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Soy Products

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DeVan wrote:

> Hi Margaret...check out this article. It was one of the reasons for my

> questioning soy products. Doerge (soya expert) did scientific

> research with fellow researcher Sheehan about certain isoflavones

> from soy having the same effects in humans similar to estrogen hormones,

> increasing the risk of breast cancer, thyroid disorders, and altering the

> sexual development of fetuses. The US FDA has chosen to disregard this info.

> It is interesting to note that even soy milk providers in the US put warning

> notices on the cartons to not use it for infant formula. They don't state

> why.

I don't think it's for any specific health related reaon, I think any beverage

that resembles milk has that warning (except baby formula - ha ha ha) b/c the

companies don't want to be sued if a parent thinks it's ok to use and the baby

gets sick or dies. On a related note, in a grocery store I once noticed that

they had put tins of Boost right beside the baby formula, and they looked very

similar. Someone who didn't know better could very easily have bought the Boost

instead of formula and given it to their baby. And who reads that silly fine

print that says not to use as a baby formula? Except people like us who read

EVERYTHING on the label - LOL!

> I'll keep looking for the rest of that info...Sharon (info @

> www.observer.co.uk/internationalstory/0,6903,353660,00.html


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>Hi Margaret...check out this article. It was one of the reasons for my

>questioning soy products. Doerge (soya expert) did scientific

>research with fellow researcher Sheehan about certain isoflavones

>from soy having the same effects in humans similar to estrogen hormones,

>increasing the risk of breast cancer, thyroid disorders, and altering the

>sexual development of fetuses. The US FDA has chosen to disregard this info.

>It is interesting to note that even soy milk providers in the US put warning

>notices on the cartons to not use it for infant formula. They don't state

>why. I'll keep looking for the rest of that info...Sharon (info @


see also www.paleodiet.com

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Everyone...a correction...the warning on the label says not to use it AS

infant formula ( I would assume this means by itself?)...also soy products

that are organic will not be genetically engineered. I still am looking for

the rest of that info. I don't know why the link isn't working, let me check

it out...Sharon

Re: Soy products


> >Hi Margaret...check out this article. It was one of the reasons for my

> >questioning soy products. Doerge (soya expert) did scientific

> >research with fellow researcher Sheehan about certain isoflavones

> >from soy having the same effects in humans similar to estrogen hormones,

> >increasing the risk of breast cancer, thyroid disorders, and altering the

> >sexual development of fetuses. The US FDA has chosen to disregard this


> >It is interesting to note that even soy milk providers in the US put


> >notices on the cartons to not use it for infant formula. They don't state

> >why. I'll keep looking for the rest of that info...Sharon (info @

> >www.observer.co.uk/internationalstory/0,6903,353660,00.html



> see also www.paleodiet.com







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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you both for the information. I use soy milk instead of rice because

I can get the nonfat kind that has 0 sugars. The rice milk has at least

12. Do you use rice milk instead? Is this very different from soy? My

kids like the soy but now I think I have to change.

Margaret White


<1levy1@sympa Vaccinationsegroups

tico.ca> cc:

Subject: Re: Soy



11:36 AM


respond to


DeVan wrote:

> Hi Margaret...check out this article. It was one of the reasons for my

> questioning soy products. Doerge (soya expert) did scientific

> research with fellow researcher Sheehan about certain isoflavones

> from soy having the same effects in humans similar to estrogen hormones,

> increasing the risk of breast cancer, thyroid disorders, and altering the

> sexual development of fetuses. The US FDA has chosen to disregard this


> It is interesting to note that even soy milk providers in the US put


> notices on the cartons to not use it for infant formula. They don't state

> why.

I don't think it's for any specific health related reaon, I think any


that resembles milk has that warning (except baby formula - ha ha ha) b/c


companies don't want to be sued if a parent thinks it's ok to use and the


gets sick or dies. On a related note, in a grocery store I once noticed


they had put tins of Boost right beside the baby formula, and they looked


similar. Someone who didn't know better could very easily have bought the


instead of formula and given it to their baby. And who reads that silly


print that says not to use as a baby formula? Except people like us who


EVERYTHING on the label - LOL!

