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Re: CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandie

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I can't agree more, my doctor's are doing the same thing with all my symptoms and I keep telling them that my intense leg pain which is very deep and the entire leg is not Fibro related. I know what Fibro pain is throughout the body and this pain is much different and extremely intense. I've had it today and have been in bed with heat and had to take pain pills in the a.m. and a Xanex to put me to sleep, just so I could try to sleep through the pain because it was so so bad. Like you Heidi I have to see numerous doctor's for the many different illness/conditions and I try to speak up when they lump everything under the Fibro rug and now ask many questions and demand answers. Hugs H

From: heidi <heidilhlokey@...>Subject: CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 2:46 PM

I have a gastroentrologist for my IBS-CThen my Neuro-Endocrinologi st for my thyroid Hashi's and my sjogernsthen my cardiologist for my heart valuves, MVP etc...GYN for my Gyn needs as I am post meopausal and have vulodiniaMy regular PCPThen my pain managment Dr's who see me every 4 months. My Pain Managment Dr told me it is listed in my chart as, FIbromyalgia, MPS,IBS-C, Endocrine problems,GYN problmes an all overlayng and a co existing conditon that goes with fibromyalgia.So that is how it is with my Dr's at University of Florida at Shands in ville. I do see my eye Dr on Dec 8th and go from there. But Like Sandie I see different doctors for different things but it first has to go through my PCP for an referall to see them.Heidi

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I too have all reports, labs, scans, MRI's, you name it I've got it. I envy you Heidi having such faith in your doctor's...I do not in mine. I'm constantly being sent to different doctor's, this yr alone I've been to 3 diff Rheumy's, 3 diff Neuro's, and last Wed. went to another Neuro who did an EMG on my hands and also put a needle up by my neck up by the top of my cervical spine, I think it's called and I've been paying for it since. He called in another doc and although he examined me and I felt like he was absolutely beating me up by pushing and proding everywhere. I told his associate that I have a "severe Fibro case" and that my numbness and tingling in my hands are coming from my neck. I don't know what to believe because I've been told my many doctor's that I have carpal tunnel including a hand specialist and now this

doc is telling me it's coming from my neck. I asked him why my wrists hurt so badly tha and he didn't have an answer. I've had to self diagnose myself many times and thru testing it's shown just that. Why do these docs make us so crazy? I don't know what to believe and who do believe.

Hopefully I'll be able to get into the University of Miami to see this immunologist that has been working with FMS patients and has done wonders. She has a waiting list of over 200, but the PANDORA local network is trying to get me in sooner. Pray that I get in soon. I can't wait to feel better again even slightly and I know I'm no different than all of you out there.

Heidi, I'm so glad you are much better and have come through your surgery without a glitch. You're a very strong person and I know we all prayed for you. Hugs H

From: heidi <heidilhlokey@...>Subject: CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM

yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and

sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi

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H, carpal tunnel is caused by compression on a nerve, anywhere from the neck on down the arm. So many are mistaken thinking that it is caused by compression in the wrist only. Sandie -- CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi 's Doodles

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So what does this mean Sandie? If I have pain in my wrists numbness and tingling, especially numbness in the a.m. when I wake up, but also have cervical stenosis and spondylosis, what could it be than? I've supposedly had carpel tunnel for years and even have had injections by the hand specialist and now this Neuro says he doesn't think it is. When I asked him about the pain in my wrists he couldn't answer it and said to get the medication called voltaren to rub on the wrists. I also have bulging disc disease, disc degenerative disease all sorts of lumbar issues @ I believe C4-5 and the cervical issues. Can these things be causing the numbness and tingling in my hands and feet?

Thanks for the advice. Hugs H

From: heidi <heidilhlokey>Subject: CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie@groups .comDate: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM

yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and

sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi

's Doodles

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,I can never get an answer either. I have degenerative disc disease and bulging discs in my neck. I have so much pain in my neck,shoulders,arms,wrists,numbness in my hands and the weird fingers on fire problem when I touch anything cold or am out in the cold. The pain has been so bad in my neck lately it triggered cluster headaches and a migraine yesterday. I thought or rather wanted to just die. Today I took a pain killer my husband has for his gout that kills my stomach but I had to have relief. I would rather have an ulcer at this point than this pain. My neck has been bad for years and years. No chiropractor, no doctor no one can help. I have head xrays and MRI's. I don't know what is wrong, especially the tingling and numbness in my hands. It just get's worse and worse and I get more and more scared.Sue

