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fibro and prengancy (And RD version of my story)

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I was diagnosed with fibro at 19 (31 now) but I remember some of the symptoms being present as a young child. As an example, When I was somewhere between 6 and 8 - and I was a very polite, good child- we were at Disneyland with my aunt, uncle and grandfather. The lines were killing my back. The fun did not compensate for the sheer torture it was to stand there aching. I didn't "say" anything as I wasn't allowed to hold opinions then. haha. But apparently I was in enough pain that it showed on my face. I got in trouble for not being appreciative.But I remember just hurting so badly and wanting to leave. My childhood was quite stressful to say the least, with a drug addicted mother and my feeling of responsibility for my sisters. (That is a serious readers digest version) But I believe the

"stress" of growing up in this fashion probably cause my fibro. I also have headaches (several types), myofascial pain that is constant in my upper back and sometimes other places (massage is my far the best help for that, but pain meds help in between), ulcers, sleeping issues, etc, etc. I have a daughter that is 3. Pregnancy was phenominally miserable. Boy am I glad I got a beautiful child out of it! I don't know how much of it was from fibro and how much from pregnancy just making me terribly sick. Surely a combination. We plan to have another baby this year. Anyway, if (the lady asking aboutthis) wants more info, I would be happy to help.Thanks!Trisha Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well. Van Gogh

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I have encouraged Sandi (the lady who is asking for these stories) to

join our group. Meanwhile, would you could cut and paste your story

into an email and send it to Sandi at sagefox@... I think this

subject of pregnancy and fibro is soooo important and pretty much

overlooked in the field of medicine! - Dominie


> I was diagnosed with fibro at 19 (31 now) but I remember some of

the symptoms being present as a young child. As an example, When I

was somewhere between 6 and 8 - and I was a very polite, good child-

we were at Disneyland with my aunt, uncle and grandfather. The lines

were killing my back. The fun did not compensate for the sheer

torture it was to stand there aching. I didn't " say " anything as I

wasn't allowed to hold opinions then. haha. But apparently I was in

enough pain that it showed on my face. I got in trouble for not being

appreciative.But I remember just hurting so badly and wanting to

leave. My childhood was quite stressful to say the least, with a drug

addicted mother and my feeling of responsibility for my sisters.

(That is a serious readers digest version) But I believe the " stress "

of growing up in this fashion probably cause my fibro. I also have

headaches (several types), myofascial pain that is constant in my

upper back and sometimes

> other places (massage is my far the best help for that, but pain

meds help in between), ulcers, sleeping issues, etc, etc. I have a

daughter that is 3. Pregnancy was phenominally miserable. Boy am I

glad I got a beautiful child out of it! I don't know how much of it

was from fibro and how much from pregnancy just making me terribly

sick. Surely a combination. We plan to have another baby this year.

Anyway, if (the lady asking aboutthis) wants more info, I would be

happy to help.


> Thanks!

> Trisha


> Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever

loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done

in love is done well.

> Van Gogh








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> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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Hi Trisha,

How was the fibro pain during your pregnancy? I'm already fatigued and can just imagine that, that will be 20 times worse. But I'm mostly worried about the pain. Some people are telling me that they think my fibro may go into remission during my pregnancy...

I think you must be a very strong person to be willing to go through it all again, knowing how difficult it was for you the last time :)

I have a lot of concerns for when the baby comes and I'm in constant pain. It's always on my mind these days. I'm terribly worried about having to breast feed and hold the baby all the time, when just holding a glass sometimes hurts a little. And the pain is worse of course with little sleep? How did you do it all? I would love any tips you could share on this?


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Just an FYI. I belong to several fm support groups.

on the topic of pregnancy, i have heard from more than one member

that their fm symptoms are less during pregnancy and the reasoning

was due to hormones. i dont know if it is true. just passing on what

I heard.


