Guest guest Posted December 2, 2004 Report Share Posted December 2, 2004 Hi All, Exercise plus CR seems to be important for the immune system. I was interesting in reading: " ... sedentary-energy–restricted rats (SER), which received 50% of the mean amount of chow consumed by SF (9); " , yet 50% CR gives about 50% less body weight. The involvement of glutamine in blood and _expression of its synthesis mRNA opened my eyes. The paper has good introduction and discussion sections, and, therefore, I will leave the pdf excerpt below do the speaking. The pdf is available. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2004 Dec;36(12):2059-2064. Exercise Restores Immune Cell Function in Energy-Restricted Rats. ... Forty male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to the following groups: sedentary animals fed ad libitum (SF, N = 10) or submitted to energy restriction (SER, N = 10, receiving 50% of the mean amount of chow consumed by SF); and trained animals fed ad libitum (TF, N = 10) or submitted to energy restriction (TER, N = 10), who exercised on a treadmill (at 60-65% & OV0312;O2max) 5 d.wk for 10 wk, after 30 d under the restriction protocol. ... were measured in all groups, 24 h after the last exercise session. Two-way ANOVA and Tukey's posttest were employed for the statistical analysis. RESULTS: Training induced an increase in the proliferative response and in the production of gamma-interferon and interleukin-1 (P < 0.05) in cells from the spleen and lymph nodes of SER, in which these parameters were diminished when compared with SF (P < 0.05). SER spleen and lymph node cells produced more TNF (26 and 42%, respectively) and IL-2 (49 and 42%, respectively) than SF. The Th1-like diversion of the immune response observed in SER persisted after training. Partial recovery of the decreased SER plasma glutamine concentration and muscle glutamine synthase mRNA was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Training induced the recovery of the proliferative capacity of lymphocytes from SER, probably due to the partial restoration of plasma glutamine levels, but did not interfere with the diversion towards a Th1-type immune response induced by food restriction. PMID: 15570140 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Exercise modulates both the innate and the acquired branches of the immune system. The direction and magnitude of the changes, however, are influenced by numerous factors (such as the type, duration, and inten-sity of exercise), as well as the conditioning level and age of the subject (4). Because of the number of factors influencing the immune system during exercise, a multitude of findings, from immunodepression to immunostimulation, has been reported. During exercise, there is recruitment of natural killer cells (NK) and B and T lymphocytes to the blood, leading to an increased total lymphocyte count (4). After a prolonged and intense bout of exercise, however, the number of NK and lymphocytes in peripheral blood is reduced, as is the func-tion of NK and B lymphocytes (4). The response of lym-phocytes to mitogens after exercise is still subject to con-troversy, because both decreases and increases in this parameter are reported in the literature (23). Despite differ-ent findings across studies, it is clear that exercise modifies the cellular and humoral branches of the immune system, and that regular physical activity at light to moderate levels can increase the host's resistance to disease, whereas heavy exertion enhances the risk of illness (23). The mechanism by which endurance exercise induces changes in leukocyte function and number is complex and includes immune and neuroendocrine signals, with an augmented release of var-ious hormones, peptides, and cytokines (23,29), and changes in plasma glutamine levels (21). The fact that moderate regular activity contributes to improved immune response has led the medical community to adopt it as a complementary therapeutic strategy for the management of various conditions, including cancer ca-chexia and AIDS (1,12). Undernourishment is still a notice-able cause of impaired immunocompetence, and has been shown to be an important causal factor in the increased susceptibility to infection in normal subjects and hospital-ized patients (14). Indeed, the lack of appropriate food intake is a decisive factor in predisposing to infectious diseases and death (24) in the low-income population. In such cases, changes in the immune system could be consid-ered as part of a process of closing down functions, which can be best sacrificed in the short term to ensure long-term survival (24). Undernutrition has been acknowledged to depress both cell-mediated and humoral immunity, resulting in thymus, spleen, and lymph node atrophy (2,31), and to significantly impair macrophage activation (26). It also induces a de-crease in the absolute number of T cells (6) and lower hormone production by the thymus (5), as well as dimin-ished delayed-type hypersensitivity (20). Energy restriction is also known to impair the development of cytotoxic T cells (17). The changes observed depend, however, upon the severity and time of exposure to energy restriction, as well as on the type of dietary protein consumed (24,25). Considering that moderate-intensity exercise has been linked to immune stimulation, we have sought to address the effect of endurance training upon the immune cells of rats submitted to energy restriction. METHODS ... sedentary-energy–restricted rats (SER), which received 50% of the mean amount of chow consumed by SF (9); animals submitted to 10 wk of endurance training, 30 d after the beginning of the energy restriction (TER) program; and trained rats fed ad libitum (TF). After the 14 wk of the experiment, animals