> I'll keep looking for the rest of that info...Sharon (info @

> www.observer.co.uk/internationalstory/0,6903,353660,00.html


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I use rice milk, or organic goats milk. You have to check the labels on the

rice milk to make sure they do not add sugars/syrups. I use Westbrea

Natural, but they add brown rice syrup (not a problem for me, as it is

complex, not simple sugar) and it is not a concern for me. But someone on

the list mentioned Rice Dream as not having any sugar. I think rice milk is

" thinner " than soy milk (like a fat free milk), but tastes better. You can

check out www.paleodiet.com for more info on soy...Sharon


Soy products

> 12/23/2000

> 11:36 AM

> Please

> respond to

> Vaccinations









> DeVan wrote:


> > Hi Margaret...check out this article. It was one of the reasons for my

> > questioning soy products. Doerge (soya expert) did scientific

> > research with fellow researcher Sheehan about certain isoflavones

> > from soy having the same effects in humans similar to estrogen hormones,

> > increasing the risk of breast cancer, thyroid disorders, and altering


> > sexual development of fetuses. The US FDA has chosen to disregard this

> info.

> > It is interesting to note that even soy milk providers in the US put

> warning

> > notices on the cartons to not use it for infant formula. They don't


> > why.


> I don't think it's for any specific health related reaon, I think any

> beverage

> that resembles milk has that warning (except baby formula - ha ha ha) b/c

> the

> companies don't want to be sued if a parent thinks it's ok to use and the

> baby

> gets sick or dies. On a related note, in a grocery store I once noticed

> that

> they had put tins of Boost right beside the baby formula, and they looked

> very

> similar. Someone who didn't know better could very easily have bought the

> Boost

> instead of formula and given it to their baby. And who reads that silly

> fine

> print that says not to use as a baby formula? Except people like us who

> read

> EVERYTHING on the label - LOL!




> > I'll keep looking for the rest of that info...Sharon (info @

> > www.observer.co.uk/internationalstory/0,6903,353660,00.html

> >













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  • 1 month later...

I live allready years on bio-soya products, no problems what soever, next to

soya I'm eating wholefood nuts mixtures. My diet is now allmost completely

animal free, sometimes an egg or some fish. I supplement with olive oil. wheat

germ oil. lineseed oil, sunflower oil. wheat grass. probiotics.

If you want to know everything about diery products become member of the Notmilk

group. You will think twice to continue consuming milk and cheese.

See also




Mike E Cornwall wrote:

> The soybean has been promoted by the FDA and the " health establishment "

> more than any recent product. Therefore, it is at least non-beneficial,

> and more probably, harmful. This is an axiom that can be considered

> nearly infallible, based upon the track record of previous US government

> edicts concerning the health of it's citizenry. (IMO).


> The country of New Zealand has recently (year 2000) banned any soy

> products contained in infant formula from being brought into that

> country. This is based upon the evidence they have documented that

> soybean products cause many deleterious effects on young children.


> The 5 years that I included soy products in my own diet (the various

> permutations of vegetarian) were years of continued health deterioration,

> instead of improvement. Improvement came with a diet of raw meat,

> fermented dairy, raw veggies and fruits.


> Corny



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When I had my first child I didn't have any female help with the baby,

and didn't manage to breastfeed too long (about six weeks). After two

months on a milk formula with much crying I switched to a soy formula,

and he settled down. My son is a well-adjusted married student who

works a near fulltime job and makes A's in school. Can't complain about

his start in life. J.

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  • 7 years later...

Soy is not good to eat in any form. It is just in its super processed form {powders,soy bars,soy burgers etc} that it also really toxic. Soy is very potent and it messes with your hormones. Soy is linked to infertility,breast cancer,hypothyroidism,thyroid cancer and many other disorders. I know that vegetarians {I was one once} use it often for protein but it will just hurt you.

http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/ Go here and learn more.


