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Alternative Cancer Treatments

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I suggest you check the Life Extension Foundation site. I think it is



On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 reedg@... wrote:

> My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

> had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

> three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

> been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

> sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

> treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

> outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

> commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

> what bread mold was to infections.


> Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

> my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

> clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

> spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

> injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

> having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

> probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins " I

> said I would get him.


> So these are my choices:


> Hydrazine Sulfate

> Essiac Tea

> Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

> PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

> melatonin

> IP-6


> The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

> http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

> http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp


> If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I would

> appreciate it.


> Gregg




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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Hello, I would suggest you go to the HOME PAGES OF THIS SITE AND READ IT


UP THE SYSTEMS, OMMITING THE CAUSES (Physical ones), taking the Tencture of

GreenHulls of Black Walnuts, Fresh Ground Cloves Caps, Wormwood Comb. Caps.

and using the Zapper(electonic device she gives instructions how to make),

read her book " Cure For All Cancers " . She ascribes that 5 Pericites cause

all Cancers. You can kill the cancer in 5 days, but it takes alife time to

get cancer and it will take a life time to rebuild and maintain the damage

done to the organs effected. Also, Dr.Joanna Buidwig's twenty books (in

German) how to take Fresh Cold Pressed Flax Seed Oil(keep in Refrigerator)

take one Tablespoon per each 100 lbs body weight in 1/2 cup Cottage Cheese

(preferrabley Organic source) each day=1 bottle of Interferon (Immune

Booster) that usually costs $300. a bottle and usually 10 bottles are

prescribed (a drug)..but the Oil and Cottage cheese for Omegas and with

Sulphured Protein makes it, she says, take it everyday for the rest of your

life. You can add fruit, veggies, or anything you want, be sure to mash it

into a creamed state or blend it. As previously stated, this has healed

cancers in Animals for years.

1/2 cup of Rasberries a day contains a chemical that destroys cancer cells,

raw,cooked or juiced. Read about high doses of Vit C and CoQ10 destroying

cancer tumors.

I strongly reccomend obtaining a copy of the Vidio (or book) " Why Some

People Don't Heal, and How They Can " by Carolyn Myss, PhD. Can get at

AMAZON.com or any good Health Store/Book Store. You are dealing on healing

The Mind, The Body and The Spirit. Learning Forgiveness to others and

youself is a major step. Our organs take on our Emotions of Angers, Hurts

and Abuses and stores them untill they are released or dis-ease manifests

it's self. One cannot heal by Drugs or Alternatives alone.

The root cause must be delt with. Yours, LizAt 02:16 PM 09/20/1999 -0400,

you wrote:

>My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

>had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

>three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

>been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

>sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

>treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

>outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

>commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

>what bread mold was to infections.


>Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

>my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

>clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

>spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

>injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

>having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

>probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins " I

>said I would get him.


>So these are my choices:


>Hydrazine Sulfate

>Essiac Tea

>Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

>PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide




>The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from




>If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I would

>appreciate it.







>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe





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Gregg.....You are going to get an awful lot of mail from all kinds of

people....I have had 5 years experience with hundreds of people on essiac

tea, my brand...Just Tea.....There have been several with brain tumors who

have reported positive results....I don't think you will go wrong by trying

it....It is quite inexpensive....You can get an 8 day supply for about

$10.00 prepared and ready to drink....(that is the price of one quart)

including shipping, though you must order at least 6 quarts. You should

know within a month whether it is helping him or not.. My e-mail is

vdarby@... if you wish to ask any questions about this product. My

best wishes for you and your father. Ginny

Alternative Cancer Treatments

>My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

>had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

>three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

>been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

>sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

>treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

>outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

>commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

>what bread mold was to infections.


>Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

>my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

>clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

>spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

>injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

>having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

>probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins " I

>said I would get him.


>So these are my choices:


>Hydrazine Sulfate

>Essiac Tea

>Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

>PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide




>The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from




>If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I would

>appreciate it.







