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This Week in JAMA

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Hi All,

This week in JAMA are the following.

Pdfs are available.

Ensuring Access to Health Care

The Kerry Plan


JAMA. 2004;292:2007-2009.

Since this article does not have an abstract, we have provided the

first 150 words of the full text and any section headings.

The 2 major Presidential candidates were asked to answer the

question, " How would you ensure access to health care for the

citizens of the

United States? " The following are their answers.

Today, a family's ability to ensure that all its members receive the

quality health care they deserve is challenged like never before. The

number of uninsured has increased by 5 million since 2000 to a

record-high of 45 million. You witness this everyday as you care for

patients. Together, we must reverse this trend. As a fair and just


we need to grant access to those who lack coverage, and we must also

ensure that those who already have coverage can continue to afford it

in a time of rising health care costs.

My health care plan does both. It expands coverage to all children

and millions of low-income adults, and it reduces health premiums

for .

.. . [Full Text of this Article]

Expanding Coverage


This Week in JAMA

JAMA. 2004;292:1925.

10 Years Beyond the Health Security Act Failure: Subsequent

Developments and Persistent Problems

P. Budetti

JAMA. 2004;292:2000-2006.


Ensuring Access to Health Care: The Bush Plan

W. Bush

JAMA. 2004;292:2010-2011.

The Bush Plan

W. Bush

JAMA. 2004;292:2010-2011.

Since this article does not have an abstract, we have provided the

first 150 words of the full text and any section headings.

The 2 major Presidential candidates were asked to answer the

question, " How would you ensure access to health care for the

citizens of

the United States? " The following are their answers.

I believe that all Americans should have access to affordable,

high-quality health care. Rising health care costs impose a burden on

families and small businesses and put coverage out of the reach of


Americans. My plan will help reduce the rising cost of health care,

provide new and affordable health coverage options for all Americans,

and provide not just a government program but a path to greater

opportunity, giving millions of Americans more freedom and more

control over

their own health care and their own future.

My plan reduces the rising cost of health care while improving

quality and safety; provides new and more affordable coverage

options—targeted to those who need it most: low-income children . . .

[Full Text

of this Article]

Nonfatal Motor-Vehicle Animal Crash–Related Injuries—United States,


JAMA. 2004;292:1947-1948.

Since this article does not have an abstract, we have provided the

first 150 words of the full text and any section headings.

MMWR. 2004;53:675-678

2 tables, 1 figure omitted

In 2000, an estimated 6.1 million light-vehicle (e.g., passenger

cars, sport utility vehicles, vans, and pickup trucks) crashes on


roadways were reported to police.1 Of these reported crashes, 247,000

(4.0%) involved incidents in which the motor vehicle (MV) directly


an animal on the roadway.1 Each year, an estimated 200 human deaths

result from crashes involving animals (i.e., deaths from a direct MV

animal collision or from a crash in which a driver tried to avoid an

animal and ran off the roadway).2 To characterize nonfatal injuries

from these incidents, CDC analyzed data from the National Electronic

Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program (NEISS-AIP). This


summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicated that, during

2001-2002, an estimated 26,647 MV occupants per year were involved in

crashes from encounters with animals (predominantly deer) in a

roadway and treated for . . . [Full Text of this Article]

Reported by:

Halloween, 1995

JAMA. 2004;292:1932.

Since this article does not have an abstract, we have provided the

first 130 words of the full text and any section headings.

That was the night when the body dropped

its skin, the last costume fled the attic

and my father lay in his electric bed.

Where did the hair go? An old tree sheds

twigs like memory. The children

in wigs run loose, palms out,

swallowing mystery and sugar

while my drugged father, untethered

at last, turns blue from the toes up.

After the clock chokes on its magic number

who lets the air in? When night seeps through

the eyes the tongue will forget its dance.

As the blue licked at his knees

we struggled like blind worms flushed

by rain, stranded in light. Don't children stop

at the edge of the woods? Don't saints

hold out their hands? Then the nurse said:

What's farthest from the heart dies first.


Silver Spring, Md

Poetry and Medicine Section Editor: Charlene Breedlove, Associate


October 22, 1904


JAMA. 2004;292:2027.

Since this article does not have an abstract, we have provided the

first 150 words of the full text and any section headings.

The secular press is at present, or has been recently, considerably

taken up with discussions of methods of obtaining longevity, and one

little item which has the alleged authority of Professor Metchnikoff

has been widely copied. It is that sour milk as a diet is specially

conducive to longevity, more so, in fact, than any other form of


It is the common drink among the Bulgarians, and they are said to

furnish the largest number of centenarians. Some one has suggested


it is the ignorant and indolent who live to a good old age; it is at

least exceptional to find a man of science like Chevreul or persons

of cultivation or those taking an active part in the life of the age

reaching one hundred years or over. Extreme simplicity in the mode of

life is conducive to longevity. If a person should follow all the

advice . . . [Full Text of this Article]

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Since this article does not have an abstract, we have provided the

first 150 words of the full text and any section headings.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that

usually begins in adolescence or early adulthood, but may begin in

childhood. When OCD starts in childhood, it is more common in boys

than in

girls. The usual time of onset is later for females than males, so


disorder is equally common among adult men and women. Without

treatment, OCD usually follows a chronic course, and some persons


severely disabled by it. The October 27, 2004, issue of JAMA includes


article about treating OCD in children and adolescents.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by the presence of

obsessions or compulsions or (as is often the case) both of them. The

obsessions or compulsions cause marked distress, are time-consuming,

and interfere with the person's normal functioning.

Obsessions—unwanted, recurrent thoughts, impulses, or images that are

experienced as intrusive and inappropriate

The obsessions of OCD are not just worries about real-life problems.

.. . . [Full Text of this Article]



This Week in JAMA

JAMA. 2004;292:1925.


Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, Sertraline, and Their Combination for

Children and Adolescents With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The

Pediatric OCD Treatment Study (POTS) Randomized Controlled Trial

The Pediatric OCD Treatment Study (POTS) Team

JAMA. 2004;292:1969-1976.

Cheers, Alan Pater

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