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Re: Janice-chiro article

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My experience has been that endocrinologists do not believe in

Reverse T-3 disorder. As a matter of fact, they are the physicians

that routinely file complaints with state med boards against

the " good " doctors who actually treat hormone imbalances that

usually begin with and include thyroid at any age.

You can read about the thyroid connection with Dr. Kent Holtorf at

Holtorf Medical Centers. He was founder of the California Fibro and

Fatigue Centers, and is board-specialized in Anti-aging, the type of

practitioner you need to do the full work-up, and medicate you with

compounded bio-correct medications rather than synthetic ones that

make you fat and cause cancer.

You can also view the subject on the ProHealth website library,

www.immunesupport.com. Kent Holtorf has numerous articles posted

there on how to treat a dysfunctional hypothalamic/pituitary/adrenal


Also, Dr. Klimas, M.D. at Miami University School of Medicine

and VA Hospital has written numerous articles on the bio-markers for

CFIDS and GWI. In her afterword to Dorothy Walls book, " Encounters

with the Invisible " she lists 4 dysfunctions in each patient. The

thyroid dysfunction is part of the Neuro-endocrine disorder. That is

why an endocrinologist will miss the imbalance 9 times out of 10.

Any gynecologist can usually find a neurologist who recognizes that

pain and some other factors are not endocrine disorders. Other than

that, you might search for any doctor who specializes in anti-aging

(hormones). There are at least 8,000 board specialized across this


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The url for the article is:


It does make one wonder. Along with hypothyroidism

and thyroid conversion problems causing fibromyalgia

like pain, Vitamin D deficiency will do the same thing

(and cause low immunity, depression, etc).


--- Rose <rose2617@...> wrote:

> Janice, I would be interested in reading the article

> about the thyroid.

> I have had borderline low thyroid problems over the

> years(never

> treated) and do not remember any doctor ever testing

> for conversion. I

> wonder if every person who has fibro should see an

> endocrinologist. I

> never have and am now wondering since family doctors

> only seem to do

> general testing. Thanks

> Rose





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