>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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Hi Gregg,

In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a 2.5cm

tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes. I

had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained 400 mg

of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my tumor

had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in Nov.

1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had no

chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there is

still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due to

the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from the

chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did have

hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were normalized

with Neupogen injections.

Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince him

to add

the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and I

only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel free

to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala

reed-@... wrote:

original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

> My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

> had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

> three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

> been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

> sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

> treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

> outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

> commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

> what bread mold was to infections.


> Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

> my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

> clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

> spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

> injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

> having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

> probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins "


> said I would get him.


> So these are my choices:


> Hydrazine Sulfate

> Essiac Tea

> Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

> PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

> melatonin

> IP-6


> The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

> http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

> http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp


> If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I


> appreciate it.


> Gregg



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May I have permission to use your email on my webpage? Also, will you

give me the sources (and prices, if possible) of the below-listed products

you took? (I know that different company have differering quality and

efficacy of products.



On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 bobk20@... wrote:

> Hi Gregg,


> In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a 2.5cm

> tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes. I

> had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

> brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

> carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

> change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

> began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

> vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

> including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

> bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained 400 mg

> of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my tumor

> had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in Nov.

> 1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had no

> chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there is

> still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due to

> the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

> worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from the

> chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did have

> hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were normalized

> with Neupogen injections.


> Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

> helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince him

> to add

> the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and I

> only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

> battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel free

> to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala



> reed-@... wrote:

> original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

> > My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

> > had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

> > three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

> > been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

> > sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

> > treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

> > outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

> > commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

> > what bread mold was to infections.

> >

> > Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

> > my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

> > clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

> > spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

> > injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

> > having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

> > probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins "

> I

> > said I would get him.

> >

> > So these are my choices:

> >

> > Hydrazine Sulfate

> > Essiac Tea

> > Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

> > PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

> > melatonin

> > IP-6

> >

> > The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

> > http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

> > http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp

> >

> > If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I

> would

> > appreciate it.

> >

> > Gregg

> >

> >



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> @Backup - The #1 Online Backup Service. Protect your files before

> you lose them. Easy, Reliable, Secure online backups. INSTALL

> today. http://clickhere./click/938


> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe




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Hi Joyce,

Yes, you may use my email address. The details you requested can be

found at

www.essiac-info.org/Bob.html Sincerely, Bob Karjala

joyce inouye <jinouy0-@...> wrote:

original article:cures for cancer/?start=2165

> Hi,


> May I have permission to use your email on my webpage? Also, will you

> give me the sources (and prices, if possible) of the below-listed


> you took? (I know that different company have differering quality and

> efficacy of products.


> Thanks,


> Joyce




> On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 bobk20@... wrote:


> > Hi Gregg,

> >

> > In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a


> > tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes.


> > had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

> > brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

> > carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

> > change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

> > began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

> > vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

> > including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

> > bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained

400 mg

> > of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my


> > had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in


> > 1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had


> > chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there


> > still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due


> > the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

> > worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from


> > chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did


> > hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were


> > with Neupogen injections.

> >

> > Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

> > helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince


> > to add

> > the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and


> > only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

> > battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel


> > to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala

> >

> >

> > reed-@... wrote:

> > original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

> > > My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

> > > had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

> > > three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

> > > been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those


> > > sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years


> > > treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to


> > > outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

> > > commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to


> > > what bread mold was to infections.

> > >

> > > Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that


> > > my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

> > > clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in


> > > spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to


> > > injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

> > > having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

> > > probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the

" vitamins "

> > I

> > > said I would get him.

> > >

> > > So these are my choices:

> > >

> > > Hydrazine Sulfate

> > > Essiac Tea

> > > Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

> > > PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

> > > melatonin

> > > IP-6

> > >

> > > The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

> > > http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

> > > http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp

> > >

> > > If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I

> > would

> > > appreciate it.

