist about March '03 and I almost gave up several times-

was noticing only slight improvement, and not sure it was

the device or not- stayed with it for months until BG

suggested to try over the liver. Began to do so in July,

and noticed an increase in stamina very soon. Continued for

several hrs a day and symptoms began to diminish. Again, BG

suggested that pads might work even better, and so they do...

noticed even more improvement since March? '04

I attach the wires to a stainless steel 5 " diameter plate-

bottom of a dog bowl- sanwiched between a piece of vinyl table

placemat, and then 3 layers of towel, and then one layer of

linen, sewed at the edges. Make several cuts into the steel to

give it flexibility. Soak in tap water. I choose tap water to

keep things simple. I bought a real nice magnetic belt

from Rite Aid pharmacy for $30. Wear the pads over the

liver ad opposite on the back for several hours. I wear a

fanny pack that holds the device. Digestion is now consistent

and improving still. Having 2-3 bowel movements a day is

surely a good sign- to me...(Yeah, I'm a cheap date) Appearance

is improved, deppression basically non existant, eyes feel cool

and normal, urine is clear, basically all the above are

gone or diminished. I will be blood testing again around

July 1st for function.....

===note from bG: this is based on Univ of Washington information

on Hep-c pathology. It infects the liver cells themselves, so it

is useless to use the wrist-bloodstream approach on it. If anything,

the liver itself has to receive a rather long exposure to a tolerable

DC current to reduce the virus it contains. Large pads of metal and cloth

placed in front and behind the liver assure it all gets exposed. bG

I reported sometime in May and promised to do so again in June, but it

seemed(and now I know why) that progess was halted and symptoms flared a bit. So

I waited until now to bloodtest and the test showed a spike in liver

inflammation. - @ 110 sgot- (my typical average.) (0-40 is normal.)

Anyway, I'll try to briefly report most of the experience from the beginning.

Dec 2003 sgot down to 59 after a few months of zilling- mostly on the wrist,

but transitioning to pads of the liver, and typically 1ma @ 4-6 hours daily.

Jan. 2004- after 2 weeks without zilling, sgot 76, and the symptoms of burning,

irritated eyes began (typical for me)

Began to zill again, symptoms disappeared .

May 2004 sgot 53.

Here is probably where I went wrong. I began to turn up the current to 2-3 ma

daily for 3-6 hours. I had good results at first, but slowly had subtle signs of


Waited until Sep 2004 and now know.

Went to Denver for 3 days without my ziller, and almost immedieatly the burning

eyes began. Came home and began zilling- symptoms disappeared again.

So it appears to me that low current is the best. Perhaps some other

influence caused the problem, but I suspect the higher current.

By the way, I'm trying something new (to me) with Vit C. I have had many

sessions of IV Vit C and several times while zilling. I'm convinced that the 2

together have a synergistic effect.

I'm now trying to " titrate " (taking large enough doses to saturate the body on

a cellular level) with oral Ester-C

The problem has been that large doses (48 grams a day is my goal)Vitamin C

taken orally causes loose bowels.

The way I am countering this is too take Betaine hydrocloric acid (648 mg

capsul)e at the bottom of each hour, and 3,000 mg of C at the top of each hour.

It is said that the HC acid will accelerate uptake of the C and little will

reach the bowels, eliminating the loose stools.

Any opinions welcome.......

On the one hand, I am convinced that the godzilla has a positive

(improvement) effect on my health, with hugely diminshed symptoms of

Hepatitis C.

In fact, if I stop treatment for more than 3-4 days, I begin to notice

them return.

On the other hand, my test showed a jump in liver inflammation in Oct-

up to 326 stpt - (0-40 is normal *)

* I noticed no symptoms at this time; even bragging to the doctor that

I expected a good report.

My best guess is that it is as Cathcart says: hep c sets off a chain of

auto-immunity- where in the immune system continues to mistakenly


I have since began to mega dose anti-oxidants, which is recommended to

squelch the cascading free radicals, with Vitamin C as the cornerstone.

Another guess is that someone in my condition (30 years) will just need

more than one therapy to deal with the problem. So, right now, all I

can do is speculate.

