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FM-CFS Canada calls on you for action!

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Ontario patients! Prov. Govt wants to hear from you now!FM-CFS Canada calls on you for action!The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, which governs doctors inOntario, is now inviting input from the public on the 'Physician-PatientRelationship'.The medical profession's governing principle IS 'non-discrimination on thebasis of sex, race, or medical condition.' Meaning doctors are not supposedto choose which patients they serve based on sex, race or medical condition.Patients with FM and/or ME/CFS have a hard time finding doctors willing totake them on, and many doctors don't want to treat the conditions. Many ofthese doctors are violating their profession's guiding principle.If our community is silent at this time, our voice will not be heard. TheCPSO's deadline for input is February 15, 2008.May we suggest to you that:a) Local patient groups send an email to the CPSO.B) Patients communicate directly with the CPSO.c) Everyone copy their messages to the Provincial Health Ministerd) Copy your emails to the Editors of your local newspaper (see link belowfor a list)May we also suggest that emails sent to the CPSO be kept very short, verypolite and on issue.Perhaps you can send the following message:Addressed to:svanin@...Sharon Vanin, The College of Physicians and Surgeons of OntarioFor a long time the more than 400,000 Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic FatigueSyndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis patients in Ontario have found itdifficult to find doctors willing to treat them.The doctors complain that it takes too much time to assess and treat them.No treatment leaves the patients with no access to medicine or treatment,which makes their conditions worse. Worsened conditions mean more hardshipand sometimes more symptoms. This increases the burden on the families andcare-givers.The impact on the medical system and the impact on the economy are not wellserved by ignoring these very real physiological changes to human health.Every year healthy people in the prime of their life become sick with FM andor CFS.We call upon The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario give moreattention to these illnesses. Denying care is not only against theprinciples of the health care system but is not good for the families of thepatients and the economy of Ontario. Help these patients get better. Helpthem become active members of the community, paying taxes, and raisingfamilies. Give them hope.As the bestselling author of Seabiscuit, Hillenbrand, who is battlingCFS, said:'This illness is to fatigue what a nuclear bomb is to a match.'Your NameYou can also send a copy to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, erman:CCU@...gsmitherman.mpp@...You can find more MPP email addresses at:http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/members/members_current.do?locale=enAnd the media:Here is the email address for the Letters section of the Globe and Mail:letters@...Here is the email address for the Letters section of the Toronto Star:lettertoed@...Here is the email address for the Letters section of the National Post:prussell@...And:You can visit FM-CFS Canada for more newspaper Editor email addresses at:http://fm-cfs.ca/editors.html

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