From: heidi <heidilhlokey>Subject: CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie@groups .comDate: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM

yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and

sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi

's Doodles

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Sue, you are absolutely describing me with everything you're stating including the migranes. I've had to take my Maxalt for my migranes and do believe it's the cause of my neck pain. Ever since I went to another new Neuro on Wed, I've been in horrific pain along with the migranes. When I awoke this a.m. my shoulders and elbows were horrible and I put the heat on immediately. I even had to cancel the delivery of my new dryer yesterday because of the pain and not being able to get out of bed. I completely understand what you're going thru and feel for you. Hugs H

From: heidi <heidilhlokey>Subject: CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie@groups .comDate: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM

yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and

sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi

's Doodles

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Yes carpal tunnel is in the wrist, but the nerve compression that causes it can come anywhere from the neck on down the arm. The nerve in the wrist that gets compressed comes from the nerve root at the cervical area. Compression of it can come anyplace along the path, it travels. Sandie -- Re: CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandie Well.... isn't the carpal tunnel only in the wrist? I also had cubital tunnel, which is located in the elbow. Pam CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi 's Doodles Created by Sweet assembled by Sandie head prepared by Sweet Dec 2007

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Oh yes, now I see what you mean. That is why they inserted needles all along my arm when they did the nerve compression test. Thanks for clearing that up.


CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM

yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi

's Doodles

Created by Sweet

assembled by Sandie

head prepared by Sweet

Dec 2007

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Your welcome, been through many of these tests as I have such extensive arthritis, especially in my spine. Sandie -- Re: CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandie Oh yes, now I see what you mean. That is why they inserted needles all along my arm when they did the nerve compression test. Thanks for clearing that up. Pam CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi 's Doodles Created by Sweet assembled by Sandie head prepared by Sweet Dec 2007 Created by Sweet assembled by Sandie head prepared by Sweet Dec 2007

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I'm so confused Sandie. I've been told for years that I have carpal tunnel and all of a sudden last week the Neuro says I don't and that the numbness and tingling that I'm getting in my hands and fingers are the cause of my neck problems. I do have bad neck and cervical problems, but my wrists are also very painful and when i asked him why I have so much pain in my wrists he couldn't answer me. In my heart of hearts I definitely feel that I have the carpal tunnel. I had the EMG with the needles up my arm as well. Since I was at his office last Wed., I've been in bed in so much pain and told him I would be. Why do they have to poke so much when they already know about the FMS?

Maybe you can clear this confusion up for me. Just a note if this helps, I also have cervical stenosis and spondylosis, disc bulging and degenerative disc disease and something with the Lumbar C4-5.

Thanks for any help. Hugs H

From: heidi <heidilhlokey>Subject: CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie@groups .comDate: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM

yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and

sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi

's Doodles

Created by Sweet

assembled by Sandie

head prepared by Sweet

Dec 2007

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I don't have carpal tunnel, but do have the wrist pain. I was in a head on car accident in 1993 and had severe cervical strain and sprain. So I know that is what is causing my pain. The chiropractors have told me I have chronic subluxation at C 1. If the pain gets bad enough will request an MRI, but that is not the worst of my problems, so will defer it for now. I can manage the pain. I am more interested in getting the pain from lumbar region under control again. I refuse to allow the arthritis, FMS, etc to get me down and will NOT allow it to run my life. Sandie -- CRe: Re: Dominie's Survey Re: Alcohol? sandiedominie@groups .comDate: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 4:28 PM yep H that is why we have this board to learn copy & paste articles and hen copy them for our Dr's to read. My hubby calls me pit bull cottonmouth. I know my body my symptoms what is wrong and not wrong. My Surgeon even told me she wishes more people would know all about their medical history tests etc like I do and the results of it too.I also ask for copies f all my tests including blood work too. But yes we have to educate the Dr's about our pain.Please don't lump all under one rug.Mine don't and i am thankful I have Great Doctors that i trust with my illness and body too.I can even call up my PCP,endo cardio, And Gyn if something is up tell hem what my symptoms are Bp,Pulse,Temp etc and how long it has been going on sometimes they want to see me other times it is pick up a RX or they tell me what else to do.But glad you're insisting abut your leg pain i have it too and sometimes i do fall down allot cause of it so on bad days I need a cane. But learn everything you can take copies of articles you think your Dr's would read too.I also tell people if you don't like your doctor get a new one. Heidi 's Doodles Created by Sweet assembled by Sandie head prepared by Sweet Dec 2007 Created by Sweet assembled by Sandie head prepared by Sweet Dec 2007

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