I observed first hand the very rapid healing of my friends seriously

burned leg-where the leg was swelling from infection, and 2 courses of

antibiotics were ineffectve. I also got a call from another hep c friend

who called me 2 days after beginning the treatment to thank me because

he was getting the same benefit as me. But both of these people have

neglected to give me feedback since, when I asked them to.

I've been placing the 5 " diameter pads over the liver, front abd back,

for 1-3 hours a day, but mostly in the morning, and not at night, as you

suggested; -(morning and then night are probably needed to interrupt

viral replication. )

I will try to create a stricter morning and night regimen and also

multiple sites, and see what happens.


First thing I want to say, is that I have witnessed first hand, the

effectiveness of this tech. and I believe it will work to eleminate virus


However, there are still some questions about dosage, timing, and

electroporation that have to be ironed out, I think.

I got a steady decrease in the beginning, on the liver cell damage counts.

What I considered excellent results, considering that I did almost no other


Then a steady climb, meaning an increase in damage.

Now the question I have is: is it possible to have electroporation of healthy

blood cells, where the electricity allows intact virus to infect the healthy

cell, and be ushered into the liver lke a trojan horse?

Is there a threshold of current where current is too high? Or two low?

I haven't given up, but right now, I feel like I'm shooting in the dark.


> I haven't used the device for a few months, on account of my

> last blood test showing 326 stpt - (normal is 40 or less,) and I have

> been concerned about causing more damage. I do not know if the device

> caused a spike in numbers, but it did not prevent it either.

> I have experienced the positive effects myself, and witnessed them as

> well, but I'm still puzzled about what went wrong.

> I feel like I'm on the mend -again- at this time, with extra selenium,

> colloidal silver with h202, and Dr Zhangs herbs, and am hesitant to

> jeapordize the progress.

> I do believe the godzilla has some value, but I just don't have the

> health to experiment with.


Bob, I rarely turned up the current beyond 1ma, because I wanted to

avoid skin irritation, but I did wear the pads for hours at a time;

sometimes 2-3, then 5-6, and toward the end- back to 1 hour morning, and

1 hour eves. I never " felt " anything negative from this. - Just the rise

in numbers.

It could be that my " more is better " approach is wrong. - and less is

better. I always turned the current up to, and tried to maintain 1ma.

bG comments:

the current levels of 1mA are pretty high..they should not account for damage,

but could be reduced and we'd expect a virus inactivation, at, say, .3mA.

the sad thing here is we don't know whether the enzymatic levels going up while

the patient feels great could mean real trouble, enough to curtail the process,

as he has done, or, that the virus which is germinating inside liver cells is

spoiled and these liver cells are bursting open (lysis) and are thus raising the

enzyme level due to the proteins they release on death. Infected cells are not

good, they don't work right, and are breeders for virus. It's hard to tell if

it's good or bad. The same thing can happen with HIV, where infected Tcells are

wiped out, lowering the count (which counts both healthy and infected Tcells).

There's usually a resurgence after the initial drop, since the virus is

inactivated by the DC current and does not reinfect.

The abandonment of the device for a few months is understandable with the

enzymes going up as they did, but it's not clear from his report what period of

time this count was seen to be so high, after how much DC current applied, etc.

Did it in fact go even higher earlier on and then was dropping nicely when he

stopped? Was it going to go even higher next week, or suddenly drop to normal?

What if the liver was declogging, and released a bunch of enzymes as a result of

a sudden opening up? It's very hard to say from the report. One thing we do

know is that the disease will freak out the person with it, and that biopsy is

the most reliable measure, which is problematic because it's painful, surgical,

nasty, etc.

case 3.

> >

> > Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.

> >

> > I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using either Dr.

Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.

> >

> > I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is going to

have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be mixed

emotions on this topic.

> >

> > I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some insight!

> >

> > Thanks again.

> >

> > Dan

> >


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BG to the Rescue!

Good Job as Usual.


> > >

> > > Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.

> > >

> > > I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using either

Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.

> > >

> > > I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is going

to have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be mixed

emotions on this topic.

> > >

> > > I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some insight!

> > >

> > > Thanks again.

