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Re: Prerelief - for IC & bladder problems - takes acid out of food

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Dom, do you think this product makes the " body " less acid, not just the

stomach and urine? I use a tea that makes the body more alkaline, I

really thinks this helps the trigger points in a flare. Do you use

this? I know you were using some type of alkaline packets in your

water? I can't find this in our local stores (Prerelief). We are

getting a Walgreens in our small town. i would like some feedback if

possible. I read the testimonials from the site you sent.



> http://www.akpharma.com/prelief/acid_blockers.html - interesting info

> about Prerelief. - Dom


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I don't know the answer to this question, but it would seem to me

that if the stomach and urine are not as acid, then neither is the

body tissue, but I'm not a doc.

Haven't tried Prerelief yet, but will be looking for it at the store

this weekend. I used to use these sachets called 02 from Nutronix

for about 5 years. I think they helped, but Prelief sounds

intriguing. I do use an essential oil powder for alkalinity when I

think I need it.

Prelief is by the same company that makes " Beano " so it should be

available soon. They say it takes the acid out of food, instead of

the way other alkalizers work (proton pump inhibitors like Tagamet,

etc.) My main reason for alkalizing is to avoid frequent urination -

not a good problem to have when I play the piano for church,

recitals, funerals, etc.

I have heard that being more alkaline can help get rid of pain. I

wouldn't know about that since I only had pain during the first 14

years of this illness and have been pain free since 1996, except for

an 18 month pain flare in 2000, when I was 48. The pain problem has

been solved with my pain suggestions at http://www.fms-


If anyone uses Prerelief, I'd be interested to know if it helps!


> >

> > http://www.akpharma.com/prelief/acid_blockers.html - interesting


> > about Prerelief. - Dom

> >


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