> > >

> > > Gregg

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

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A lot of these products are listed here...



May I have permission to use your email on my webpage? Also, will you

give me the sources (and prices, if possible) of the below-listed products

you took? (I know that different company have differering quality and

efficacy of products.



On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 bobk20@... wrote:

> Hi Gregg,


> In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a 2.5cm

> tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes. I

> had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

> brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

> carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

> change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

> began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

> vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

> including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

> bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained 400 mg

> of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my tumor

> had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in Nov.

> 1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had no

> chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there is

> still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due to

> the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

> worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from the

> chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did have

> hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were normalized

> with Neupogen injections.


> Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

> helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince him

> to add

> the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and I

> only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

> battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel free

> to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala



> reed-@... wrote:

> original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

> > My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

> > had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

> > three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

> > been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

> > sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

> > treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

> > outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

> > commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

> > what bread mold was to infections.

> >

> > Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

> > my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

> > clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

> > spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

> > injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

> > having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

> > probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins "

> I

> > said I would get him.

> >

> > So these are my choices:

> >

> > Hydrazine Sulfate

> > Essiac Tea

> > Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

> > PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

> > melatonin

> > IP-6

> >

> > The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

> > http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

> > http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp

> >

> > If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I

> would

> > appreciate it.

> >

> > Gregg

> >

> >



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> @Backup - The #1 Online Backup Service. Protect your files before

> you lose them. Easy, Reliable, Secure online backups. INSTALL

> today. http://clickhere./click/938


> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe





Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

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I am not Joyce, you have the wrong e-mail address. This is and

my e-mail is " hdsoftail@...

Re: Alternative Cancer Treatments

>Hi Joyce,


>Yes, you may use my email address. The details you requested can be

>found at

>www.essiac-info.org/Bob.html Sincerely, Bob Karjala



>joyce inouye <jinouy0-@...> wrote:

>original article:cures for cancer/?start=2165

>> Hi,


>> May I have permission to use your email on my webpage? Also, will you

>> give me the sources (and prices, if possible) of the below-listed


>> you took? (I know that different company have differering quality and

>> efficacy of products.


>> Thanks,


>> Joyce




>> On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 bobk20@... wrote:


>> > Hi Gregg,

>> >

>> > In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a


>> > tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes.


>> > had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

>> > brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

>> > carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

>> > change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

>> > began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

>> > vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

>> > including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

>> > bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained

>400 mg

>> > of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my


>> > had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in


>> > 1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had


>> > chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there


>> > still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due


>> > the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

>> > worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from


>> > chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did


>> > hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were


>> > with Neupogen injections.

>> >

>> > Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

>> > helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince


>> > to add

>> > the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and


>> > only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

>> > battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel


>> > to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala

>> >

>> >

>> > reed-@... wrote:

>> > original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

>> > > My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

>> > > had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

>> > > three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

>> > > been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those


>> > > sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years


>> > > treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to


>> > > outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

>> > > commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to


>> > > what bread mold was to infections.

>> > >

>> > > Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that


>> > > my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

>> > > clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in


>> > > spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to


>> > > injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

>> > > having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

>> > > probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the

> " vitamins "

>> > I

>> > > said I would get him.

>> > >

>> > > So these are my choices:

>> > >

>> > > Hydrazine Sulfate

>> > > Essiac Tea

>> > > Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

>> > > PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

>> > > melatonin

>> > > IP-6

>> > >

>> > > The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

>> > > http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

>> > > http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp

>> > >

>> > > If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I

>> > would

>> > > appreciate it.

>> > >

>> > > Gregg

>> > >

>> > >

>> >

>> >




>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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Hello Bob, here from England have started to follow your program as you

outline for my wifes cancer ,which is of the lining of the lung , .