> > >

> > > Dan

> > >

> >


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All I can say is WOW! Ask and you shall receive! Thank you so much for taking

the time to put this together.

It seems that the Godzilla machines are preferred over the Beck's machines when

it comes to Hep C?

I just put together a Beck's and was going to use it on my wrists.

Would you mind pointing me to the best set of diagrams or plans for me to build

a good Godzilla machine?

This whole process and technology is so new to me and I have to be honest that I

am still so much in the dark when it comes to all the different names of the

machines, etc.

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to do this for me. Very kind.


> > >

> > > Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.

> > >

> > > I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using either

Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.

> > >

> > > I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is going

to have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be mixed

emotions on this topic.

> > >

> > > I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some insight!

> > >

> > > Thanks again.

> > >

> > > Dan

> > >

> >


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you can use your machine, just add a larger capacitor to extend the cycle

time...I use about every 30 seconds current reversal. That would give you

automatic DC current reversing. Buy a few capacitors and try them out. The

small ones are fine, don't go over 1/2 inch long to get down around 30 seconds.

Also, the group has menu/photos section with shots of

how to build devices step by step. You will need wrist electrodes (also use on

ankles as a relief to skin on wrists) and some sponge pads to use over your

liver. add a meter in line to tell how much current you use, just cut one

electrode wire and splice in the meter leads, set meter to 2mA or so settting so

you are in about the right range. You want for hep-c .4-.9 mA.


> > > >

> > > > Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.

> > > >

> > > > I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using either

Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.

> > > >

> > > > I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is going

to have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be mixed

emotions on this topic.

> > > >

> > > > I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some


> > > >

> > > > Thanks again.

> > > >

> > > > Dan

> > > >

> > >

> >


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you can connect all the pads and electrodes to your same machine. no need to

build anything new, what you have is already deluxe.


> > > > >

> > > > > Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.

> > > > >

> > > > > I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using

either Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.

> > > > >

> > > > > I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is

going to have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be

mixed emotions on this topic.

> > > > >

> > > > > I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some


> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks again.

> > > > >

> > > > > Dan

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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hi, has any body seen the video suppressed medical discovery ? with dr robert beck ?

i dont know about the electronic blood cleanser stuff , but one thing i do know in the video is that he is a blatant liar .

he said garlic will kill you .


a week after i seen the video , i got a fairly decent cut , and i actually rubbed raw garlic into the wound , well 2 months later i`m still alive , and the wound actually healed quicker !!!!!

theres been alot of people using this blood cleanser , but has ANYONE ACTUALLY on this forum got rid of their aids , hep c ,. cancer ???

thought not...

Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla?

you can connect all the pads and electrodes to your same machine. no need to build anything new, what you have is already deluxe.bG> > > > >> > > > > Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.> > > > > > > > > > I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using either Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.> > > > > > > > > > I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is going to have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be mixed emotions on this topic.> > > > > > > > > > I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some insight! > > > > > > > > > > Thanks again.> > > > > > > > > > Dan> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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not quite so fast...the only method that really worked was a combination of

drugs and godzilla. If you are not using the drugs, don't expect to rid

yourself of the virus per this document. The drugs were taken AFTER the

electricity to minimize the level of drugs in blood while electrifying. good



> > > >

> > > > Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.

> > > >

> > > > I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using either

Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.

> > > >

> > > > I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is going

to have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be mixed

emotions on this topic.

> > > >

> > > > I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some


> > > >

> > > > Thanks again.

> > > >

> > > > Dan

> > > >

> > >

> >


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I must be missing something here then. I just re-read what you had sent me, but do not see mention of drugs or what type of drugs was being used.Can you point me in the right direction? Dan From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of baby_grandSent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 22:02 Subject: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla? not quite so fast...the only method that really worked was a combination of drugs and godzilla. If you are not using the drugs, don't expect to rid yourself of the virus per this document. The drugs were taken AFTER the electricity to minimize the level of drugs in blood while electrifying. good luck.bG> > > >> > > > Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.> > > > > > > > I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using either Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.> > > > > > > > I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is going to have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be mixed emotions on this topic.> > > > > > > > I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some insight! > > > > > > > > Thanks again.> > > > > > > > Dan> > > >> > >> >>

