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Re: Re: unhomogenized milk

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Ellie,Yes! as long as it is raw and not pasturized.. (Milk straight from the cow contains cream, which rises to the top. Homogenization

is a process that breaks up the fat globules and evenly distributes them

throughout the milk so that they do not rise. This process unnaturally increases

the surface area of fat exposing it to air, in which oxidation occurs and

increases the susceptibility to spoilage. Homogenization has been linked

to heart disease and atherosclerosis. ) I told you what pasturization does to milk. Is their a place where you can get inspected raw milk? Once you understand how modern milk is produced and processed, it seems logical

to just avoid it altogether. But Real Milk--full-fat, unprocessed milk

from pasture-fed cows--contains vital nutrients like fat-soluble vitamins

A and D, calcium, vitamin B6, B12, and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid, a fatty

acid naturally occurring in grass-fed beef and milk that reduces body fat and

protects against cancer). Real milk is a source of complete protein and is

loaded with enzymes. Raw milk contains beneficial bacteria that protect against

pathogens and contribute to a healthy flora in the intestines. Culturing milk

greatly enhances its probiotic and enzyme content, making it a therapeutic

food for our digestive system and overall health.The farm near me sells to the local health food markets. I go to their house and buy directly from them. They have a little bakery too. Sigh I just sniff. I am impressed how committed you are and how fast you take action. I have been stuck on the couch all week accept for Tuesday. You go girl.Hugs,SueFrom: Ellie Gunter <ellie@...>Subject: Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie Date:

Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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Sue I really really need advice on the types of foods I should be eating. I'm totally lost. Do you mind if I email you directly for some advice and do you mind my asking for this advice. Thanks H

From: Ellie Gunter <ellie@...>Subject: Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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,Email me directly whenever you like and thank you so for your kind words. I am so sorry for what you went through as a child. It breaks my heart when I hear others stories. You should be very proud you were a wonderful mother after how you were raised.I am glad and proud to be able to call you a friend. Thank you so much for your support.Hugs,Sue

From: Ellie Gunter <ellie@...>Subject: Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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I didn't realize how good it would make me feel to hear, that anyone would be proud to be my friend. Thank you and it really did make me feel wonderful, after so many friends just took off. What we went through when we were younger makes us who we are today. I finally, as I say, "got right" when I turned 40. So for 40 yrs I was not right mentally. I grew up extremely insecure and realized as I got older that I was trully looking for love my entire life, which is why I ended up with the wrong types of males. The abusers and drinkers were all I thought I could attrack and didn't know any different. Once I reached 40 I broke up with an abusive boyfriend and stayed without a partner for 3 yrs and when I met my current boyfriend in 2002 I told him I was not ready to start dating and didn't know when I would be so

run as fast as you can, is what I told him. Well he didn't go anywhere, but we didn't start dating until around Aug 2003 and have been together since. He's a wonderful man, barely drinks and will have maybe one beer in a six month period, no abuse of any type, no hitting, no cursing or belittling me, I mean nothing! I'm also getting engaged this Christmas and already picked out the ring. We will probably have a nice long engagement unless things change and we get married sooner than later. So all is better in that department anyway. Lots of counseling throughout my life, that's for sure!

Anyway, on to other things. You are so well versed and educated in the nutritional aspect of life and I really could use your help. I know nothing about nutrition or the human body. All I know is that I'm very concerned with what's going on with my body and my nonexistant eating pattern. I've recently dropped 10 lbs without trying, due to barely eating. This worries me greatly...believe me I love the losing weight part but not the way it came off. I'm usually in too much pain to eat or even if I'm hungry I'm in too much pain to stand in the kitchen to make myself something to eat. As you know I'm a vegetarian, one because I do not like any forms of meat and two I just love all types of animals and cannot bare the thought of the cruelty to the animals. I've seen many videos and pix of what happens to these animals and it just makes me sick.

I would love to know what types of foods I can get that are high in protein, but also safe to eat. I do have an intolerance to fats and cramp up badly when I eat this. If I try to eat any types of creams sauces, regular salad dressings, basically just anything that isn't fat free. When I eat the fat free I'm fine. I think it depends on what types of fat it is. I've cooked with olive oil and I'm fine, so not sure why this is. My boyfriend made me eggs tonight just to get something in me as I had not had a meal today. I ate the eggs but would much prefer, if I'm going to eat them, to eat eggs that are not from the grocery, but we don't have anywhere that I can get eggs around me that I know of.

