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Re: How My Mother is Doing...

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Pam, It's great news to hear that your mom is feeling better every day.

As you say, " the power of prayer! " Bless you for your kind, caring, and

friendly nature. Cheerful hugs - Carlene.

I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers,kind words and concern

dealing with my mothers illness. I'm so happy to say that she is getting

better and better everyday! Bless you all for your prayers,I am a true

believer in the power of prayer! I can REALLY tell that my mother is

returning to her true self by the fact that she is arguing with nurses!

haha! That's my Mom! haha!! God love Her,she has been through a lot!

Thank you all again,it means so very much to me!

> MANY Fibromyalgia Awareness Items Created Daily!

> Please visit my store at= http://www.zazzle.com/pammys*

> We Can Win This Battle Together!! Thanks!!! Pam

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Pam I am so happy what an answer to prayer.

I will keep a praying too. Remember

where two or three are gathered

in my name I will be in the midst

amongest them.

Yes Prayer does work. I know this is stress relief for you and that

also helps you manage your fibro etc better too.

Hugs and have a merry Christmas


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Pam I am so very happy that your mother is doing so well. Thanks for keeping us posted on her recovery. I'd also like to thank you for letting me know what the doctor's had done through the years, which is basically what they've done for me. I saw my Pain Mgt doc today and he too is very concerned about my blood tests and he wants answers as to why my RA factor is extremely elevated, why my Platelets are low and what is going on with my liver. He is the first doctor who wants to delve in this and I am very grateful. He is sending me to a Hematologist first, at least it's a start. Again thanks and please let your mother know that I'm pulling for her. Hugs H

From: P J <ps1968pm@...>Subject: How My Mother is Doing...dominie Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 11:37 AM

I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers,kind words and concern dealing with my mothers illness. I'm so happy to say that she is getting better and better everyday! Bless you all for your prayers,I am a true believer in the power of prayer! I can REALLY tell that my mother is returning to her true self by the fact that she is arguing with nurses! haha! That's my Mom! haha!! God love Her,she has been through a lot! Thank you all again,it means so very much to me!

,Concerning the tests my mother had done, all they ever did "before" her major illness was blood work and a few,years in between,liver sonograms. Everything didn't look "Real" bad,so they did no further testing. After the fact,you can just imagine all the stuff they did to her,but by that time it was too late! It already happened & now they had to figure out how to fix it! Crazy!! But that is all that was done before hand. I feel it was something that should have been checked regularly, but apparently they didn't?! I wonder what they think now?! Take care All!! Pam.S

MANY Fibromyalgia Awareness Items Created Daily!

Please visit my store at= http://www.zazzle. com/pammys*

We Can Win This Battle Together!! Thanks!!! Pam

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A wonderful gift for Christmas. I am so happy for you and your mother. Prayers and human spirit are amazing things.

Also I think this is valuable to all to realize that Pam's mother had tests that did not look right but did not scream something terrible was wrong, so the doctors did not do their jobs and sent her home. The result almost had tragic costs to Pam's mother. It is a lesson to us to never give up and to push when we know something is wrong with us and we are shrugged off because they "don't know, don't believe, are stumped, are short if time, don't care or any number of things that have us leaving discouraged and still ill.

Holiday hugs,


From: P J <ps1968pm@...>Subject: How My Mother is Doing...dominie Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 11:37 AM

I wanted to thank everyone for their prayers,kind words and concern dealing with my mothers illness. I'm so happy to say that she is getting better and better everyday! Bless you all for your prayers,I am a true believer in the power of prayer! I can REALLY tell that my mother is returning to her true self by the fact that she is arguing with nurses! haha! That's my Mom! haha!! God love Her,she has been through a lot! Thank you all again,it means so very much to me!

,Concerning the tests my mother had done, all they ever did "before" her major illness was blood work and a few,years in between,liver sonograms. Everything didn't look "Real" bad,so they did no further testing. After the fact,you can just imagine all the stuff they did to her,but by that time it was too late! It already happened & now they had to figure out how to fix it! Crazy!! But that is all that was done before hand. I feel it was something that should have been checked regularly, but apparently they didn't?! I wonder what they think now?! Take care All!! Pam.S

MANY Fibromyalgia Awareness Items Created Daily!

Please visit my store at= http://www.zazzle. com/pammys*

We Can Win This Battle Together!! Thanks!!! Pam

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Thanks so much Sue! Yes,What a Wonderful Christmas Gift!! And on even a better note,they are letting my Mom come home Dec.23rd!!! She is doing that well!! Again,I truly appreciate every ones support through this stressful time in my life!

And,yes,and sadly true,it seems that we almost have to be our own doctors many times. I'm not totally positive how long I've actually have had Fibromyalgia. I say 1995,because that is when I was diagnosed. But there where MANY years of seeing MANY doctors,with the same complaints,until I was correctly diagnosed. One doctor thought it was all stress,one doctor thought I was just over worked, & another,I needed more exercise,etc...I had a gut feeling they were not correct. I could tell it wasn't those things,it felt different. So,yes,sometimes we have to follow our "Gut" feelings if we simply don't feel we are diagnosed properly & do some work ourselves. Go to doctor to doctor,etc...Until something does help. And finding support,as we have here,to deal with our day to day issues concerning this illness. Thanks again! Take care All! Pam.S

MANY Fibromyalgia Awareness Items Created Daily!

Please visit my store at= http://www.zazzle.com/pammys*

Many Great Sales! We can defeat this illness & be one of the reasons for a cure! Thanks!!! Pam

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Thank you very much Heidi! Yes, Stress plays a big part in my Fibromyalgia flares. I get depressed easy,etc.. & it all does not make a good thing for me and frankly,anyone around me! I know you all can relate to the fact that when we have a bad flare,in a sense,it also hurts everyone around us,family,friends,etc....and it sure didn't help when my Mom needed/needs me! Any stress reduction is a super plus for us who suffer! Thanks again! Take care, Pam.S

MANY Fibromyalgia Awareness Items Created Daily!

Please visit my store at= http://www.zazzle.com/pammys*

Many Great Sales! Lets Spread Awareness Together! Thanks!! Pam

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Thank You Carlene!! And for the Very Kind words!! Yes,the power of prayer!! I've seen it work soo many times in my life and I knew that all the kind hearted people,banding together,would make a huge difference! My faith is what has pulled me through MANY things in my life, including dealing with Fibromyalgia & all that comes with it! Thanks again! Take care,Pam.S

MANY Fibromyalgia Awareness Items Created Daily!

Please visit my store at= http://www.zazzle.com/pammys*

Many Great Sales! Thanks!!! Pam

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