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Please leave!From: mark krawczuk <krawczuk@...>Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla? Received: Friday, 11 February, 2011, 7:37 AM

hi, has any body seen the video suppressed medical discovery ? with dr robert beck ?

i dont know about the electronic blood cleanser stuff , but one thing i do know in the video is that he is a blatant liar .

he said garlic will kill you .


a week after i seen the video , i got a fairly decent cut , and i actually rubbed raw garlic into the wound , well 2 months later i`m still alive , and the wound actually healed quicker !!!!!

theres been alot of people using this blood cleanser , but has ANYONE ACTUALLY on this forum got rid of their aids , hep c ,. cancer ???

thought not...

Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla?

you can connect all the pads and electrodes to your same machine. no need to build anything new, what you have is already deluxe.bG> > > > >> > > > > Hi all! New to this group and very thankful I have found it.> > > > > > > > > > I was hoping to find anyone out there that has had success using either Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla machine for Hep C and hopefully curing it.> > > > > > > > > > I have researched several sites to try and determine which unit is going to have better results, Dr. Beck's or the Godzilla, but there seems to be mixed emotions on this topic.> > > > > > > > > > I was just hoping to hear from others on this group and get some insight! > > > > > > > > > > Thanks again.> > > > > > > > > > Dan> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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Your Negativity serves no one. If you are here to find help for yourself, I

would change your attitude to a More Positive outlook FIRST! It's a requirement

of good health.

If you are here for other reasons, you may need to sit back & keep your

Speculations or opinions to yourself.

Most of the People here are here to get help or to offer help.

You have to refrain from posting such nonsense as it will not help anybody here.

Consider this a Warning as Dotsie will simply Ban you should you continue.

Have a Great Day,



> From: mark krawczuk <krawczuk@...>

> Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or



> Received: Friday, 11 February, 2011, 7:37 AM


> hi, has any body seen  the video 

> suppressed medical discovery ? with dr robert beck ?


> i dont know about  the  electronic blood

> cleanser stuff , but  one thing i do know  in the video is that he is

> a blatant liar .


> he said garlic will kill you .



>  a week after i seen the video , i got a

> fairly decent  cut , and i actually  rubbed raw garlic into the wound

> , well  2 months later i`m still alive , and the wound actually healed

> quicker !!!!!


> theres been alot of people using this  blood

> cleanser , but has   ANYONE ACTUALLY on this forum   got rid

> of their aids , hep c  ,. cancer ???



> thought not...





> <SNIP>>

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Hey Mark,

Man, I don't blame you one bit. If I were you I'd never use that thing either, however

I've been using a Beck device I bought from Soda in Canada for my Multiple Myeloma CANCER and I've been getting better. Not cured yet, but each month I have to have a blood test for the level of cancer in my blood. EACH month the level or marker in my blood which shows I have that cancer is less and less. I'm in a deep remission now to the point that the cancer is not doing any harm to my body.

Feel free to not using one of these, it's certainly your right.

Best of luck.

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but when i hear something so stupid like garlic will kill you thats just crap... greeks, italians been eating garlic for YEARS, and they have some of the highest longe tivity rates in the world..

just answer why robert beck said garlic will kill, and i`ll change my attitude.

you say : you may need to sit back & keep your Speculations or opinions to yourself : what ???? it was becks speculatiuons and opinions that helped him make these devices, yet he never kept them to himself.

Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla?> > Received: Friday, 11 February, 2011, 7:37 AM> > hi, has any body seen the video > suppressed medical discovery ? with dr robert beck ?>  > i dont know about the electronic blood > cleanser stuff , but one thing i do know in the video is that he is > a blatant liar .>  > he said garlic will kill you .> BULL SHIT>  >  a week after i seen the video , i got a > fairly decent cut , and i actually rubbed raw garlic into the wound > , well 2 months later i`m still alive , and the wound actually healed > quicker !!!!!>  > theres been alot of people using this blood > cleanser , but has  ANYONE ACTUALLY on this forum  got rid > of their aids , hep c ,. cancer ???>  >  > thought not...>  >  >  >  > <SNIP>>

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well here is a link to an article on garlic and how it kills brain cells as far

as killing you i kinda doubt it


> >

> > From: mark krawczuk <krawczuk@>

> > Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's

machines or Godzilla?