Re: Alternative Cancer Treatments

>Hi Gregg,


>In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a 2.5cm

>tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes. I

>had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

>brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

>carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

>change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

>began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

>vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

>including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

>bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained 400 mg

>of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my tumor

>had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in Nov.

>1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had no

>chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there is

>still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due to

>the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

>worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from the

>chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did have

>hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were normalized

>with Neupogen injections.


>Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

>helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince him

>to add

>the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and I

>only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

>battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel free

>to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala



>reed-@... wrote:

>original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

>> My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

>> had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

>> three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

>> been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

>> sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

>> treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

>> outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

>> commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

>> what bread mold was to infections.


>> Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

>> my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

>> clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

>> spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

>> injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

>> having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

>> probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins "


>> said I would get him.


>> So these are my choices:


>> Hydrazine Sulfate

>> Essiac Tea

>> Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

>> PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

>> melatonin

>> IP-6


>> The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

>> http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

>> http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp


>> If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I


>> appreciate it.


>> Gregg






>@Backup - The #1 Online Backup Service. Protect your files before

>you lose them. Easy, Reliable, Secure online backups. INSTALL

>today. http://clickhere./click/938


>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe





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Hi ,

In case you have not discovered it, I have a web page which gives many more


of my story at: http://essiac-info.org/Bob.html I have recently added a

" stories " section

which chronicles the ongoing stories of others who seem seem to be having


duplicating my regimen. I wish the best for you and your wife....Bob Karjala

paul sharpe wrote:

> Hello Bob, here from England have started to follow your program as you

> outline for my wifes cancer ,which is of the lining of the lung , .

> Re: Alternative Cancer Treatments


> >Hi Gregg,

> >

> >In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a 2.5cm

> >tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes. I

> >had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

> >brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

> >carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

> >change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

> >began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

> >vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

> >including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

> >bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained 400 mg

> >of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my tumor

> >had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in Nov.

> >1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had no

> >chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there is

> >still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due to

> >the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

> >worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from the

> >chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did have

> >hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were normalized

> >with Neupogen injections.

> >

> >Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

> >helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince him

> >to add

> >the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and I

> >only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

> >battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel free

> >to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala

> >

> >

> >reed-@... wrote:

> >original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

> >> My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

> >> had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

> >> three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

> >> been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

> >> sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

> >> treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

> >> outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

> >> commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

> >> what bread mold was to infections.

> >>

> >> Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

> >> my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

> >> clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

> >> spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

> >> injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

> >> having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

> >> probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins "

> >I

> >> said I would get him.

> >>

> >> So these are my choices:

> >>

> >> Hydrazine Sulfate

> >> Essiac Tea

> >> Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

> >> PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

> >> melatonin

> >> IP-6

> >>

> >> The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

> >> http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

> >> http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp

> >>

> >> If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I

> >would

> >> appreciate it.

> >>

> >> Gregg

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >@Backup - The #1 Online Backup Service. Protect your files before

> >you lose them. Easy, Reliable, Secure online backups. INSTALL

> >today. http://clickhere./click/938

> >

> >Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >

> >


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe


Bob Karjala

My Cure from Stage IV Lung Cancer



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Hello, I am wanting to find the web address of the Bio-Medical Center in

Tijuana, If they have one. Thanks..........Denine

Re: Alternative Cancer Treatments



>>Hi Gregg,


>>In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a 2.5cm

>>tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes. I

>>had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

>>brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

>>carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

>>change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

>>began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

>>vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

>>including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

>>bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained 400 mg

>>of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my tumor

>>had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in Nov.

>>1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had no

>>chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there is

>>still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due to

>>the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

>>worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from the

>>chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did have

>>hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were normalized

>>with Neupogen injections.


>>Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

>>helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince him

>>to add

>>the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and I

>>only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

>>battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel free

>>to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala



>>reed-@... wrote:

>>original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

>>> My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

>>> had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

>>> three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

>>> been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

>>> sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

>>> treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

>>> outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

>>> commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

>>> what bread mold was to infections.


