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Acute dizziness for 1 year - Lunesta?

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Last December I started having very bad dizzy spells. Once I even

passed out completely. My doctor lowered my BP medications but that

didn't work. The dizziness increased from just a few spells to

several spells an hour. The spells occured when I was sitting,

getting out of a chair, trying to get something out of the cupboard,

or just walking in my house. My doctor then told me that I had

alergies and fluid in my right ear so he prescribed two more

medications. My eyes started bluring with the spells and when I laid

down I could see my heart beating in my left eye. My doctor referred

me to an eye specialist. It took 6 weeks to get into see her and

after a complete exam she told me that there was nothing wrong with

my eyes and was shocked that my doctor hadn't checked my carotid

artery. I have not been able to drive the car for the last two

months. Early last week I woke up with the vision in my left eye

completly blurred. I called my husband's cardiologist and he worked

me in the very next day. The night before my appointment I wasn't

able to sleep as usual so I spent the night on the ocmputer looking

up dizziness and vision problems. Lunesta kept coming up as a

possible culprit and I have been taking it since November of 2007. I

immediately quit taking it. The cardiologist has been running a

series of test on me all week and most of them have proved there

isn't any problem with my heart. What has amazed me is that after I

was off of the Lunesta for 4 days my dizziness has stopped

completely. I had an eye exam with my optometrist yesterday and my

eyes are completely fine and haven't changed enough in a year to

warrant new glasses. The only thing that he found was that I have dry

eyes and he recommended that I use OTC eye drops. I am very upset

with myself because I never checked this medicine on my own. I

trusted my doctor and he never took it on himself to question any

medication that he has prescribed for me. He only wrote out more

prescriptions. I have only been off of Lunesta for 8 days but so far

so good. Just thought that I would mention this just in case one of

our fibro sisters is experiencing these symptoms. I hope that my

experience will help some one or at least make those taking Lunesta

aware of what can possibly happen.

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