Basicaly I need to know what I can eat with high protein, without any of the dangers, and what other types of foods are good and healthy to eat. Can you think of any types of foods that I can get that would be quick to prepare or ready made without preservatives or anything dangerous. What types of foods should I avoid, or what type of ingredients should I avoid. Is organic always the way to go in all situations? In a nut shell, I know absolutely nothing. I do like raw nuts also, but don't know if they're ok to eat either. I do know that it is better to eat raw nuts vs any other prepared nuts. Also speaking of the milk, what types of milk would be ok to have like in cereal? If I can't get the milk you've talked about tonight then what other milk is good? I was drinking soy milk and needless to say, that stopped. What is the almond milk that veganbiker brought up?

Any help is trully appreciated and if I've just overwhelmed you I'm sorry. Thanks for all your help. Please if you do answer me, please take your time and don't feel that you have to answer this right away. You can even answer in pieces if you'd like. Like I said any help is more than I have now.

I am proud to say that you are also my friend and I want to thank you for allowing me to be your friend. Hugs

From: Ellie Gunter <ellie@...>Subject: Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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I think the milk I got IS pasteurized.

How can I find a local farmer in the Clearwater Florida area?

I am really afraid of getting sick on it though.

Are there ones that are inspected?


Ellie Gunterwww.emaginedesigns.com727-393-2226

Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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Get raw nuts from the health store, and eat ORGANIC eggs. Nut butters are good.

Mushrooms are supposed to be good protein, but my stomach finds them hard to digest.


Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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Oh ,I read your first email and it made me so sad. My family still has a hard time excepting that I have a disease that keeps me from doing the same things I did for years in pain. Now I can't clean someone else's house and then come home to take care of mine. My husband says he understands But he still gets eritated when I am in a fibro fog and say and do the craziest things. But when I broke my shoulder in August he took care of me and never blinked an eye or cop an attitude. (lol) He had to do everything for me. So I do feel lucky most of the times. But I know if it wasn't for this site and all the wonderful people, who will just listen with out judgment. I too am lactoce intalerent. I m a meat eater,fish and poulertry. I can't eat alot of ther things do to the IBS that I ahave. So please email me privitley if you would like.

Leah T.

--------- Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie Date: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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Most people do not know that raw mushroom are toxic uncooked. Lets face it, if you are healthy and robust and eat a few raw mushrooms once in awhile. Big deal. For us, it is a big deal. Everything we put in our bodies is a big deal because it can spark a chain reaction that can last for weeks or, like with my detox, result in a hellish flare.

Also, the general public does not know that they should be eating saturated fat and it does not cause heart disease, that the margarine in their fridge is poison and sugar gets it white color by sulfuric acid.

(PS mom does not know she has been given the thumbs up for the therapist yet. Saving that drama too. I will keep you posted}

I am now venturing out into the fridgid air to go see my Oliver and hang a wreath on his stall door. I made Doerte one and Oliver one. I feel guilty that little Copper Top did not get one too. He probably is just as happy with carrots and his stocking full of peppermints.



From: Ellie Gunter <ellie@emaginedesign s.com>Subject: Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie@groups .comDate: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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Sue, all raw mushrooms are poisonous? I thought I only needed to beware of mushrooms harvested out of the woods, ones I could not identify. I have been assuming that mushrooms purchased in the grocery store are safe to eat--even raw.

Pam H

Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie@groups .comDate: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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Oh. OK. Here's my answer about the raw mushrooms. Thanks Sue.


Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie@groups .comDate: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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ha ha, NO I don't hate you!

any info is appreciated.

It is sometimes hard, cause one time I can eat something, but not other times.

Depends if I am already in a flair up.

I have gastro piesis, my stomach empties slowly.

So my mind and my taste buds want to keep eating , but I know I should not.

Its like a built in gastric bypass.

Sucks actually, but keeps me thin.


Ellie Gunterwww.emaginedesigns.com727-393-2226

Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie@groups .comDate: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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I have the same thing! It took a scope to have them tell me that. I have to say though my stomach is so much better on this diet. I am not in pain like I used to be. I don't bloat like I used to. The gas is much better. I am still working on the diarrhea but that comes with the detox and my bad bacteria issue. When we get that under control that will get better too.

I know what you go through. Oh, and I love food. I am half Italian and love to cook. Oh well.



From: Ellie Gunter <ellie@emaginedesign s.com>Subject: Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie@groups .comDate: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

I bought some unhomogenized organic milk.

Is that better than homogenized?