> >

> > Received: Friday, 11 February, 2011, 7:37 AM

> >

> > hi, has any body seen the videoÂ

> > suppressed medical discovery ? with dr robert beck ?

> > Â

> > i dont know about the electronic blood

> > cleanser stuff , but one thing i do know in the video is that he is

> > a blatant liar .

> > Â

> > he said garlic will kill you .


> > Â

> > Â a week after i seen the video , i got a

> > fairly decent cut , and i actually rubbed raw garlic into the wound

> > , well 2 months later i`m still alive , and the wound actually healed

> > quicker !!!!!

> > Â

> > theres been alot of people using this blood

> > cleanser , but has  ANYONE ACTUALLY on this forum  got rid

> > of their aids , hep c ,. cancer ???

> > Â

> > Â

> > thought not...

> > Â

> > Â

> > Â

> > Â

> > <SNIP>>


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Mark, I’m not 100% sure if Dr Beck said it would kill you. He did say it is poison. He stated that he still sometimes uses it. I think he was referring to, in my opinion, about the how the brain looked on the EKG. That the left and right brain stopped communicating. There is an-scribe feature you can click at any time. People are here for hope and alternative ways to help in their ‘battles’ with their health problems. It seems to me that you yourself are not suffering from any life threatening illnesses or else you may be changing your tune. I don’t see anyone selling anything on this group. And most of these devices are less than a meal at Red Lobster. When I went to our electronic store to buy my parts, (has been here for 30 years) the man asked me what I was making. I told him I would rather not say cause he might think I am crazy, but I hinted to what it was. He laughed cause his son was building the exact same Dr. Beck device.  The man told me of a story of a gentleman that comes in religiously once a month for parts to build units. The man has been coming to that same store for over 15 years. He makes the devices and gives them away as gifts because he has seen firsthand what the devices are capable of. The electronic store owner personally knew a man that built one cause his dog had a huge tumor on the dog’s back and within 3 months, it was completely gone. So he was definitely a believer. I wish more people would chime in here with their success stories or people that know people that have positive results. As for me..I’m willing to throw away $20.00 and wear something on my wrist to see if it truly works. Maybe you should take that approach instead of having a closed mind if you really are in need. Just saying….. From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of mark krawczukSent: Friday, February 11, 2011 18:13 Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla? but when i hear something so stupid like garlic will kill you thats just crap... greeks, italians been eating garlic for YEARS, and they have some of the highest longe tivity rates in the world.. just answer why robert beck said garlic will kill, and i`ll change my attitude. you say : you may need to sit back & keep your Speculations or opinions to yourself : what ???? it was becks speculatiuons and opinions that helped him make these devices, yet he never kept them to himself. Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla?> > Received: Friday, 11 February, 2011, 7:37 AM> > hi, has any body seen the video > suppressed medical discovery ? with dr robert beck ?>  > i dont know about the electronic blood > cleanser stuff , but one thing i do know in the video is that he is > a blatant liar .>  > he said garlic will kill you .> BULL SHIT>  >  a week after i seen the video , i got a > fairly decent cut , and i actually rubbed raw garlic into the wound > , well 2 months later i`m still alive , and the wound actually healed > quicker !!!!!>  > theres been alot of people using this blood > cleanser , but has  ANYONE ACTUALLY on this forum  got rid > of their aids , hep c ,. cancer ???>  >  > thought not...>  >  >  >  > <SNIP>>

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Amen. From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 17:45 Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla? Hey Mark,Man, I don't blame you one bit. If I were you I'd never use that thing either, howeverI've been using a Beck device I bought from Soda in Canada for my Multiple Myeloma CANCER and I've been getting better. Not cured yet, but each month I have to have a blood test for the level of cancer in my blood. EACH month the level or marker in my blood which shows I have that cancer is less and less. I'm in a deep remission now to the point that the cancer is not doing any harm to my body.Feel free to not using one of these, it's certainly your right.Best of luck.

