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Nanobacteria - cardiovascular, heart, plaque and lipoproteinbuildup problems

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From Keeleynet:

..........some additional

material about Antoine Bechamp and the 'immortal blood' of Kaali/Beck below


What are Nanobacteria?

Copyright NanobacLabs 2001

The term Nanobacteria is short for its scientific genus & species name

" Nanobacterium sanguineum " , a Latin scientific term for blood nanobacteria.

Nanobacteria are nano-sized in that they are from 20-200 nanometers in

size (a nanometer is 1 billionth of a meter. A nanometer is the width of ten

hydrogen atoms side-to-side!) and are the smallest known self-replicating

bacteria. They are from the Archaea Family of bacteria, known for their

primitive pleomorphic lifestyles.

Nanobacteria infection by Nanobacterium sanguineum is an emerging

infectious disease meaning that it is newly discovered and that the

diseases it cause are being researched and further described. Its DNA and

RNA have been accurately mapped by multiple scientific researchers. These

Nanobacteria are not a nice bugs and have no known benefit to humans. The

discoverers of nanobacteria, Drs. Ciftcioglu & Kajander developed antigen &

antibody diagnostic blood testing for nanobacterial infections that we offer

as the " NanobacTEST " . NanobacLabs has developed the safe and effective

nanobiotic prescription treatments NanobacTX and UroBac for the eradication

of nanobacterial infections.

Nanobacteria are extremely small, slowly growing bacteria that can be

cultured from the blood of humans and mammals. Its size is 20-200

nanometers. Compared to regular bacteria, Nanobacteria is 1/1,000 the

size, allowing it to easily move around into other cells and invade them.

Nanobacteria causes apoptosis (cell death) when exposed to other cells or

bacteria. It can cause alteration of the gene-expression pattern of other

cells. When compared to other bacteria, Nanobacteria grows very, very

slowly, only reproducing every 3 days..where regular bacteria reproduce

in minutes or hours.

Nanobacteria cannot be grown in standard culture media and can only be grown

in mammalian blood or serum.

Nanobacteria were discovered in 1988 by Nobel Prize Nominees Dr. Neva

Ciftcioglu, PhD and Olavi Kajander, MD, PhD as a contaminant in mammalian

cell cultures that kept killing the mammalian cells (apoptosis) in their

mammalian cell culture research. They have been researching nanobacterial

pathophysiology for nearly 14 years now and know a great deal about these

unique nanometer-sized bacteria.

Because of its extremely small size and extremely slow growth rate,

Nanobacteria has avoided detection and scientific study until recently.

Nanobacteria can only be seen using electron and atomic force microscopes.

Electron Micrographs of Nanobacterium sanguineum Nanobacteria are

pleomorphic which means that they have different physical bodies during

their life cycle and can change appearance and physical form during their

growth and development. One form described is 20-100 nanometers in size with

a unique and unusual cell membrane structure.

This form oozes or secretes a calcific biofilm gooey slime around itself

that provides protection as well as allowing for multiple nanobacteria to

connect, collaborate and somehow function together as a unit or colony. This

calcific biofilm allows the Nanobacteria to act like slime molds that can

expand, contract and move.

This Biofilm-phase of Nanobacterial life appears to be present when the

Nanobacteria are chemically attacked, physiologically stressed,

environmentally attacked, when they are working together or reproducing. The

calcific biofilm that is secreted by the nanobacteria is a potent endotoxin

and mediator (cause) of inflammation and swelling.

In other words, our bodies react aggressively in response to the presence of

this nanobacteria secreted biofilm with swelling and irritation, the release

of cytokines, interleukins, leukocytes, mast cells, collagenase, matrix

metalloproteinases and etc.

Our bodies react by trying to wall off the area of nanobacteria infection.

When Nanobacteria are in an enclosed area, they cause chronic inflammation

and swelling. Most of the commonly known medical markers of inflammation

(C Reactive Protein, MMP's, MPO, Interleukins, etc.) are found to be

elevated in response to the endotoxin in the nanobacterial biofilm.

Chronic inflammatory responses are usually seen in areas where nanobacteria

are found. Nanobacteria can infect any tissue or cell and have even been

seen and photographed killing T-6 Lymphocytes, an important part of our

immune system.