from the SER group presented reduced plasma albumin concentration (from 3.98 +/- 0.29 g·dL-1 in SF to 2.14 +/- 0.27 g·dL-1 in the SER group), as well as a pronounced reduction in the number of splenocytes; all of these symptoms are considered markers of undernutrition (9). To further evaluate the influence of energy restriction upon the immune system, we examined the proliferative capacity of lymphocytes obtained from the mesenteric lymph nodes and the spleen, as well as the ability of these cells to produce cytokines after 48 h in culture. .... Because glucose and glutamine are impor-tant substrates for these cells (22) .... glutamine synthase mRNA in the skeletal muscle (oxidative fiber-rich red portion of the gastrocnemius). Animals. Forty male Wistar rats of equivalent age, each weighing around 50 g on the first day of the experiment, .... The following groups were studied: sedentary rats fed ad libitum (SF, N = 10); seden-tary rats submitted to energy restriction (SER, N = 10); trained rats fed ad libitum (TF, N = 10); and energy-restricted trained rats (TER, N = 10). ... Training protocol. The rats were submitted, as de-scribed by Meneguello and colleagues (19), to a pretraining period of 1 wk, during which they ran progressively from 15 to 60 min, at 10 m·min-1 . During the training period of 10 wk (training 5 d·wk-1 ), the animals exercised on a motor-ized treadmill (Enlaup, Sa˜o o, Brazil) at 24°C and 80% humidity in the dark. Running velocity increased to 22 m·min-1 in the last 2 wk, and the intensity was maintained between 60 and 65% V & #729; O 2max , as determined periodically in an Oxymax Columbus System (Columbus Instruments, Co-lumbus, OH). ... In the 10th week, all groups performed an incremental test until exhaustion. Because the rats adapted readily to the treadmill, and the exercise sessions were performed during the period of activity of the animals, no reinforcement was required. The training sessions were per-formed at the same time each day to avoid circadian interferences. .... RESULTS Characterization of the state of undernourish-ment. Rats submitted to energy restriction showed reduced body weight (49%, Fig. 1) in comparison with controls. These animals also presented noticeable changes in thymus structure under light microscopy (not shown), with remark-able atrophy, as the parenchyma was partially replaced by fatty and fibrous tissue. Energy restriction also induced loss of cortex/medulla differentiation in the organ. The influence of energy restriction upon the immune system was addressed by evaluating the proliferative capac-ity of lymphocytes obtained from the mesenteric lymph nodes and the spleen, as well as the ability of these cells to produce cytokines after 48 h in culture. Energy restriction induced a reduction in the proliferative response of lympho-cytes from both sources (48 and 59%, for lymph node and spleen cells, respectively (Table 1)). This protocol also provoked a marked reduction in the mitogenic response of these cells to concanavalin A (decreasing 77 and 59% for LFN and spleen lymphocytes, respectively (Table 1)) as compared with control cells. Splenocytes from SER animals produced less gamma-inter-feron and interleukins 1, 4, and 10 after 48 h in culture (decreasing 58, 49, 51, and 64%, respectively (Table 2)) in comparison with C. The same pattern was observed in LFN: reduction of 69, 61, 37, and 48% in gamma-interferon and inter-leukins 1, 4, and 10 production, respectively (Table 2). The cells obtained from the spleen of SER, however, showed increased interleukin- 2 production (19%, (Table 2)) in relation to SF. The animals submitted to energy restriction showed re-duced plasma glutamine concentration (44%), but increased concentration of glutamine synthase mRNA (3.7-fold), compared with SF (Table 3). Effect of training. The moderate-intensity training pro-tocol imposed upon the animals submitted to energy restric-tion restored spleen and mesenteric lymph node cells pro-liferative response, as shown in Table 1, as well as the production of gamma-interferon and interleukin 1 (Table 2). Cells obtained from the spleen of TER produced 26% more TNF and 44% more IL-2 than those from SER (Table 2), but less IL-4 (49%) and IL-10 (60%). Similarly, the cells from the mesenteric lymph nodes from TER produced more IL-2 (42%) and less IL-4 (39%) and IL-10 (41%) than those obtained from SER. Interestingly, skeletal muscle from SER presented an increased _expression of glutaminase synthase mRNA, concomitant with a reduction in plasma glutamine concentration. DISCUSSION It is well known that undernutrition leads to immunosup-pression (31). We have, therefore, sought to examine the effects of moderate-intensity exercise training upon some of the parameters of immune cell metabolism and function that are modified in response to energy restriction. Energy re-striction is also acknowledged to induce thymus atrophy, with important changes in thymus structure and severe loss of function, as the differences between the cortical and medullar zone of the lobules are lost (2). Despite the changes observed in the thymus, a moderate increase in splenic T cells' responsiveness to polyclonal mitogens in-ducing IL-2 production has been previously reported (31). We also observed increased production of IL-2 after energy restriction, not only by cells from the spleen, but also by cultured cells obtained from the mesenteric lymph nodes (LFN) (9). These results, however, are not a consensus, as many other groups did not find changes in cytokine produc-tion in undernourished animals (7). Our data also demon-strated that the production of tumor necrosis factor was not altered by energy restriction, whereas that of INF, IL-1, IL-4, and IL-10 was reduced, indicating that