From: dixie1340 <missmagnolia2007@...>Subject: Soy Productsdominie Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 7:17 AM

Please clarify for me... Is soy in any form not good to eat?? Or is it ok... in what form??Thanks

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Dixie, I don't understand why some are saying that Soy products are not good for you. My friend who is a naturopathic MD, who specializes in nutrition, has told me that soy milk is a good replacement for cows milk, especially when on a detox, acid/alkaline diet. Especially for vegetarians, soy is a good protein, to help get the right amount of protein that your body needs. It was surprising to me, that many foods that everyone thinks of acid foods are really alkaline foods when we eat them. In other words, they turn to alkaline in our bodies, where as there are some foods that we think of as alkaline foods that turn to acid in our body. The true test for checking if your body is acid, or alkaline, is a special test strip that you hold on your tongue for a few seconds. The higher alkaline you test the better. Sandie -- Soy Products Please clarify for me... Is soy in any form not good to eat?? Or is it ok... in what form?? Thanks ------------------------------------

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Sue , do you have an education in naturalpathic medicine or nutrition?? Or are you just taking information you read on line as the truth? I find question with this statement at the soyonlineservice, web sight. Soy Online Service is a small group of private citizens with a mission to inform the public of the truth about soy. Ok, small group, what is their educational expertise to make such statements?? Sandie -- Soy Productsdominie Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 7:17 AM Please clarify for me... Is soy in any form not good to eat?? Or is it ok... in what form??Thanks Created by Sweet Assembled by Sandie head prepared by Sweet Dec 2007

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As a vegan, I drink the soy milk, eat soy burgers, soy beans, tofu, etc., and have never ever heard such a claim about soy. I'm rather curious myself and check further into this claim about the toxicity. Thanks for the info. Hugs H

From: memommy1947 <MEMOMMY1947@...>Subject: Re: Soy Productsdominie Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 4:17 PM

Dixie, I don't understand why some are saying that Soy products are not good for you. My friend who is a naturopathic MD, who specializes in nutrition, has told me that soy milk is a good replacement for cows milk, especially when on a detox, acid/alkaline diet. Especially for vegetarians, soy is a good protein, to help get the right amount of protein that your body needs.

It was surprising to me, that many foods that everyone thinks of acid foods are really alkaline foods when we eat them. In other words, they turn to alkaline in our bodies, where as there are some foods that we think of as alkaline foods that turn to acid in our body.

The true test for checking if your body is acid, or alkaline, is a special test strip that you hold on your tongue for a few seconds. The higher alkaline you test the better.


-- Soy Products

Please clarify for

me... Is soy in any

form not good to

eat?? Or is it ok...

in what form??


------------ --------- --------- ------

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,I assure you there is no debate about the dangers of soy. Most people remain unaware that soy is known to contain an array of potent chemical toxins. The modern manufacturing processes of high-profit industries make no effort to remove these potent toxins. High levels of phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors, toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines are all present in soy products.

Phytoestrogens that disrupt endocrine function and are potent antithyroid agents are present in vast quantities in soy, including the potentially devastating isoflavone Genistein. Infants exclusively fed soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula, the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day. Premature development of girls has been linked to the use of soy formula, as has the underdevelopment of males. Infant soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Soy is linked to infertility, breast cancer, hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, and many other disorders.

"Imagine drugs that are known, by years of scientific documentation, to be both carcinogenic and to also cause DNA and chromosome damage being prescribed and administered through the food supply to populations of many countries around the world without the knowledge or consent of the individuals consuming these foods ... with no way to track dosage, individual reactions, or harmful side-effects ... and without any concern for some people¢s increased vulnerability to these drugs, such as cancer patients. It sounds crazy, but that is exactly what is happening around the world when Soy is added to our food supply. Soy contains the scientifically documented carcinogenic and DNA damaging and chromosome damaging natural chemicals genistein and daidzein." - True Health, the magazine of Carotec Inc., Naples, Florida. May/June 2004.

"(Soyfoods) are not nutrients. They are drugs."Dr. L. White, Honolulu Aging Study.

From: memommy1947 <MEMOMMY1947@...>Subject: Re: Soy Productsdominie Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 4:17 PM

Dixie, I don't understand why some are saying that Soy products are not good for you. My friend who is a naturopathic MD, who specializes in nutrition, has told me that soy milk is a good replacement for cows milk, especially when on a detox, acid/alkaline diet. Especially for vegetarians, soy is a good protein, to help get the right amount of protein that your body needs.

