Guest guest Posted October 21, 2004 Report Share Posted October 21, 2004 Hi All, Does traffic get you down? Do not let it get you under the turf. Pdfs of the below are available. N Engl J Med 2004;351:1721-30. Exposure to Traffic and the Onset of Myocardial Infarction Annette s,Ph.D., von Klot,M.P.H.,Margit Heier,M.D., background An association between exposure to vehicular traffic in urban areas and the exacerba- tion of cardiovascular disease has been suggested in previous studies.This study was designed to assess whether exposure to traffic can trigger myocardial infarction. methods We conducted a case –crossover study in which cases of myocardial infarction were identified with the use of data from the ative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg Myocardial Infarction Registry in Augsburg,in southern Germany,for the period from February 1999 to July 2001.There were 691 subjects for whom the date and time of the myocardial infarction were known who had survived for at least 24 hours after the event,completed the registry 's standardized interview,and provided in- formation on factors that may have triggered the myocardial infarction.Data on sub- jects ' activities during the four days preceding the onset of symptoms were collected with the use of patient diaries. results An association was found between exposure to traffic and the onset of a myocardial in- farction within one hour afterward (odds ratio,2.92;95 percent confidence interval, 2.22 to 3.83;P<0.001).The time the subjects spent in cars,on public transportation,or on motorcycles or bicycles was consistently linked with an increase in the risk of myo- cardial infarction.Adjusting for the level of exercise on a bicycle or for getting up in the morning changed the estimated effect of exposure to traffic only slightly (odds ratio for myocardial infarction,2.73;95 percent confidence interval,2.06 to 3.61;P<0.001). The subject 's use of a car was the most common source of exposure to traffic;neverthe- less,there was also an association between time spent on public transportation and the onset of a myocardial infarction one hour later. conclusions Transient exposure to traffic may increase the risk of myocardial infarction in suscepti- ble persons. Supported by a research agreement (98-4)with the Health Effects Institute,Boston,by the GSF –National Research Center for Envi- ronment and Health,Neuherberg,Germany,and by a grant (R- 827354)from the Environmental Protection Agency (to Drs.s and Wichmann). N Engl J Med 2004;351:1716-1718 Triggering Myocardial Infarction H.Stone,M.D. Related article,page 1721 Enormous progress made during the past few de- cades has dramatically enhanced our understanding of the pathobiology and pathophysiology responsi- ble for acute myocardial infarction.Investigations in vascular biology have elucidated the critical role of growth factors,the proliferation of smooth- muscle cells,and the central role of inflammation in the initiation and progression of atherosclero- sis.1 Research has also focused on the initiating events or " triggers " that qualitatively alter the sta-- ble or quiescent phase of coronary atherosclerosis and initiate a cascade of events that culminates in acute myocardial infarction.Some triggering phe- nomena may exert a single,transient effect on the pathophysiologic process,such as a surge of sym- pathetic activity,whereas others exert a more varied and pervasive effect,amplifying risk at multiple points and over a longer period.In this issue of the Journal,s et al.(pages 1721 –1730)provide compelling epidemiologic evidence that particulate air pollution from traffic may trigger the abrupt onset of acute myocardial infarction.An under- standing of air pollution in the larger context of triggering of the entire process of atherosclerosis suggests,in addition,that air pollution plays a more complex and multifaceted role in the development of cardiovascular disease over the longer term. As initially described 15 years ago,the trigger- ing of acute myocardial infarction typically begins with the so-called vulnerable or high-risk coronary atherosclerotic plaque,a focal lesion in jeopardy of plaque disruption.2 The vulnerable plaque is usually an inflamed,thin-cap fibroatheroma,characterized by a lipid-rich,atheromatous core with cholesterol crystals and necrotic debris,a thin fibrous cap with an infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes, and decreased smooth-muscle-cell content,and associated with expansive remodeling of the outer vessel wall.3 The inflammatory cells associated with this type of high-risk plaque express a variety of cy- tokines and chemokines that contribute to inflam- mation and oxidative stress,as well as matrix me- talloproteinases that can degrade the extracellular matrix,thereby weakening the plaque 's fibrous cap and rendering it prone to rupture.Other,less com- mon,coronary plaques that are prone to disruption may be characterized by extensive proliferation of smooth-muscle cells in a proteoglycan-rich matrix without the accompanying intense inflammation and thin fibrous cap;in such cases,a thrombus may form from a superficial erosion of the endothelial surface. In persons with such a pathobiologic substrate of vulnerable plaque,the initiating event or trigger that may lead to the disruption of the plaque is often an external activity associated with increased sympathetic