this protocol modified specific aspects of the immune response. In fact, cytokines, which are signaling molecules of the immune system, play an important role in controlling its homeosta-sis, and may be divided into proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha) and T-helper type 1 (Th 1 ) cytokines, such as IL-2 and IFN-gamma, or still, T helper type 2 (Th 2 ) cytokines, IL-4, IL-10 (27). The balance of cytokines modulates the profile (cellular or humoral) and intensity of the response (27). Therefore, the changes in the profile of cytokine production observed in our model lead to a diver-sion toward a Th 1 -like response, with a decreased produc-tion of specific antibodies and mucosal IgA levels (18). The changes in cytokine production by cultured mono-nuclear cells from the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes were accompanied by a reduction in the proliferative re-sponse to concanavalin A, a mitogen for T-cells. Consider-ing that IL-2 is a very important cytokine for the stimulation of T-cell proliferation, and that its production is increased in SER, the decrease observed in cell proliferation should be related to an impairment in the function of antigen-present-ing cells, as previously described by Zhang and Petro (31), in a model of protein malnutrition. Glutamine is an essential amino acid for immune cells, including lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells such as B-lymphocytes and macrophages (10). We chose to inves-tigate the effect of energy restriction upon the concentration of this amino acid in the plasma. It has been previously reported (15) that there is an increase of plasma glutamine concentration in rats fasted for 48 h (15), paralleled by a reduction in intestinal glutaminase activity and an increase in liver net output of the amino acid (15). This change in plasma glutamine concentration is fully abolished by a chronic caloric restriction regimen (9). It is interesting to note, however, that the _expression of glutamine synthase mRNA was increased in the skeletal muscle of energy-restricted rats. The enhancement in glutamine synthase ac-tivity and _expression could be related to the lower plasma glutamine concentration, as previously demonstrated by Labow and colleagues (16), who showed a 3.5-fold increase in the activity of this enzyme in skeletal muscle after glu-tamine starvation. The increase in enzyme _expression was not matched by changes in plasma glutamine concentration, probably because of an increased demand for glutamine by immune cells and possibly enterocytes, as well as by the liver and kidney, which may use this amino acid for glu-coneogenesis (3). Therefore, we can speculate that there is an increased demand (similar to what occurs during glu-cocorticoid treatment (3)) during energy restriction for glu-tamine, which is greater than the individual's maximal syn-thesis capacity, leading to a reduction in plasma concentration (3). The moderate-intensity training protocol adopted herein restored the proliferative activity of cells obtained from the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes, as well as their ability to respond to concanavalin A. It is interesting to note, however, that training, although able to induce the recovery of cell proliferative capacity, did not increase that response in comparison with that observed for cells obtained from control animals. In fact, the effect of exercise upon leuko-cyte proliferation is known to vary according to the type, duration, and intensity of the exercise, as described by Fry and colleagues (11) and demonstrated by other research groups (23). The moderate exercise training protocol was not able to reverse the energy-restriction–induced diversion of the im-mune response towards a Th 1 type, as it provoked an in-crease in IL-2 production and a decrease in IL-4 and IL-10 synthesis by cultured cells. The training program induced a partial recovery of plasma glutamine concentration. Cunha and colleagues (9) demonstrated that the addition of glutamine to the culture medium of lymphocytes obtained from undernourished rats (who present decreased plasma concentration of the amino acid) restored their ability to produce cytokines and to proliferate in response to concanavalin A. Therefore, we can speculate that the partial recovery of plasma glutamine concentration induced by training could at least partly ex-plain the recovery of immune function observed in our study. The alterations in glutamine flux, on the other hand, could be related to changes in plasma corticosterone concentration and glutamine synthase activity, as both glutamine and glucocorticoids decrease glutamine synthase mRNA expres-sion in the skeletal muscle (3). Concluding remarks. Although previous work by our group and others has shown disruption of splenocyte func-tion caused by energy restriction, this is the first study, to our knowledge, to address and characterize the effect of undernutrition on lymphocytes obtained from the lymph nodes. Chronic endurance exercise was able to reestablish immune cell (both splenocytes and lymph node cells) func-tion in energy-restricted rats, an effect that could be, at least partially, associated with the observed increase in plasma glutamine levels induced by training. The diversion towards a Th 1 -type response caused by energy restriction was not affected by training. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the moder-ate- intensity exercise training program was able to partially revert the changes in immune cell function observed in rats submitted to energy restriction, while reinforcing a diver-sion of the immune response toward a Th 1 -type response. REFERENCES 1. ARDIES, C. M. 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