It was surprising to me, that many foods that everyone thinks of acid foods are really alkaline foods when we eat them. In other words, they turn to alkaline in our bodies, where as there are some foods that we think of as alkaline foods that turn to acid in our body.

The true test for checking if your body is acid, or alkaline, is a special test strip that you hold on your tongue for a few seconds. The higher alkaline you test the better.


-- Soy Products

Please clarify for

me... Is soy in any

form not good to

eat?? Or is it ok...

in what form??


------------ --------- --------- ------

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Sandie,I have training in Homeopathy and I am continuing to study. I also am treated by two Homeopaths, both of which in a leaders in their field. However, the information about soy has been around a very long time. Even my gynecologist told me not to eat it. I won't let my daughter eat it and she does not have to adhere to my strict diet. Sue From: dixie1340 <missmagnolia2007@ webtv.net>Subject: Soy Productsdominie@groups .comDate: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 7:17 AM Please clarify for me... Is soy in any form not good to eat?? Or is it ok... in what form??Thanks Created by Sweet Assembled by Sandie head prepared by Sweet Dec 2007

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,Anything like a veggie burger is processed food. Processed food is not beneficial for you. It also does not have the complete set of Amino acids {twenty} that you need to rebuild your body. Being vegetarian is a difficult job and takes a lot of prep work,knowledge about the body and how it works and research. Some of the sickest looking people walking around the health food store are vegetarians. Every cell in the body contains protein as part of its structure. It is part of your immune system {antibodies},it serves rebuild the structures in your body {muscle,bones,tendons,and ligaments}........I could go on and on. If the body does not get it's protein it will eat its own muscle. So a veggie burger along with being a processed food does is not a complete protein. Being sick as we are

we have to feed ourselves exceptionally well. The best place to start is to learn what the body needs {average woman needs 60 grams of complete protein a day. I eat much more} and work from there. I was a vegetarian for a long time,although I did eat fish. I was raised by a health food mother,who did all the things that are so popular now but where crazy then. Read some of Adele books. She is the guru of the health revolution. La Leche League still uses her cookbook for kids. She is long gone but her words are still wise and true.Hugs,Sue

From: memommy1947 <MEMOMMY1947@...>Subject: Re: Soy Productsdominie Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 4:17 PM

Dixie, I don't understand why some are saying that Soy products are not good for you. My friend who is a naturopathic MD, who specializes in nutrition, has told me that soy milk is a good replacement for cows milk, especially when on a detox, acid/alkaline diet. Especially for vegetarians, soy is a good protein, to help get the right amount of protein that your body needs.

It was surprising to me, that many foods that everyone thinks of acid foods are really alkaline foods when we eat them. In other words, they turn to alkaline in our bodies, where as there are some foods that we think of as alkaline foods that turn to acid in our body.

The true test for checking if your body is acid, or alkaline, is a special test strip that you hold on your tongue for a few seconds. The higher alkaline you test the better.


-- Soy Products

Please clarify for

me... Is soy in any

form not good to

eat?? Or is it ok...

in what form??


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Sandie,I wrote my doctor and asked her to pass on a medical article that you could read. I wrote with my fibro fog late last night wrongly. I have two Natropathic doctors who are both prominent that work with me,helping me to get in remission. Dr T. also helps me in my studying. She is the one who had four types of cancer and beat them all. http://westonaprice.org/mythstruths/mtsoy.htmlhttp://campaignfortruth.com/Eclub/180602/whatwomenshouldknowaboutsoy.htmhttp://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2000/08/20/soy-dangers-part-two.aspxhttp://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2000/01/09/truth-about-soy.aspx--- On Tue, 12/9/08, memommy1947 <MEMOMMY1947@...>

wrote:From: memommy1947 <MEMOMMY1947@...>Subject: Re: Soy Productsdominie Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:23 PM