>>> Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

>>> my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

>>> clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

>>> spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

>>> injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

>>> having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

>>> probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins "


>>> said I would get him.


>>> So these are my choices:


>>> Hydrazine Sulfate

>>> Essiac Tea

>>> Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

>>> PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

>>> melatonin

>>> IP-6


>>> The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

>>> http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

>>> http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp


>>> If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I


>>> appreciate it.


>>> Gregg






>>@Backup - The #1 Online Backup Service. Protect your files before

>>you lose them. Easy, Reliable, Secure online backups. INSTALL

>>today. http://clickhere./click/938


>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe








>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe




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Dear Denine

The address of the Bio-Medical Center is : 615 General Ferreira - Colonia

Juarez - Tijuana, BajaCalif Mexico - 22000 -- telephone (0115266)


Re: Alternative Cancer Treatments

> >

> >

> >>Hi Gregg,

> >>

> >>In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a 2.5cm

> >>tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes. I

> >>had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

> >>brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

> >>carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

> >>change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

> >>began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

> >>vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

> >>including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

> >>bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained 400 mg

> >>of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my tumor

> >>had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in Nov.

> >>1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had no

> >>chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there is

> >>still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due to

> >>the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

> >>worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from the

> >>chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did have

> >>hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were normalized

> >>with Neupogen injections.

> >>

> >>Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

> >>helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince him

> >>to add

> >>the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and I

> >>only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

> >>battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel free

> >>to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala

> >>

> >>

> >>reed-@... wrote:

> >>original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

> >>> My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

> >>> had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

> >>> three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

> >>> been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

> >>> sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

> >>> treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

> >>> outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

> >>> commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

> >>> what bread mold was to infections.

> >>>

> >>> Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

> >>> my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

> >>> clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

> >>> spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

> >>> injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

> >>> having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

> >>> probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins "

> >>I

> >>> said I would get him.

> >>>

> >>> So these are my choices:

> >>>

> >>> Hydrazine Sulfate

> >>> Essiac Tea

> >>> Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

> >>> PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

> >>> melatonin

> >>> IP-6

> >>>

> >>> The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

> >>> http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

> >>> http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp

> >>>

> >>> If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I

> >>would

> >>> appreciate it.

> >>>

> >>> Gregg

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >>

> >>------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >>@Backup - The #1 Online Backup Service. Protect your files before

> >>you lose them. Easy, Reliable, Secure online backups. INSTALL

> >>today. http://clickhere./click/938

> >>

> >>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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The web site of Bio-Medicla center (Hoxsey clinic) is:


a friend.

Re: Alternative Cancer Treatments



>>>Hi Gregg,


>>>In March of 1998 I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer with a 2.5cm

>>>tumor in my right lung and metastases to the spine and lymph nodes. I

>>>had 14 radiation treatments to the spine to alleviate the pain which

>>>brought me to the doctor in the first place. I simultaneously began

>>>carboplatin/taxol chemo once every three weeks. When there was no

>>>change in my primary tumor after 12 weeks of chemo,in June of 1998,I

>>>began using 4 ounces of essiac twice a day, 400mg a day of CoQ-10,

>>>vitamins with 20-30 times the RDAs of most of the anti-oxidants and

>>>including 200 micrograms a day of selenium, 500mg a day of cats claw

>>>bark, and 100 mg a day of grapeseed extract which also contained 400 mg

>>>of MSM(methyl sulfonyl methane). After 6 weeks on this program my tumor

>>>had shrunk by 50%. It continued to shrink until 4 months later in Nov.

>>>1998 my oncologist said there was no detectable disease. I have had no

>>>chemo or traditional treatment since October 1998. As of 8/99 there is

>>>still no detectable evidence of disease. I don't know if it was due to

>>>the alternatives, the chemo, or a combination of both, but something

>>>worked. While on this program I had no unpleasant side effects from the

>>>chemo. No fatigue or nausea. I continued to work full time. I did have

>>>hiccups, hair loss, and lowered white blood cells which were normalized

>>>with Neupogen injections.