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I think garlic can dull the brain and make reading harder. I had that happen

after eating a steak with a heavy garlic rub on it. Really strange, the book

made no sense to me. Next evening, without the garlic the book was as quite




> Amen.




> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 17:45


> Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines

> or Godzilla?







> Hey Mark,


> Man, I don't blame you one bit. If I were you I'd never use that thing

> either, however


> I've been using a Beck device I bought from Soda in Canada for my Multiple

> Myeloma CANCER and I've been getting better. Not cured yet, but each month I

> have to have a blood test for the level of cancer in my blood. EACH month

> the level or marker in my blood which shows I have that cancer is less and

> less. I'm in a deep remission now to the point that the cancer is not doing

> any harm to my body.


> Feel free to not using one of these, it's certainly your right.


> Best of luck.


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mmm seems no one is answering my statement .. dr beck says in his video you will die if u eat garlic.. why dont you watch it,. ????

if garlic is deadly ,. then that means there must be a abnormally high level of deaths in european countries....

Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla?> > > > Received: Friday, 11 February, 2011, 7:37 AM> > > > hi, has any body seen the video > > suppressed medical discovery ? with dr robert beck ?> >  > > i dont know about the electronic blood > > cleanser stuff , but one thing i do know in the video is that he is > > a blatant liar .> >  > > he said garlic will kill you .> > BULL SHIT> >  > >  a week after i seen the video , i got a > > fairly decent cut , and i actually rubbed raw garlic into the wound > > , well 2 months later i`m still alive , and the wound actually healed > > quicker !!!!!> >  > > theres been alot of people using this blood > > cleanser , but has  ANYONE ACTUALLY on this forum  got rid > > of their aids , hep c ,. cancer ???> >  > >  > > thought not...> >  > >  > >  > >  > > <SNIP>>>

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Hi MarkMost of Beck's protocol is based on sound science, micro currents attenuate pathogens and pathogens are the primary cause of a number of cancers so passing a micro current through a tumor may improve things. Indeed a hospital in Melbourne is using electrodes directly onto tumors with beneficial results.Beck may have had some unusual opinions about garlic but, as with any alternative treatment, try it if you wish, ignore what you wish and if anything works for you feel free to tell others. In my case Beck's protocol helped.As for rubbing garlic on a wound, there is an alternative treatment that may even get FDA approval.Dave From: mark krawczuk <krawczuk@...>Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla? Received: Saturday, 12 February, 2011, 12:13 PM

but when i hear something so stupid like garlic will kill you thats just crap... greeks, italians been eating garlic for YEARS, and they have some of the highest longe tivity rates in the world..

just answer why robert beck said garlic will kill, and i`ll change my attitude.

you say : you may need to sit back & keep your Speculations or opinions to yourself : what ???? it was becks speculatiuons and opinions that helped him make these devices, yet he never kept them to himself.

Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla?> > Received: Friday, 11 February, 2011, 7:37 AM> > hi, has any body seen the video > suppressed medical discovery ? with dr robert beck ?>  > i dont know about the electronic blood > cleanser stuff , but one thing i do know in the video is that he is > a blatant liar .>  > he said garlic will kill you .> BULL SHIT>  >  a week after i seen the video , i got a > fairly decent cut , and i actually rubbed raw garlic into the wound > , well 2 months later i`m still alive , and the wound actually healed > quicker !!!!!>  > theres been alot of people using this blood > cleanser , but has  ANYONE ACTUALLY on this forum  got rid > of their aids , hep c ,. cancer ???>  >  > thought not...>  >  >  >  > <SNIP>>

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In a message dated 2/12/2011 8:56:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, danielc1234@... writes:

Is there a way to remove this idiot from the group?

He was gone before I had a chance to remove him.