The nanobacteria secreted calcium biofilm calcifies and hardens around the

nanobacteria forming a hard calcified shell around itself. In this

calcified state, these nanobacteria can either reproduce upon themselves

forming aggregate budding-like clusters or they can just remain in a state

of relative calcified dormancy.

Our body does not recognize calcified nanobacteria as a foreign substance or

pathogen. When in their calcified igloo-structure form, our bodies see

these nanobacteria as common calcium, a substance found throughout our

bodies at all times.

Because of the unique genetic characteristics of Nanobacterium sanguineum,

its pleomorphism, its incredibly small size and extremely slow growth rate,

it had eluded detection until discovered by Dr. Ciftcioglu and Dr. Kajander.

Even the most seasoned of microbiology researchers have to be specifically

taught how to culture, isolate and observe these nanobacteria. As an

example: Even a recently published government study on Nanobacteria was

inherently flawed and invalid because their nanobacterial cultures were

contaminated with regular bacteria, which invalidated their DNA findings.

NanobacLabs now has available the nanobacTEST diagnostic testing for

Nanobacteria Antigen and Antibodies that test for active nanobacterial

infection and/or exposure to nanobacteria.

OF NOTE: For 20+ years, researchers have been trying to implicate Chlamydia

pneumoniae to be involved in atherosclerosis and plaque development because

it is routinely found to be positive to Chlamydia pneumoniae antibody

testing, yet researchers have yet to be able to " grow out " this Chlamydia

from atherosclerotic plaque. The lack of Chlamydia pneumoniae in plaque as

determined by PCR and negative culture results has caused medical

researchers to abandon this line of thought.

Now, multiple nanobacterial researchers have shown that Nanobacteria causes

a " false positive " on Chlamydia pneumoniae testing. Since these

hundreds of cardiovascular researchers have not found Chlamydia Pneumoniae

in plaque (and have stopped looking for it), it is more than reasonable to

conclude that the presence of Nanobacteria (Nanobacterium sanguineum) in

atherosclerotic plaque is what they have been finding for all these years.

Cardiovascular researchers have in essence been finding Nanobacteria all

this time, but not realizing it as a false-positive Chlamydia pneumoniae


As reported May 23rd, 2001 at the 101st General Meeting of the American

Society for Microbiology, Nanobacteria has been found to be a contaminant in

previously assumed-to-be-sterile medical products, specifically IPV Polio

Vaccine. Most human biologicals and vaccines are made in fetal bovine serum,

a medium that is known to be contaminated with nanobacteria.

In order to prevent this problem in the future, human biological products

must be made in Nano-Free Culture medium (filtered first through 20

nanometer filters,Gamma-Irradiated with 150 megarads and then heated to 90

degrees Centigrade for at least an hour to kill any nanobacteria present).

The ONLY treatment to cure a Nanobacterial infection is NanobacTX or UroBac.

Nanobacteria has been shown by multiple scientific researchers to be the

cause of the pathological (disease-causing) calcification. Some the diseases

involved with pathological calcification are: Atherosclerotic Plaque,

Coronary Artery Plaque, Heart Disease, Kidney Stones, Polycystic Kidney

Disease (PKD), Cataracts, Scleroderma, Psoriasis, Eczema, Lichen planus,

Liver Cysts, Breast Calcification, Prostate Calcification, Dental Plaque,

Periodontal Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Fibromyalgia,

Bone Spurs, Brain Sand, Autism, some cancers, blood disorders and

myelodegenerative disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's and

Alzheimers Disease.

This is a large list of disease states, but all are involved with

pathological calcification. Multiple Scientific Researchers believe that

Nanobacteria are the cause of all pathological calcification in humans and

in mammals. Prior to the basic science discoveries made by many

nanobacterial researchers, there was no valid medical or scientific

explanation as to why calcification is involved in all of the above disease


Calcification by Nanobacterium sanguineum is the only valid explanation.

When this is explained to most physicians, their general response has been

Wow, it all makes sense now!. Nanobacteria and it's pathological

calcification are implicated to be involved in or the cause of most

degenerative disease processes.

