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food is the enemy? (was Re: Dozen eggs a week now safe?)

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I would be careful with this train of thought. This is the kind of statement you might find on an anorexic website.

Too much food is the enemy as is too little. Food eaten in moderation and intelligently is needed for survival. Without it we die. No getting around it.

on 10/13/2004 1:08 PM, jwwright at jwwright@... wrote:

> Agree. I think of food as my enemy and it better do more than taste good.

> As Jack LaLanne says: " if it tastes good, don't eat it " .


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: freebird5005


> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:47 AM

> Subject: [ ] Re: Dozen eggs a week now safe?




> Eggs have too much cholesterol and too much sat fats.. i think that

> about sums it up.


> The way I approach this is I start with this (weel-founded) assumption

> THAT all foods are bad for you, so I ask two questions: which foods

> are less bad and in what quantities. Plant foods in general are less

> bad.. begin sort!


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