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Is there a way to remove this idiot from the group? From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of mark krawczukSent: Saturday, February 12, 2011 01:38 Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla? mmm seems no one is answering my statement .. dr beck says in his video you will die if u eat garlic.. why dont you watch it,. ???? if garlic is deadly ,. then that means there must be a abnormally high level of deaths in european countries.... Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines or Godzilla?> > > > Received: Friday, 11 February, 2011, 7:37 AM> > > > hi, has any body seen the video > > suppressed medical discovery ? with dr robert beck ?> >  > > i dont know about the electronic blood > > cleanser stuff , but one thing i do know in the video is that he is > > a blatant liar .> >  > > he said garlic will kill you .> > BULL SHIT> >  > >  a week after i seen the video , i got a > > fairly decent cut , and i actually rubbed raw garlic into the wound > > , well 2 months later i`m still alive , and the wound actually healed > > quicker !!!!!> >  > > theres been alot of people using this blood > > cleanser , but has  ANYONE ACTUALLY on this forum  got rid > > of their aids , hep c ,. cancer ???> >  > >  > > thought not...> >  > >  > >  > >  > > <SNIP>>>

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We cook with Garlic allot. My wife is a Vegetarian. We love it.

But I do find after a meal with sliced Garlic cooked in to the Beans and Chicken

(Crock Pot)I sometimes for the Names of things like Our favorite Market.

So I do have a Brain Fog often. Now I will pay attention to those Meals a little


Have a Great Day!


> >

> > Amen.

> >

> >

> >

> > From:

> > [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

> > Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 17:45

> >

> > Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's machines

> > or Godzilla?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hey Mark,

> >

> > Man, I don't blame you one bit. If I were you I'd never use that thing

> > either, however

> >

> > I've been using a Beck device I bought from Soda in Canada for my Multiple

> > Myeloma CANCER and I've been getting better. Not cured yet, but each month I

> > have to have a blood test for the level of cancer in my blood. EACH month

> > the level or marker in my blood which shows I have that cancer is less and

> > less. I'm in a deep remission now to the point that the cancer is not doing

> > any harm to my body.

> >

> > Feel free to not using one of these, it's certainly your right.

> >

> > Best of luck.

> >


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I saw Dr. Beck's garlic comment on video years ago but it didn't scare me and I

and my wife still eat garlic nearly every day. Never noticed brain fog.

all good,



> We cook with Garlic allot. My wife is a Vegetarian. We love it.

> But I do find after a meal with sliced Garlic cooked in to the Beans and

Chicken (Crock Pot)I sometimes for the Names of things like Our favorite Market.

> So I do have a Brain Fog often. Now I will pay attention to those Meals a

little Closer.


> Have a Great Day!

> M~R

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I think it deserves some thought...Beck said the Air Force did not allow people

to fly planes unless 72 hours after garlic ingestion, due to slowed reflexes.

Not sure it's true. I just have that one experience when I happened to need to

read something with new ideas in it after having a lot of garlic...disastrous.

I wrote angry letter to the author about his lousy writing style, then the next

day apologized! :)


> > >

> > > Amen.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > From:

> > > [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

> > > Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 17:45

> > >

> > > Subject: Re: Re: Hep C and Dr. Beck's


> > > or Godzilla?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Hey Mark,

> > >

> > > Man, I don't blame you one bit. If I were you I'd never use that thing

> > > either, however

> > >

> > > I've been using a Beck device I bought from Soda in Canada for my Multiple

> > > Myeloma CANCER and I've been getting better. Not cured yet, but each month


> > > have to have a blood test for the level of cancer in my blood. EACH month

> > > the level or marker in my blood which shows I have that cancer is less and

> > > less. I'm in a deep remission now to the point that the cancer is not


> > > any harm to my body.

> > >

> > > Feel free to not using one of these, it's certainly your right.

> > >

> > > Best of luck.

> > >

> >


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Hi All:

Bob Beck believed that

garlic was poisonous and he warned the same on several occasions

not to combine it with his device. Was he correct? Apparently,

we all disobeyed him and survive :0) but still use his


It could have been

just his own physiology that rejected garlic. He was not an

ordinary guy. Just look at him in the videos. He had just lost

a great deal of weight quickly as a result of using his device

and his wild, strange looking hair grew back in. He liked it,

but I think I would rather be bald, given the choice.



Posted by: "DuncanCrow"

duncancrow@... DuncanCrow


Feb 12, 2011 11:13 am (PST)

I saw Dr. Beck's garlic comment on video years ago but it didn't

scare me and I and my wife still eat garlic nearly every day. Never

noticed brain fog.

all good,


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