Wish as we may, there are no known natural substances that can kill these

tough and resilient Nanobacteria. Additionally, Nanobacterium sanguineum

cannot be killed by Penicillin, Cephalosporins, Macrolides, most other

antibiotics, Heat under 196F (90C) degrees, Freezing, Dehydration, Gamma

Irradiation under 150 MegaRads, other Bacteria or Viruses, Alcohol,

Peroxides, Garlic, Colloidal silver, IP6, MGN3, Lactoferrin, Frequency

generators, Immune boosters, Colostrum, Transfer Factors, Immunoglobulins or


Nanobacteria are extremeophiles and are thus far the most highly resistant

of all bacterial " SuperBugs " to destruction. In order to treat a

nanobacterial infection, you first must remove their protective calcium

shells, and then kill them with an agent specifically effective as an

anti-nanobacterial, specifically our nanobiotic prescriptions, NanobacTX and


In one of our Pilot Studies using Nanobacterial Antigen and Nanobacterial

Antibody Tests, Serum EDTA Testing & serial Ultrafast CT " HeartScans " , our

scientifically-designed prescription NanobacTX was shown to eradicate

calcified Nanobacterium sanguineum and its calcification in vivo (in


NanobacTX and UroBac by NanobacLabs are the only treatments scientifically

shown in clinical studies to be effective in eradicating Nanobacteria

(Nanobacterium sanguineum). All other modalities have failed. NanobacTX &

UroBac are available only by physician prescription. The nanobacTEST for

Nanobacterium sanguineum Antigen and Antibodies is now available, as is a

PCR test for Nanobacteria. You may call NanobacLabs TollFree at

1-877-676-2241 to find out how to get tested for nanobacterial infection.


Right off, it appears to be similar to the discovery of 'mycrozymas' in the

late 19th century by Antoine Bechamp, who was ripped off by Louis Pasteur.

an excerpt from;


During his long and distinguished career as an academic and a researcher in

19th century France, Antoine Bechamp was widely known as both a teacher and

an innovator. His work was widely documented in scientific circles, and few

made as much use of this fact as the now famous Louis Pasteur, who set about

plagiarising and distorting Bechamp's ideas and discoveries, and in doing so

gained for himself an undeserved and unwarranted place in the history of

medical science.

There have been several excellent books written (mainly in the early decades

of this century), which explain in detail the plagiarisms and accompanying

injustices which Pasteur and others inflicted on Bechamp.

This present text, The Third Element of the Blood, is the injured party's

own exposition of his position and his defence of it. It is a reworked

translation of the last major work written by Professor Bechamp, and as such

it describes the culmination of his life's work, and shows clearly the

importance that his work should have with regard to contemporary medicine

and science.

This book contains, in great detail, the elements of the Microzymian theory

of the organization of living organisms and organic materials. It has

immediate and far reaching relevance to the fields of immunology,

bacteriology, and cellular biology, and it shows that more than 100 years

ago, the germ, or microbian, theory of disease was demonstrated by Bechamp

and those who worked with him to be without foundation.

The reader should be aware when reading The Third Element of the Blood that

in formulating his microzymian theory of biological organisation, Bechamp in

no way sought to establish it as the last word on the subjects of disease,

its transmission, general physiology, or indeed the organisation of living

matter itself. The Professor worked until a few weeks before his death; even

if he were working now, he would no doubt still regard his work as


It is no accident but rather a vindication of the truth of Bechamp's

theories that many researchers over the course of the twentieth century have

arrived at hypotheses and conclusions in various disciplines that concur

with the microzymian model.

....My joint researches with Estor, later those of Baltus, upon the source of

pus; those of J. Bechamp upon the microzymas of the same animal at its

various ages and my own, especially those upon milk, upon eggs and upon the

blood, have led me to consider the microzymas not only as being living

ferments producers of zymases, like the moulds born in sugared water, but as

belonging to a category of unsuspected living beings without analogy, whose

origin is the same. In fact:

On the one hand, all these researches showed me these microzymas functioning

like anatomical elements endowed with physiological and chemical activity in

all the organs and humors of living organisms in a perfect state of health,

preserved there morphologically alike and functionally different, ab ovo et

semine, in all the tissues and cellules of the diverse anatomical systems,

down to the anatomical element which I have called microzymian molecular

granulation. And especially they showed me that the cellule is not the

simple vital unit that Virchow believed, because the cellule itself has

microzymas as anatomical elements.