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Elle, go down on Tyrone Blvd, across the from the big mall, on a side road is 's Whole food. They are a health food store that sells organic products, if they don't have the milk, they most likely can get it in for you or tell you where to get it. That is the closest one that I know of. Lived in the area until 16 months ago when I moved to East Coast. But am in the area frequently as I go to the Bay pines VA over there. Sandie -- Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie@groups .comDate: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM I bought some unhomogenized organic milk. Is that better than homogenized? ellie Tutoral Dec 2008

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, I have never heard of this before. I have eaten all sorts of mushrooms, cooked and raw. Coming from Indiana, we even went out in the woods in the spring and hunted for morels, and elephant ears. There are several varieties of mushroom that are poisoneous, but those you won't find on the market. They are like anything, some can tolerate and others can't. I love raw button mushrooms on my salads. Sandie -- Re: Re: unhomogenized milkdominie@groups .comDate: Thursday, December 11, 2008, 10:16 PM I bought some unhomogenized organic milk. Is that better than homogenized? ellie Tutoral Dec 2008

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Sue, when I was 21-years old I suffered acute mushroom poisoning. We'd been out to a restaurant, and at midnight I was so ill a doctor was called. I was given an injection to stop the vomiting. Because I was very weak, and dehydrated. The doctor asked me about the meal I had eaten. He said that it would have been the mushrooms. And that sometimes mushroom can be toxic.

I never eat raw mushrooms although hubby loves them. I try not to eat them cooked either. Because sometimes even cooking doesn't destroy the toxins. Mushrooms do have terrific health benefits. But with the conditions we suffer from (as you have said, yourself!) it's probably safer to give them a miss. I've been reading up on nutrition for years. And I always appreciate your nutritional guidance. Grateful hugs Carlene


Most people do not know that raw mushroom are toxic uncooked. Lets face it, if you are healthy and robust and eat a few raw mushrooms once in awhile. Big deal. For us, it is a big deal. Everything we put in our bodies is a big deal because it can spark a chain reaction that can last for weeks or, like with my detox, result in a hellish flare.

Also, the general public does not know that they should be eating saturated fat and it does not cause heart disease, that the margarine in their fridge is poison and sugar gets it white color by sulfuric acid.

(PS mom does not know she has been given the thumbs up for the therapist yet. Saving that drama too. I will keep you posted}

I am now venturing out into the fridgid air to go see my Oliver and hang a wreath on his stall door. I made Doerte one and Oliver one. I feel guilty that little Copper Top did not get one too. He probably is just as happy with carrots and his stocking full of peppermints.



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Carlene,How horrible! I did not know that even cooked that you can still have a reaction. I agree, given our delicate systems we have to go ,what other see as overboard. It is frustrating at times. Getting well however is more important. Thank you so much for this information.Hugs, Sue ( I fed the dogs almonds...made them very sick. I did not know that almonds make dogs sick. Googled it...yup. Pugs have delicate tummies like their mommy}From: carlene.grimshaw <carlene.grimshaw@...>Subject: Re: Re: unhomogenized milkTo:

dominie Date: Sunday, December 14, 2008, 11:52 PM

Sue, when I was 21-years old I suffered acute mushroom poisoning. We'd been out to a restaurant, and at midnight I was so ill a doctor was called. I was given an injection to stop the vomiting. Because I was very weak, and dehydrated. The doctor asked me about the meal I had eaten. He said that it would have been the mushrooms. And that sometimes mushroom can be toxic.

I never eat raw mushrooms although hubby loves them. I try not to eat them cooked either. Because sometimes even cooking doesn't destroy the toxins. Mushrooms do have terrific health benefits. But with the conditions we suffer from (as you have said, yourself!) it's probably safer to give them a miss. I've been reading up on nutrition for years. And I always appreciate your nutritional guidance. Grateful hugs Carlene


Most people do not know that raw mushroom are toxic uncooked. Lets face it, if you are healthy and robust and eat a few raw mushrooms once in awhile. Big deal. For us, it is a big deal. Everything we put in our bodies is a big deal because it can spark a chain reaction that can last for weeks or, like with my detox, result in a hellish flare.

Also, the general public does not know that they should be eating saturated fat and it does not cause heart disease, that the margarine in their fridge is poison and sugar gets it white color by sulfuric acid.

(PS mom does not know she has been given the thumbs up for the therapist yet. Saving that drama too. I will keep you posted}

I am now venturing out into the fridgid air to go see my Oliver and hang a wreath on his stall door. I made Doerte one and Oliver one. I feel guilty that little Copper Top did not get one too. He probably is just as happy with carrots and his stocking full of peppermints.



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