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Just to point out that I think the author used AND not like

a Boolean.

" The probabilities of above-normal

> cholesterol levels, overweight/obesity, AND diabetes

mellitus were greater for

> persons with prehypertension vs normotension, whereas the

probability of

> currently smoking was lower. "

I don't believe the people had ALL those characteristics.


----- Original Message -----

From: " Al Pater "

Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:43 AM

Subject: [CR] Prehypertension

> Hi All,


> Even moderate elevation in blood pressure appears to

> also be a risk for heart disease and stroke.


> Please see the pdf-available below.


> See also pages 2086 and 2119 of the journal.


> Arch Intern Med. 2004 Oct 25;164(19):2113-8.

> Prevalence of heart disease and stroke risk factors in

persons with

> prehypertension in the United States, 1999-2000.

> Greenlund KJ, Croft JB, Mensah GA.

> Cardiovascular Health Branch, Division of Adult and

Community Health, National


> BACKGROUND: Recent guidelines classify persons with

above-optimal blood pressure

> (BP) but not clinical hypertension as having

prehypertension. METHODS: Data were

> analyzed for 3488 persons aged 20 years and older with BP

measured in the

> 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination

Survey. The prevalence of

> risk factors-above-normal (>/=200 mg/dL [>/=5.17 mmol/L])

and high (>/=240 mg/dL

> [>/=6.21 mmol/L]) total cholesterol levels, diabetes

mellitus, current smoker,

> and overweight or obesity-and the number of risk factors

present were compared

> among BP groups (normotension, prehypertension, and

hypertension). Multivariable

> logistic regression included age, sex, and race/ethnicity

as covariates.

> RESULTS: Overall, 39% of persons were normotensive,31%

were prehypertensive, and

> 29% were hypertensive. The age-adjusted prevalence of

prehypertension was

> greater in men (39.0%) than in women (23.1%).African

Americans aged 20 to 39

> years had a higher prevalence of prehypertension (37.4%)

than whites (32.2%) and

> Mexican Americans (30.9%), but their prevalence was lower

at older ages because

> of a higher prevalence of hypertension. The probabilities

of above-normal

> cholesterol levels, overweight/obesity, and diabetes

mellitus were greater for

> persons with prehypertension vs normotension, whereas the

probability of

> currently smoking was lower. Persons with prehypertension

were 1.65 times more

> likely to have at least 1 other adverse risk factor than

were those with

> normotension (P<.001). Among participants with

prehypertension, there were no

> significant race/ethnic or sex differences in the

likelihood of having at least

> 1 other risk factor. CONCLUSIONS: The greater prevalence

of risk factors in

> persons with prehypertension vs normotension suggests the

continued need for

> early clinical detection and intervention of

prehypertension and comprehensive

> preventive and public health efforts.


> PMID: 15505124 [PubMed - in process]


> HYPERTENSION AFFECTS AN estimated 50 million

> Americans in the United States, and it was a pri-mary

> or contributing cause of approximately 251000 deaths in

> 2000. 1 In the 30 years since initiation of

> the National High Blood Pressure Educa-tion

> Program, the awareness, treatment,

> and control of high blood pressure (BP)

> have increased, but they remain subopti-mal.

> Only approximately 34% of persons

> with high BP have it controlled.2 The Sev-enth

> Report of the Joint National Com-mittee

> on Prevention, Detection, Evalua-tion

> and Treatment of High Blood Pressure

> (JNC 7) defines persons with above-optimal

> levels but not clinical hyperten-sion

> as having " prehypertension. " 2 One

> justification for this new term is that per-sons

> with BPs in this range (systolic BP

> [sBP] of 120-139 mm Hg or diastolic BP

> [DBP] of 80-89 mmHg) have a greater risk

> of developing clinical hypertension than

> do persons with lower BP levels.2 It is also

> possible that persons with above-optimal

> BP levels are more likely to have other

> heart disease and stroke risk factors that

> are high or above optimal. Whereas nu-merous

> studies 3-10 have noted the cluster-ing

> or coexistence of clinically high risk

> factors and their relation to heart disease

> and stroke, few studies 11,12 have exam-ined

> the co-occurrence of risk factors in

> persons with above-optimal BP levels. We

> examined data from a nationally repre-

> sentative sample of the US population to compare


> in the prevalence of concomitant heart disease

> and stroke risk factors in persons with normal BP,


> and hypertension.

> ...



> Cheers, Alan Pater, PhD; 4849 Swanson St., Port Alberni,

BC, V9Y 6M7; phone: 250 724-0596; email: old542000@...

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