>>>Hopefully the alternatives may help your dad as much as I think they

>>>helped me. Perhaps if you show this to your dad, you can convince him

>>>to add

>>>the alternatives to his chemotherapy. I am not selling anything and I

>>>only hope to pass along the information I learned during my 8 month

>>>battle with stage 4 lung cancer. If you have any questions, feel free

>>>to email me at bobk20@... Good luck!....Bob Karjala



>>>reed-@... wrote:

>>>original article:cures for cancer/?start=2130

>>>> My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

>>>> had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

>>>> three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

>>>> been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

>>>> sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

>>>> treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

>>>> outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

>>>> commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

>>>> what bread mold was to infections.


>>>> Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

>>>> my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

>>>> clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

>>>> spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

>>>> injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

>>>> having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

>>>> probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins "


>>>> said I would get him.


>>>> So these are my choices:


>>>> Hydrazine Sulfate

>>>> Essiac Tea

>>>> Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

>>>> PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

>>>> melatonin

>>>> IP-6


>>>> The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

>>>> http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

>>>> http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp


>>>> If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I


>>>> appreciate it.


>>>> Gregg






>>>@Backup - The #1 Online Backup Service. Protect your files before

>>>you lose them. Easy, Reliable, Secure online backups. INSTALL

>>>today. http://clickhere./click/938


>>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe








>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe







>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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Please look at this website (not mine)

Martha Hoff, MFCC



Alternative Cancer Treatments

My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

what bread mold was to infections.

Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins " I

said I would get him.

So these are my choices:

Hydrazine Sulfate

Essiac Tea

Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide



The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from



If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I would

appreciate it.



Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

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Dear Gregg,

Look up Cytolog in the internet. Perhaps it may help

your pa.

With regards


Martha Hoff wrote:

> http://www.public.usit.net/spinner/Flax1.html

> Please look at this website (not mine)


> Martha Hoff, MFCC

> wesurviv@...

> http://www.mother.com/~wesurviv


> Alternative Cancer Treatments


> My father was diagnosed with cancer about two weeks ago and he

> had two tumors removed from his brain. The doctor said he had

> three months to a year left, even with radiation and chemo. I've

> been investigating alternative treatments. Some of those treatments

> sound pretty outlandish, although I realize that a hundred years ago

> treating infections with an extract of bread mold was thought to be

> outlandish. Now that extract is called " penicillin " and is

> commonplace. I'm hoping that one of these treatments is to cancer

> what bread mold was to infections.


> Unfortunately, my father doesn't believe any of it, so that narrows

> my choices of treatment somewhat. He won't go to any alternative

> clinic, won't modify his lifestyle very much, doesn't believe in any

> spiritual treatment, and won't take any medications that have to be

> injected other than what his doctor gives him. And he insists on

> having the radiation and chemo, even though the doctor told us it

> probably wouldn't do much good. All he'll do is take the " vitamins " I

> said I would get him.


> So these are my choices:


> Hydrazine Sulfate

> Essiac Tea

> Cartilage (Shark & Bovine)

> PSK: A Non-Toxic Anti-Tumor Polysaccharide

> melatonin

> IP-6


> The last one I haven't seen much about. I got my information from

> http://www.doitnow.com/~vshulfe/IP6.html

> http://www.cbn.org/newsstand/stories/981020b.asp


> If anyone can offer any information, help, or anything at all, I would

> appreciate it.


> Gregg




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe

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Most people hear about the alternative treatments and because of all the hype

by the AMA about quackery and the awesome power of the rich and powerful

AMA shy away from them fearing some type of witchdraft or voodoo. But I

urge you to research as much as you can as quickly as you can.