I was wondering, because what you are saying is nothing close to what I have learned. My gynecologist, that I used to see before I moved out of the area, suggested soy to his patients when they were having trouble with menopausal symptoms, and couldn't tolerate HRT. It also contradicts what my naturopathic physician tells me. I will admit that some

people can not tolerate soy products, but there isn't a food known to man or beast that some can not tolerate, or causes problems. Yes, the information has been around, but I have not seen any verifiable scientific research that backs it up. Only theory. The websight you gave, is only a small group of private citizens in NewZealand, they do not give any verifiable scientific data to back up their claims. I am putting the definitions for homeopathy and naturapathy here for those that do not know what they are. Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine

based upon principles first defined by Hahnemann in 1796 A central thesis of homeopathy is that an ill person can be treated using a substance that can produce, in a healthy person, symptoms similar to those of the illness. Practitioners select treatments according to a patient consultation that explores the physical and psychological state of the patient,

both of which are considered important to selecting the remedy According to Hahnemann, serial dilution, with shaking between each dilution, removes the toxic effects of the substance, while the essential qualities are retained by the diluent (water, sugar, or alcohol). Naturopathic medicine (also

known as naturopathy, or natural medicine) is a complementary and alternative medicine which emphasizes the body's intrinsic ability to heal and maintain itself. Naturopaths prefer to use natural remedies such as herbs and foods rather than surgery or synthetic drugs. Naturopathic practice includes many different modalities. Practitioners emphasize a holistic approach to patient care, and may recommend patients use conventional medicine alongside their treatments. I for one am not going to put something in my body that I know causes me problems. That is the reasons that vaccines no longer contain live viruses etc. Sandie -- Soy Productsdominie@groups .comDate: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 7:17 AM Please clarify for me... Is soy in any form not good to eat?? Or is it ok... in what form??Thanks Created by Sweet Assembled by Sandie head prepared by Sweet Dec 2007

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Thanks , I've written down the name to check out her books and thanks for the heads up on the vegie burgers. I went today to see a homeopathic doc and he told me to bring all the supplements that I'm on along with my blood work and he'll take a look. In talking today with him he gave me a colon clense to take nightly and also some type of liquid for the FMS to take twice per day and supposedly will give me energy. Thanks so much for all the information. Will keep you posted on what he says and he also wants to make sure I'm eating properly, which I know I'm not.

Thanks again. Hugs H

From: memommy1947 <MEMOMMY1947@...>Subject: Re: Soy Productsdominie Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 4:17 PM

Dixie, I don't understand why some are saying that Soy products are not good for you. My friend who is a naturopathic MD, who specializes in nutrition, has told me that soy milk is a good replacement for cows milk, especially when on a detox, acid/alkaline diet. Especially for vegetarians, soy is a good protein, to help get the right amount of protein that your body needs.

It was surprising to me, that many foods that everyone thinks of acid foods are really alkaline foods when we eat them. In other words, they turn to alkaline in our bodies, where as there are some foods that we think of as alkaline foods that turn to acid in our body.

The true test for checking if your body is acid, or alkaline, is a special test strip that you hold on your tongue for a few seconds. The higher alkaline you test the better.


-- Soy Products

Please clarify for

me... Is soy in any

form not good to

eat?? Or is it ok...

in what form??


------------ --------- --------- ------

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So, if fish has too much toxins, soy is no good, meat is no good for us, what is left?

Nuts and eggs.

I cant digest nuts well at all, so I guess I can eat eggs for protein??

Soy Productsdominie@groups .comDate: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 7:17 AM

Please clarify for me... Is soy in any form not good to eat?? Or is it ok... in what form??Thanks

Created by Sweet

Assembled by Sandie

head prepared by Sweet

Dec 2007

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Ellie,I am not one of the people who says meat is not good for you. I only eat grass fed beef and organic meats. I also eat veggies and fruits. I eat no corn,potatoes,soy,grains,wheat,beans,sugar or dairy {I have been allergic to dairy since I was a child}. I have a great and very healthy diet,love to cook. I realize my diet takes discipline but I am sick with a virus that is not kind. I had no problem adjusting my diet when I was pregnant and nursing. It was not an issue. I think of it the same way now. This is for my wellness. As I said before I was raised by a very health conscious mother so I have always been the one who would not eat things that others would.Sue

From: dixie1340 <missmagnolia2007@ webtv.net>Subject: Soy Productsdominie@groups .comDate: Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 7:17 AM

Please clarify for me... Is soy in any form not good to eat?? Or is it ok... in what form??Thanks

Created by Sweet

Assembled by Sandie

head prepared by Sweet

Dec 2007

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