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Review of newest book just read... Holistic Protocol for The Immune System, by J. , O.M.D.

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I just finished reading a book that I recently aquired from a used book

store called " A Holistic Protocol for The Immune System " , by J.

, O.M.D. He has a LOT or wholistic protocals for Cleansing,

Supporting and Rebuilding the Immune system, for Candida, Herpes,

Hepatitis, Chronic Fatigue, and HIV.... etc... He has Many unusual

remedies, both herbal and homeopathic, that I've not heard of, but would

like to experiment with some of.... This first one, for instance,

releases atomic oxygen... Take a look! It's interesting! He has several

programs, each broken out specifically for each type of infection;

Candida, Herpes, Hepatitis, CMV, KS, PCP,etc., Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

(EBV), HIV/ARC/AIDS, etc... This is an wholistic approach, which

requires changes in one's lifestyle, as well as taking various


On another list, I just read a quote I like: " You never change things by

fighting the existing reality. To change

something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. " R.

Buckminster Fuller

Isn't this really Great???

Anyway, this book takes a unusual approach to things, and he says these

approaches have good results. Your results may vary, but I thought I'd

pass this along.The ISBN # is 0-930852-22-2 (pbk.) The publisher is Tree

of Life Publications, Box 126, Tree, CA, 92252 It has a 5th

edition copyright date of 1993.

Well, here goes some of the unusual products he mentions in the book:

Dioxychlor. This was developed by Dr.s Bradford and Dr Rodrigo

, MD from the American Biologics Mexico SA Research Hospital, a

medical center in Tijuana, BC, Mexico... This compound liberate nascent

(atomic) oxygen inhibit spored, mycoplasms, viruses and fungi. It kills

pathogenic microbes on contact. The nascent oxygen released by using

Dioxychlor is stored in the body. Dioxychlor is not new; it was used in

World War I for infections. Stanford University has done much research

on it. When Dioxychlor is taken homeopathically under the tongue, it

goes directly into the lymph system, as opposed to diluting it and

taking it in water. Individuals who have chemical sensitivities must

start out with very low dosages sublingually...(perhaps 4-5 drops )....

LDM-100,(Leptotaenia dissecta) which is a plant antibiotic from a wild

black carrot, introduced by E.T. Krebs, Sr.

Pfaffia Paniculata. This is from the rain forests of Brazil.

A Chinese herbal formula called Ping Ziao Da, that is used in cancer

therapys in chinese hospitals today... It re-established the body's

ability to utilaze oxygen and dispose of cellular toxins whie at the

same time strengthening the immune system and the blood. It is a

combination of herbs: viola, oldenlandia, eleuthro, citrus aurantium,

curcuma, lithospermum, antler, loranthus, milletia, gambir, pteroptus,

gleditsia, myrrh, fritillary, lonicera, sargassum, inula, agkristrodon,

sophora, burdock, sorrell, slippery elm, turkey rhubarb, chaparral, and

pau d' Arco.

A viracide called PDL-500, which contains 'some' of the same herbs as

the LDM-100, but slightly different...

A broad spectrum antifungal derived from 12 Chinese herbs called

Phellostatin, specifically for candidiasis....

" Isatis 6 " , which is a combination of six Chinese herbs that are

anti-viral in nature, which target toxins in the blood and resolve heat

conditions. The Chinese formula is Da Qing Jie Du Pian. The

ingredients are: isatis, hu-chang, prunella, oldenlandia, andrographis,

and lonicera.

Zedoria, which is a combination of Chinese herbs that repress cancer

cell growth.

**Dioxychlor is available from American Biologies, 1108 Walnut ave.,

Chula Vista, CA.92011 1-800-227-4473 If you order it, I'll buy a bottle


**The Immujem/SVA is available from Dr. Godfirnon; Summa Medical Group,

6330 Variel, Suite 101, Woodhills, CA 91367 818-992-1166 I'd like to

order this suppliment!! It is an incredable remedy for the immune

system. I must have forgotten to write about it below.... It's a

homeopathic preparation, and Dr.Marichal of Belgium is successfully

treating over 500 patients (1996) with Aids, and this remedy in a 7C

potentcy. Immujem is the name given to an ongoing French/Belgian

research project on immunology. ImmunoVanda is a division of a Belgian

lab called " Vanda " . It produces different products for helping those

with hepatitis, Aids, EBV., etc. The " SVA " treatment protocol is

specifically for Aids/ and Aids related conditions. SVA enhances the

immune system and is anti-viral. It contains eight homeopathic

remedies. They are all in different dillutions, which are determined by

much clinical experimentations. The homeopathic potentized remedies in

SVA include: TNA, Interleuken I (locally short-acting hormone activating

T-4), Interleuken III (hormone which stimulates all the white blood

cells), Interferon, hematopoetin (stimulates red blood cel production),

PAA, and immunoglobulin-g based broad spectrum anti-viral. For Aids,

the book reccomends trying two pellets daily, HIV or immune challanged,

one a day.....

Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3 2


Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.






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