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RE: [HeidiLiane] Insurance

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I am on Nurotin (the generic) and I just went to 3 x a day. I can't take the newer drugs due to an irregular heart study i had done.

I does help a lot. I take other meds also. I still get bad flares brought on by weather or stress. I have my aches and pains that are different every day. but if not or the nurotin I would still be in bed.

Leah T.


-------------- Original message -------------- From: "Dawn" <dawnmichelle@...>

My insurance wouldn't cover it either. They're making me go on Neurontin (sp?) first and then if that doesn't work, they'll switch to Lyrica. From what I was told, Lyrica was made from the Neurontin and it has a generic but Lyrica doesn't so it's a lot cheaper - hence why the insurance company doesn't want to pay for the Lyrica...

Thanks! Dawn


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-----Original Message-----From: HeidiLiane [mailto:HeidiLiane ] On Behalf Of big25redSent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:49 PMHeidiLiane Subject: [HeidiLiane] Insurance

My friend's doctor wants her to try Lyrica, but her insurance won't cover it. What are her other options? Thanks,Liz

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Sometimes the drug company that makes the drug, in this case Lyrica, will pay for the medicine in hardship circumstances. Get the drug company's contact info from the website for the drug company in order to see if you qualify. You can Google Lyrica, or find out from your pharmacist.

I, too, have been prescribed Lyrica but have been reluctant to take it due to the side effects experienced by so many FMS/CFIDS and ANS disorder patients.


RE: [HeidiLiane] Insurance

I am on Nurotin (the generic) and I just went to 3 x a day. I can't take the newer drugs due to an irregular heart study i had done.

I does help a lot. I take other meds also. I still get bad flares brought on by weather or stress. I have my aches and pains that are different every day. but if not or the nurotin I would still be in bed.

Leah T.



RE: [HeidiLiane] Insurance


Mon, 29 Dec 2008 04:23:31 +0000

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Neurontin and Cymbalta are other options.

Pam H

[HeidiLiane] Insurance

My friend's doctor wants her to try Lyrica, but her insurance won't cover it. What are her other options? Thanks,Liz

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That is awful that insurance company's aren't paying for Lyrica?!! Mine did,but my goodness! Why aren't the others?! Because it's for a invisible,misunderstood illness?? I don't know, but that is very disturbing!! Take care, Pam.S

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I take gabapentin as the VA does not have Lyrica on their formulary. The pharmacist have told me it is the class of medication. It workds for me. It is treating my fibro and neuropathy.


[HeidiLiane] Insurance

My friend's doctor wants her to try Lyrica, but her insurance won't cover it. What are her other options? Thanks,



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Mine paid for the Lyrica and what a shame it's just sitting there because I cannot take it. I have literally 2 drawers full of meds that I have tried and cannot take. What a shame and there is so much money sitting in those drawers for all the copays. H

From: P J <ps1968pm@...>Subject: Re: [HeidiLiane] InsuranceHeidiLiane Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 3:21 PM

That is awful that insurance company's aren't paying for Lyrica?!! Mine did,but my goodness! Why aren't the others?! Because it's for a invisible,misunders tood illness?? I don't know, but that is very disturbing!! Take care, Pam.S

Many Unique Fibromyalgia Awareness Items Created Daily!

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Any Way We Can!! Thanks!!! Pam

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Leah,Neurotin helped my too. I took it for about five years. I had to stop it because combined with my Topomax my memory was scary. I just could not cope with it being to bad. I had to weigh increased migraines with the pain. It was a tough decision. It also was a great help with my sleep.

Withdrawl from it was horrible.

Glad it helps you,


From: ldtblue@... <ldtblue@...>Subject: RE: [HeidiLiane] InsuranceHeidiLiane Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 1:55 AM

I am on Nurotin (the generic) and I just went to 3 x a day. I can't take the newer drugs due to an irregular heart study i had done.

I does help a lot. I take other meds also. I still get bad flares brought on by weather or stress. I have my aches and pains that are different every day. but if not or the nurotin I would still be in bed.

Leah T.


------------ -- Original message ------------ -- From: "Dawn" <dawnmichelle@ mchsi.com>

My insurance wouldn't cover it either. They're making me go on Neurontin (sp?) first and then if that doesn't work, they'll switch to Lyrica. From what I was told, Lyrica was made from the Neurontin and it has a generic but Lyrica doesn't so it's a lot cheaper - hence why the insurance company doesn't want to pay for the Lyrica...

Thanks! Dawn

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[HeidiLiane] Insurance

My friend's doctor wants her to try Lyrica, but her insurance won't cover it. What are her other options? Thanks,Liz

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