My husband with pancreatic liver cancer has just refused another round of

chemo in favor of an alternative clinic. So far he seems to be doing well

on the the Dr. Revici method. The clinic is located in Suffern, NY. But

there are many other clinics around the country and a confusing array of

altlernatives. New York is just one of the states that support the

patient's right to choose. Luckily we're just over the state border in NJ (a

state that doesn't support the patient's bill of rights) Some tyreatments

may have peculiar sounding names, but nothing is more peculiar than hearing

chemo and radiation is all we have to offer you....say the hallowed

Oncologists...and your chances are about 20%. There have been trillions

spent on cancer research and much profit is made from Chemo by Bristol

Myers Squibb, the hallowed doctors and the mainstream cancer centers.

Please do some much needed research.

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In a message dated 10/10/99 6:26:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, CBilz@...


<< New York is just one of the states that support the

patient's right to choose. >>


I was just wondering after reading the above statement. Are there any

other states that currently support the patient's right to choose?

Warmest regards,


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Another place you will want to check is Dr. out of New York.

Re: Alternative Cancer Treatments

>Most people hear about the alternative treatments and because of all the


>by the AMA about quackery and the awesome power of the rich and powerful

>AMA shy away from them fearing some type of witchdraft or voodoo. But I

>urge you to research as much as you can as quickly as you can.


>My husband with pancreatic liver cancer has just refused another round of

>chemo in favor of an alternative clinic. So far he seems to be doing


>on the the Dr. Revici method. The clinic is located in Suffern, NY. But

>there are many other clinics around the country and a confusing array of

>altlernatives. New York is just one of the states that support the

>patient's right to choose. Luckily we're just over the state border in NJ


>state that doesn't support the patient's bill of rights) Some


>may have peculiar sounding names, but nothing is more peculiar than


>chemo and radiation is all we have to offer you....say the hallowed

>Oncologists...and your chances are about 20%. There have been trillions

>spent on cancer research and much profit is made from Chemo by Bristol

>Myers Squibb, the hallowed doctors and the mainstream cancer centers.

>Please do some much needed research.



>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe



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ROTTEN APPLES. Sincerly and Good Health to You All, LizAt 06:38 PM

10/10/1999 -0600, you wrote:

>Another place you will want to check is Dr. out of New York.

> Re: Alternative Cancer Treatments



>>Most people hear about the alternative treatments and because of all the


>>by the AMA about quackery and the awesome power of the rich and powerful

>>AMA shy away from them fearing some type of witchdraft or voodoo. But I

>>urge you to research as much as you can as quickly as you can.


>>My husband with pancreatic liver cancer has just refused another round of

>>chemo in favor of an alternative clinic. So far he seems to be doing


>>on the the Dr. Revici method. The clinic is located in Suffern, NY. But

>>there are many other clinics around the country and a confusing array of

>>altlernatives. New York is just one of the states that support the

>>patient's right to choose. Luckily we're just over the state border in NJ


>>state that doesn't support the patient's bill of rights) Some


>>may have peculiar sounding names, but nothing is more peculiar than


>>chemo and radiation is all we have to offer you....say the hallowed

>>Oncologists...and your chances are about 20%. There have been trillions

>>spent on cancer research and much profit is made from Chemo by Bristol

>>Myers Squibb, the hallowed doctors and the mainstream cancer centers.

>>Please do some much needed research.



>>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe






>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe





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I am a survivor of loosing both my parents to cancer. My mom when I was

nine, she had a lump under her arm and then a breast removed. She

fought for seven years. My father fell down one day, and the next he

was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, and six or seven tumors

in each lung. He lived for twenty more months. I was twenty eight at

the time.

Upon reaching my forties I felt like a sitting duck for cancer. Then a

friend of mine gave me a tape by a Dr from Montreal that had discovered

something new that went with something old in Science. It caught my


This something old is called Glutathione. It was discovered in 1888 by

De-Rey-Pailhade. He discovered that this protein in our cells called

Glutathione worked as an antioxident to protect us from damage. It

wasn't until the 1970's that it was discovered that it worked as a

detoxifyer as well.