> I was diagnosed with fibro at 19 (31 now) but I remember some of

the symptoms being present as a young child. As an example, When I

was somewhere between 6 and 8 - and I was a very polite, good child-

we were at Disneyland with my aunt, uncle and grandfather. The lines

were killing my back. The fun did not compensate for the sheer

torture it was to stand there aching. I didn't " say " anything as I

wasn't allowed to hold opinions then. haha. But apparently I was in

enough pain that it showed on my face. I got in trouble for not

being appreciative.But I remember just hurting so badly and wanting

to leave. My childhood was quite stressful to say the least, with a

drug addicted mother and my feeling of responsibility for my

sisters. (That is a serious readers digest version) But I believe

the " stress " of growing up in this fashion probably cause my fibro.

I also have headaches (several types), myofascial pain that is

constant in my upper back and sometimes

> other places (massage is my far the best help for that, but pain

meds help in between), ulcers, sleeping issues, etc, etc. I have a

daughter that is 3. Pregnancy was phenominally miserable. Boy am I

glad I got a beautiful child out of it! I don't know how much of it

was from fibro and how much from pregnancy just making me terribly

sick. Surely a combination. We plan to have another baby this year.

Anyway, if (the lady asking aboutthis) wants more info, I would be

happy to help.


> Thanks!

> Trisha


> Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and

whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and

what is done in love is done well.

> Van Gogh








> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.



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Yes, I was nervous to get pregnant the last time and of course this

time my symptoms, etc are way worse. 2007 was NOT my best year. lol.

(diagnosed with insulin resistance, polycystic ovarian syndrome,

ulcers and of course all the trouble and pain with each of those

things WHILE they were figuring them out.)

I think the pregnancy hormones do help the pain and those things. I

think you just have to decide whats important in your life. I would

definately not count on your stuff being any better during pregnancy.

(hope they are but don't count in it.) I thought it was interesting, I

was pregnant at the same time as a friend and she had energy coming

out the wazoo. I had what felt like none (but was actually more than I

have NOW! When we had our babies, she felt horrible-I think had a bit

of depression, but I felt WONDERFUL. I felt like a new person. I don't

really understand-in a way that I could explain it but I felt great

and none of the things (like you are talking about mattered at first.

It wasn't hard to hold my baby, etc. There were issues, but not really

fibro stuff. Of course ya still have massive hormones right after so

that could account for it, but I really felt terrible being pregnant

but after was great. There were little things that I did that I just

taught her from day 1. For instance-my myofascial pain is in my upper

back and neck. So it hurts me to stand for more than a couple of

minutes, so walking a baby around carrying her wasn't a huge option,

so I was just sure to NOT start the habit of walking her when she

cried. And even when she got bigger and we would go into the store she

knows I can't carry her, but I can put her int he basket and be really

close to her. And I talked with my husband about not starting that

habit with her. Even at 3 she still occasionally asks for me to carry

her when we walk somewhere, and I just explain that it hurts mommy,

but I would love to hold her hand. Since it has always been that way,

she doesn't throw a fit about it. I also taught her that my body was

MY body, and sometimes it was uncomfortable to have someone on my lap.

Nothign to do with her...

That one wasn't too big of an issue, but ya know that

can't-touch-anyone-right now feeling? That was how I handled that. We

still got in TONS of cuddling and loves. I think your body compensates

to do what it needs to. Thats been my experience anyway. We forget the

want and need are different sometimes though.

I am really hoping my next pregnancy goes better of course. I didn't

have any energy, but what bothered me the most being pregnant is being

so darn nauseas. That kept me in my chair a huge part of the time. I

was afraid I would be sick! LOL Oh it was a mess.

Only you know how you are (really) and if you can handle it. Yes, you

may not know how pregnancy will effect your body but you know how you

are now. Thre are times when you think, I cannot take one more thing.

Well pregnancy IS one more thing. Or if you want a baby and you know

thats a part of your life plan...your body will do what is necessary

to " get through " that portion of your life.

Anyway, if I think of anything else I will post again, when are you

thinking of getting pregnant? You maybe said, but you know.the



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