On the other hand, the experiment showed me that in parts subtracted from

the living animal, the microzymas being no longer in their normal conditions

of existence, produced therein chemical alterations, called fermentations,

which inevitably led to tissue disorganizations, to the destruction of the

cellules and to the setting free of their microzymas, which then, changing

in form and function, could become vibrioniens by evolution,which they did

whenever the conditions for this evolution were realized.

And, in the third place, I established that the vibrios, the bacteria which

the anatomical microzymian elements had become, destroyed themselves, and

that, with the aid of the oxygen of the air, under the conditions which I

had realized, they were at last reduced to microzymas while the matters of

the alteration, being oxidized, were transformed into water, carbonic acid,

nitrogen, etc.; that is to say, restored to the mineral condition, so that

of the natural organic matters and of their tissues and cellules there

remained only the microzymas. And these microzymas, proceeding from the

bacteria which the anatomical element microzymas had become, were identical,

morphologically and functionally, with those of the chalk, of the calcareous

rocks, of the alluviums, of the waters, of arable or cultivated earths, or

the dusts of the streets and of the air. From these experiments I argued

that the microzymas of the chalk, etc., were the microzymas of the bacteria

which the anatomical element microzymas of the living beings of the

geological epochs had become!





And the immortal blood produced with the Beck clearing device (available

multiple places on the web);

This is an excerpt from an article by Lindemann on 'Breakthroughs in

Home Healthcare' in the Borderlands 3rd quarter 1996 magazine;

On February 23, 1993, the USPO issued patent number 5,188,738 to Kaali et

al, on an 'Alternating current supplied electrically conductive method and

system for treatment of blood and/or other body fluids and/or synthetic

fluids with electric forces.'

The following is excerpted from the patent abstract;

'A new alternating current process...for treatment of blood...with electric

field forces...to provide electric current flow through the blood...at a

magnitude that is biologically compatible but is sufficient to render the

bacteria, virus, parasites and/or fungus ineffective to infect or affect

normal healthy cells while maintaining the biological usefulness of the


'For this purpose low voltage alternating current electric potentials are

applied...which are of the order of from .02 to 12 volts and produce current

flow densities in the blood...of from one microampere...to about two


This patent, and 14 others that have been issued since the, all describe a

process where a patient's blood is removed from the body, run past a set of

electrodes where the electricity is applied, and then returned to the body

after treatment...

Quoting from the body of the patent;

'...treatment of virus in media at 100 microamperes for 3 minutes has been

observed to substantially attenuate (render ineffective) the AIDS virus.

Similar treatment at other field strength values and lengths of time will

have similar attenuating effect on bacteria, virus, parasites and/or fungus

which are present in blood or other body fluids being treated.'

To put this all in layman's terms, it has been discovered that passing very

small amounts of electricity directly through the blood neutralizes the

activity of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites in the blood. Since this

effect occurs only in the electrically treated areas, repeated applications

are necessary to render ALL pathogens in the bloodstream neutralized.

In essence, doctors at Albert Einstein College discovered the cure for ALL

INFECTIOUS DISEASES in 1990! Fifteen US patents have issued to date on

methods of applying this discovery to expensive hospital treatments, similar

to kidney dialysis, where blood is removed, treated and returned to the


The media has ignored the biggest medical breakthrough of this century and

your doctor does not know about this treatment.

When the first news stories of Dr. Kaali's discovery were published in March

of 1991, they came to the attention of Borderlander C. (Bob) Beck,

D.Sc.. After an initial investigation, which proved the story true, Bob set

out to develop a method to apply the discovery to home use.

He designed two simple devices and published their schematics so ANYONE

could build them and gain the benefit. ...snip..

Reports coming back describe complete cures of cancer, AIDS, Lupus, Epstein

Barr (chronic fatigue syndrome), and a host of other deadly or debilitating

diseases. With continued use, these devices have repeatedly produced a

condition now called 'immortal blood' where the bloodstream is FREE OF ALL

PATHOGENS and blood samples do not breakdown even after being left on a

microscope slide for a month!

Bob's protocol for the cure of essentially every infectious disease includes

3 steps;

Direct applications of electricity in the blood,

Induced applications of electricity (by magnetic impulse) in the joints,

organs and lymph systems,

and the use of inexpensive homemade colloidal silver...


Plans to build your own Beck circuit are available online at;


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