Glutathione is a protein found in our cells. It is called a tripeptide

and consists of three amino acids. Glycine, glutamate (glutamic acid)

and most importantly cysteine. It takes all three to be present in the

protein in order for glutathione to function. Science also discovered

that we get glutamate and glycine from our diets but not cysteine in a

form that will replace what is missing intracellular.

Then over twenty years ago a Dr. G Bounous discovers in undenatured

whey protein an amino acid called cystine. For twenty years at

Montreal, begining in McGill University where Dr. Bounous was doing his

reasearch, the science and research continues on.

Cystine is two cysteine molecules joined by a disulfade bond. Because

of the protein the cystine is able to piggy back into our cells. Once

inside the bond disolves allowing the glutathione protein to get as

much cysteine as needed. Now glutathione can do the job that was made


I took that tape home and listened to it. It was by Dr. Bounous and it

got me excited. Today I know longer worry about cancer, and I know if I

ever got it I would deal with it knowing what glutathione does to help

with cancer treatments. I trully wish this opportunity had been here

for my folks, but in my life time I am thankful to this research Dr.

who was willing to put the time in for this to all come to light. I

have some really good articles from different Doctor's on Glutathione

that I will post. I don't know of to many natural products that have

two cancer patents. One in the USA and one in Australia. You can see

the cancer one at the patent office. The claims from the Australian one

reads as such.

1) A method of treating cancer in a patient in need there of including

the administration to said patient of a substantially undenatured whey

protein concentrate which contains substantially all heat labile whey

prteins of the source milk with glutamylcysteine groups and disulfide

intramolecular bonds in an amount sufficient to replenish depleted

intacellular glutathione, enhance immune response and exert anti-cancer


2)The use of a substantially undenatured whey protein concentrate to

replenish depleted intracellular glutathione, enhance immune response

and exert anti-cancer effects in a patient having cancer, which

concentrate contains substantially all heat labile whey prteins of the

source milk with glutamylcysteine groups and sisulfide intramolecular

bonds in an amount sufficient to replenish depleted intracellular

glutathione, enhance immune respose and exert anti-cancer effects in a

patient having cancer.

This is one alternative that needs to be looked at seriously. It is a

breakthrough between the cells need for proper nutrition and our

ability to be able to supply it.


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Thanks for the tip about Dr. . It's impossible to get an

appointment. I've tried many times. Am told will not accept patients who've

had radiation and/or chemo. His protocol (they say) will not work after

these treatments. Disappointing, but we're trying other avenues.

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I believe there are. We got the book " Third Opinion' " and it listed all of

the alternative clinics in the US, and abroad. The midwest seems to have

fewer restrictions. The eastcoast is very pompous and mainstream. But

public pressure is mounting.

I hope places like Sloan Kettering will be just a ghost town in the 21st

Century. Too much cancer.... too many profits.... and too few (if any)


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The above is the website for Dr. Ralph Moss. He was fired from his PR job @

Sloan Kettering in 1977 for exposing the suppression of Laetrile - B17

Vitamin (which as you may know is the kernnel of the Apricot) discovered by

Dr. Sigouri (sp??) to shrink some tumors. Of course, Dr. Sigouri was also

fired and labled a Quack. Dr. Moss has written 10 books about the very

obvious: Chemo and Radiation do not cure or help very much.

Correction: Radiation does shrink some throat tumors (caused by smoking).

Chemo has been known to cure a certain type of Lieukemia in children. That's

about it.

However, most people who have gone the chemo/rad route are deceased, except

for one that we know of. Literally everyone we know who went to Sloan

Kettering has died. Everyone should educate themselves about cancer. The

rise in cases is indeed alarming and everyone should research and learn the

truth so that you are not thrown to the mercy of the Oncologists and other

" creatures of infinite wisdom " if heaven forbid it strikes you or a member of

your family.

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