stimulation,such as physical or emo- tional stress or vasoconstriction.This trigger may lead very rapidly to the rupture of the vulnerable plaque,exposing the bloodstream to the thrombo- genic contents of the plaque or the denuded endo- thelial surface,leading to rapid thrombus formation and,consequently,acute myocardial infarction.An additional trigger or initiating process,such as a transient increase in coagulability,inflammation, viscosity,or vasoconstriction,may further predis- pose to the formation of a thrombus. Recently,it has been suggested that the sites at which triggers contribute to the development of acute myocardial infarction can be extended proxi- mally in the pathophysiologic process 4 (see Figure). Although atherosclerosis may affect the coronary tree diffusely,the principal manifestations of coro- nary plaque are highly focal.In a susceptible person with an adverse risk-factor profile,local hemody- namic disturbances,such as small areas of dis- turbed coronary blood flow and low shear stress, constitute the initiating event or trigger leading to focal atherosclerotic plaque formation and progres- sion,which may continue for years.Although there may be many such areas of intimal thickening in early stages of atherosclerosis,only a subgroup,and perhaps a very small subgroup,of these coronary plaques become inflamed or vulnerable at any one time.Other plaques may acquire characteristics of fibrosis and scarring,and still others may remain quiescent. The triggering factors that determine which of those early plaques will progress and become in- flamed are unknown,but it is likely that local he- modynamic factors,local vascular-remodeling re- sponses,and the degree of systemic inflammation all contribute.Plaques that are inflamed and prone to rupture are those in which there is expansive or outward remodeling of the arterial wall,whereas those that are more fibrotic and scarred,without active inflammation,are associated with constric- tive or inward remodeling.The divergent vascular- remodeling characteristics most likely reflect the balance in the dynamic regulation of collagen syn- thesis and breakdown. Epidemiologic studies have long demonstrated the increased cardiac morbidity and mortality as- sociated with particulate air pollution,and recent investigations have focused on the mechanistic role of air pollution in cardiovascular disease.5 Inhala- tion of particulate air pollution into the lungs leads to both pulmonary and systemic inflammation,with induction of cytokines and chemokines and gener- ation of oxidative species.These injurious mole- cules create and exacerbate inflammation and oxi- dative stress,which lead to direct vascular injury, atherosclerosis,and autonomic dysfunction.Partic- ulate air pollution also rapidly leads to a significant increase in fibrinogen,plasma viscosity,and platelet activation,as well as the release of endothelins,a family of potent vasoconstrictor molecules.Studies in animals have clearly documented the short-and long-term adverse effects of particulate air pollution on each step of the triggering cascade of coronary disease culminating in acute myocardial infarction: accelerated atherosclerosis,vasoconstriction,and increased thrombogenesis. The association between exposure to traffic and the abrupt onset of myocardial infarction described by s et al.suggests that particulate air pollution from traffic may have led to abrupt plaque disrup- tion and perhaps to the exacerbation of a thrombo- genic environment.Transient,intense inflamma- tion,vasoconstriction,and increased coagulability, alone or in combination,are potential culprits in this process. In addition to these extremely short-term effects of particulate air pollution,its deleterious longer- term effects on the entire gamut of atherosclerotic triggers cannot be overemphasized.Decades of ep- idemiologic evidence underscore the cardiovascu- lar morbidity and mortality related to air pollution. The proinflammatory,proatherosclerotic,and pro- thrombotic effects of particulate air pollution are compelling.As both epidemiologic and now mech- anistic evidence mounts,there is greater urgency to accelerate our efforts to reduce particulate air pol- lution and to improve cardiovascular health. Dr.Stone reports having received grant support from Boston Sci- entific and Pfizer. 1.Libby P.Inflammation in atherosclerosis.Nature 2002;420: 868-74. 2.Muller JE,Tofler GH,Stone PH.Circadian variation and trig- gers of onset of acute cardiovascular disease.Circulation 1989; 79:733-43. 3.Virmani R,Kolodgie FD,Burke AP,Farb A,Schwartz SM.Les- sons from sudden coronary death:a comprehensive morpholog- ical classification scheme for atherosclerotic lesions.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2000;20:1262-75. 4.Stone PH,Coskun AU,Yeghiazarians Y,et al.Prediction of sites of coronary atherosclerosis progression:in vivo profiling of endothelial shear stress,lumen,and outer vessel wall character- istics to predict vascular behavior.Curr Opin Cardiol 2003;18: 458-70. 5.Brook RD,lin B,Cascio W,et al.Air pollution and car- diovascular disease:a statement for healthcare professionals from the Expert Panel on Population and Prevention Science of the American Heart Association.Circulation 2004;109:2655-71. Cheers, Alan Pater. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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